Business Plan Model For Students

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BUSINESS PLAN A. COMPANY DATA 1. The full name of the company !.

A""#e$%ate& name of the company < if necessary > : '. Company() &eta%l) < specify the full address, telephone and fax > Headquarters: Operational Headquarters: Operation departments: Offices: Production departments: 4. *e+%)t#at%on num"e# < check > : , T#a&e *e+%)te# Off%ce - , ..... / ............ / ........ - , Un%0ue #e+%)t#at%on co&e ___________________ Le+al fo#m of %nco#po#at%on <check> 1 S.*.L2 1 S.A.2 1 S.C.S.2 1 S.C.A.2 1 S.N.C.

5. 3.

Date an& locat%on of the "e+%nn%n+ of company() act%$%ty Date ...../...../...... Locat%on ..................... 4to5n6 county7

8. 9%el& of act%$%ty <detailed description of the main activities: services, tourism, commerce etc . %nclu&%n+ NACE co&e fo# each act%$%ty %nclu&%n+ the ma%n act%$%ty>: Act%$%t%e) NACE co&e



........... ...........

Le% at &ate of ...........<specify> e0u%$alent %n EU*O at e;chan+e #ate of ........Le%/EU*O <specify the exchange rate that is taken into account>


Tu#no$e# of p#e$%ou) yea# (If there is the case) ........... ........... le% at &ate of ..........<specify> e0u%$alent %n EU*O at e;chan+e #ate of ........Le%/EU*O <specify the exchange rate that is taken into account>

1=. A))oc%ate)6 )ha#ehol&e#) Private individuals 1. 2. 3. 4. 'orporate 1. 2. 3. Full address and telephone num er !ationalit" #hares of capital $%&

Full address and telephone num er, no. 'om. (e)., fiscal code

!o. of emplo"ees


#hares of capital $%&


+O+,-: .//% 11. Cen)o#) an& / o# au&%to#) of the company a!e (corporate or pri"ate #osition (censor indi"idual) or auditor)

$ull address, telephone nu!%er, fax

&ince taking up the position of censor or auditor of the co!pany

'ate of last report prepared %y the censor or auditor

1!. Bu)%ne)) pa#tne# "an>) of the company (anks )here the co!pany has opened accounts *ddress of the %ranch +ear and !onth )hen opening the account I(* , lei I(* , currency (-----) <specify (., euro etc.)>

B. COMPANY MANA?EMENT AND PE*SONELL 1. Company() mana+ement <gi"e details concerning the current !anage!ent of the co!pany / 012, production !anager, econo!ic !anager, sales !anager, !arketing !anager, hu!an resource !anager, etc3 specify the experience and 4ualifications of each !anager that are i!portant for !anaging the %usiness and for the proposed in"est!ent pro5ect> #osition 6ast a!e $irst a!e &tudies +ear since hired )ith the co!pany

!. Cu##ent pe#)onnel of the company !.1. Total num"e#) of employee) 7otal nu!%ers of e!ployees 2f )hich88 9a"ing e!ploy!ent contract of indefinite duration

9a"ing a cooperation agree!ent or other for!s of te!porary e!ploy!ent

!.!. E;%)t%n+ pe#)onnel )t#uctu#e <including %usiness organi:ation and specification of the follo)ing synthetic nu!erical data >: or)ani0ation1s leadership2 direct productive staff: - 3or4ers2 - foremen: - en)ineers - other qualifications <specify )hich> indirect productive staff: - administrative: - mar4etin): - sales: - other departments <specify )hich>: 5/

C. DESCIPTION O9 T@E CU**ENT ACTIAITY O9 T@E COMPANY 1. !. @%)to#y of company() act%$%ty an& le+al %))ue) <please detail> P#o&uct) an& )e#$%ce) offe#e& "y the company < specify the !ain ele!ents that you consider rele"ant to pro"ide an i!age of your products and ser"ices8 assort!ent, 4uality, 4uantity, the "ariation of 4uantity and 4uality of products and ser"ices in ti!e etc.)8 *a5 mate#%al) '.1. The ma%n )uppl%e#) of #a5 mate#%al) ;a) !aterial 7he present supplier (na!e3 address) #ercent<) in total of ra) !aterials (in "alue) (=)


