The document is an end-user license agreement (EULA) for NVIVO 10 software. It outlines the terms of use for the software, including:
- The user is granted a license to install the software on one or two devices for personal use.
- The software includes sample projects that the user can modify and share with other licensees via direct communication, but not sell, distribute publicly, or make available online.
- The software utilizes technological measures like activation and validation to confirm the software is properly licensed. These processes transmit information about the software and device to the licensor.
The document is an end-user license agreement (EULA) for NVIVO 10 software. It outlines the terms of use for the software, including:
- The user is granted a license to install the software on one or two devices for personal use.
- The software includes sample projects that the user can modify and share with other licensees via direct communication, but not sell, distribute publicly, or make available online.
- The software utilizes technological measures like activation and validation to confirm the software is properly licensed. These processes transmit information about the software and device to the licensor.
The document is an end-user license agreement (EULA) for NVIVO 10 software. It outlines the terms of use for the software, including:
- The user is granted a license to install the software on one or two devices for personal use.
- The software includes sample projects that the user can modify and share with other licensees via direct communication, but not sell, distribute publicly, or make available online.
- The software utilizes technological measures like activation and validation to confirm the software is properly licensed. These processes transmit information about the software and device to the licensor.
The document is an end-user license agreement (EULA) for NVIVO 10 software. It outlines the terms of use for the software, including:
- The user is granted a license to install the software on one or two devices for personal use.
- The software includes sample projects that the user can modify and share with other licensees via direct communication, but not sell, distribute publicly, or make available online.
- The software utilizes technological measures like activation and validation to confirm the software is properly licensed. These processes transmit information about the software and device to the licensor.
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IMPORTANTREAD CAREFULLY: This End-User License Agreement (EULA) is a legal agreement between you, the customer, and !" #nternational $ty Ltd (!") %or the so%tware described abo&e and that accom'anies this EULA (including associated media and related #nternet-based ser&ices (#nternet !er&ices)) (!o%tware)( An amendment or addendum to this EULA may accom'any the !o%tware( )*U A+"EE T* ,E ,*U-. ,) T/E TE"0! *1 T/#! EULA ,) #-!TALL#-+, 2*$)#-+, *" U!#-+ T/E !*1T3A"E( #1 )*U .* -*T A+"EE, .* -*T #-!TALL, 2*$), *" U!E T/E !*1T3A"E( )*U 0A) "ETU"- #T T* )*U" $LA2E *1 $U"2/A!E 1*" A 1ULL "E1U-., #1 A$$L#2A,LE( 1. LICENSE 1.1 Installat!n an" Us# )ou may: a) install and use a co'y o% the !o%tware on one 'ersonal com'uter or other de&ice (.e&ice)4 and b) install and use an additional co'y o% the !o%tware on a second, 'ortable .e&ice %or the e5clusi&e use o% the 'rimary user o% the %irst .e&ice( The rights to install an additional co'y o% the !o%tware do not 'ermit use o% the !o%tware on both the %irst and second .e&ice at the same time( 1.