License Maya Adv
License Maya Adv
License Maya Adv
o" #$% IM&ORTANT ' &LEASE READ CAREFULL() Chaos Software Ltd (THE COMPANY), actin on its own !eha"f or on !eha"f of an a#thori$ed !% THE COMPANY rese""er, "icenses the renderin s%ste& '()a% for A#todes* Ma%a, +ersion ,-. (hereinafter referred to as THE P)O/0CT) to %o# (either %o# 1ersona""% if %o# ha+e ac2#ired THE P)O/0CT for %o#rse"f, or another "e a" entit% which has ac2#ired THE P)O/0CT on %o#r !eha"f3 hereinafter referred to as THE L4CENSEE) on"% #1on the condition that %o# acce1t a"" of the ter&s contained in this EN/ 0SE) L4CENSE A5)EEMENT (THE A5)EEMENT)6% insta""in , accessin , or otherwise co1%in or #sin a"" or an% 1ortion of THE P)O/0CT, THE L4CENSEE a rees to !e "e a""% !o#nd !% THE A5)EEMENT- 4f THE L4CENSEE does not a ree to an% or a"" of the ter&s in THE A5)EEMENT, THE L4CENSEE &#st not insta"", access, or otherwise co1% or #se THE P)O/0CT and &a%, within thirt% (7.) da%s fro& the date of ac2#isition, ret#rn THE P)O/0CT and an% acco&1an%in doc#&entation and &ateria"s to THE COMPANY or its a#thori$ed rese""er fro& which THE P)O/0CT was ac2#ired for a ref#ndArt!*+e ,$ SCO&E 8-8- THE COMPANY transfers and THE L4CENSEE acce1ts the fo""owin nons#!"icensa!"e, none9c"#si+e, nontransfera!"e ri hts o+er THE P)O/0CT, s#!:ect to the restrictions in section 8-;< a) to "oad THE P)O/0CT, to +iew it on a co&1#ter screen, to e9ec#te it, to trans&it it to a distance, to *ee1 it on a co&1#ter stora e de+ice3 !) to create a !ac*(#1 co1% of THE P)O/0CT, if that is needed for the s1ecific #se that the 1ro ra& has !een ac2#ired forc) to !enefit co&&ercia""% fro& #sin THE P)O/0CT in the a#thori$ed &anner considerin the restrictions in Artic"e 7-8- !e"ow, e9c"#din the sa"e or transfer of 1#rchased "icensed co1ies to third 1arties8-,- 6% this A5)EEMENT, THE COMPANY transfers to THE L4CENSEE the ri hts referred to in 1ara ra1h 8-8 for 8 (one) "icensed co1% of THE P)O/0CT8-7- 6% this A5)EEMENT, THE COMPANY transfers to THE L4CENSEE the ri hts referred to in 1ara ra1h 8-8 for 8. (ten) "icensed co1ies of '()a% Standa"one- The ri hts and o!"i ations of THE COMPANY and THE L4CENSEE with res1ect to each co1% of '()a% Standa"one sha"" !e arran ed in a se1arate a ree&ent8-=- A "icensed co1% constit#tes of a"" co&1#ter fi"es 1ro+ided to THE L4CENSEE !% THE COMPANY (inc"#din !#t not "i&ited to insta""ation fi"es, !inar% e9ec#ta!"e fi"es, "i!rar% fi"es, confi #ration fi"es and doc#&entation fi"es)8-;- THE L4CENSEE is entit"ed to #se the ra1hica" #ser interface of THE P)O/0CT on"% on one co&1#ter or another technica" de+ice, res1ecti+e"%, at an% one ti&e- THE L4CENSEE is entit"ed to #se #1 to 8. (ten) r#nnin co1ies of THE P)O/0CT for !atch fra&e(!%(fra&e networ* renderin with the Ma%a !atch &ode O) with '()a% Standa"one thro# h the co&&and "ine- THE L4CENSEE is entit"ed to #se #1 to 8. (ten) r#nnin co1ies of THE P)O/0CT for distri!#ted renderin -
