Third Party Notices
Third Party Notices
Third Party Notices
'nformation in this document, including ()* and other 'nternet website references, is subject to change without notice. (nless otherwise noted, the companies, organi+ations, products, domain names, email addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted in e&les herein are fictitious. No association with any real company, organi+ation, product, domain name, email address, logo, person, place, or event is intended or should be inferred. !omplying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise#, or for any purpose, without the e&press written permission of $icrosoft !orporation. $icrosoft may have patents, patent applications, trademar,s, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. -&cept as e&pressly provided in any written license terms from $icrosoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademar,s, copyrights, or other intellectual property. . /012 $icrosoft !orporation. 3ll rights reserved. $icrosoft, $%456%, 7isual 8asic, 7isual %tudio, Windows, Windows NT, Windows %erver, 3ctive 5irectory, 3ero, 8it*oc,er, 9ot%tart, )eady8oost, )eady5rive, %ide%how, and %uper:etch are either registered trademar,s or trademar,s of $icrosoft group of companies. 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 Portions of this software are based in part on the wor, of %pider %ystems *imited. 8ecause $icrosoft has included the %pider %ystems *imited software in this product, $icrosoft is re;uired to include the following te&t that accompanied such software< !opyright 1=>? %pider %ystems *imited !opyright 1=>> %pider %ystems *imited !opyright 1==0 %pider %ystems *imited
Portions of this software are based in part on the wor, of %eagate %oftware.
Portions of this software are based in part on the wor, of 3!-@!6$$ !orp. 8ecause $icrosoft has included the 3!-@!6$$ !orp. software in this product, $icrosoft is re;uired to include the following te&t that accompanied such software< !opyright 1==A41==? 3!-@!6$$ !orp
Portions of this software are based in part on the wor, of %am *effler and %ilicon Braphics, 'nc. 8ecause $icrosoft has included the %am *effler and %ilicon Braphics software in this product, $icrosoft is
re;uired to include the following te&t that accompanied such software< !opyright . 1=>>41==? %am *effler !opyright . 1==141==? %ilicon Braphics, 'nc. Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that (i# the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii# the names of %am *effler and %ilicon Braphics may not be used in any advertising or publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written permission of %am *effler and %ilicon Braphics. T9- %6:TW3)- '% P)67'5-5 C3%4'%C 3N5 W'T96(T W3))3NTD 6: 3ND E'N5, -FP)-%%, '$P*'-5 6) 6T9-)W'%-, 'N!*(5'NB W'T96(T *'$'T3T'6N, 3ND W3))3NTD 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD 6) :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%-. 'N N6 -7-NT %93** %3$ *-::*-) 6) %'*'!6N B)3P9'!% 8- *'38*- :6) 3ND %P-!'3*, 'N!'5-NT3*, 'N5')-!T 6) !6N%-G(-NT'3* 53$3B-% 6: 3ND E'N5, 6) 3ND 53$3B-% W93T%6-7-) )-%(*T'NB :)6$ *6%% 6: (%-, 53T3, 6) P)6:'T%, W9-T9-) 6) N6T 357'%-5 6: T9- P6%%'8'*'TD 6: 53$3B-, 3N5 6N 3ND T9-6)D 6: *'38'*'TD, 3)'%'NB 6(T 6: 6) 'N !6NN-!T'6N W'T9 T9- (%- 6) P-):6)$3N!6: T9'% %6:TW3)-.
Portions of this software are based in part on the wor, of 9ighground %ystems. 8ecause $icrosoft has included the 9ighground %ystems software in this product, $icrosoft is re;uired to include the following te&t that accompanied such software< !opyright . 1==H41=== 9ighground %ystems
This product incorporates compression code from the 'nfo4I'P group. There are no e&tra charges or costs due to the use of this code, and the original compression sources are freely available from http<JJwww.info4+ip.orgJ or ftp<JJftp.info4+ip.orgJpubJinfo+ipJsrcJ on the 'nternet.
This product includes software from the K+libK general purpose compression library.
Portions of this software are based in part on the wor, of %can%oft, 'nc. 8ecause $icrosoft has included the %can%oft, 'nc. software in this product, $icrosoft is re;uired to include the following te&t that accompanied such software< Te&t8ridge 6!) . by %can%oft, 'nc.
Portions of this software are based in part on the wor, of (niversity of %outhern !alifornia. 8ecause $icrosoft has included the (niversity of %outhern !alifornia software in this product, $icrosoft is re;uired to include the following te&t that accompanied such software< !opyright . 1==H by the (niversity of %outhern !alifornia 3ll rights reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation in source and binary forms for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that both the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies, and that any documentation, advertising materials, and other materials related to such distribution and use ac,nowledge that the software was developed in part by the (niversity of %outhern !alifornia, 'nformation %ciences 'nstitute. The name of the (niversity may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. T9- (N'7-)%'TD 6: %6(T9-)N !3*':6)N'3 ma,es no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. T9'% %6:TW3)- '% P)67'5-5 C3% '%C 3N5 W'T96(T 3ND -FP)-%% 6) '$P*'-5 W3))3NT'-%, 'N!*(5'NB, W'T96(T *'$'T3T'6N, T9- '$P*'-5 W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD 3N5 :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%-. 6ther copyrights might apply to parts of this software and are so noted when applicable.
Portions of this software are based in part on the wor, of Lames Ean+e. 8ecause $icrosoft has included the Lames Ean+e software in this product, $icrosoft is re;uired to include the following te&t that accompanied such software< !6PD)'B9T 3N5 P-)$'%%'6N N6T'!3ll rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the C%oftwareC#, to deal in the %oftware without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, publish, distribute, andJor sell copies of the %oftware, and to permit persons to whom the %oftware is furnished to do so, provided that the above copyright notice(s# and this permission notice appear in all copies of the %oftware and that both the above copyright notice(s# and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. Permission is also given to modify the software to any e&tend, under the condition that, in the modified software, the prefi& CB8MC is changed to something else, and the name directories for includes files (CgbC in this distribution# is also changed. T9- %6:TW3)- '% P)67'5-5 C3% '%C, W'T96(T W3))3NTD 6: 3ND E'N5, -FP)-%% 6) '$P*'-5, 'N!*(5'NB 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6 T9- W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD, :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%- 3N5 N6N'N:)'NB-$-NT 6: T9')5 P3)TD )'B9T%. 'N N6 -7-NT %93** T9- !6PD)'B9T 96*5-) 6) 96*5-)% 'N!*(5-5 'N T9'% N6T'!- 8- *'38*- :6) 3ND !*3'$, 6) 3ND %P-!'3* 'N5')-!T 6) !6N%-G(-NT'3* 53$3B-%, 6) 3ND 53$3B-% W93T%6-7-) )-%(*T'NB :)6$ *6%% 6: (%-, 53T3 6) P)6:'T%, W9-T9-) 'N 3N 3!T'6N 6: !6NT)3!T, N-B*'B-N!- 6) 6T9-) T6)T'6(% 3!T'6N, 3)'%'NB 6(T 6: 6) 'N !6NN-!T'6N W'T9 T9- (%- 6) P-):6)$3N!- 6: T9'% %6:TW3)-. -&cept as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use, or other dealings in this %oftware without
Portions of this software are based in part on the wor, of )%3 5ata %ecurity, 'nc. 8ecause $icrosoft has included the )%3 5ata %ecurity, 'nc. software in this product, $icrosoft is re;uired to include the following te&t that accompanied such software< !opyright . 1==0, )%3 5ata %ecurity, 'nc. 3ll rights reserved. *icense to copy and use this software is granted provided that it is identified as the C)%3 5ata %ecurity, 'nc. $5A $essage45igest 3lgorithmC in all material mentioning or referencing this software or this function. *icense is also granted to ma,e and use derivative wor,s provided that such wor,s are identified as Cderived from the )%3 5ata %ecurity, 'nc. $5A $essage4 5igest 3lgorithmC in all material mentioning or referencing the derived wor,. )%3 5ata %ecurity, 'nc. ma,es no representations concerning either the merchantability of this software or the suitability of this software for any particular purpose. 't is provided Cas isC without e&press or implied warranty of any ,ind. These notices must be retained in any copies of any part of this documentation andJor software.
Portions of this software are based in part on the wor, of )egents of The (niversity of $ichigan. 8ecause $icrosoft has included the )egents of The (niversity of $ichigan software in this product, $icrosoft is re;uired to include the following te&t that accompanied such software< !opyright . 1==A, 1==H )egents of The (niversity of $ichigan. 3ll )ights )eserved. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of The (niversity of $ichigan not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. This software is supplied as is without e&pressed or implied warranties of any ,ind. !opyright . 1==2, 1==N )egents of the (niversity of $ichigan. 3ll rights reserved. )edistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given to the (niversity of $ichigan at 3nn 3rbor. The name of the (niversity may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. This software is provided OOas isKK without e&press or implied warranty.
Portions of this software are based in part on the wor, of $assachusetts 'nstitute of Technology. 8ecause $icrosoft has included the $assachusetts 'nstitute of Technology software in this product, $icrosoft is re;uired to include the following te&t that accompanied such software< !opyright 1=>=, 1==0 by the $assachusetts 'nstitute of Technology. 3ll )ights )eserved.
-&port of this software from the (nited %tates of 3merica may re;uire a specific license from the (nited %tates Bovernment. 't is the responsibility of any person or organi+ation contemplating e&port to obtain such a license before e&porting. W'T9'N T93T !6N%T)3'NT, permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of $.'.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. $.'.T. ma,es no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. 't is provided Cas isC without e&press or implied warranty. (nder (.%. law, this software may not be e&ported outside the (% without license from the (.%. !ommerce department. !opyright 1==N by the $assachusetts 'nstitute of Technology. 3ll )ights )eserved. -&port of this software from the (nited %tates of 3merica may re;uire a specific license from the (nited %tates Bovernment. 't is the responsibility of any person or organi+ation contemplating e&port to obtain such a license before e&porting. W'T9'N T93T !6N%T)3'NT, permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of $.'.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. $.'.T. ma,es no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. 't is provided Cas isC without e&press or implied warranty.