$ N#t%!&' Us# As an alternati&e to !ection 6(6(a) o% this EULA, you may install a co'y o% the !o%tware on a networ7ed .e&ice, such as a ser&er com'uter, %or the 'ur'ose o% 'ermitting one other .e&ice to access and use that licensed co'y o% the !o%tware o&er a 'ri&ate networ7( #n those circumstances, you must not use and access the co'y o% the !o%tware on the networ7ed .e&ice and you must obtain additional licenses %or the !o%tware %or the 'ur'ose o% 'ermitting any additional .e&ice to access and use the !o%tware installed on the networ7ed .e&ice( 1.( R#)!t# A**#ss )ou may use remote access technologies to access and use your licensed co'y o% the !o%tware, 'ro&ided that only the 'rimary user o% the .e&ice (u'on which the !o%tware is installed and which is hosting the remote access session) accesses and uses the !o%tware with a remote access .e&ice( These remote des7to' rights do not 'ermit you to access and use the !o%tware on both the .e&ice hosting the remote access session and the access .e&ice at the same time( 1.+ R#)!t# Assstan*# )ou may 'ermit any .e&ice to access and use your licensed co'y o% the !o%tware %or the sole 'ur'ose o% 'ro&iding you with technical su''ort and maintenance ser&ices in res'ect o% the !o%tware( 1., D!*-)#ntat!n The documentation that accom'anies the !o%tware is licensed %or internal, non- commercial use only( The documentation may not be co'ied, modi%ied or used in any way e5ce't as e5'ressly authori8ed by this EULA( 1.. Sa)/l# P&!0#*ts The !o%tware (including the #nternet !er&ices) may include sam'le 'ro9ects (!am'le $ro9ects)( )ou may co'y and modi%y these !am'le $ro9ects and distribute these !am'le $ro9ects along with your modi%ications to, and %or use by, other licensees o% the !o%tware( .istribution o% all !am'le $ro9ects by you to other licensees o% the !o%tware must be &ia 'erson-to-'erson communication( )ou are not licensed to do any o% the %ollowing: a) sell, resell, license, rent, lease, lend, or otherwise trans%er %or &alue any !am'le $ro9ects4 b) distribute any !am'le $ro9ects as 'art o% any 'roduct or ser&ice4 or c) ma7e a&ailable any !am'le $ro9ects (whether with or without your modi%ications) on any networ7 com'uter or otherwise 'ublish, broadcast or ma7e 'ublicly a&ailable any !am'le $ro9ects( )ou must indemni%y and 7ee' indemni%ied !" %rom and against any claims, actions, demands and lawsuits and all costs and e5'enses su%%ered or incurred by !" in relation to such claims, action demands and lawsuits (including, without limitation, all attorneys: or legal %ees on a %ull indemnity basis) arising %rom or in connection with any modi%ications made by you to the !am'le $ro9ects and their distribution( 1.1 T&al The !o%tware may be licensed on a trial basis( )our rights to use trial so%tware are limited to the trial 'eriod( The trial !o%tware and length o% the trial 'eriod are set %orth during the acti&ation 'rocess( )ou may ha&e the o'tion to con&ert your trial rights to time limited or 'er'etual rights( A%ter the e5'iration o% any trial 'eriod without con&ersion, most %eatures o% the trial !o%tware will sto' running( $. LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS $.1 Man"at!&2 A*t3at!n T/E"E A"E TE2/-*L*+#2AL 0EA!U"E! #- T/#! !*1T3A"E T/AT A"E .E!#+-E. T* $"E;E-T U-L#2E-!E. U!E *1 T/E !