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This End-User License Agreement (EULA) is a legal agreement between you, the customer, and
!" #nternational $ty Ltd (!") %or the so%tware described abo&e and that accom'anies this
EULA (including associated media and related #nternet-based ser&ices (#nternet !er&ices))
(!o%tware)( An amendment or addendum to this EULA may accom'any the !o%tware( )*U
A+"EE T* ,E ,*U-. ,) T/E TE"0! *1 T/#! EULA ,) #-!TALL#-+, 2*$)#-+, *"
U!#-+ T/E !*1T3A"E( #1 )*U .* -*T A+"EE, .* -*T #-!TALL, 2*$), *" U!E T/E
!*1T3A"E( )*U 0A) "ETU"- #T T* )*U" $LA2E *1 $U"2/A!E 1*" A 1ULL "E1U-.,
#1 A$$L#2A,LE(
1.1 Installat!n an" Us#
)ou may:
a) install and use a co'y o% the !o%tware on one 'ersonal com'uter or other de&ice
(.e&ice)4 and
b) install and use an additional co'y o% the !o%tware on a second, 'ortable .e&ice %or
the e5clusi&e use o% the 'rimary user o% the %irst .e&ice(
The rights to install an additional co'y o% the !o%tware do not 'ermit use o% the !o%tware
on both the %irst and second .e&ice at the same time(
1.$ N#t%!&' Us#
As an alternati&e to !ection 6(6(a) o% this EULA, you may install a co'y o% the !o%tware
on a networ7ed .e&ice, such as a ser&er com'uter, %or the 'ur'ose o% 'ermitting one
other .e&ice to access and use that licensed co'y o% the !o%tware o&er a 'ri&ate
networ7( #n those circumstances, you must not use and access the co'y o% the !o%tware
on the networ7ed .e&ice and you must obtain additional licenses %or the !o%tware %or the
'ur'ose o% 'ermitting any additional .e&ice to access and use the !o%tware installed on
the networ7ed .e&ice(
1.( R#)!t# A**#ss
)ou may use remote access technologies to access and use your licensed co'y o% the
!o%tware, 'ro&ided that only the 'rimary user o% the .e&ice (u'on which the !o%tware is
installed and which is hosting the remote access session) accesses and uses the
!o%tware with a remote access .e&ice( These remote des7to' rights do not 'ermit you to
access and use the !o%tware on both the .e&ice hosting the remote access session and
the access .e&ice at the same time(
1.+ R#)!t# Assstan*#
)ou may 'ermit any .e&ice to access and use your licensed co'y o% the !o%tware %or the
sole 'ur'ose o% 'ro&iding you with technical su''ort and maintenance ser&ices in res'ect
o% the !o%tware(
1., D!*-)#ntat!n
The documentation that accom'anies the !o%tware is licensed %or internal, non-
commercial use only( The documentation may not be co'ied, modi%ied or used in any way
e5ce't as e5'ressly authori8ed by this EULA(
1.. Sa)/l# P&!0#*ts
The !o%tware (including the #nternet !er&ices) may include sam'le 'ro9ects (!am'le
$ro9ects)( )ou may co'y and modi%y these !am'le $ro9ects and distribute these !am'le
$ro9ects along with your modi%ications to, and %or use by, other licensees o% the !o%tware(
.istribution o% all !am'le $ro9ects by you to other licensees o% the !o%tware must be &ia