This product includes software developed by the (niversity of !alifornia, 8er,eley and its contributors.
Portions of this software are based in part on the wor, of 3utodes,, 'nc. 8ecause $icrosoft has included the 3utodes,, 'nc. software in this product, $icrosoft is re;uired to include the following te&t that accompanied such software< . !opyright 1==A by 3utodes,, 'nc.
This product contains graphics filter softwareP this software is based in part on the wor, of the 'ndependent LP-B Broup.
This product includes software from the KlibpngK PNB reference library.
!ontains )untime $odules of *otus !QQ 3P' Tool,it for NotesJ5omino. (c# !opyright '8$ !orporation /002. 3ll rights reserved.
Portions of this software are based in part on the wor, of %B%4Thomson $icroelectronics, 'nc. 8ecause $icrosoft has included the %B%4Thomson $icroelectronics, 'nc. software in this product, $icrosoft is re;uired to include the following te&t that accompanied such software< !opyright 1==H %B%4Thomson $icroelectronics, 'nc. 3ll )ights )eserved
Portions of this software are based in part on the wor, of (nicode, 'nc. 8ecause $icrosoft has included the (nicode, 'nc. software in this product, $icrosoft is re;uired to include the following te&t that accompanied such software< !6PD)'B9T 3N5 P-)$'%%'6N N6T'!!opyright . 1==14/00A (nicode, 'nc. 3ll rights reserved. 5istributed under the Terms of (se in http<JJwww.unicode.orgJcopyright.html. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of the (nicode data files and any associated documentation (the C5ata :ilesC# or (nicode software and any associated documentation (the C%oftwareC# to deal in the 5ata :iles or %oftware without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, andJor sell copies of the 5ata :iles or %oftware, and to permit persons to whom the 5ata :iles or %oftware are furnished to do so, provided that (a# the above copyright notice(s# and this permission notice appear with all copies of the 5ata :iles or %oftware, (b# both the above copyright notice(s# and this permission notice appear in associated documentation, and (c# there is clear notice in each modified 5ata :ile or in the %oftware as well as in the documentation associated with the 5ata :ile(s# or %oftware that the data or software has been modified. T9- 53T3 :'*-% 3N5 %6:TW3)- 3)- P)67'5-5 C3% '%C, W'T96(T W3))3NTD 6: 3ND E'N5, -FP)-%% 6) '$P*'-5, 'N!*(5'NB 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6 T9- W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD, :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%- 3N5 N6N'N:)'NB-$-NT 6: T9')5 P3)TD )'B9T%. 'N N6 -7-NT %93** T9- !6PD)'B9T 96*5-) 6) 96*5-)% 'N!*(5-5 'N T9'% N6T'!- 8- *'38*- :6) 3ND !*3'$, 6) 3ND %P-!'3* 'N5')-!T 6) !6N%-G(-NT'3* 53$3B-%, 6) 3ND 53$3B-% W93T%6-7-) )-%(*T'NB :)6$ *6%% 6: (%-, 53T3 6) P)6:'T%, W9-T9-) 'N 3N 3!T'6N 6: !6NT)3!T, N-B*'B-N!- 6) 6T9-) T6)T'6(% 3!T'6N, 3)'%'NB 6(T 6: 6) 'N !6NN-!T'6N W'T9 T9- (%- 6) P-):6)$3N!- 6: T9- 53T3 :'*-% 6) %6:TW3)-. -&cept as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in these 5ata :iles or %oftware without prior written authori+ation of the copyright holder.
The !ombined Post%cript 5river was the result of a cooperative development process by 3dobe %ystems 'ncorporated and $icrosoft !orporation.
Portions of this software are based in part on the wor, of $edia !ybernetics. 8ecause $icrosoft has included the $edia !ybernetics software in this product, $icrosoft is re;uired to include the following te&t that accompanied such software< 93*6 'mage :ile :ormat *ibrary . 1==141==/ $edia !ybernetics, 'nc.
Portions of this software are based in part on the wor, of *uigi )i++o. 8ecause $icrosoft has included the *uigi )i++o software in this product, $icrosoft is re;uired to include the following te&t that accompanied such software<
. 1==?4=> *uigi )i++o ( Portions derived from code by Phil Earn (,arnR,a=;, )obert $orelos4Iarago+a ( and 9ari Thirumoorthy (, 3ug 1==A )edistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met< 1. )edistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. /. )edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation andJor other materials provided with the distribution. T9'% %6:TW3)- '% P)67'5-5 8D T9- 3(T96)% 3% '%KK 3N5 3ND -FP)-%% 6) '$P*'-5 W3))3NT'-%, 'N!*(5'NB, 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6, T9- '$P*'-5 W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD 3N5 :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%- 3)- 5'%!*3'$-5. 'N N6 -7-NT %93** T9- 3(T96)% 8- *'38*- :6) 3ND 5')-!T, 'N5')-!T, 'N!'5-NT3*, %P-!'3*, -F-$P*3)D, 6) !6N%-G(-NT'3* 53$3B-% ('N!*(5'NB, 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6, P)6!()-$-NT 6: %(8%T'T(T- B665% 6) %-)7'!-%P *6%% 6: (%-, 53T3, 6) P)6:'T%P 6) 8(%'N-%% 'NT-))(PT'6N# 96W-7-) !3(%-5 3N5 6N 3ND T9-6)D 6: *'38'*'TD, W9-T9-) 'N !6NT)3!T, %T)'!T *'38'*'TD, 6) T6)T ('N!*(5'NB N-B*'B-N!- 6) 6T9-)W'%-# 3)'%'NB 'N 3ND W3D 6(T 6: T9- (%- 6: T9'% %6:TW3)-, -7-N ': 357'%-5 6: T9- P6%%'8'*'TD 6: %(!9 53$3B-.
Portions of this software are based in part on the wor, of W2!. 8ecause $icrosoft has included the W2! software in this product, $icrosoft is re;uired to include the following te&t that accompanied such software< W2! %6:TW3)- N6T'!- 3N5 *'!-N%http<JJwww.w2.orgJ!onsortiumJ*egalJ/00/Jcopyright4software4/00/1/21 This wor, (and included software, documentation such as )-35$-s, or other related items# is being provided by the copyright holders under the following license. 8y obtaining, using andJor copying this wor,, you (the licensee# agree that you have read, understood, and will comply with the following terms and conditions. Permission to copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation, with or without modification, for any purpose and without fee or royalty is hereby granted, provided that you include the following on 3** copies of the software and documentation or portions thereof, including modifications< 1. The full te&t of this N6T'!- in a location viewable to users of the redistributed or derivative wor,. /. 3ny pre4e&isting intellectual property disclaimers, notices, or terms and conditions. 'f none e&ist, the W2! %oftware %hort Notice should be included (hyperte&t is preferred, te&t is permitted# within the body of any redistributed or derivative code. 2. Notice of any changes or modifications to the files, including the date changes were made. (We recommend you provide ()*s to the location from which the code is derived.# T9'% %6:TW3)- 3N5 56!($-NT3T'6N '% P)67'5-5 C3% '%,C 3N5 !6PD)'B9T 96*5-)% $3EN6 )-P)-%-NT3T'6N% 6) W3))3NT'-%, -FP)-%% 6) '$P*'-5, 'N!*(5'NB 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6, W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD 6) :'TN-%% :6) 3ND P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%- 6) T93T T9- (%- 6: T9- %6:TW3)- 6) 56!($-NT3T'6N W'** N6T 'N:)'NB- 3ND T9')5 P3)TD P3T-NT%, !6PD)'B9T%, T)35-$3)E% 6) 6T9-) )'B9T%.
!6PD)'B9T 96*5-)% W'** N6T 8- *'38*- :6) 3ND 5')-!T, 'N5')-!T, %P-!'3* 6) !6N%-G(-NT'3* 53$3B-% 3)'%'NB 6(T 6: 3ND (%- 6: T9- %6:TW3)- 6) 56!($-NT3T'6N. The name and trademar,s of copyright holders may N6T be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to the software without specific, written prior permission. Title to copyright in this software and any associated documentation will at all times remain with copyright holders.
Portions of this software are based in part on the wor, of %un $icrosystems, 'nc. 8ecause $icrosoft has included the %un $icrosystems, 'nc. software in this product, $icrosoft is re;uired to include the following te&t that accompanied such software< %un )P! is a product of %un $icrosystems, 'nc. and is provided for unrestricted use provided that this legend is included on all tape media and as a part of the software program in whole or part. (sers may copy or modify %un )P! without charge, but are not authori+ed to license or distribute it to anyone else e&cept as part of a product or program developed by the user. %(N )P! '% P)67'5-5 3% '% W'T9 N6 W3))3NT'-% 6: 3ND E'N5 'N!*(5'NB T9- W3))3NT'-% 6: 5-%'BN, $-)!93NT'8'*'TD 3N5 :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%-, 6) 3)'%'NB :)6$ 3 !6()%- 6: 5-3*'NB, (%3B- 6) T)35- P)3!T'!-. %un )P! is provided with no support and without any obligation on the part of %un $icrosystems, 'nc. to assist in its use, correction, modification or enhancement. %(N $'!)6%D%T-$%, 'N!. %93** 937- N6 *'38'*'TD W'T9 )-%P-!T T6 T9- 'N:)'NB-$-NT 6: !6PD)'B9T%, T)35- %-!)-T% 6) 3ND P3T-NT% 8D %(N )P! 6) 3ND P3)T T9-)-6:. 'n no event will %un $icrosystems, 'nc. be liable for any lost revenue or profits or other special, indirect and conse;uential damages, even if %un has been advised of the possibility of such damages. %un $icrosystems, 'nc. /AA0 Barcia 3venue $ountain 7iew, !alifornia =N0N2
$anufactured under license from 5olby *aboratories. 5olby" and the double45 symbol are trademar,s of 5olby *aboratories. !onfidential unpublished wor,s. !opyright 1==/41==? 5olby *aboratories. 3ll rights reserved.