8->- 6% THE A5)EEMENT no ri hts o+er the trade&ar*s of THE COMPANY, or other ri hts not s1ecified herein, res1ecti+e"%, are !ein transferred to THE L4CENSEEArt!*+e #$ RIG-TS AND O.LIGATIONS OF T-E COM&AN( ,-8- THE COMPANY sha"" ha+e to f#rnish THE L4CENSEE +ia e"ectronic wa% with the a&o#nt, s1ecified herein, of "icensed co1ies of the P)O/0CT whose ri hts to #se, as defined in Artic"e 8-8-, are !ein transferred !% THE A5)EEMENT,-,- THE COMPANY sha"" ha+e to *ee1 confidentia" an% of THE L4CENSEE?s trade secrets, as we"" as an% other infor&ation or data THE COMPANY &a% !eco&e aware of d#rin or in re"ation with the e9ec#tion of THE A5)EEMENT, e9ce1t in cases where s#ch infor&ation or data is re2#ired !% a11"ica!"e "aw,-7- THE COMPANY sha"" *ee1 the ri ht to &a*e an% chan es, i&1ro+e&ents and corrections it dee&s necessar% of the 1rod#ct here#nder, as "on as s#ch chan e, i&1ro+e&ent or correction does not affect the 1rod#ct?s &ain f#nction (renderin of 7d &ode"s) and does not 2#a"if% as a new 1rod#ct,-=- A"" 1#rchased "icenses wi"" !e a#thori$ed +ia a License Ser+er- The ri hts and o!"i ations of THE COMPANY with res1ect to the License Ser+er sha"" !e arran ed in a se1arate a ree&ent,-;- THE COMPANY sha"" not !e res1onsi!"e for an% 1ro!"e&s that &a% a11ear d#rin or !eca#se of the #se of the P)O/0CT- THE COMPANY sha"" not !e "ia!"e in case THE L4CENSEE is not a!"e to #se an% or a"" of the P)O/0CT?s feat#res d#e to a force &a:e#re (inc"#din , !#t not "i&ited to short(circ#its, 1ower o#ta es, internet networ* &a"f#nctions, ad&inistrati+e "i&itations and others s#ch as a war, stri*e, riot, cri&e, or an e+ent descri!ed !% the "e a" ter& @act of 5od@ e- -, f"oodin s, earth2#a*es, etc-),->- THE COMPANYAs entire "ia!i"it% sha"" !e "i&ited to da&a es of an a&o#nt e2#a" to the a&o#nt of the initia" 1#rchase 1rice ori ina""% 1aid !% THE L4CENSEE for THE P)O/0CT- The entire "ia!i"it% of THE COMPANY and THE L4CENSEEAs e9c"#si+e re&ed% wi"" !e to atte&1t to correct or wor* aro#nd errors, to re1"ace THE P)O/0CT or to ref#nd the 1#rchase 1rice and ter&inate THE A5)EEMENTArt!*+e /$ RIG-TS AND O.LIGATIONS OF T-E LICENSEE 7-8- THE L4CENSEE sha"" "ot< a) )e1rod#ce THE P)O/0CT, e9ce1t for !ac*(#1 co1ies &ade on"% for their 1ersona" #sa e and which cannot !e 1ro+ided to an% third 1arties3 !) 0se THE P)O/0CT to de+e"o1 a new software 1rod#ct with the sa&e (renderin of 7d &ode"s)3 c) 5i+e THE P)O/0CT awa% in an% wa% ("ease, rent, char e, donate, e9chan e or other) to an% third 1arties- THE L4CENSEE is not a""owed to se"", transfer, assi n or rant access to hisBher 1#rchased "icensed co1% to a third 1art%d) THE P)O/0CT cannot !e #sed for co&&ercia" render(far& ser+ices that 1ro+ide third 1arties with contractedBon de&and renderin ser+ices- )ender(far& ser+ice 1ro+iders wi"" need a se1arate a ree&ent with THE COMPANY-
