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Procedure for "Door to Door" Service in 4 easy steps
"# Order $ reerve your ite%#
P& u through fa!eboo'#!o%(p!hub to !he!' availability, order and reerve#
)e will end via e%ail your reervation !onfir%ation#
The reervation !onfir%ation will alo in!lude the hipping rate for ea!h ite%, for ea!h *uantity#
Note+ reervation i for d,d only# And valid for ,-hr# Pleae do not abue thi yte%, a they will not be
Pleae provide u the ff+ infor%ation when reerving
.ull Na%e
E%ail Adre
Detination Addre
DO NOT pay before re!eiving your reervation#
,# Pay for your order#
Pleae pay for your order at the ban', over/the/!ounter#
0ah ONL1# for check payments, see #2 under Procedure for payment via Bank transfer
P& u again on!e pay%ent ha been %ade# 1our pay%ent i till ub2e!t for verifi!ation and %ut be done
o before !utoff ti%e in order to be hipped out the a%e day#
Pay%ent trana!tion lip and waiver %ut be ub%itted and !o%pleted before !utoff ti%e#
3# Save and end waiver
Download, fill up thi waiver !o%pletely and ave file
Send ( atta!h file to u via fa!eboo' private %eaging
Note when aving
Adobe reader+ only verion "" $ up allow you to ave pdf with %odified for%
1ou !ae ue http+((www#fo4itoftware#!o%(Se!ure5PD.5Reader(
Or you !an ue your default pdf reader, fill it up# 0apture the ,nd page 6filled/up for%7 a i%age intead
-# )ait for Delivery
8pon pay%ent verifi!ation, we will hip out your order and provide tra!'ing 9 of !ourier
Procedure for payment via Bank transfer
"# P0 :ub a!!ept only 0AS: during ban' tranfer
,# All !he!' depoit, regardle of type, will be ub2e!t to -/; ban'ing day !learing# Sa%e ban' !he!' are till
not re!ogni<ed, and till ub2e!t to %ini%u% - day !learing 6; for provin!ial7# The day !he!' i a!!epted or
depoited i !onidered the "
3# Save your depoit lip or validation lip# Ta'e a pi! and ave to file# )e %ight need the% when !o%pli!ation
-# Depoit pay%ent OT0 6over/the/!ounter7 at the following+
8nion =an' Aurora =lvd# A!!t9 >>?/>3>/>>;>>;
=PI Aurora =lvd# A!!t9 3"@3/,,A"/3? alternative+ http+((www#bpie4preonline#!o%
Eat )et ban' =roadway# A!!t9 AB>,/>>/@3/@" alternative+ http+((www#ban!netonline#!o%
@# Send to u a pi!ture of your trana!tion lip or provide u the ff+
Date depoited
=an' $ a!!ount depoited
A%ount depoited
Shipping Waiver
0uto%er na%e Reervation ( Order 9 &obile 9
Detination Addre Landline 9
Pleae depoit pay%ent over/the/!ounter for the Account Name: PC u! Computer "echno#ogy $nc%
I, 0uto%er, hereby authori<e P0 :ub to hip %y order to the hipping addre tated above #
Alo, I, hereby agree that P0 :ub %ay ue any pa!'aging available at P0 :ubC reour!e, and any ri' of lo by da%age in
tranit will be borne by %e, the !uto%er# =y doing o, I a!'nowledge that I a% waiving %y right to+
"# Dipute thi !harge with %y !redit !ard !o%pany# 6if appli!able7
,# Allow a re!eiver at the hipping addre to ign for thi pa!'age on %y behalf#
.urther%ore, I, 0uto%er, have read and agree to all the ter% and !ondition a found below#
"erms and Conditions
1. =y pur!haing at P0 :ub, you have read and agreed to all the ter% $ !ondition tipulated below# And alo our Store
Policy, Sales Agreement, Warranty Policy, Warranty Limitation, Return Policy, Layaay Poilicy ! Proceed on#y if you
accept them a!so#ute#y%