!ontains 3dobe S:lash andJor %hoc,waveT Player technology by 3dobe %ystems 'ncorporated. !opyright . 1==H U /012 3dobe %ystems 'ncorporated. 3ll rights reserved. 3dobe, :lash, and %hoc,wave are trademar,s or registered trademar,s of 3dobe %ystems 'ncorporated in the (nited %tates and internationally.
Portions of this software are based in part on the wor, of 3ndrei 3le&andrescu. 8ecause $icrosoft has included the 3ndrei 3le&andrescu software in this product, $icrosoft is re;uired to include the following te&t that accompanied such software< The *o,i *ibrary !opyright . /001 by 3ndrei 3le&andrescu
This code accompanies the boo,< 3le&andrescu, 3ndrei. C$odern !QQ 5esign< Beneric Programming and 5esign Patterns 3pplied.C !opyright . /001. 3ddison4Wesley. Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The author or 3ddison4Welsey *ongman ma,e no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. 't is provided Cas isC without e&press or implied warranty.
Portions of this software are based in part on the wor, of the 5istributed $anagement Tas, :orce, 'nc. (5$T:#. 8ecause $icrosoft has included software based on 5$T: specifications in this product, $icrosoft is re;uired to include the following te&t< !opyright . /00? 5istributed $anagement Tas, :orce, 'nc. (5$T:#. 3ll rights reserved.
Portions of this wor, are derived from CThe 5raft %tandard !QQ *ibraryC !opyright . 1==A by P.L. Plauger published by Prentice49all and are used with permission.
Portions !opyright /00/4/00? !harlie Poole or !opyright /00/4/00N Lames W. New,ir,, $ichael !. Two, 3le&ei 3. 7orontsov or !opyright /0004/00/ Philip 3. !raig
Portions of this software are based in part on the wor, of 9ewlett4Pac,ard !ompany. 8ecause $icrosoft has included the 9ewlett4Pac,ard !ompany software in this product, $icrosoft is re;uired to include the following te&t that accompanied such software< !opyright . /00/, /002 9ewlett4Pac,ard !ompany. 3bout Notice< This software is based on software available from http< This software processes a format called $P7. $P7 is an open specification for managing collections and multimedia playlists of photo, video, and music content and associated metadata and is available at no cost from the 6ptical %torage Technology 3ssociation. $ore information about the $P7 specification can be found at http<JJwww.osta.orgJmpv. Permission Notice< Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the C%oftwareC#, to deal in the %oftware without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, andJor sell copies of the %oftware, and to permit persons to whom the %oftware is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions< The above copyright notice, this permission notice, and the above 3bout Notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the %oftware. T9- %6:TW3)- '% P)67'5-5 C3% '%C, W'T96(T W3))3NTD 6: 3ND E'N5, -FP)-%% 6) '$P*'-5, 'N!*(5'NB 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6 T9- W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD, :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%- 3N5 N6N'N:)'NB-$-NT. 'N N6 -7-NT %93** T9- 3(T96)% 6)
!6PD)'B9T 96*5-)% 8- *'38*- :6) 3ND !*3'$, 53$3B-% 6) 6T9-) *'38'*'TD, W9-T9-) 'N 3N 3!T'6N 6: !6NT)3!T, T6)T 6) 6T9-)W'%-, 3)'%'NB :)6$, 6(T 6: 6) 'N !6NN-!T'6N W'T9 T9- %6:TW3)- 6) T9- (%6) 6T9-) 5-3*'NB% 'N T9- %6:TW3)-. -&cept as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this %oftware without prior written authori+ation of the copyright holder.
Portions of 'nternational !orrect%pellV spelling correction system . 1==2 by *ernout W 9auspie %peech Products N.7. 3ll rights reserved. The 3merican 9eritage 5ictionary of the -nglish *anguage, Third -dition !opyright . 1==/ 9oughton $ifflin !ompany. -lectronic version licensed from *ernout W 9auspie %peech Products N.7. 3ll rights reserved.
3ll rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the %oftware"#, to deal in the %oftware without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, andJor sell copies of the %oftware, and to permit persons to whom the %oftware is furnished to do so, provided that the above copyright notice(s#, authors website url, and this permission notice appear in all copies of the %oftware and that the above copyright notice(s#, authors url, and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
This product includes software from the 8o&/5 engine developed by -rin !atto ( 4444444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses materials from 8igelow and 9olmes *ucida typeface(s# !opyright. 1=>A, 1=>H, 1=>?, 1=>> and 1==0 by 8igelow W 9olmes (.%. Patents 5es. />=,N/0P 5es. />=,N/1P 5es. />=,N//P 5es. />=,??2 4444444444444444444444444444444444 Portions of this software are based in part on fle&. 8ecause $icrosoft has included fle& software in this product, $icrosoft is re;uired to include the following te&t that accompanied such software< !opyright (c# /001, /00/, /002, /00N, /00A, /00H, /00? The :le& Project. !opyright (c# 1==0, 1==? The )egents of the (niversity of !alifornia. 3ll rights reserved. This code is derived from software contributed to 8er,eley by 7ern Pa&son. The (nited %tates Bovernment has rights in this wor, pursuant to contract no. 5-43!024?H%:000=> between the (nited %tates 5epartment of -nergy and the (niversity of !alifornia. )edistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
that the following conditions are met< 1. )edistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. /. )edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation andJor other materials provided with the distribution. Neither the name of the (niversity nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. T9'% %6:TW3)- '% P)67'5-5 OO3% '%KK 3N5 W'T96(T 3ND -FP)-%% 6) '$P*'-5 W3))3NT'-%, 'N!*(5'NB, W'T96(T *'$'T3T'6N, T9- '$P*'-5 W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD 3N5 :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%-. 4444444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses materials from :ast!B' fastcgi.h 5efines for the :ast!B' protocol. !opyright (c# 1==A41==H 6pen $ar,et, 'nc. This :ast!B' application library source and object code (the C%oftwareC# and its documentation (the C5ocumentationC# are copyrighted by 6pen $ar,et, 'nc (C6pen $ar,etC#. The following terms apply to all files associated with the %oftware and 5ocumentation unless e&plicitly disclaimed in individual files. 6pen $ar,et permits you to use, copy, modify, distribute, and license this %oftware and the 5ocumentation for any purpose, provided that e&isting copyright notices are retained in all copies and that this notice is included verbatim in any distributions. No written agreement, license, or royalty fee is re;uired for any of the authori+ed uses. $odifications to this %oftware and 5ocumentation may be copyrighted by their authors and need not follow the licensing terms described here. 'f modifications to this %oftware and 5ocumentation have new licensing terms, the new terms must be clearly indicated on the first page of each file where they apply. 6P-N $3)E-T $3E-% N6 -FP)-%% 6) '$P*'-5 W3))3NTD W'T9 )-%P-!T T6 T9- %6:TW3)- 6) T956!($-NT3T'6N, 'N!*(5'NB W'T96(T *'$'T3T'6N 3ND W3))3NTD 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD 6) :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%-. 'N N6 -7-NT %93** 6P-N $3)E-T 8- *'38*- T6 D6( 6) 3ND T9')5 P3)TD :6) 3ND 53$3B-% 3)'%'NB :)6$ 6) )-*3T'NB T6 T9'% %6:TW3)- 6) T9- 56!($-NT3T'6N, 'N!*(5'NB, W'T96(T *'$'T3T'6N, 3ND 'N5')-!T, %P-!'3* 6) !6N%-G(-NT'3* 53$3B-% 6) %'$'*3) 53$3B-%, 'N!*(5'NB *6%T P)6:'T% 6) *6%T 53T3, -7-N ': 6P-N $3)E-T 93% 8--N 357'%-5 6: T9- P6%%'8'*'TD 6: %(!9 53$3B-%. T9- %6:TW3)- 3N5 56!($-NT3T'6N 3)- P)67'5-5 C3% '%C. 6P-N $3)E-T 93% N6 *'38'*'TD 'N !6NT)3!T, T6)T, N-B*'B-N!- 6) 6T9-)W'%- 3)'%'NB 6(T 6: T9'% %6:TW3)- 6) T9- 56!($-NT3T'6N. 4444444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses materials from PL NaughterXs 8aseHN 'mplementation. !opyright (c# 1=== 4 /00N by PL Naughter. 3ll rights reserved. (sed by permission. 4444444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses materials from ):! 21?N. !opyright (!# The 'nternet %ociety (/001#. 3ll )ights )eserved. This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and derivative wor,s that comment on or otherwise e&plain it or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any ,ind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are included on all such copies and derivative wor,s. 9owever, this document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing the copyright notice or references to the 'nternet %ociety or other 'nternet organi+ations, e&cept as needed for the purpose of
developing 'nternet standards in which case the procedures for copyrights defined in the 'nternet %tandards process must be followed, or as re;uired to translate it into languages other than -nglish. The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revo,ed by the 'nternet %ociety or its successors or assigns. This document and the information contained herein is provided on an C3% '%C basis and T9- 'NT-)N-T %6!'-TD 3N5 T9- 'NT-)N-T -NB'N--)'NB T3%E :6)!- 5'%!*3'$% 3** W3))3NT'-%, -FP)-%% 6) '$P*'-5, 'N!*(5'NB 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6 3ND W3))3NTD T93T T9- (%- 6: T9- 'N:6)$3T'6N 9-)-'N W'** N6T 'N:)'NB- 3ND )'B9T% 6) 3ND '$P*'-5 W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD 6) :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%-. 4444444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses materials from ):! 2AA0. !opyright (!# The 'nternet %ociety (/001#. 3ll )ights )eserved. This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and derivative wor,s that comment on or otherwise e&plain it or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any ,ind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are included on all such copies and derivative wor,s. 9owever, this document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing the copyright notice or references to the 'nternet %ociety or other 'nternet organi+ations, e&cept as needed for the purpose of developing 'nternet standards in which case the procedures for copyrights defined in the 'nternet %tandards process must be followed, or as re;uired to translate it into languages other than -nglish. The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revo,ed by the 'nternet %ociety or its successors or assigns. This document and the information contained herein is provided on an C3% '%C basis and T9- 'NT-)N-T %6!'-TD 3N5 T9- 'NT-)N-T -NB'N--)'NB T3%E :6)!- 5'%!*3'$% 3** W3))3NT'-%, -FP)-%% 6) '$P*'-5, 'N!*(5'NB 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6 3ND W3))3NTD T93T T9- (%- 6: T9- 'N:6)$3T'6N 9-)-'N W'** N6T 'N:)'NB- 3ND )'B9T% 6) 3ND '$P*'-5 W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD 6) :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%-. 4444444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses materials copyright 8ob Len,ins. (c# 8ob Len,ins, 1==H. ?NA1/./ Dou may use this code any way you wish, private, educational, or commercial, as long as this whole comment accompanies it. %ee http<JJourworld.compuserve.comJhomepagesJbobMjen,insJevahash.htm (se to detect changes between revisions of documents, assuming nobody is trying to cause collisions. 5o N6T use for cryptography. 4444444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses materials copyright 6pen7ision Technologies, 'nc. !opyright 1==2 by 6pen7ision Technologies, 'nc. Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of 6pen7ision not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. 6pen7ision ma,es no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. 't is provided Cas isC without e&press or implied warranty.
