RULE 67 Expropriation
RULE 67 Expropriation
RULE 67 Expropriation
Section 1. The complaint.
The right of eminent omain !hall "e e#erci!e "$ the filing of a %erifie
complaint &hich !hall !tate &ith certaint$ the right an p'rpo!e of
e#propriation( e!cri"e the real or per!onal propert$ !o'ght to "e
e#propriate( an )oin a! efenant! all per!on! o&ning or claiming to o&n( or
occ'p$ing( an$ part thereof or intere!t therein( !ho&ing( !o far a!
practica"le( the !eparate intere!t of each efenant. If the title to an$
propert$ !o'ght to "e e#propriate appear! to "e in the Rep'"lic of the
Philippine!( altho'gh occ'pie "$ pri%ate ini%i'al!( or if the title i!
other&i!e o"!c're or o'"tf'l !o that the plaintiff cannot &ith acc'rac$ or
certaint$ !pecif$ &ho are the real o&ner!( a%erment to that effect !hall "e
mae in the complaint.
Sec. 2. Entry of plaintiff upon depositing value with authorized government
Upon the filing of the complaint or at an$ time thereafter an after 'e
notice to the efenant( the plaintiff !hall ha%e the right to ta*e or enter
'pon the po!!e!!ion of the real propert$ in%ol%e if he epo!it! &ith the
a'thori+e go%ernment epo!itar$ an amo'nt e,'i%alent to the a!!e!!e %al'e of
the propert$ for p'rpo!e! of ta#ation to "e hel "$ !'ch "an* !'")ect to the
orer! of the co'rt. S'ch epo!it !hall "e in mone$( 'nle!! in lie' thereof
the co'rt a'thori+e! the epo!it of a certificate of epo!it of a go%ernment
"an* of the Rep'"lic of the Philippine! pa$a"le on eman to the a'thori+e
go%ernment epo!itar$.
If per!onal propert$ i! in%ol%e( it! %al'e !hall "e pro%i!ionall$ a!certaine
an the amo'nt to "e epo!ite !hall "e promptl$ fi#e "$ the co'rt.
After !'ch epo!it i! mae the co'rt !hall orer the !heriff or other proper
officer to forth&ith place the plaintiff in po!!e!!ion of the propert$
in%ol%e an promptl$ !'"mit a report thereof to the co'rt &ith !er%ice of
copie! to the partie!.
Sec. 3. Defenses and objections.
If a efenant ha! no o")ection or efen!e to the action or the ta*ing of hi!
propert$( he ma$ file an !er%e a notice of appearance an a manife!tation to
that effect( !pecificall$ e!ignating or ientif$ing the propert$ in &hich he
claim! to "e intere!te( &ithin the time !tate in the !'mmon!. Thereafter( he
!hall "e entitle to notice of all proceeing! affecting the !ame.
If a efenant ha! an$ o")ection to the filing of or the allegation! in the
complaint( or an$ o")ection or efen!e to the ta*ing of hi! propert$( he !hall
!er%e hi! an!&er &ithin the time !tate in the !'mmon!. The an!&er !hall
!pecificall$ e!ignate or ientif$ the propert$ in &hich he claim! to ha%e an
intere!t( !tate the nat're an e#tent of the intere!t claime( an a'ce all
hi! o")ection! an efen!e! to the ta*ing of hi! propert$. No co'nterclaim(
cro!!-claim or thir-part$ complaint !hall "e allege or allo&e in the an!&er
or an$ !'"!e,'ent pleaing.
A efenant &ai%e! all efen!e! an o")ection! not !o allege "'t the co'rt(
in the intere!t of )'!tice( ma$ permit amenment! to the an!&er to "e mae not
later than ten .1/0 a$! from the filing thereof. 1o&e%er( at the trial of the
i!!'e of )'!t compen!ation( &hether or not a efenant ha! pre%io'!l$ appeare
or an!&ere( he ma$ pre!ent e%ience a! to the amo'nt of the compen!ation to
"e pai for hi! propert$( an he ma$ !hare in the i!tri"'tion of the a&ar.
Sec. 4. rder of e!propriation.
If the o")ection! to an the efen!e! again!t the right of the plaintiff to
e#propriate the propert$ are o%err'le( or &hen no part$ appear! to efen a!
re,'ire "$ thi! R'le( the co'rt ma$ i!!'e an orer of e#propriation eclaring
that the plaintiff ha! a la&f'l right to ta*e the propert$ !o'ght to "e
e#propriate( for the p'"lic '!e or p'rpo!e e!cri"e in the complaint( 'pon
the pa$ment of )'!t compen!ation to "e etermine a! of the ate of the ta*ing
of the propert$ or the filing of the complaint( &hiche%er came fir!t.