,# &oods trave# at !uyer's risk% P0 :ubD reponibility ceases (hen merchandise is handed to !uyer or courier% P0
:ub will not be reponible for the ite% while in tranport or at !ourierD poeion# If the ite% i found to be defe!tive or
da%aged at the point of re!eipt, the preu%ption i that the a%e o!!urred while in the poeion of the !ourier#
3# aving goods shipped) Customer agrees to re#in*uish a## possi!#e screening during norma# re#easing% S!reening
li'e goodD !o%eti! appearan!e, pre/releae !reening !lai% li'e dead pi4el, !rat!he et!# P0 :ub will NOT be liable
for proble% ariing fro% u!h !ir!u%tan!e# "his is a risk PC u! e+p#icit#y (ishes to (arn a## customers (hen
shipping# 0uto%er %ut undertand, a!'nowledge and a!!ept thi ri' before pro!eeding# If un!o%fortable, pleae viit
our bran!he intead#
-# In rare !ae when a!!eorie of produ!t %aybe be left behind or wanDt in!luded 6forgotten7 by the ditributor (
%anufa!turer, patien!e will be ne!eary# Invetigation will be re*ueted# If a!!eorie will be ent again, hipping will till
be on !uto%erD a!!ount#
@# &er!handie will be hipped at the !ondition a it wa re!eived fro% it lo!al ditributor# It %ay or %ay not be opened
6depending on the ite% and ditributor7 for warranty ti!'er purpoe or other purpoe#
A# By defau#t) goods are shipped (ithout insurance# To hip otherwie, 0uto%er %ut buy inuran!e $ in!lude in prepaid
a%ount# It i "E of de!lared value, in %ultiple on ">>> F "@# 6e4# Galue H ",3@A, "3>>> I "E H "3>F"@, Inuran!e i "-@7#
Inuran!e i to be paid and !lai%ed at !hoen !ourier# PC u! recommends !uyer to !uy insurance%
B# P0 :ub will NOT be held liable for hipping !harge of returned %er!handie, whether it i under warranty or not,
regardle of the ti%e fra%e of the pur!hae# All hipping !harge, in!o%ing or outgoing, will be at the e4pene of the
!uto%er# P0 :ub will not a!!ept any hipped good for warranty unle freight ha been fully paid in advan!ed#
;# Standard hipping pa!'aging i produ!t original pa!'aging !overed in !ut, !rap !arton# Reinfor!ed pa!'aging 6!rating,
bo4e and filler7 i available by adding phpA>> per bo4# PC u! (i## not !e #ia!#e for damages due to packaging used#
?# 0utoff ti%e+ ",+>> NN Daily
i# All order re!eived, replied, pro!eed after !utoff ti%e, will be pro!eed the ne4t day#
ii# All !hange in order after !utoff ti%e, %ay no longer be pro!eed or a!!epted, if already been hipped#
iii# A penalty of php">> will be !harged for pa!'aging %aterial ued, in !ae of !uto%er re*uet !hange of order#
In!o%plete waiver will not be pro!eed
Pleae !o%plete, ave and end file via P& on fa!eboo'
=PI J Aurora =lvd# J A!!t9 3"@3/,,A"/3? J alternative+ http+((www#bpie4preonline#!o%
Eat)et J =roadway J A!!t9 AB>,/>>/@3/@" J alternative+ http+((www#ban!netonline#!o%
8nion =an' J Aurora =lvd# J A!!t9 >>?/>3>/>>;>>;
"otal amount deposited
Please save your transaction
slip! #t ill $e needed
$ agree) ackno(#edge and confirm to a## the terms and conditions
stipu#ated a!ove%
Sin!erely your,
%kindly affi& your name in the $o&'
$ do N," (ant to !uy insurance% Despite a## the recommendations and
(arning of PC u!) $ insisted on shipping my orders (ith no insurance% $n
case) of #oss or damage in transit) $ am so#e#y to !e !#amed and #ia!#e%
$ opted to !uy insurance instead% -p#s see ./ a!ove for computation0
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