*1T3A"E( )ou may not be able to e5ercise your rights to the !o%tware under this EULA a%ter a %inite 'eriod o% time unless you acti&ate your co'y o% the !o%tware in the manner described during its installation or launch( )ou may also need to reacti&ate the !o%tware i% you modi%y any .e&ice u'on which the !o%tware is installed or any alteration is made to the !o%tware or other so%tware (such as o'erating systems)( .uring acti&ation, the !o%tware will send in%ormation about the !o%tware and the .e&ice to !"( This in%ormation includes the 'roduct #. and &ersion o% the !o%tware, #nternet 'rotocol address o% the .e&ice, and in%ormation deri&ed %rom the .e&ice hardware con%iguration( ,) U!#-+ T/E !*1T3A"E, )*U 2*-!E-T T* T/E T"A-!0#!!#*- *1 T/#! #-1*"0AT#*-( !" will use these technological measures to con%irm you ha&e a legally licensed co'y o% the !o%tware( 1or more in%ormation about acti&ation and what is sent during or a%ter an acti&ation re<uest, see htt':==www(<srinternational(com='ri&acy-'olicy(as'5( $.$ Val"at!n The !o%tware will %rom time to time &eri%y that the !o%tware has been acti&ated and is 'ro'erly licensed( .uring a &alidation chec7, the !o%tware will send in%ormation about the !o%tware to !"( This in%ormation includes the 'roduct #. and &ersion o% the !o%tware and the license 7ey( !" does not use the in%ormation to identi%y or contact you( ,) U!#-+ T/E !*1T3A"E )*U 2*-!E-T T* T/E T"A-!0#!!#*- *1 T/#! #-1*"0AT#*-( #% the !o%tware is not 'ro'erly licensed, the %unctionality o% the so%tware may be a%%ected( 1or e5am'le, you may need to reacti&ate the !o%tware, or recei&e reminders to obtain a 'ro'erly licensed co'y o% the !o%tware( 1or more in%ormation about &alidation and what is sent during or a%ter a &alidation chec7, see htt':==www(<srinternational(com='ri&acy-'olicy(as'5( $.( Int#&n#t S#&3*#s )ou may not use any #nternet !er&ices associated with the !o%tware in any manner that does, or may, damage, disable, o&erburden, or im'air such #nternet !er&ices or inter%ere with any other 'erson:s use and en9oyment o% them( )ou may not attem't to gain unauthori8ed access to any ser&ice, account, com'uter systems or networ7s associated with the #nternet !er&ices( !" is not res'onsible %or the contents o% any third-'arty sites or ser&ices which com'rise 'art o% the !o%tware (including the #nternet !er&ices), any lin7s contained in such third-'arty sites or ser&ices, or any changes or u'dates to such third-'arty sites or ser&ices( !" 'ro&ides these lin7s and access to third-'arty sites and ser&ices to you only as a con&enience, and the inclusion o% any lin7 or access does not im'ly an endorsement by !" o% the third-'arty site or ser&ice( $.+ R#s#&3at!n !4 R56ts an" O%n#&s6/ !" reser&es all rights not e5'ressly granted to you in this EULA( The !o%tware is 'rotected by Australian co'yright and international co'yright laws( !" (or, where indicated, its su''liers) own all co'yright and other intellectual 'ro'erty rights in and to the !o%tware( The !o%tware is licensed to you, not sold( This EULA does not grant you any rights to use any trademar7s or ser&ice mar7s o% !"( $.1 technology in -;i&o is 'owered by $.1-et !.> co'yright $.1Tron !ystems #nc(, ?@@6-?@6?, and distributed by !" #nternational $ty Ltd under license( All rights reser&ed( This so%tware may include 'ortions sub9ect to co'yright o% Atalaso%t, A''le, 2rainiate, #n%ragistics, Lead Technologies, !timulso%t, Aceed !o%tware, 0icroso%t and The #maging !ource( 0icroso%t, (-ET, !L !er&er, 3indows, A$, ;ista, 3indows 0edia $layer, 3ord, $ower$oint and E5cel are trademar7s or registered trademar7s o% the 0icroso%t 2or'oration in the United !tates and=or other countries( Adobe and ('d% are trademar7s or registered trademar7s o% Adobe !ystems #ntegrated in the United !tates and=or other countries( uic7 Time and the uic7 Time logo are trademar7s or registered trademar7s o% A''le 2om'uter #nc, used under license there%rom( $., L)tat!ns !n R#3#&s# En5n##&n57 D#*!)