'erson-to-'erson communication(
)ou are not licensed to do any o% the %ollowing:
a) sell, resell, license, rent, lease, lend, or otherwise trans%er %or &alue any !am'le
b) distribute any !am'le $ro9ects as 'art o% any 'roduct or ser&ice4 or
c) ma7e a&ailable any !am'le $ro9ects (whether with or without your modi%ications) on
any networ7 com'uter or otherwise 'ublish, broadcast or ma7e 'ublicly a&ailable any
!am'le $ro9ects(
)ou must indemni%y and 7ee' indemni%ied !" %rom and against any claims, actions,
demands and lawsuits and all costs and e5'enses su%%ered or incurred by !" in relation
to such claims, action demands and lawsuits (including, without limitation, all attorneys: or
legal %ees on a %ull indemnity basis) arising %rom or in connection with any modi%ications
made by you to the !am'le $ro9ects and their distribution(
1.1 T&al
The !o%tware may be licensed on a trial basis( )our rights to use trial so%tware are limited
to the trial 'eriod( The trial !o%tware and length o% the trial 'eriod are set %orth during the
acti&ation 'rocess( )ou may ha&e the o'tion to con&ert your trial rights to time limited or
'er'etual rights( A%ter the e5'iration o% any trial 'eriod without con&ersion, most %eatures
o% the trial !o%tware will sto' running(
$.1 Man"at!&2 A*t3at!n
T/E"E A"E TE2/-*L*+#2AL 0EA!U"E! #- T/#! !*1T3A"E T/AT A"E
.E!#+-E. T* $"E;E-T U-L#2E-!E. U!E *1 T/E !*1T3A"E( )ou may not be
able to e5ercise your rights to the !o%tware under this EULA a%ter a %inite 'eriod o% time
unless you acti&ate your co'y o% the !o%tware in the manner described during its
installation or launch( )ou may also need to reacti&ate the !o%tware i% you modi%y any
.e&ice u'on which the !o%tware is installed or any alteration is made to the !o%tware or
other so%tware (such as o'erating systems)( .uring acti&ation, the !o%tware will send
in%ormation about the !o%tware and the .e&ice to !"( This in%ormation includes the
'roduct #. and &ersion o% the !o%tware, #nternet 'rotocol address o% the .e&ice, and
in%ormation deri&ed %rom the .e&ice hardware con%iguration( ,) U!#-+ T/E
!*1T3A"E, )*U 2*-!E-T T* T/E T"A-!0#!!#*- *1 T/#! #-1*"0AT#*-( !"
will use these technological measures to con%irm you ha&e a legally licensed co'y o% the
!o%tware( 1or more in%ormation about acti&ation and what is sent during or a%ter an
acti&ation re<uest, see htt':==www(<srinternational(com='ri&acy-'olicy(as'5(
$.$ Val"at!n
The !o%tware will %rom time to time &eri%y that the !o%tware has been acti&ated and is
'ro'erly licensed( .uring a &alidation chec7, the !o%tware will send in%ormation about the
!o%tware to !"( This in%ormation includes the 'roduct #. and &ersion o% the !o%tware
and the license 7ey( !" does not use the in%ormation to identi%y or contact you( ,)
U!#-+ T/E !*1T3A"E )*U 2*-!E-T T* T/E T"A-!0#!!#*- *1 T/#!