6P-N7'%'6N 5'%!*3'$% 3** W3))3NT'-% W'T9 )-B3)5 T6 T9'% %6:TW3)-, 'N!*(5'NB 3** '$P*'-5 W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD 3N5 :'TN-%%, 'N N6 -7-NT %93** 6P-N7'%'6N 8- *'38*- :6) 3ND %P-!'3*, 'N5')-!T 6) !6N%-G(-NT'3* 53$3B-% 6) 3ND 53$3B-% W93T%6-7-) )-%(*T'NB :)6$ *6%% 6: (%-, 53T3 6) P)6:'T%, W9-T9-) 'N 3N 3!T'6N 6: !6NT)3!T, N-B*'B-N!- 6) 6T9-) T6)T'6(% 3!T'6N, 3)'%'NB 6(T 6: 6) 'N !6NN-!T'6N W'T9 T9- (%- 6) P-):6)$3N!- 6: T9'% %6:TW3)-. 4444444444444444444444444444444444 !opyright (c# /00H by 8-3, 8$!, !3, !isco, 5ell, -$!, 9P, '8$, 'ntel, $icrosoft, and %un. 3ll rights reserved. Permission to copy, display, and distribute this %ervice $odeling *anguage (%$*# %chema 5ocument, in any medium without fee or royalty is hereby granted, provided that you include the following on 3** copies of the %$* %chema 5ocument, or portions thereof, that you ma,e< 1. 3 lin, or ()* to the %$* %chema 5ocument at this location< http<JJschemas.serviceml.orgJsmlJ/00?J0/Jsml.&sd /. The copyright notice as shown in the %$* %chema 5ocument. 8-3, 8$!, !3, !isco, 5ell, -$!, 9P, '8$, 'ntel, $icrosoft, and %un (collectively, the 3uthors"# each agree to grant you a royalty4free license, under reasonable, non4discriminatory terms and conditions to their respective patents that they deem necessary to implement the %ervice $odeling *anguage %chema 5ocument. T9- %$* %!9-$3 56!($-NT '% P)67'5-5 C3% '%,C 3N5 T9- 3(T96)% $3E- N6 )-P)-%-NT3T'6N% 6) W3))3NT'-%, -FP)-%% 6) '$P*'-5, 'N!*(5'NB, 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6, W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD, :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%-, N6N4'N:)'NB-$-NT, 6) T'T*-P T93T T9!6NT-NT% 6: T9- %$* %!9-$3 56!($-NT 3)- %('T38*- :6) 3ND P()P6%-P N6) T93T T9'$P*-$-NT3T'6N 6: %(!9 !6NT-NT% W'** N6T 'N:)'NB- 3ND T9')5 P3)TD P3T-NT%, !6PD)'B9T%, T)35-$3)E% 6) 6T9-) )'B9T%. T9- 3(T96)% W'** N6T 8- *'38*- :6) 3ND 5')-!T, 'N5')-!T, %P-!'3*, 'N!'5-NT3* 6) !6N%-G(-NT'3* 53$3B-% 3)'%'NB 6(T 6: 6) )-*3T'NB T6 3ND (%- 6) 5'%T)'8(T'6N 6: T9- %$* %!9-$3 56!($-NT. The name and trademar,s of the 3uthors may N6T be used in any manner, including advertising or publicity pertaining to the %$* %chema 5ocument or its contents without specific, written prior permission. Title to copyright in the %$* %chema 5ocument will at all times remain with the 3uthors. (c# /0014/00H 8-3 %ystems, 'nc., 8$! %oftware, !3, 'nc., 'nternational 8usiness $achines !orporation, *ayer ? Technologies, $icrosoft !orporation, 'nc., Novell, 'nc. and 7eri%ign, 'nc. 3ll rights reserved. Permission to copy, display, perform, modify and distribute W%43(T96)'I3T'6N.F%5 (the C5ocumentC#, and to authori+e others to do the foregoing, in any medium without fee or royalty is hereby granted for the purpose of developing and evaluating the 5ocument. 8-3 %ystems, 8$! %oftware, !3 'nc., '8$, *ayer ? Technologies, $icrosoft, Novell and 7eri%ign (collectively, the C3uthorsC# each agree to grant a license to third parties, under royalty4free and otherwise reasonable, non4discriminatory terms and conditions, to their respective essential patent claims that they deem necessary to implement the 5ocument. T9- 56!($-NT '% P)67'5-5 C3% '%,C 3N5 T9- 3(T96)% $3E- N6 )-P)-%-NT3T'6N% 6) W3))3NT'-%, -FP)-%% 6) '$P*'-5, 'N!*(5'NB, 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6, W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD, :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%-, N6N4'N:)'NB-$-NT, 6) T'T*-P T93T T9!6NT-NT% 6: T9- 56!($-NT '% %('T38*- :6) 3ND P()P6%-P N6) T93T T9- '$P*-$-NT3T'6N 6:
%(!9 !6NT-NT% W'** N6T 'N:)'NB- 3ND T9')5 P3)TD, P3T-NT%, !6PD)'B9T%, T)35-$3)E% 6) 6T9-) )'B9T%. T9- 3(T96)% W'** N6T 8- *'38*- :6) 3ND 5')-!T, 'N5')-!T, %P-!'3*, 'N!'5-NT3* 6) !6N%-G(-NT'3* 53$3B-% 3)'%'NB 6(T 6: 3ND (%- 6: T956!($-NT 6) T9- P-):6)$3N!- 6) '$P*-$-NT3T'6N 6: T9- !6NT-NT% T9-)-6:. Dou may remove these disclaimers from your modified versions of the 5ocument provided that you effectively disclaim all warranties and liabilities on behalf of all copyright holders in the copies of any such modified versions you distribute. The name and trademar,s of the 3uthors may N6T be used in any manner, including advertising or publicity pertaining to the 5ocument or its contents without specific, written prior permission. Title to copyright in the 5ocument will at all times remain with the 3uthors. (c# /0014/00H 8-3 %ystems 'nc., 'nternational 8usiness $achines !orporation, $icrosoft !orporation, 'nc., %3P 3B, %onic %oftware, and 7eri%ign, 'nc. 3ll rights reserved. Permission to copy and display the W%4Policy %pecification (the C%pecificationC, which includes W%5* and schema documents#, in any medium without fee or royalty is hereby granted, provided that you include the following on 3** copies of the W%4Policy %pecification, that you ma,e< 1. 3 lin, or ()* to the W%4Policy %pecification at one of the 3uthorsK websites /. The copyright notice as shown in the W%4Policy %pecification. 8-3 %ystems, '8$, $icrosoft, %3P, %onic %oftware, and 7eri%ign (collectively, the C3uthorsC# each agree to grant you a license, under royalty4free and otherwise reasonable, non4discriminatory terms and conditions, to their respective essential patent claims that they deem necessary to implement the W%4 Policy %pecification. T9- W%4P6*'!D %P-!':'!3T'6N '% P)67'5-5 C3% '%,C 3N5 T9- 3(T96)% $3E- N6 )-P)-%-NT3T'6N% 6) W3))3NT'-%, -FP)-%% 6) '$P*'-5, 'N!*(5'NB, 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6, W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD, :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%-, N6N4'N:)'NB-$-NT, 6) T'T*-P T93T T9!6NT-NT% 6: T9- W%4P6*'!D %P-!':'!3T'6N 3)- %('T38*- :6) 3ND P()P6%-P N6) T93T T9'$P*-$-NT3T'6N 6: %(!9 !6NT-NT% W'** N6T 'N:)'NB- 3ND T9')5 P3)TD P3T-NT%, !6PD)'B9T%, T)35-$3)E% 6) 6T9-) )'B9T%. T9- 3(T96)% W'** N6T 8- *'38*- :6) 3ND 5')-!T, 'N5')-!T, %P-!'3*, 'N!'5-NT3* 6) !6N%-G(-NT'3* 53$3B-% 3)'%'NB 6(T 6: 6) )-*3T'NB T6 3ND (%- 6) 5'%T)'8(T'6N 6: T9- W%4 P6*'!D %P-!':'!3T'6N. The name and trademar,s of the 3uthors may N6T be used in any manner, including advertising or publicity pertaining to the W%4Policy %pecification or its contents without specific, written prior permission. Title to copyright in the W%4Policy %pecification will at all times remain with the 3uthors. No other rights are granted by implication, estoppel or otherwise. 4444444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses materials authored by L. Iobel. Guic,ly computes a hash value from a se;uence of bytes. This type of hash is N6T !)DPT6B)3P9'!P it is designed only for use in hash tables. The author has made it public domain as long as it has this comment< 3uthor< L. Iobel, 3pril /001. Permission to use this code
is freely granted, provided that this statement is retained. 4444444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses materials copyright )egents of the (niversity of !alifornia. !opyright (c# 1=>/, 1=>H, 1==0, 1==2 The )egents of the (niversity of !alifornia. 3ll rights reserved. )edistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met< 1. )edistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. /. )edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation andJor other materials provided with the distribution. 2. 3ll advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following ac,nowledgement< This product includes software developed by the (niversity of !alifornia, 8er,eley and its contributors. N. Neither the name of the (niversity nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. T9'% %6:TW3)- '% P)67'5-5 8D T9- )-B-NT% 3N5 !6NT)'8(T6)% OO3% '%KK 3N5 3ND -FP)-%% 6) '$P*'-5 W3))3NT'-%, 'N!*(5'NB, 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6, T9- '$P*'-5 W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD 3N5 :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%- 3)- 5'%!*3'$-5. 'N N6 -7-NT %93** T9- )-B-NT% 6) !6NT)'8(T6)% 8- *'38*- :6) 3ND 5')-!T, 'N5')-!T, 'N!'5-NT3*, %P-!'3*, -F-$P*3)D, 6) !6N%-G(-NT'3* 53$3B-% ('N!