708 Tenement Western Bicutan Taguig City Taguig Phone: 3599475
708 Tenement Western Bicutan Taguig City Taguig Phone: 3599475
708 Tenement Western Bicutan Taguig City Taguig Phone: 3599475
ON CALL TOURS AND TRAVEL SERVICES wish!s you a "#!asant $ourn!y an% ho"!s to s!r&! you again in th! futur!.
'ook!% on( )on *+ )ar at ,-(,. A)
Air#in! 1NR nu/b!r( 6+SU.)
Tik!t Nu/b!r ( 6+SU.)
To fly easy, please present the E-Ticket with a valid photo identification at the airport and check-in counter. The check-in counters are
open 2 hours prior to departure and close strictly 45 minutes prior to departure.
0ro/7To 0#ight Dat! D!". Arr. Sto"s
General SantosGES! General Santos "nternational #irport! - $anila$%&!
%#"# Terminal '!
(e)u *acific 5+-
.- $ar
.-045 2/0'5 -
1ass!ng!r Charg! D!sri"tion A/ount
1#2%ES3 4 #"5# $#E $S 6#dult7 - /./ 8G #ir 9are 2,22,.// *:*
Ta;es, Surchar<e and 9ees .,454.4- *:*
1a<<a<e *rice0 /.// *:*
Tota# 89:;8.4; 121
0ar! Con%itions
0#ight hang!s /ust b! /a%! /or! than tw!nty four <.4= hours b!for! %!"artur! ti/! with th! fo##owing
o"tions( <*= r!book th! f#ight sub$!t to f!!s an% "!na#ti!s9 <.= an!# an% stor! it in a Tra&!# 0un% sub$!t to
"!na#ti!s whih /ay b! us!% within nin!ty <-,= %ays9 or <8= transf!r th! booking to anoth!r for a f!!.
Lit! 0ar!s ar! r!bookab#! an% /ay b! stor!% in a Tra&!# 0un% sub$!t to a""#iab#! f!!s an% far! %iff!r!n!.
6o Throughfar! /ust b! us!% in s!>u!n! as book!%. 0#ight hang!s or an!##ations ar! not "!r/itt!% on!
any of th! s!g/!nts has b!!n us!%. Th!r! is a no/ina# f!! in#u%!% in th! 6o through far!.
1ro/o far!s ar! non-r!routab#!9 non-transf!rab#!9 non-r!fun%ab#! an% /ay not b! stor!% in a Tra&!# 0un%9 but
in !rtain as!s /ay b! r!bookab#! sub$!t to a""#iab#! f!!s an% far! %iff!r!n!.
6rou" bookings ar! sub$!t to s"!ifi ru#!s on %!"osits9 "ay/!nts9 r!booking an% r!stritions.
0or o/"#!t! su//ary of a""#iab#! f!!s9 ta?!s an% surharg!s9 "#!as! h!k
out www.!bu"aifiair.o/7f#ights-an%-far!s7f!!-su//ary.ht/#
Carriag! of "ass!ng!r an% baggag! is sub$!t to th! T!r/s an% Con%itions of Carriag! a""ro&!% by th! Ci&i#
A!ronautis 'oar%. 0or o/"#!t! T!r/s an% Con%itions of
Carriag!9 htt"(77!bu"aifiair.o/7t!r/s@on%itions.ht/# .
$!%&' (5))475
Ch!k-in for your f#ight on#in!A B!b h!k-in s!r&i! is a&ai#ab#! 4; hours u" to 4 hours b!for! your f#ight.
Visit !bu"aifiair.o/ to /anag! your bookingA
6u!sts shou#% "r!s!nt a &a#i% "hoto ID to air"ort s!urity an% u"on h!k-in. Va#i% IDs for this "ur"os! ar!
Co/"any ID9 Dri&!rs Li!ns!9 1ass"ort9 Shoo# ID9 SSS Car%9 TIN Car%. Th! na/! in th! "hoto-ID shou#%
/ath th! gu!st na/! that was !nt!r!% u"on booking. 0ai#ur! to "r!s!nt a &a#i% "hoto ID wi## r!su#t in your
b!ing r!fus!% h!k-in.
6u!sts with int!rnationa# tra&!# /ust "oss!ss a &a#i% "ass"ort with at #!ast si? <:= /onths &a#i%ity fro/ th!
%at! of th!ir %!"artur! an% th! a""#iab#! &a#i% &isas. Th!y /ust a#so ha&! a r!turn or an onwar% tik!t an%
/ust b! ab#! to satisfatori#y "ro&! u"on r!>u!st9 suffii!nt /!ans of finania# su""ort %uring th!ir stay in th!
ountry of th!ir %!stination.
0or %o/!sti %!stinations9 h!k-in ount!rs o"!n two <.= hours b!for! th! !sti/at!% ti/! of %!"artur! <ETD=
an% for r!giona# %!stinations9 h!k-in ount!rs o"!n thr!! <8= hours b!for! th! !sti/at!% ti/! of %!"artur!
<ETD=. A onfir/!% r!s!r&ation sha## b! an!##!% an% r!#!as!% to wait#ist!% "ass!ng!rs if th! gu!st fai#!% to
h!k-in at #!ast forty-fi&! <43= /inut!s b!for! ETD.
6u!sts tra&!#ing to th! 1hi#i""in!s fro/ Int!rnationa# S!tors /ust ha&! a o"y or "rintout of
th! Itin!rary R!!i"t as "roof of onwar% r!s!r&ation as r!>uir!% by 1hi#i""in! I//igration Laws.
0or B!b7On#in! @ Ca## C!nt!r transations9 a## gu!sts <oth!r than thos! !?!/"t!% fro/ "aying tra&!# ta?=
%!"arting fro/ th! 1hi#i""in!s to int!rnationa# s!tors sha## "ay th! 1hi#i""in! Tra&!# Ta? a/ounting to
1h"*:., at th! r!s"!ti&! air"ort in th! 1hi#i""in!s "rior to %!"artur!.
6u!sts /ust "oss!ss an% ha&! a&ai#ab#! for "r!s!ntation as r!>uir!% by C!bu 1aifi an%7or by th! r!#!&ant
authoriti!s a## !ntry an% !?it9 h!a#th an% oth!r %ou/!nts r!>uir!% by #aw9 r!gu#ations9 or%!rs9 %!/an%s or
r!>uir!/!nts of th! ountri!s gu!sts ha&! f#own fro/9 or wi## f#y into or o&!r. C!bu 1aifi r!s!r&!s th! right
to r!fus! arriag! to any 6u!st who has not o/"#i!% with or whos! %ou/!nts %o not a""!ar to o/"#y with
suh a""#iab#! #aws9 r!gu#ations9 or%!rs9 %!/an%s or r!>uir!/!nts.
6u!sts na/!% in this Itin!rary R!!i"t who us!% as "ay/!nt th! a/ount in a sing#! Tra&!# 0un% arising fro/ a
"rior Itin!rary R!!i"t with /u#ti"#! "ass!ng!rs wi## b! "r!su/!% to ha&! obtain!% authority fro/ th! oth!r
na/!% "ass!ng!rs. In as! of %is"ut!9 th! abo&!-na/!% gu!st wi## b! #iab#! to th! air#in! for a## osts inurr!%.
Thank you for s!#!ting ON CALL TOURS AND TRAVEL SERVICES as your "r!f!rr!% Tik!ting ag!nt.