This document is an end user license agreement from Typodermic Fonts Inc. governing the installation and use of fonts. It allows installation of licensed fonts on a specified number of workstations and portable devices for personal use. The fonts and any modifications cannot be distributed, embedded in documents for editing purposes, or used commercially without a custom agreement. Typodermic retains full copyright over the fonts and limits liability for defects to replacement or refund within 21 days.
This document is an end user license agreement from Typodermic Fonts Inc. governing the installation and use of fonts. It allows installation of licensed fonts on a specified number of workstations and portable devices for personal use. The fonts and any modifications cannot be distributed, embedded in documents for editing purposes, or used commercially without a custom agreement. Typodermic retains full copyright over the fonts and limits liability for defects to replacement or refund within 21 days.
This document is an end user license agreement from Typodermic Fonts Inc. governing the installation and use of fonts. It allows installation of licensed fonts on a specified number of workstations and portable devices for personal use. The fonts and any modifications cannot be distributed, embedded in documents for editing purposes, or used commercially without a custom agreement. Typodermic retains full copyright over the fonts and limits liability for defects to replacement or refund within 21 days.
This document is an end user license agreement from Typodermic Fonts Inc. governing the installation and use of fonts. It allows installation of licensed fonts on a specified number of workstations and portable devices for personal use. The fonts and any modifications cannot be distributed, embedded in documents for editing purposes, or used commercially without a custom agreement. Typodermic retains full copyright over the fonts and limits liability for defects to replacement or refund within 21 days.
THIS IS A LEGAL CONTRACT. Please read it before installing the Fonts. If yo don!t a""e#t this agree$ent% don!t install the Fonts. This End &ser Li"ense Agree$ent 'hereinafter (Agree$ent)* is a legal agree$ent bet+een yo% or% if yo re#resent a legal entity% that legal entity 'hereinafter (,o)* and Ty#oder$i" Fonts In". 'hereinafter (Ty#oder$i")*. -y installing the fonts% yo a""e#t this agree$ent. (Fonts) $eans the fonts 'i.e. font soft+are* s#e"ified in yor in.oi"e or in"lded +ith this agree$ent. THIS AGREE/ENT CO0ERS FREE FONTS AS 1ELL AS FONTS FOR SALE. 1. Installation 1.12 ,or in.oi"e indi"ates the n$ber of +or3stations on +hi"h yo $ay install the Fonts. The basi" li"ense is for 456 +or3stations. If yo need to se the Fonts on $ore +or3stations than yor in.oi"e states% yo $st #r"hase an #grade. Any n$ber of #rinters or ot#t de.i"es $ay be sed. The li"ensed +or3stations need not be at the sa$e bsiness lo"ation. 1.22 A#art fro$ the +or3stations li"ensed% yo $ay also install the Fonts on a net+or3 The n$ber of +or3stations li"ensed $eans ea"h and e.ery +or3station +here the Fonts +ill be sed% not 7st the $a8i$$ n$ber on a net+or3 that $ight #ossibly se it at any one ti$e. 1.2 For e.ery +or3station for +hi"h yo are li"ensed% yo $ay also install the Fonts on a #ortable 'la#to#* "o$#ter% #hone% tablet and9or a ho$e "o$#ter% #ro.ided the Fonts are not sed on the se"ondary "o$#ter's* at the sa$e ti$e. At ho$e% yo $ay not install the Fonts on the "o$#ters of other fa$ily $e$bers. 1.42 If the Fonts are free% yo $ay distribte the Fonts +ithin the sa$e "o$#any or hosehold% #ro.ided this li"ense agree$ent is in"lded. 2. !opyrig"t 2.12 ,o ha.e not boght the Fonts2 yo are li"ensed to se the$% by the ter$s and "onditions of this agree$ent. Ty#oder$i" Fonts In". retains title and all "o#yrights to the Fonts% and all "o#ies and ada#tations thereof in $edia. The Fonts are intelle"tal #ro#erty% "ontaining #ro#rietary infor$ation and .alable trade se"rets% and as s"h they are #rote"ted by the "o#yright la+s of $any nations% and by international treaties. ,o $ay not "o#y the Fonts% e8"e#t as s#e"ified in this agree$ent. 2.22 Ar" "o#ies of the Fonts $ay be $ade. 2.2 ,o $ay #ro.ide a "o#y of the Fonts to yor ser.i"e brea or "o$$er"ial #rinter% +ith the 7ob files for ot#t% bt only if yo are assred that the Fonts +ill be sed only for ot#tting yor files and +ill be deleted sbse:ently. 