*(5'NB, 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6, P)6!()-$-NT 6: %(8%T'T(T- B665% 6) %-)7'!-%P *6%% 6: (%-, 53T3, 6) P)6:'T%P 6) 8(%'N-%% 'NT-))(PT'6N# 96W-7-) !3(%-5 3N5 6N 3ND T9-6)D 6: *'38'*'TD, W9-T9-) 'N !6NT)3!T, %T)'!T *'38'*'TD, 6) T6)T ('N!*(5'NB N-B*'B-N!- 6) 6T9-)W'%-# 3)'%'NB 'N 3ND W3D 6(T 6: T9- (%- 6: T9'% %6:TW3)-, -7-N ': 357'%-5 6: T9- P6%%'8'*'TD 6: %(!9 53$3B-. 4444444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses materials copyright 63%'%. !opyright 63%'% 6pen /00/4/00H. 3ll )ights )eserved. This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and derivative wor,s that comment on or otherwise e&plain it or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any ,ind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are included on all such copies and derivative wor,s. 9owever, this document itself does not be modified in any way, such as by removing the copyright notice or references to 63%'%, e&cept as needed for the purpose of developing 63%'% specifications, in which case the procedures for copyrights defined in the 63%'% 'ntellectual Property )ights document must be followed, or as re;uired to translate it into languages other than -nglish. The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revo,ed by 63%'% or its successors or assigns. This document and the information contained herein is provided on an 3% '% basis and 63%'% 5'%!*3'$% 3** W3))3NT'-%, -FP)-%% 6) '$P*'-5, 'N!*(5'NB 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6 3ND W3))3NTD T93T T9- (%- 6: T9- 'N:6)$3T'6N 9-)-'N W'** N6T 'N:)'NB- 3ND )'B9T% 6) 3ND '$P*'-5 W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD 6) :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%-. 4444444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses materials copyright 5avid Bottner. !opyright 1==N, 5avid Bottner 3ll )ights )eserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice, this permission notice and the following disclaimer notice appear unmodified in all copies.
' 5'%!*3'$ 3** W3))3NT'-% W'T9 )-B3)5 T6 T9'% %6:TW3)-, 'N!*(5'NB 3** '$P*'-5 W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD 3N5 :'TN-%%. 'N N6 -7-NT %93** ' 8- *'38*- :6) 3ND %P-!'3*, 'N5')-!T, 6) !6N%-G(-NT'3* 53$3B-% 6) 3ND 53$3B-% W93T%6-7-) )-%(*T'NB :)6$ *6%% 6: (%-, 53T3, 6) P)6:'T%, W9-T9-) 'N 3N 3!T'6N 6: !6NT)3!T, N-B*'B-N!- 6) 6T9-) T6)T'6(% 3!T'6N, 3)'%'NB 6(T 6: 6) 'N !6NN-!T'6N W'T9 T9- (%- 6) P-):6)$3N!- 6: T9'% %6:TW3)-. 4444444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses materials copyright William -. Eempf, 'nc. (c# !opyright William -. Eempf /001 Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. William -. Eempf ma,es no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. 't is provided Cas isC without e&press or implied warranty. 4444444444444444444444444444444444 This file uses materials from *ibT'::. !opyright (c# 1=>>41==? %am *effler !opyright (c# 1==141==? %ilicon Braphics, 'nc. Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that (i# the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii# the names of %am *effler and %ilicon Braphics may not be used in any advertising or publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written permission of %am *effler and %ilicon Braphics. T9- %6:TW3)- '% P)67'5-5 C3%4'%C 3N5 W'T96(T W3))3NTD 6: 3ND E'N5, -FP)-%%, '$P*'-5 6) 6T9-)W'%-, 'N!*(5'NB W'T96(T *'$'T3T'6N, 3ND W3))3NTD 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD 6) :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%-. 'N N6 -7-NT %93** %3$ *-::*-) 6) %'*'!6N B)3P9'!% 8- *'38*- :6) 3ND %P-!'3*, 'N!'5-NT3*, 'N5')-!T 6) !6N%-G(-NT'3* 53$3B-% 6: 3ND E'N5, 6) 3ND 53$3B-% W93T%6-7-) )-%(*T'NB :)6$ *6%% 6: (%-, 53T3 6) P)6:'T%, W9-T9-) 6) N6T 357'%-5 6: T9- P6%%'8'*'TD 6: 53$3B-, 3N5 6N 3ND T9-6)D 6: *'38'*'TD, 3)'%'NB 6(T 6: 6) 'N !6NN-!T'6N W'T9 T9- (%- 6) P-):6)$3N!- 6: T9'% %6:TW3)-. 4444444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses materials from the TW3'N tool,it The TW3'N Tool,it is distributed as is. The developer and distributors of the TW3'N Tool,it e&pressly disclaim all implied, e&press or statutory warranties including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, noninfringement of third party rights and fitness for a particular purpose. Neither the developers nor the distributors will be liable for damages, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental, or conse;uential, as a result of the reproduction, modification, distribution or other use of the TW3'N Tool,it. 4444444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses materials copyright 'ntel !orporation. !opyright (c# /00N 4 /00?, 'ntel !orporation. 3ll rights reserved.
)edistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met< )edistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. )edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation andJor other materials provided with the distribution. T9'% %6:TW3)- '% P)67'5-5 8D T9- !6PD)'B9T 96*5-)% 3N5 !6NT)'8(T6)% C3% '%C 3N5 3ND -FP)-%% 6) '$P*'-5 W3))3NT'-%, 'N!*(5'NB, 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6, T9- '$P*'-5 W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD 3N5 :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%- 3)- 5'%!*3'$-5. 'N N6 -7-NT %93** T9- !6PD)'B9T 96*5-) 6) !6NT)'8(T6)% 8- *'38*- :6) 3ND 5')-!T, 'N5')-!T, 'N!'5-NT3*, %P-!'3*, -F-$P*3)D, 6) !6N%-G(-NT'3* 53$3B-% ('N!*(5'NB, 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6, P)6!()-$-NT 6: %(8%T'T(T- B665% 6) %-)7'!-%P *6%% 6: (%-, 53T3, 6) P)6:'T%P 6) 8(%'N-%% 'NT-))(PT'6N# 96W-7-) !3(%-5 3N5 6N 3ND T9-6)D 6: *'38'*'TD, W9-T9-) 'N !6NT)3!T, %T)'!T *'38'*'TD, 6) T6)T ('N!*(5'NB N-B*'B-N!- 6) 6T9-)W'%-# 3)'%'NB 'N 3ND W3D 6(T 6: T9- (%- 6: T9'% %6:TW3)-, -7-N ': 357'%-5 6: T9- P6%%'8'*'TD 6: %(!9 53$3B-. 4444444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses jGuery ('. !opyright /010, 3(T96)%.t&t (http<JJj;ueryui.comJabout# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the C%oftwareC#, to deal in the %oftware without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, andJor sell copies of the %oftware, and to permit persons to whom the %oftware is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions< The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the %oftware. T9- %6:TW3)- '% P)67'5-5 C3% '%C, W'T96(T W3))3NTD 6: 3ND E'N5, -FP)-%% 6) '$P*'-5, 'N!*(5'NB 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6 T9- W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD, :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%- 3N5 N6N'N:)'NB-$-NT. 'N N6 -7-NT %93** T9- 3(T96)% 6) !6PD)'B9T 96*5-)% 8*'38*- :6) 3ND !*3'$, 53$3B-% 6) 6T9-) *'38'*'TD, W9-T9-) 'N 3N 3!T'6N 6: !6NT)3!T, T6)T 6) 6T9-)W'%-, 3)'%'NB :)6$, 6(T 6: 6) 'N !6NN-!T'6N W'T9 T9- %6:TW3)- 6) T9- (%- 6) 6T9-) 5-3*'NB% 'N T9- %6:TW3)-. 4444444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses &9!' %pecification 'nformation. !opyright . /00>4/010 'ntel !orporation. 3ll rights reserved. http<!'M3doptersM3greement.pdf 2./ !opyright *icense. %ubject to 3dopterXs compliance with the terms of this 3greement, 'ntel, on behalf of itself and the !ontributors, also hereby grants to 3dopter a non4e&clusive, royalty4free, non4 transferable, non4sublicenseable, worldwide copyright license to the :inal %pecification to reproduce the :inal %pecification as necessary in order to e&ercise the patent rights granted in %ection 2.1(a#, provided that all reproductions thereof shall include any copyright notices and disclaimers contained in the :inal %pecification. 'NT-* 3%%($-% N6 *'38'*'TD W93T%6-7-) 3N5 'NT-* 5'%!*3'$% 3ND -FP)-%% 6) '$P*'-5 W3))3NTD, )-*3T'NB T6 %3*- 3N5J6) (%- 6: 'NT-* P)65(!T% 'N!*(5'NB *'38'*'TD 6) W3))3NT'-% )-*3T'NB T6 :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%-, $-)!93NT38'*'TD, 6) 'N:)'NB-$-NT 6: 3ND P3T-NT, !6PD)'B9T 6) 6T9-) 'NT-**-!T(3* P)6P-)TD )'B9T.