#-1*"0AT#*-( #% the !o%tware is not 'ro'erly licensed, the %unctionality o% the so%tware
may be a%%ected( 1or e5am'le, you may need to reacti&ate the !o%tware, or recei&e
reminders to obtain a 'ro'erly licensed co'y o% the !o%tware( 1or more in%ormation about
&alidation and what is sent during or a%ter a &alidation chec7, see
$.( Int#&n#t S#&3*#s
)ou may not use any #nternet !er&ices associated with the !o%tware in any manner that
does, or may, damage, disable, o&erburden, or im'air such #nternet !er&ices or inter%ere
with any other 'erson:s use and en9oyment o% them( )ou may not attem't to gain
unauthori8ed access to any ser&ice, account, com'uter systems or networ7s associated
with the #nternet !er&ices(
!" is not res'onsible %or the contents o% any third-'arty sites or ser&ices which
com'rise 'art o% the !o%tware (including the #nternet !er&ices), any lin7s contained in
such third-'arty sites or ser&ices, or any changes or u'dates to such third-'arty sites or
ser&ices( !" 'ro&ides these lin7s and access to third-'arty sites and ser&ices to you
only as a con&enience, and the inclusion o% any lin7 or access does not im'ly an
endorsement by !" o% the third-'arty site or ser&ice(
$.+ R#s#&3at!n !4 R56ts an" O%n#&s6/
!" reser&es all rights not e5'ressly granted to you in this EULA( The !o%tware is
'rotected by Australian co'yright and international co'yright laws( !" (or, where
indicated, its su''liers) own all co'yright and other intellectual 'ro'erty rights in and to
the !o%tware( The !o%tware is licensed to you, not sold( This EULA does not grant you
any rights to use any trademar7s or ser&ice mar7s o% !"( $.1 technology in -;i&o is
'owered by $.1-et !.> co'yright $.1Tron !ystems #nc(, ?@@6-?@6?, and distributed
by !" #nternational $ty Ltd under license( All rights reser&ed( This so%tware may include
'ortions sub9ect to co'yright o% Atalaso%t, A''le, 2rainiate, #n%ragistics, Lead
Technologies, !timulso%t, Aceed !o%tware, 0icroso%t and The #maging !ource(
0icroso%t, (-ET, !L !er&er, 3indows, A$, ;ista, 3indows 0edia $layer, 3ord,
$ower$oint and E5cel are trademar7s or registered trademar7s o% the 0icroso%t
2or'oration in the United !tates and=or other countries( Adobe and ('d% are trademar7s
or registered trademar7s o% Adobe !ystems #ntegrated in the United !tates and=or other
countries( uic7 Time and the uic7 Time logo are trademar7s or registered trademar7s
o% A''le 2om'uter #nc, used under license there%rom(
$., L)tat!ns !n R#3#&s# En5n##&n57 D#*!)/lat!n7 an" Dsass#)8l2
)ou may not:
a) alter, decom'ile, disassemble, merge, modi%y or ada't the !o%tware in any way4
b) co'y, re'roduce, translate, ada't, &ary or modi%y the !o%tware without the 'rior
written consent o% !", e5ce't as e5'ressly authori8ed by this agreement or by law4
c) 'ro&ide or otherwise ma7e a&ailable the !o%tware in any %orm to any 'erson other
than those 'ermitted by this EULA, without the 'rior written consent o% !"(
$.. N! R#ntal9C!))#&*al :!stn5
)ou may not rent, lease or lend, or ma7e a&ailable through any commercial hosting or
similar ser&ice or arrangement, the !o%tware(
$.1 C!ns#nt t! Us# !4 Data
)ou consent to !" and its a%%iliates collecting and using technical in%ormation gathered
as 'art o% the su''ort ser&ices 'ro&ided to you, i% any, related to the !o%tware( !" may
use this in%ormation solely to im'ro&e its 'roducts or to 'ro&ide customi8ed ser&ices or
technologies to you and will not disclose this in%ormation in a %orm that 'ersonally
identi%ies you( 1or more in%ormation about usage o% data, see
$.; A""t!nal S!4t%a&# an" S#&3*#s
This EULA a''lies to all u'dates, su''lements, add-on com'onents, or #nternet !er&ices