/lat!n7 an" Dsass#)8l2 )ou may not: a) alter, decom'ile, disassemble, merge, modi%y or ada't the !o%tware in any way4 b) co'y, re'roduce, translate, ada't, &ary or modi%y the !o%tware without the 'rior written consent o% !", e5ce't as e5'ressly authori8ed by this agreement or by law4 or c) 'ro&ide or otherwise ma7e a&ailable the !o%tware in any %orm to any 'erson other than those 'ermitted by this EULA, without the 'rior written consent o% !"( $.. N! R#ntal9C!))#&*al :!stn5 )ou may not rent, lease or lend, or ma7e a&ailable through any commercial hosting or similar ser&ice or arrangement, the !o%tware( $.1 C!ns#nt t! Us# !4 Data )ou consent to !" and its a%%iliates collecting and using technical in%ormation gathered as 'art o% the su''ort ser&ices 'ro&ided to you, i% any, related to the !o%tware( !" may use this in%ormation solely to im'ro&e its 'roducts or to 'ro&ide customi8ed ser&ices or technologies to you and will not disclose this in%ormation in a %orm that 'ersonally identi%ies you( 1or more in%ormation about usage o% data, see htt':==www(<srinternational(com='ri&acy-'olicy(as'5( $.; A""t!nal S!4t%a&# an" S#&3*#s This EULA a''lies to all u'dates, su''lements, add-on com'onents, or #nternet !er&ices com'onents, o% the !o%tware that !" may 'ro&ide to you or ma7e a&ailable to you a%ter the date you obtain your initial co'y o% the !o%tware, unless they are accom'anied by se'arate terms that are e5'ressly stated to a''ly( !" reser&es the right to discontinue at any time the #nternet !er&ices( $.< U/5&a"#s an" U/"at#s To use the !o%tware as an u'grade o% another 'roduct, you must %irst be licensed to use a 'roduct identi%ied by !" as eligible %or the u'grade to the !o%tware( #% you are not using a licensed co'y o% the !o%tware, you are not 'ermitted to download, install or use any u'grades or u'dates to the !o%tware( $.10 E"-*at!n P&*n57 G!3#&n)#nt P&*n5 an" St-"#nt E"t!n S!4t%a&# #% the !o%tware was 'urchased by you at education 'ricing, you must be a student, teacher or an academic who is learning, instructing or underta7ing research at an educational institution such as a uni&ersity or college (e5cluding teaching hos'itals), or you must wor7 %or a registered charity( )ou must be using !" so%tware %or teaching, educational or charitable 'ur'oses only( #% you:re using the so%tware %or commercial 'ur'oses, then commercial 'ricing will a''ly( #% the !o%tware was 'urchased by you at go&ernment 'ricing, you must belong to a %ederal, state or local go&ernment de'artment or agency or a not-%or-'ro%it agency that is not recogni8ed as a charity( #% the !o%tware was 'urchased as a !tudent Edition or !emester Edition, you must be a registered %ull time student o% an educational institution( #ndi&iduals or organi8ations that %all outside o% the abo&e categories need to 'urchase the !o%tware at commercial 'ricing( #% the !o%tware was ac<uired as B-ot %or "esaleB, you must not resell or otherwise trans%er the so%tware %or &alue( $.11 S#/a&at!n !4 C!)