4444444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses materials from ):! N02N. !opyright (!# The 'nternet %ociety (/00A#. This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions contained in 8!P ?>, and e&cept as set forth therein, the authors retain all their rights. This document and the information contained herein are provided on an C3% '%C basis and T9!6NT)'8(T6), T9- 6)B3N'I3T'6N 9-J%9- )-P)-%-NT% 6) '% %P6N%6)-5 8D (': 3ND#, T9'NT-)N-T %6!'-TD 3N5 T9- 'NT-)N-T -NB'N--)'NB T3%E :6)!- 5'%!*3'$ 3** W3))3NT'-%, -FP)-%% 6) '$P*'-5, 'N!*(5'NB 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6 3ND W3))3NTD T93T T9- (%- 6: T9'N:6)$3T'6N 9-)-'N W'** N6T 'N:)'NB- 3ND )'B9T% 6) 3ND '$P*'-5 W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD 6) :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%-. 'ntellectual Property The '-T: ta,es no position regarding the validity or scope of any 'ntellectual Property )ights or other rights that might be claimed to pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in this document or the e&tent to which any license under such rights might or might not be availableP nor does it represent that it has made any independent effort to identify any such rights. 'nformation on the procedures with respect to rights in ):! documents can be found in 8!P ?> and 8!P ?=. !opies of 'P) disclosures made to the '-T: %ecretariat and any assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this specification can be obtained from the '-T: on4line 'P) repository at http<JJwww.ietf.orgJipr. The '-T: invites any interested party to bring to its attention an copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary rights that may cover technology that may be re;uired to implement this standard. Please address the information to the '-T: at 4444444444444444444444444444444444 This this software is based in part on the wor, of the 'ndependent LP-B Broup. !opyright (!# 1==14/012, Thomas B. *ane, Buido 7ollbeding. 3ll )ights )eserved e&cept as specified below. Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software (or portions thereof# for any purpose, without fee, subject to these conditions< (1# 'f any part of the source code for this software is distributed, then this )-35$- file must be included, with this copyright and no4warranty notice unalteredP and any additions, deletions, or changes to the original files must be clearly indicated in accompanying documentation. (/# 'f only e&ecutable code is distributed, then the accompanying documentation must state that Cthis software is based in part on the wor, of the 'ndependent LP-B BroupC. (2# Permission for use of this software is granted only if the user accepts full responsibility for any undesirable conse;uencesP the authors accept N6 *'38'*'TD for damages of any ,ind. 4444444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses materials copyright %tephen %atchell. !opyright (!# 1=>H %tephen %atchell. Programmers may incorporate any or all code into their programs, giving proper credit within the source. Publication of the source routines is permitted so long as proper credit is given to %tephen %atchell, %atchell -valuations and !huc, :orsberg, 6men Technology. 4444444444444444444444444444444444
This product uses materials copyright Lon Ieeff. !opyright 1=>> Lon Ieeff ( Dou can use this code in any manner, as long as you leave my name on it and donKt hold me responsible for any problems with it. 4444444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses materials copyright *e&mar, 'nternational !opyright (c# 1==24/002 *e&mar, 'nternational 'nc. 3ll )ights )eserved. Permission is granted for redistribution of this file as long as this copyright notice is intact and the content of the file is not altered in any way from its original form. 4444444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses +lib. !opyright (!# 1==A4/00/ Lean4loup Bailly and $ar, 3dler This software is provided Kas4isK, without any e&press or implied warranty. 'n no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions< 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresentedP you must not claim that you wrote the original software. 'f you use this software in a product, an ac,nowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not re;uired. /. 3ltered source versions must be plainly mar,ed as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 2. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. Lean4loup Bailly $ar, 3dler
4444444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses %afe'nt. %afe'nt.hpp 7ersion 2.0.1Np This software is licensed under the $icrosoft Public *icense ($s4P*#. :or more information about $icrosoft open source licenses, refer to http< This license governs use of the accompanying software. 'f you use the software, you accept this license. 'f you do not accept the license, do not use the software. 5efinitions The terms Creproduce,C Creproduction,C Cderivative wor,s,C and CdistributionC have the same meaning here as under (.%. copyright law. 3 CcontributionC is the original software, or any additions or changes to the software. 3 CcontributorC is any person that distributes its contribution under this license. C*icensed patentsC are a contributorKs patent claims that read directly on its contribution. Brant of )ights
(3# !opyright Brant4 %ubject to the terms of this license, including the license conditions and limitations in section 2, each contributor grants you a non4e&clusive, worldwide, royalty4free copyright license to reproduce its contribution, prepare derivative wor,s of its contribution, and distribute its contribution or any derivative wor,s that you create. (8# Patent Brant4 %ubject to the terms of this license, including the license conditions and limitations in section 2, each contributor grants you a non4e&clusive, worldwide, royalty4free license under its licensed patents to ma,e, have made, use, sell, offer for sale, import, andJor otherwise dispose of its contribution in the software or derivative wor,s of the contribution in the software. !onditions and *imitations (3# No Trademar, *icense4 This license does not grant you rights to use any contributorsK name, logo, or trademar,s. (8# 'f you bring a patent claim against any contributor over patents that you claim are infringed by the software, your patent license from such contributor to the software ends automatically. (!# 'f you distribute any portion of the software, you must retain all copyright, patent, trademar,, and attribution notices that are present in the software. (5# 'f you distribute any portion of the software in source code form, you may do so only under this license by including a complete copy of this license with your distribution. 'f you distribute any portion of the software in compiled or object code form, you may only do so under a license that complies with this license. (-# The software is licensed Cas4is.C Dou bear the ris, of using it. The contributors give no e&press warranties, guarantees, or conditions. Dou may have additional consumer rights under your local laws which this license cannot change. To the e&tent permitted under your local laws, the contributors e&clude the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non4 infringement. 4444444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses materials from Braphic Bems," 3cademic Press, 1==0. 4444444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses materials copyright Bary P. $ussar !opyright (c# 1==0 Bary P. $ussar. J@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ !)! utility routines for general 1H and 2/ bit !)!s. @ @ 1==0 Bary P. $ussar @ This code is released to the public domain. There are no restrictions, @ however, ac,nowledging the author by ,eeping this comment around @ would be appreciated. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@J 4444444444444444444444444444444444 This product includes software developed by the 6pen%%* Project for use in the 6pen%%* Tool,it (http<JJwww.openssl.orgJ# !opyright (c# 1==>4/011 The 6pen%%* Project. 3ll rights reserved. )edistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met<
1. )edistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and
the following disclaimer.
/. )edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions
and the following disclaimer in the documentation andJor other materials provided with the distribution.
2. 3ll advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following
ac,nowledgment< CThis product includes software developed by the 6pen%%* Project for use in the 6pen%%* Tool,it. (http<JJwww.openssl.orgJ#C The names C6pen%%* Tool,itC and C6pen%%* ProjectC must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. :or written permission, please contact their names without prior written permission of the 6pen%%* Project.
A. Products derived from this software may not be called C6pen%%*C nor may C6pen%%*C appear in H. )edistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following ac,nowledgment<
CThis product includes software developed by the 6pen%%* Project for use in the 6pen%%* Tool,it (http<JJwww.openssl.orgJ#C T9'% %6:TW3)- '% P)67'5-5 8D T9- 6pen%%* P)6L-!T OO3% '%KK 3N5 3ND -FP)-%%-5 6) '$P*'-5 W3))3NT'-%, 'N!*(5'NB, 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6, T9- '$P*'-5 W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD 3N5 :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%- 3)- 5'%!*3'$-5. 'N N6 -7-NT %93** T9- 6pen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his product includes cryptographic software written by -ric Doung ( This product includes software written by Tim 9udson ( 6riginal %%*eay *icense 44444444444444444444444 !opyright (!# 1==A41==> -ric Doung ( 3ll rights reserved. This pac,age is an %%* implementation written by -ric Doung ( The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes %%*. This library is free for commercial and non4commercial use as long as the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the )!N, )%3, lhash, 5-%, etc., codeP not just the %%* code. The %%* documentation included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms e&cept that the holder is Tim 9udson ( !opyright remains -ric DoungKs, and as such any !opyright notices in the code are not to be removed. 'f this pac,age is used in a product, -ric Doung should be given attribution as the author of the parts of the library used. This can be in the form of a te&tual message at program startup or in documentation (online or te&tual# provided with the pac,age. )edistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met< 1. )edistributions of source code must retain the copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
/. )edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions
and the following disclaimer in the documentation andJor other materials provided with the distribution.