2.42 E$bedding of the Fonts in do"$ents 'e.g. P;F files* is #er$itted for .ie+ing and #rinting% bt not for editing. If so$eone at a re$ote lo"ation +ants to edit a do"$ent +hi"h "ontains e$bedded Fonts% they $st #r"hase their o+n li"ense. Internal "or#orate do"$ents +ith e$bedded Fonts $ay of "orse be edited on li"ensed +or3stations. 2.#2 ,o $ay not rent% lease% sb5li"ense% distribte% disse$inate% gi.e a+ay or lend the Fonts. ,o $ay #er$anently transfer the Fonts #ro.ided the re"i#ient a""e#ts the ter$s of this agree$ent% and if yo delete all yor "o#ies of the Fonts. 2.$2 ,o $ay $odify ty#esetting #rod"ed by the Fonts in any +ay yo see fit. ,o $ay also $odify the Fonts for yor o+n #ersonal or internal bsiness se% bt yo $ay not distribte% or transfer yor ada#tations< for instan"e% 'a* yo $ay not $a3e "sto$i=ed .ersions of the Fonts for se by yor "lients% 'b* yo $ay not ada#t% or $erge the Fonts to "reate hybrid Fonts for resale. Ea"h +or3station +here a $odified Font is installed shall be "onted as one of yor #er$itted n$ber of sers. Ty#oder$i" Fonts In". End &ser Li"ense Agree$ent '>?5?>4@* Page 4 of ? 2.%2 &se by E$#loyees and Freelan"ers. It is yor res#onsibility to infor$ e$#loyees% freelan"ers and any others +ho ha.e a""ess to the Fonts at yor #re$ises% of the ter$s and "onditions of this agree$ent% and to ensre that they abide by these ter$s and "onditions. . &arranty ' Lia(ilities .12 Ty#oder$i" +arrants the Fonts to be free fro$ defe"ts in $aterials and +or3$anshi# nder nor$al se for a #eriod of t+enty one '?4* days fro$ the date of deli.ery as sho+n on yor re"ei#t. Ty#oder$i"!s entire liability and yor e8"lsi.e re$edy as to defe"ti.e Fonts shall be% at Ty#oder$i"!s o#tion% either retrn of #r"hase #ri"e or re#la"e$ent of any s"h #rod"t that is retrned to Ty#oder$i" +ith a "o#y of the in.oi"e or send a ne+ .ersion of the Fonts. Ty#oder$i" shall ha.e no res#onsibility to re#la"e the Fonts or refnd the #r"hase #ri"e if failre reslts fro$ a""ident% abse or $isa##li"ation% or if any Fonts are lost or da$aged de to theft% fire% or negligen"e. Any re#la"e$ent #rod"t +ill be +arranted for t+enty one '?4* days. This +arranty yo s#e"ifi" legal rights. ,o $ay ha.e other rights% +hi"h .ary fro$ state to state. EACEPT AS EAPRESSL, PRO0I;E; A-O0E% THE PRO;&CT% IS PRO0I;E; (AS IS). NEITHER T,PO;ER/IC NOR THE ;ISTRI-&TOR /ABES AN, 1ARRANT, OF AN, BIN;% EITHER EAPRESSE; OR I/PLIE;% INCL&;ING% -&T NOT LI/ITE; TO THE I/PLIE; 1ARRANTIES OF /ERCHANTA-ILIT, AN; FITNESS FOR A PARTIC&LAR P&RPOSE. .22 The entire ris3 as to the :ality and #erfor$an"e of the Fonts rests #on yo. Neither Ty#oder$i" nor the distribtor +arrants that the fn"tions "ontained in the Fonts +ill $eet yor re:ire$ents or that the o#eration of the Fonts +ill be ninterr#ted or error free. NEITHER T,PO;ER/IC NOR THE ;ISTRI-&TOR SHALL -E LIA-LE FOR AN, ;IRECT% IN;IRECT% CONSEC&ENTIAL% OR INCI;ENTAL ;A/AGES 'INCL&;ING ;A/AGES FRO/ LOSS OF -&SINESS PROFITS% -&SINESS INTERR&PTION% LOSS OF -&SINESS INFOR/ATION% AN; THE LIBE* ARISING O&T OF THE &SE OF OR INA-ILIT, TO &SE THE FONTS E0EN IF THE ;ISTRI-&TOR OR T,PO;ER/IC HAS -EEN A;0ISE; OF THE POSSI-ILIT, OF S&CH ;A/AGES. .2 -e"ase so$e states do not allo+ the e8"lsion or li$itation of liability for "onse:ential or in"idental da$ages% the abo.e li$itation $ay not a##ly to yo. 4. Termination This agree$ent ter$inates ato$ati"ally +ithot noti"e fro$ Ty#oder$i" shold yo fail to "o$#ly +ith any of its #ro.isions. #. !)stom Agreement If yor re:ire$ents are beyond +hat is "o.ered by this agree$ent% yo $ay be able to #r"hase a "sto$ li"ense throgh a font .endor. This in"ldes bt is not li$ited to +eb fonts% e-oo3s% a##li"ations and OE/. 0isit ty#oder$i"fonts."o$9"sto$ for details. $. *o+erning La, This agree$ent is go.erned by the la+s of Canada and the"e of -ritish Col$bia. Ty#oder$i" Fonts In". End &ser Li"ense Agree$ent '>?5?>4@* Page ? of ?