A final orer !'!taining the right to e#propriate the propert$ ma$ "e appeale
"$ an$ part$ aggrie%e there"$. S'ch appeal( ho&e%er( !hall not pre%ent the
co'rt from etermining the )'!t compen!ation to "e pai.
After the renition of !'ch an orer( the plaintiff !hall not "e permitte to
i!mi!! or i!contin'e the proceeing e#cept on !'ch term! a! the co'rt eem!
)'!t an e,'ita"le.
Sec. ". #scertainment of compensation.
Upon the renition of the orer of e#propriation( the co'rt !hall appoint not
more than three .20 competent an i!intere!te per!on! a! commi!!ioner! to
a!certain an report to the co'rt the )'!t compen!ation for the propert$
!o'ght to "e ta*en. The orer of appointment !hall e!ignate the time an
place of the fir!t !e!!ion of the hearing to "e hel "$ the commi!!ioner! an
!pecif$ the time &ithin &hich their report !hall "e !'"mitte to the co'rt.
3opie! of the orer !hall "e !er%e on the partie!. O")ection! to the
appointment of an$ of the commi!!ioner! !hall "e file &ith the co'rt &ithin
ten .1/0 a$! from !er%ice( an !hall "e re!ol%e &ithin thirt$ .2/0 a$!
after all the commi!!ioner! !hall ha%e recei%e copie! of the o")ection!.
Sec. $. %roceedings by commissioners.
4efore entering 'pon the performance of their 'tie!( the commi!!ioner! !hall
ta*e an !'"!cri"e an oath that the$ &ill faithf'll$ perform their 'tie! a!
commi!!ioner!( &hich oath !hall "e file in co'rt &ith the other proceeing!
in the ca!e. E%ience ma$ "e intro'ce "$ either part$ "efore the
commi!!ioner! &ho are a'thori+e to amini!ter oath! on hearing! "efore them(
an the commi!!ioner! !hall( 'nle!! the partie! con!ent to the contrar$( after
'e notice to the partie! to atten( %ie& an e#amine the propert$ !o'ght to
"e e#propriate an it! !'rro'ning!( an ma$ mea!'re the !ame( after &hich
either part$ ma$( "$ him!elf or co'n!el( arg'e the ca!e. The commi!!ioner!
!hall a!!e!! the con!e,'ential amage! to the propert$ not ta*en an e'ct
from !'ch con!e,'ential amage! the con!e,'ential "enefit! to "e eri%e "$
the o&ner from the p'"lic '!e or p'rpo!e of the propert$ ta*en( the operation
of it! franchi!e "$ the corporation or the carr$ing on of the "'!ine!! of the
corporation or per!on ta*ing the propert$. 4't in no ca!e !hall the
con!e,'ential "enefit! a!!e!!e e#cee the con!e,'ential amage! a!!e!!e( or
the o&ner "e epri%e of the act'al %al'e of hi! propert$ !o ta*en.
Sec. &. 'eport by commissioners and judgment thereupon.
The co'rt ma$ orer the commi!!ioner! to report &hen an$ partic'lar portion of
the real e!tate !hall ha%e "een pa!!e 'pon "$ them( an ma$ rener )'gment
'pon !'ch partial report( an irect the commi!!ioner! to procee &ith their
&or* a! to !'"!e,'ent portion! of the propert$ !o'ght to "e e#propriate( an
ma$ from time to time !o eal &ith !'ch propert$. The commi!!ioner! !hall ma*e
a f'll an acc'rate report to the co'rt of all their proceeing!( an !'ch
proceeing! !hall not "e effect'al 'ntil the co'rt !hall ha%e accepte their
report an renere )'gment in accorance &ith their recommenation!. E#cept
a! other&i!e e#pre!!l$ orere "$ the co'rt( !'ch report !hall "e file &ithin
!i#t$ .6/0 a$! from the ate the commi!!ioner! &ere notifie of their
appointment( &hich time ma$ "e e#tene in the i!cretion of the co'rt. Upon
the filing of !'ch report( the cler* of the co'rt !hall !er%e copie! thereof
on all intere!te partie!( &ith notice that the$ are allo&e ten .1/0 a$!
&ithin &hich to file o")ection! to the fining! of the report( if the$ !o
Sec. (. #ction upon commissioners) report.