2. 3ll advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following
ac,nowledgement< CThis product includes cryptographic software written by -ric Doung ( The word KcryptographicK can be left out if the rouines from the library being used are not cryptographic related <4#. N. 'f you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof# from the apps directory (application code# you must include an ac,nowledgement< CThis product includes software written by Tim 9udson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he licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be copied and put under another distribution licence Sincluding the BN( Public *icence.T 4444444444444444444444444 Portions of this software are based in part on :ree8%5. 8ecause $icrosoft has included the :ree8%5 software in this product, $icrosoft is re;uired to include the following te&t that accompanied such software< 3ll of the documentation and software included in the N.N8%5 and N.N8%54*ite )eleases is copyrighted by The )egents of the (niversity of !alifornia. !opyright 1=?=, 1=>0, 1=>2, 1=>H, 1=>>, 1=>=, 1==1, 1==/, 1==2, 1==N The )egents of the (niversity of !alifornia. 3ll rights reserved. )edistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met< 1. )edistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. 3.
)edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation andJor other materials provided with the distribution.
3ll advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following ac,nowledgement< This product includes software developed by the (niversity of !alifornia, 8er,eley and its contributors. 4. Neither the name of the (niversity nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. T9'% %6:TW3)- '% P)67'5-5 8D T9- )-B-NT% 3N5 !6NT)'8(T6)% OO3% '%KK 3N5 3ND -FP)-%% 6) '$P*'-5 W3))3NT'-%, 'N!*(5'NB, 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6, T9- '$P*'-5 W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD 3N5 :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%- 3)- 5'%!*3'$-5. 'N N6 -7-NT %93** T9- )-B-NT% 6) !6NT)'8(T6)% 8- *'38*- :6) 3ND 5')-!T, 'N5')-!T, 'N!'5-NT3*, %P-!'3*, -F-$P*3)D, 6) !6N%-G(-NT'3* 53$3B-% ('N!*(5'NB, 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6, P)6!()-$-NT 6: %(8%T'T(T- B665% 6) %-)7'!-%P *6%% 6: (%-, 53T3, 6) P)6:'T%P 6) 8(%'N-%% 'NT-))(PT'6N#
96W-7-) !3(%-5 3N5 6N 3ND T9-6)D 6: *'38'*'TD, W9-T9-) 'N !6NT)3!T, %T)'!T *'38'*'TD, 6) T6)T ('N!*(5'NB N-B*'B-N!- 6) 6T9-)W'%-# 3)'%'NB 'N 3ND W3D 6(T 6: T9- (%- 6: T9'% %6:TW3)-, -7-N ': 357'%-5 6: T9- P6%%'8'*'TD 6: %(!9 53$3B-. The 'nstitute of -lectrical and -lectronics -ngineers and the 3merican National %tandards !ommittee F2, on 'nformation Processing %ystems have given us permission to reprint portions of their documentation. 'n the following statement, the phrase OOthis te&tKK refers to portions of the system documentation. Portions of this te&t are reprinted and reproduced in electronic form in the second 8%5 Networ,ing %oftware )elease, from '--- %td 1002.141=>>, '--- %tandard Portable 6perating %ystem 'nterface for !omputer -nvironments (P6%'F#, copyright ! 1=>> by the 'nstitute of -lectrical and -lectronics -ngineers, 'nc. 'n the event of any discrepancy between these versions and the original '--- %tandard, the original '--- %tandard is the referee document. 'n the following statement, the phrase OOThis materialKK refers to portions of the system documentation. This material is reproduced with permission from 3merican National %tandards !ommittee F2, on 'nformation Processing %ystems. !omputer and 8usiness -;uipment $anufacturers 3ssociation (!8-$3#, 211 :irst %t., NW, %uite A00, Washington, 5! /00014/1?>. The developmental wor, of Programming *anguage ! was completed by the F2L11 Technical !ommittee. The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either e&pressed or implied, of the )egents of the (niversity of !alifornia. N6T-< The copyright of (! 8er,eleyKs 8er,eley %oftware 5istribution (C8%5C# source has been updated. The copyright addendum may be found at ftp<JJftp.cs.ber,eley.eduJpubJNbsdJ)-35$-.'mpt.*icense.!hange and is included below. Luly //, 1=== To 3ll *icensees, 5istributors of 3ny 7ersion of 8%5< 3s you ,now, certain of the 8er,eley %oftware 5istribution (C8%5C# source code files re;uire that further distributions of products containing all or portions of the software, ac,nowledge within their advertising materials that such products contain software developed by (! 8er,eley and its contributors. %pecifically, the provision reads< C @ 2. 3ll advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software @ must display the following ac,nowledgement< @ This product includes software developed by the (niversity of @ !alifornia, 8er,eley and its contributors.C -ffective immediately, licensees and distributors are no longer re;uired to include the ac,nowledgement within advertising materials. 3ccordingly, the foregoing paragraph of those 8%5 (ni& files containing it is hereby deleted in its entirety. William 9os,ins 5irector, 6ffice of Technology *icensing 444444444444444444444444 Portions of this software are based in part on *IN. !opyright (!# /0114/012, Dann !ollet.
8%5 /4!lause *icense (http<JJwww.opensource.orgJlicensesJbsd4license.php# )edistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met< @ )edistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. @ )edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation andJor other materials provided with the distribution. T9'% %6:TW3)- '% P)67'5-5 8D T9- !6PD)'B9T 96*5-)% 3N5 !6NT)'8(T6)% C3% '%C 3N5 3ND -FP)-%% 6) '$P*'-5 W3))3NT'-%, 'N!*(5'NB, 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6, T9- '$P*'-5 W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD 3N5 :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%- 3)- 5'%!*3'$-5. 'N N6 -7-NT %93** T9- !6PD)'B9T 6WN-) 6) !6NT)'8(T6)% 8- *'38*- :6) 3ND 5')-!T, 'N5')-!T, 'N!'5-NT3*, %P-!'3*, -F-$P*3)D, 6) !6N%-G(-NT'3* 53$3B-% ('N!*(5'NB, 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6, P)6!()-$-NT 6: %(8%T'T(T- B665% 6) %-)7'!-%P *6%% 6: (%-, 53T3, 6) P)6:'T%P 6) 8(%'N-%% 'NT-))(PT'6N# 96W-7-) !3(%-5 3N5 6N 3ND T9-6)D 6: *'38'*'TD, W9-T9-) 'N !6NT)3!T, %T)'!T *'38'*'TD, 6) T6)T ('N!*(5'NB N-B*'B-N!- 6) 6T9-)W'%-# 3)'%'NB 'N 3ND W3D 6(T 6: T9- (%- 6: T9'% %6:TW3)-, -7-N ': 357'%-5 6: T9P6%%'8'*'TD 6: %(!9 53$3B-.
4444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses materials !opyright !arnegie $ellon (niversity. !opyright (c# 1=>=4/00A !arnegie $ellon (niversity. 3ll rights reserved. )edistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met< 1. )edistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. /. )edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation andJor other materials provided with the distribution. This wor, was supported in part by funding from the 5efense 3dvanced )esearch Projects 3gency and the National %cience :oundation of the (nited %tates of 3merica, and the !$( %phin& %peech !onsortium. T9'% %6:TW3)- '% P)67'5-5 8D !3)N-B'- $-**6N (N'7-)%'TD OO3% '%KK 3N5 3ND -FP)-%%-5 6) '$P*'-5 W3))3NT'-%, 'N!*(5'NB, 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6, T9- '$P*'-5 W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD 3N5 :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%- 3)- 5'%!*3'$-5. 'N N6 -7-NT %93** !3)N-B'- $-**6N (N'7-)%'TD N6) 'T% -$P*6D--% 8- *'38*- :6) 3ND 5')-!T, 'N5')-!T, 'N!'5-NT3*, %P-!'3*, -F-$P*3)D, 6) !6N%-G(-NT'3* 53$3B-% ('N!*(5'NB, 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6, P)6!()-$-NT 6: %(8%T'T(T- B665% 6) %-)7'!-%P *6%% 6: (%-, 53T3, 6) P)6:'T%P 6) 8(%'N-%% 'NT-))(PT'6N# 96W-7-) !3(%-5 3N5 6N 3ND T9-6)D 6: *'38'*'TD, W9-T9-) 'N !6NT)3!T, %T)'!T *'38'*'TD, 6) T6)T ('N!*(5'NB N-B*'B-N!- 6) 6T9-)W'%-# 3)'%'NB 'N 3ND W3D 6(T 6: T9- (%- 6: T9'% %6:TW3)-, -7-N ': 357'%-5 6: T9- P6%%'8'*'TD 6: %(!9 53$3B-.