e) Ma*e an% trans"ation, ada1tation, arran e&ent and an% other a"teration of THE P)O/0CT or &a*e an% re1rod#ction, distri!#tion, co&&#nication, dis1"a% or 1erfor&ance to the 1#!"ic of the res#"ts of s#ch acts3 f) Ada1t or re+erse co&1i"e or re+erse en ineer the who"e or an% 1art of THE P)O/0CT3 ) )e&o+e or a"ter an% co1%ri ht or other 1ro1rietar% notice fro& THE P)O/0CT3 h) Not !% itse"f or with others 1artici1ate in an% i""e a", dece1ti+e, &is"eadin or #nethica" 1ractices and acti+ities, which &a% !e detri&enta" to THE COMPANY O) THE P)O/0CT3 7-,- THE L4CENSEE sha"" notif% THE COMPANY i&&ediate"% if THE L4CENSEE !eco&es aware of an% #na#thori$ed #se of the who"e or an% 1art of THE P)O/0CT !% an% third 1art%7-7- THE L4CENSEE sha"" !e entit"ed on"% to the ri hts s1ecified in Artic"e 8-8 of THE A5)EEMENT7-=- THE L4CENSEE sha"" !e o!"i ated to 1ro+ide THE COMPANY with an% infor&ation needed for the acc#rate co&1"etion of THE A5)EEMENT?s o!:ecti+e7-;- THE L4CENSEE sha"" !e o!"i ated to *ee1 confidentia" an% of THE COMPANY?s trade secrets, as we"" as an% other infor&ation heBshe &a% !eco&e aware of d#rin or in re"ation with the e9ec#tion of THE A5)EEMENT, e9ce1t in cases where s#ch infor&ation is re2#ired !% a11"ica!"e "awArt!*+e 0$ &RODUCT AUT-ORI1ATION =-8- THE P)O/0CT &a% inc"#de 1rotection sche&es to 1re+ent #sa e of #n"icensed co1ies of THE P)O/0CT=-,- THE P)O/0CT wi"" !e a#thori$ed !% a License Ser+er, which ter&s and conditions are arran ed in an additiona" a ree&ent as descri!ed in Artic"e ,-=Art!*+e 2$ DURATION AND TERMINATION ;-8- THE A5)EEMENT is effecti+e #nti" ter&inated;-,- THE L4CENSEE &a% ter&inate THE A5)EEMENT at an% ti&e !% destro%in THE P)O/0CT, re"ated doc#&entation and a"" co1ies thereof- 01on the ter&ination of THE A5)EEMENT, THE L4CENSEE sha"" cease a"" #se of THE P)O/0CT and destro% a"" co1ies, f#"" or 1artia", of THE P)O/0CT;-7- THE A5)EEMENT wi"" ter&inate i&&ediate"% witho#t notice fro& THE COMPANY if THE L4CENSEE fai"s to co&1"% with an% 1ro+ision of THE A5)EEMENTArt!*+e 3$ OT-ER &ROVISIONS >-8- An% dis1#te a!o#t the e9istence and the +a"idit% of THE A5)EEMENT, or in re"ation with THE A5)EEMENT or with a !reach of it, inc"#din an% dis1#te and discre1anc% a!o#t the effect, inter1retation, ter&ination, 1erfor&ance or fai"#re to e9ec#te it, sha"" !e sett"ed !% ne otiations- 4n the e+ent no so"#tion is achie+ed, the dis1#te sha"" !e ta*en to the Ar!itration Co#rt of C#rich- The
ar!itration "an #a e sha"" !e En "ish, and the a11"ica!"e "e is"ation sha"" !e the 6#" arian "e is"ation>-,- 4n the e+ent an% of the ter&s of THE A5)EEMENT is dec"ared +oid !eca#se it conf"icts with the a11"ica!"e "aw, the rest of the ter&s and the A5)EEMENT as a who"e sha"" re&ain in f#"" effect- S#ch in+a"id ter& sha"" !e s#1erseded !% the "e a" 1ro+isions>-7-The 1arties hereto sha"" !e o!"i ated not to disc"ose to an% third 1art% an% 1art of the infor&ation e9chan ed in the ne otiations he"d !etween the& d#rin or in re"ation with the e9ec#tion of THE A5)EEMENT, e9ce1t where s#ch infor&ation is re2#ired !% a11"ica!"e "aw>-=- An% a&end&ent or &odification of THE A5)EEMENT sha"" on"% !e &ade !% an additiona" a ree&ent &ade in writin !etween the 1arties (anne9) and si ned !% !oth of the&V-Ray and the V-Ray logo are registered trademarks of Chaos Software Ltd. Autodesk and Maya are trademarks or registered trademarks of Autodesk, Inc. All other rand names, !roduct names, or trademarks elong to their res!ecti"e holders.