/!n#nts The !o%tware is licensed as a single 'roduct( #ts com'onent 'arts may not be se'arated %or use on more than one .e&ice( (. GENERAL CONDITIONS (.1 Ass5n)#nt #% you ac<uired the !o%tware %or your own 'ersonal use, this EULA may be assigned on the condition that you trans%er the original .;. and all documentation and all media associated with them and the trans%eree noti%ies !" in writing that it agrees to the terms o% this so%tware license( #n the absence o% such noti%ication %rom the trans%eree, you will remain res'onsible %or the acts o% the trans%eree( #% you ac<uired the so%tware %or any other use (including, without limitation, %or any commercial or educational use), you may not deal in any way with the bene%it o% this EULA (whether by assignment, trans%er, sub- licensing or otherwise) without !":s 'rior written consent( U'on any assignment or trans%er o% the EULA, you must deacti&ate the !o%tware %rom any .e&ice u'on which it is installed( (.$ T#&)nat!n 3ithout 're9udice to any other rights under this EULA or at law, !" may terminate this EULA i% you %ail to com'ly with any terms and conditions o% this EULA( #n such e&ent, you must com'letely and irretrie&ably remo&e all co'ies o% the !o%tware %rom any .e&ice u'on which it is installed( (.( L)t#" Wa&&ant2 )*U A2>-*3LE.+E T/AT T/E !*1T3A"E 2A--*T ,E +UA"A-TEE. E""*"- 1"EE A-. 1U"T/E" A2>-*3LE.+E T/AT T/E EA#!TE-2E *1 A-) !U2/ E""*" !/ALL -*T 2*-!T#TUTE A ,"EA2/ *1 T/#! EULA( )*U A2>-*3LE.+E T/AT )*U /A;E EAE"2#!E. #-.E$E-.E-T CU.+0E-T #- A2U#"#-+ T/E !*1T3A"E A-. /A;E -*T "EL#E. *- A-) "E$"E!E-TAT#*- 0A.E ,) !" 3/#2/ /A! -*T ,EE- !TATE. EA$"E!!L) #- T/#! EULA *" "EL#E. *- A-) .E!2"#$T#*-! *" #LLU!T"AT#*-! *" !$E2#1#2AT#*-! 2*-TA#-E. #- A-) .*2U0E-T #-2LU.#-+ 2ATAL*+UE! *" $U,L#2#T) 0ATE"#AL $"*.U2E. ,) !"( (.+ Ds*la)#&s an" L)tat!n !4 La8lt2 EA2E$T T* T/E EATE-T T/AT L#A,#L#T) A"#!E! $U"!UA-T T* A -*-- EA2LU.A,LE !TATUT*") $"*;#!#*-, !" A22E$T! -* L#A,#L#T) 1*" L*!! *" .A0A+E (#-2LU.#-+ A-) L*!! *1 $"*1#T! *" #-.#"E2T, 2*-!EUE-T#AL, #-2#.E-TAL, !$E2#AL, EAE0$LA") *" $U-#T#;E L*!! *" .A0A+E) 3/#2/ 0A) ,E !U11E"E. *" #-2U""E. *" 3/#2/ 0A) A"#!E .#"E2TL) *" #-.#"E2TL) #- "E!$E2T *1 T/E U!E *1 T/E !*1T3A"E *" #- "E!$E2T *1 T/E 1A#LU"E *" *0#!!#*- *1 !" T* 2*0$L) 3#T/ #T! *,L#+AT#*-! U-.E" T/#! EULA( !" .#!2LA#0! ALL 2*-.#T#*-! *" 3A""A-T#E! "ELAT#-+ T* T/E !*1T3A"E, 3/ET/E" EA$"E!! *" #0$L#E., #-2LU.#-+ ,UT -*T L#0#TE. T* A-) #0$L#E. 3A""A-T#E! *1 0E"2/A-TA,#L#T) A-. 1#T-E!! 1*" A $A"T#2ULA" $U"$*!E( 3/E"E LE+#!LAT#*- #0$L#E! #- T/#! EULA A-) 2*-.#T#*- *" 3A""A-T), A-. T/AT LE+#!LAT#*- A;*#.! *" $"*/#,#T! $"*;#!#*-! #- A 2*-T"A2T EA2LU.#-+ *" 0*.#1)#-+ T/E A$$L#2AT#*- *1 *" EAE"2#!E *1 *" L#A,#L#T) U-.E" !U2/ 2*-.#T#*- *" 3A""A-T), T/E 2*-.#T#*- *" 3A""A-T) !/ALL ,E .EE0E. T* ,E #-2LU.E. #- T/#! EULA( /*3E;E", T* T/E 0AA#0U0 EATE-T $E"0#TTE. ,) LA3, T/E L#A,#L#T) *1 !" 1*" A-) ,"EA2/ *1 !U2/ 2*-.#T#*- *" 3A""A-T) !/ALL ,E L#0#TE., #- T/E 2A!E *1 +**.!, T* T/E "E$A#" *" "E$LA2E0E-T *1 T/*!E +**.! *" $A)0E-T *1 T/E 2*!T *1 T/E#" "E$A#" *" "E$LA2E0E-T, *", #- T/E 2A!E *1 !E";#2E!, T/E "E- !U$$L) *1 T/*!E !E";#2E! *" T/E $A)0E-T *1 T/E 2*!T *1 T/E#" "E- !U$$L)( #- -* E;E-T !/ALL !":! L#A,#L#T) 1*" A-) L*!! *" .A0A+E /*3!*E;E" 2AU!E. (#-2LU.#-+ ,UT -*T L#0#TE. T* ,) 3A) *1 -E+L#+E-2E) #- 2*--E2T#*- 3#T/ U!E *1 T/E !*1T3A"E *" #- "E!$E2T *1 T/E 1A#LU"E *" *0#!!#*- *1 !" T* 2*0$L) 3#T/ #T! *,L#+AT#*-! U-.E" T/#! EULA EA2EE. T/E A0*U-T *1 T/E L#2E-!E 1EE $A#. ,) )*U T* U!E T/E !*1T3A"E( (., =-&s"*t!n This EULA is go&erned by, and you submit to the non-e5clusi&e 9urisdiction o% the courts o%, the !tate o% ;ictoria, Australia( QSR Int#&nat!nal Pt2 Lt".7 S#*!n" Fl!!&7 .,1 D!n*ast#& R!a"7 D!n*ast#&7 V*t!&a7 (10;7 A-st&ala. A>N +1 00. (,1 $1(.