Upon the e#piration of the perio of ten .1/0 a$! referre to in the
preceing !ection( or e%en "efore the e#piration of !'ch perio "'t after all
the intere!te partie! ha%e file their o")ection! to the report or their
!tatement of agreement there&ith( the co'rt ma$( after hearing( accept the
report an rener )'gment in accorance there&ith5 or( for ca'!e !ho&n( it
ma$ recommit the !ame to the commi!!ioner! for f'rther report of fact!5 or it
ma$ !et a!ie the report an appoint ne& commi!!ioner!5 or it ma$ accept the
report in part an re)ect it in part5 an it ma$ ma*e !'ch orer or rener
!'ch )'gment a! !hall !ec're to the plaintiff the propert$ e!!ential to the
e#erci!e of hi! right of e#propriation( an to the efenant )'!t compen!ation
for the propert$ !o ta*en.
Sec. *. +ncertain ownership, conflicting claims.
If the o&ner!hip of the propert$ ta*en i! 'ncertain( or there are conflicting
claim! to an$ part thereof( the co'rt ma$ orer an$ !'m or !'m! a&are a!
compen!ation for the propert$ to "e pai to the co'rt for the "enefit of the
per!on a)'ge in the !ame proceeing to "e entitle thereto. 4't the
)'gment !hall re,'ire the pa$ment of the !'m or !'m! a&are to either the
efenant or the co'rt "efore the plaintiff can enter 'pon the propert$( or
retain it for the p'"lic '!e or p'rpo!e if entr$ ha! alrea$ "een mae.
Sec. -.. 'ights of plaintiff after judgment and payment.
Upon pa$ment "$ the plaintiff to the efenant of the compen!ation fi#e "$
the )'gment( &ith legal intere!t thereon from the ta*ing of the po!!e!!ion of
the propert$( or after tener to him of the amo'nt !o fi#e an pa$ment of the
co!t!( the plaintiff !hall ha%e the right to enter 'pon the propert$
e#propriate an to appropriate it for the p'"lic '!e or p'rpo!e efine in
the )'gment( or to retain it !ho'l he ha%e ta*en immeiate po!!e!!ion
thereof 'ner the pro%i!ion! of !ection 6 hereof. If the efenant an hi!
co'n!el a"!ent them!el%e! from the co'rt( or ecline to recei%e the amo'nt
tenere( the !ame !hall "e orere to "e epo!ite in co'rt an !'ch epo!it
!hall ha%e the !ame effect a! act'al pa$ment thereof to the efenant or the
per!on 'ltimatel$ a)'ge entitle thereto.
Sec. --. Entry not delayed by appeal, effect of reversal.
The right of the plaintiff to enter 'pon the propert$ of the efenant an
appropriate the !ame for p'"lic '!e or p'rpo!e !hall not "e ela$e "$ an
appeal from the )'gment. 4't if the appellate co'rt etermine! that plaintiff
ha! no right of e#propriation( )'gment !hall "e renere orering the
Regional Trial 3o'rt to forth&ith enforce the re!toration to the efenant of
the po!!e!!ion of the propert$( an to etermine the amage! &hich the
efenant !'!taine an ma$ reco%er "$ rea!on of the po!!e!!ion ta*en "$ the
Sec. -2. /osts0 by whom paid.
The fee! of the commi!!ioner! !hall "e ta#e a! a part of the co!t! of the
proceeing!. All co!t!( e#cept tho!e of ri%al claimant! litigating their
claim!( !hall "e pai "$ the plaintiff( 'nle!! an appeal i! ta*en "$ the o&ner
of the propert$ an the )'gment i! affirme( in &hich e%ent the co!t! of the
appeal !hall "e pai "$ the o&ner.
Sec. -3. 'ecording judgment0 and its effect.
The )'gment entere in e#propriation proceeing! !hall !tate efinitel$( "$
an ae,'ate e!cription( the partic'lar propert$ or intere!t therein
e#propriate( an the nat're of the p'"lic '!e or p'rpo!e for &hich it i!
e#propriate. 7hen real e!tate i! e#propriate( a certifie cop$ of !'ch
)'gment !hall "e recore in the regi!tr$ of ee! of the place in &hich the
propert$ i! !it'ate( an it! effect !hall "e to %e!t in the plaintiff the
title to the real e!tate !o e!cri"e for !'ch p'"lic '!e or p'rpo!e.
Sec. -4. %ower of guardian in such proceedings.
The g'arian or g'arian a litem of a minor or of a per!on )'iciall$
eclare to "e incompetent ma$( &ith the appro%al of the co'rt fir!t ha( o
an perform on "ehalf of hi! &ar an$ act( matter( or thing re!pecting the
e#propriation for p'"lic '!e or p'rpo!e of propert$ "elonging to !'ch minor or
per!on )'iciall$ eclare to "e incompetent( &hich !'ch minor or per!on
)'iciall$ eclare to "e incompetent co'l o in !'ch proceeing! if he &ere
of age or competent