com'onents, o% the !o%tware that !" may 'ro&ide to you or ma7e a&ailable to you a%ter
the date you obtain your initial co'y o% the !o%tware, unless they are accom'anied by
se'arate terms that are e5'ressly stated to a''ly( !" reser&es the right to discontinue
at any time the #nternet !er&ices(
$.< U/5&a"#s an" U/"at#s
To use the !o%tware as an u'grade o% another 'roduct, you must %irst be licensed to use a
'roduct identi%ied by !" as eligible %or the u'grade to the !o%tware(
#% you are not using a licensed co'y o% the !o%tware, you are not 'ermitted to download,
install or use any u'grades or u'dates to the !o%tware(
$.10 E"-*at!n P&*n57 G!3#&n)#nt P&*n5 an" St-"#nt E"t!n S!4t%a&#
#% the !o%tware was 'urchased by you at education 'ricing, you must be a student,
teacher or an academic who is learning, instructing or underta7ing research at an
educational institution such as a uni&ersity or college (e5cluding teaching hos'itals), or
you must wor7 %or a registered charity( )ou must be using !" so%tware %or teaching,
educational or charitable 'ur'oses only( #% you:re using the so%tware %or commercial
'ur'oses, then commercial 'ricing will a''ly(
#% the !o%tware was 'urchased by you at go&ernment 'ricing, you must belong to a
%ederal, state or local go&ernment de'artment or agency or a not-%or-'ro%it agency that is
not recogni8ed as a charity(
#% the !o%tware was 'urchased as a !tudent Edition or !emester Edition, you must be
a registered %ull time student o% an educational institution(
#ndi&iduals or organi8ations that %all outside o% the abo&e categories need to 'urchase the
!o%tware at commercial 'ricing(
#% the !o%tware was ac<uired as B-ot %or "esaleB, you must not resell or otherwise
trans%er the so%tware %or &alue(
$.11 S#/a&at!n !4 C!)/!n#nts
The !o%tware is licensed as a single 'roduct( #ts com'onent 'arts may not be se'arated
%or use on more than one .e&ice(
(.1 Ass5n)#nt
#% you ac<uired the !o%tware %or your own 'ersonal use, this EULA may be assigned on
the condition that you trans%er the original .;. and all documentation and all media
associated with them and the trans%eree noti%ies !" in writing that it agrees to the terms
o% this so%tware license( #n the absence o% such noti%ication %rom the trans%eree, you will
remain res'onsible %or the acts o% the trans%eree( #% you ac<uired the so%tware %or any
other use (including, without limitation, %or any commercial or educational use), you may
not deal in any way with the bene%it o% this EULA (whether by assignment, trans%er, sub-
licensing or otherwise) without !":s 'rior written consent( U'on any assignment or
trans%er o% the EULA, you must deacti&ate the !o%tware %rom any .e&ice u'on which it is
(.$ T#&)nat!n
3ithout 're9udice to any other rights under this EULA or at law, !" may terminate this
EULA i% you %ail to com'ly with any terms and conditions o% this EULA( #n such e&ent, you
must com'letely and irretrie&ably remo&e all co'ies o% the !o%tware %rom any .e&ice
u'on which it is installed(
(.( L)t#" Wa&&ant2
)*U A2>-*3LE.+E T/AT T/E !*1T3A"E 2A--*T ,E +UA"A-TEE. E""*"-
1"EE A-. 1U"T/E" A2>-*3LE.+E T/AT T/E EA#!TE-2E *1 A-) !U2/
E""*" !/ALL -*T 2*-!T#TUTE A ,"EA2/ *1 T/#! EULA( )*U A2>-*3LE.+E
T/AT )*U /A;E EAE"2#!E. #-.E$E-.E-T CU.+0E-T #- A2U#"#-+ T/E
!*1T3A"E A-. /A;E -*T "EL#E. *- A-) "E$"E!E-TAT#*- 0A.E ,) !"
3/#2/ /A! -*T ,EE- !TATE. EA$"E!!L) #- T/#! EULA *" "EL#E. *- A-)
.E!2"#$T#*-! *" #LLU!T"AT#*-! *" !$E2#1#2AT#*-! 2*-TA#-E. #- A-)
.*2U0E-T #-2LU.#-+ 2ATAL*+UE! *" $U,L#2#T) 0ATE"#AL $"*.U2E. ,)
(.+ Ds*la)#&s an" L)tat!n !4 La8lt2
EA2E$T T* T/E EATE-T T/AT L#A,#L#T) A"#!E! $U"!UA-T T* A -*--
EA2LU.A,LE !TATUT*") $"*;#!#*-, !" A22E$T! -* L#A,#L#T) 1*" L*!!