4444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses materials copyright %ilicon Braphics, 'nc. !opyright (!# %ilicon Braphics, 'nc. 3ll )ights )eserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the C%oftwareC#, to deal in the %oftware without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, andJor sell copies of the %oftware, and to permit persons to whom the %oftware is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions< The above copyright notice including the dates of first publication and either this permission notice or a reference to http<JJoss.sgi.comJprojectsJ:ree8J shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the %oftware. T9- %6:TW3)- '% P)67'5-5 C3% '%C, W'T96(T W3))3NTD 6: 3ND E'N5, -FP)-%% 6) '$P*'-5, 'N!*(5'NB 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6 T9- W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD, :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%- 3N5 N6N'N:)'NB-$-NT. 'N N6 -7-NT %93** %'*'!6N B)3P9'!%, 'N!. 8*'38*- :6) 3ND !*3'$, 53$3B-% 6) 6T9-) *'38'*'TD, W9-T9-) 'N 3N 3!T'6N 6: !6NT)3!T, T6)T 6) 6T9-)W'%-, 3)'%'NB :)6$, 6(T 6: 6) 'N !6NN-!T'6N W'T9 T9- %6:TW3)- 6) T9- (%- 6) 6T9-) 5-3*'NB% 'N T9- %6:TW3)-. -&cept as contained in this notice, the name of %ilicon Braphics, 'nc. shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this %oftware without prior written authori+ation from %ilicon Braphics, 'nc. 444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses materials copyright The Net8%5 :oundation, 'nc. !opyright (c# /00> The Net8%5 :oundation, 'nc. 3ll rights reserved. )edistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met< 1. )edistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. /. )edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation andJor other materials provided with the distribution. T9'% %6:TW3)- '% P)67'5-5 8D T9- N-T8%5 :6(N53T'6N, 'N!. 3N5 !6NT)'8(T6)% OO3% '%KK 3N5 3ND -FP)-%% 6) '$P*'-5 W3))3NT'-%, 'N!*(5'NB, 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6, T9- '$P*'-5 W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD 3N5 :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%- 3)- 5'%!*3'$-5. 'N N6 -7-NT %93** T9- :6(N53T'6N 6) !6NT)'8(T6)% 8- *'38*- :6) 3ND 5')-!T, 'N5')-!T, 'N!'5-NT3*, %P-!'3*, -F-$P*3)D, 6) !6N%-G(-NT'3* 53$3B-% ('N!*(5'NB, 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6, P)6!()-$-NT 6: %(8%T'T(T- B665% 6) %-)7'!-%P *6%% 6: (%-, 53T3, 6) P)6:'T%P 6) 8(%'N-%% 'NT-))(PT'6N# 96W-7-) !3(%-5 3N5 6N 3ND T9-6)D 6: *'38'*'TD, W9-T9-) 'N !6NT)3!T, %T)'!T *'38'*'TD, 6) T6)T ('N!*(5'NB N-B*'B-N!- 6) 6T9-)W'%-# 3)'%'NB 'N 3ND W3D 6(T 6: T9- (%- 6: T9'% %6:TW3)-, -7-N ': 357'%-5 6: T9- P6%%'8'*'TD 6: %(!9 53$3B-. 4444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses materials copyright Lohn 5yer. Portions derived from $edia-lement.js !opyright /0104/012, Lohn 5yer (http< Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the C%oftwareC#, to deal in the %oftware without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, andJor sell copies of the %oftware, and to permit persons to whom the %oftware is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions< The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the %oftware.
T9- %6:TW3)- '% P)67'5-5 C3% '%C, W'T96(T W3))3NTD 6: 3ND E'N5, -FP)-%% 6) '$P*'-5, 'N!*(5'NB 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6 T9- W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD, :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%- 3N5 N6N'N:)'NB-$-NT. 'N N6 -7-NT %93** T9- 3(T96)% 6) !6PD)'B9T 96*5-)% 8*'38*- :6) 3ND !*3'$, 53$3B-% 6) 6T9-) *'38'*'TD, W9-T9-) 'N 3N 3!T'6N 6: !6NT)3!T, T6)T 6) 6T9-)W'%-, 3)'%'NB :)6$, 6(T 6: 6) 'N !6NN-!T'6N W'T9 T9- %6:TW3)- 6) T9- (%- 6) 6T9-) 5-3*'NB% 'N T9- %6:TW3)-. 4444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses materials copyright the World Wide Web !onsortium. !opyright (c# 1==N4/000 World Wide Web !onsortium, ($assachusetts 'nstitute of Technology, 'nstitut National de )echerche en 'nformati;ue et en 3utomati;ue, Eeio (niversity#. 3ll )ights )eserved. This program is distributed under the W2!Ks %oftware 'ntellectual Property *icense. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but W'T96(T 3ND W3))3NTDP without even the implied warranty of $-)!93NT38'*'TD or :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%-. %ee W2! *icense http<JJwww.w2.orgJ!onsortiumJ*egalJ for more details. !opyright . 1==A !-)N. CThis product includes computer software created and made available by !-)N. This ac,nowledgment shall be mentioned in full in any product which includes the !-)N computer software included herein or parts thereof.C *icense 8y obtaining, using andJor copying this wor,, you (the licensee# agree that you have read, understood, and will comply with the following terms and conditions. Permission to copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation, with or without modification, for any purpose and without fee or royalty is hereby granted, provided that you include the following on 3** copies of the software and documentation or portions thereof, including modifications< The full te&t of this N6T'!- in a location viewable to users of the redistributed or derivative wor,. 3ny pre4e&isting intellectual property disclaimers, notices, or terms and conditions. 'f none e&ist, the W2! %oftware %hort Notice should be included (hyperte&t is preferred, te&t is permitted# within the body of any redistributed or derivative code. Notice of any changes or modifications to the files, including the date changes were made. (We recommend you provide ()'s to the location from which the code is derived.# 5isclaimers T9'% %6:TW3)- 3N5 56!($-NT3T'6N '% P)67'5-5 C3% '%,C 3N5 !6PD)'B9T 96*5-)% $3E- N6 )-P)-%-NT3T'6N% 6) W3))3NT'-%, -FP)-%% 6) '$P*'-5, 'N!*(5'NB 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6, W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD 6) :'TN-%% :6) 3ND P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%- 6) T93T T9- (%- 6: T9- %6:TW3)- 6) 56!($-NT3T'6N W'** N6T 'N:)'NB- 3ND T9')5 P3)TD P3T-NT%, !6PD)'B9T%, T)35-$3)E% 6) 6T9-) )'B9T%. !6PD)'B9T 96*5-)% W'** N6T 8- *'38*- :6) 3ND 5')-!T, 'N5')-!T, %P-!'3* 6) !6N%-G(-NT'3* 53$3B-% 3)'%'NB 6(T 6: 3ND (%- 6: T9- %6:TW3)- 6) 56!($-NT3T'6N. The name and trademar,s of copyright holders may N6T be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to the software without specific, written prior permission. Title to copyright in this software and any associated documentation will at all times remain with copyright holders.
4444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses materials copyright W2!. !opyright 1==>4/00N W2! ($'T, -)!'$, Eeio#, 3ll )ights )eserved. Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute the %%$* core schema and its accompanying documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph appear in all copies. The copyright holders ma,e no representation about the suitability of the schema for any purpose. 't is provided Cas isC without e&pressed or implied warranty. 4444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses materials copyright )alph 9ancoc,, and Lohn 9udson. 9ebrew 6penType *ayout logic copyright (c# /002 W /00?, )alph 9ancoc, W Lohn 9udson. This layout logic for 8iblical 9ebrew is open source software under the $'T *icense. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the C%oftwareC#, to deal in the %oftware without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, andJor sell copies of the %oftware, and to permit persons to whom the %oftware is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions< The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the %oftware. T9- %6:TW3)- '% P)67'5-5 C3% '%C, W'T96(T W3))3NTD 6: 3ND E'N5, -FP)-%% 6) '$P*'-5, 'N!*(5'NB 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6 T9- W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD, :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%- 3N5 N6N'N:)'NB-$-NT. 'N N6 -7-NT %93** T9- 3(T96)% 6) !6PD)'B9T 96*5-)% 8*'38*- :6) 3ND !*3'$, 53$3B-% 6) 6T9-) *'38'*'TD, W9-T9-) 'N 3N 3!T'6N 6: !6NT)3!T, T6)T 6) 6T9-)W'%-, 3)'%'NB :)6$, 6(T 6: 6) 'N !6NN-!T'6N W'T9 T9- %6:TW3)- 6) T9- (%- 6) 6T9-) 5-3*'NB% 'N T9- %6:TW3)-. 4444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses materials copyright the !odePle& :oundation. !opyright (c# /00= !odePle& :oundation. 3ll rights reserved. )edistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met< )edistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. )edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation andJor other materials provided with the distribution. Neither the name of the !odePle& :oundation nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. T9'% %6:TW3)- '% P)67'5-5 8D T9- !6PD)'B9T 96*5-)% 3N5 !6NT)'8(T6)% C3% '%C 3N5 3ND -FP)-%% 6) '$P*'-5 W3))3NT'-%, 'N!*(5'NB, 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6, T9- '$P*'-5 W3))3NT'-% 6: $-)!93NT38'*'TD 3N5 :'TN-%% :6) 3 P3)T'!(*3) P()P6%- 3)- 5'%!*3'$-5. 'N N6 -7-NT %93** Z!6PD)'B9T 96*5-)[ 8- *'38*- :6) 3ND 5')-!T, 'N5')-!T, 'N!'5-NT3*, %P-!'3*, -F-$P*3)D, 6) !6N%-G(-NT'3* 53$3B-% ('N!*(5'NB, 8(T N6T *'$'T-5 T6, P)6!()-$-NT 6: %(8%T'T(T- B665%
6) %-)7'!-%P *6%% 6: (%-, 53T3, 6) P)6:'T%P 6) 8(%'N-%% 'NT-))(PT'6N# 96W-7-) !3(%-5 3N5 6N 3ND T9-6)D 6: *'38'*'TD, W9-T9-) 'N !6NT)3!T, %T)'!T *'38'*'TD, 6) T6)T ('N!*(5'NB N-B*'B-N!- 6) 6T9-)W'%-# 3)'%'NB 'N 3ND W3D 6(T 6: T9- (%- 6: T9'% %6:TW3)-, -7-N ': 357'%-5 6: T9- P6%%'8'*'TD 6: %(!9 53$3B-. 4444444444444444444444444444444 This product uses materials copyright the (niversity of 'llinois. (niversity of 'llinoisJN!%3 6pen %ource *icense !opyright (c# /0024/010 (niversity of 'llinois at (rbana4!hampaign. 3ll rights reserved. 5eveloped by< **7$ Team (niversity of 'llinois at (rbana4!hampaign http< Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the C%oftwareC#, to deal with the %oftware without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, andJor sell copies of the %oftware, and to permit persons to whom the %oftware is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions< @ )edistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers. @ )edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers in the documentation andJor other materials provided with the distribution. @ Neither the names of the **7$ Team, (niversity of 'llinois at (rbana4!hampaign, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this %oftware without specific prior written permission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ll other trademar,s are property of their respective owners.