*" .A0A+E (#-2LU.#-+ A-) L*!! *1 $"*1#T! *" #-.#"E2T,
2*-!EUE-T#AL, #-2#.E-TAL, !$E2#AL, EAE0$LA") *" $U-#T#;E L*!! *"
.A0A+E) 3/#2/ 0A) ,E !U11E"E. *" #-2U""E. *" 3/#2/ 0A) A"#!E
.#"E2TL) *" #-.#"E2TL) #- "E!$E2T *1 T/E U!E *1 T/E !*1T3A"E *" #-
"E!$E2T *1 T/E 1A#LU"E *" *0#!!#*- *1 !" T* 2*0$L) 3#T/ #T!
*,L#+AT#*-! U-.E" T/#! EULA( !" .#!2LA#0! ALL 2*-.#T#*-! *"
3A""A-T#E! "ELAT#-+ T* T/E !*1T3A"E, 3/ET/E" EA$"E!! *" #0$L#E.,
#-2LU.#-+ ,UT -*T L#0#TE. T* A-) #0$L#E. 3A""A-T#E! *1
0E"2/A-TA,#L#T) A-. 1#T-E!! 1*" A $A"T#2ULA" $U"$*!E( 3/E"E
LE+#!LAT#*- #0$L#E! #- T/#! EULA A-) 2*-.#T#*- *" 3A""A-T), A-. T/AT
LE+#!LAT#*- A;*#.! *" $"*/#,#T! $"*;#!#*-! #- A 2*-T"A2T EA2LU.#-+
*" 0*.#1)#-+ T/E A$$L#2AT#*- *1 *" EAE"2#!E *1 *" L#A,#L#T) U-.E"
!U2/ 2*-.#T#*- *" 3A""A-T), T/E 2*-.#T#*- *" 3A""A-T) !/ALL ,E
.EE0E. T* ,E #-2LU.E. #- T/#! EULA( /*3E;E", T* T/E 0AA#0U0 EATE-T
$E"0#TTE. ,) LA3, T/E L#A,#L#T) *1 !" 1*" A-) ,"EA2/ *1 !U2/
2*-.#T#*- *" 3A""A-T) !/ALL ,E L#0#TE., #- T/E 2A!E *1 +**.!, T* T/E
"E$A#" *" "E$LA2E0E-T *1 T/*!E +**.! *" $A)0E-T *1 T/E 2*!T *1
T/E#" "E$A#" *" "E$LA2E0E-T, *", #- T/E 2A!E *1 !E";#2E!, T/E "E-
!U$$L) *1 T/*!E !E";#2E! *" T/E $A)0E-T *1 T/E 2*!T *1 T/E#" "E-
!U$$L)( #- -* E;E-T !/ALL !":! L#A,#L#T) 1*" A-) L*!! *" .A0A+E
/*3!*E;E" 2AU!E. (#-2LU.#-+ ,UT -*T L#0#TE. T* ,) 3A) *1
-E+L#+E-2E) #- 2*--E2T#*- 3#T/ U!E *1 T/E !*1T3A"E *" #- "E!$E2T
*1 T/E 1A#LU"E *" *0#!!#*- *1 !" T* 2*0$L) 3#T/ #T! *,L#+AT#*-!
U-.E" T/#! EULA EA2EE. T/E A0*U-T *1 T/E L#2E-!E 1EE $A#. ,) )*U T*
U!E T/E !*1T3A"E(
(., =-&s"*t!n
This EULA is go&erned by, and you submit to the non-e5clusi&e 9urisdiction o% the courts
o%, the !tate o% ;ictoria, Australia(
QSR Int#&nat!nal Pt2 Lt".7 S#*!n" Fl!!&7 .,1 D!n*ast#& R!a"7 D!n*ast#&7 V*t!&a7 (10;7
A-st&ala. A>N +1 00. (,1 $1(.

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