5 +he 3ei)ht $percent& 3hich the supplier contri utes the ra3 material, in total ra3 material of that 4ind used " the firm. '.!. The co)t) of #a5 mate#%al) 4monthly a$e#a+e6 etc.7 B. De)c#%pt%on of the p#e)ent technolo+%cal p#oce)) Cif necessary, gi"e details in an annex to the (usiness #lan>: D. Techn%cal &ata on p#%ma#y f%;e& a))et) o5ne& "y the company6 the )%tuat%on of e0u%pment an& "u%l&%n+) o5ne&/u)e& o. . 6 7 E Total D. T@E CU**ENT MA*FET O9 T@E COMPANY 1. Cu)tome#) Cspecify )hich !arket the products and ser"ices of your co!pany )ill address to. 7hey )ill address exclusi"ely to a local !arket / countyA Broup of countiesA Chat countiesA 1xportA If yes, )here, in )hat countriesA 9o) !any potential custo!ers there are on this !arketA Cho are your present custo!ersA etc. &pecify8> a!e and address of the custo!er 2)nership type +ear and "alue of the transactions, (e4ui"alent Dn 1?;2) 0ategory and na!e of the group of fixed assets >alue (1?;2) 0urrent state @ age

!. U)e& an& nee&e& &%)t#%"ut%on )y)tem <#ro"ide ele!ents concerning the )ay of distri%ution and selling your products at the ti!e %eing. Chat i!pro"e!ents do you consider are neededA etc. > '. Compet%t%on 4name6 &ata a"out the)e7 <Cho are your co!petitors on the !arket you sell your products@ser"icesA Chat can you say a%out the!A *re they !ore successful than youA If yes, )hyA 9a"e they %een present on the !arket for a long ti!eA etc..> B. Po)%t%on%n+ p#o&uct) an& )e#$%ce) of the company face to the compet%t%on <9o) do you position your co!pany products and ser"ices co!pared to those your co!petitionA 'o your co!pany products and ser"ices ha"e %etter 4uality than those your co!petitionA 'o you ha"e s!aller pricesA 'o you sell on credit@install!entsA 'o you ha"e selling points closer to your custo!ersA 'o you pro"ide a %etter )ay


of selling products to your custo!ersA If yes, ho)A 9o) do you differ fro! your co!petitionA 9oe do you attract custo!ersA 1tc. etc.> E. P*ESENTATION O9 T@E P*O-ECT 9O* G@IC@ 9INANCIN? IS *EHUESTED .. Type of %n$e)tment < check all options that fit to your proposed in"est!ent pro5ect.> Ne5 %n$e)tment Inc#ea)%n+ the %n)talle& p#o&uct%on capac%ty an& / o# capac%ty to p#o$%&e )e#$%ce) P#o&uct%on &%$e#)%f%cat%on Inc#ea)%n+ p#o&uct%$%ty Othe#) <please detail> EEEEEEEEEE.

!. The o"Iect of %n$e)tment a) Construction of production buildings and related purpose facilities < check all options that fit to your proposed in"est!ent pro5ect.> : %f ye)6 $alue of EEEE EU*O ac0u%)%t%on 2 e;pan)%on 2 ne5 "u%l&%n+ b) Acquisition of Machines/Equipment %f ye) e)t%mate& $alue EEEE EU*O ne5 2 )econ& han& c) Acquisition of vehicles with a production purpose : %f ye) e)t%mate& $alue EEEE.. EU*O ne5 2 )econ& han& lea)%n+

d) Investments in intangible assets: %f ye) pu#cha)e of manufactu#%n+ l%cen)e) an& patent) 2 f#anch%)%n+ l%cen)e) 2 )oft5a#e <please detail>.................................


e) Investment in stocks for production raw materials / materials / packaging / inventor! etc" #ecessar! for manufacturing c!cle: %f ye) e)t%mate& $alue EEEEE.EU*O f) $raining directl! related to pro%ect: %f ye) e)t%mate& $alue EEEEEEU*O g) &thers: < please detail > ''''''''''''''''''''''"

#ACE code CAE# code) of the pro%ect activit!:: EEE EU*O

The total $alue of the p#opo)e& %n$e)tment p#oIect

'. ?ene#al element) of the p#oIect < pro"ide so!e details a%out the pro5ect8 Chat goals ha"e you proposed to reach follo)ing the i!ple!entation of this pro5ectA 9o) did you co!e out )ith this pro5ect ideaA Chy do you )ant to reali:e this pro5ectA 1tc. etc. > B. P#o&uct) an& / o# )e#$%ce) you 5ant to ach%e$e f#om %mplement%n+ the p#opo)e& p#oIect 40ual%ty6 0uant%ty an& t%mef#ame7 <descri%e in detail> D. De)c#%pt%on of technolo+%cal p#oce)) 5%th the %mp#o$ement) p#opo)e& "y the p#oIect <'escri%e in detail, sho)ing )hy is needed each o%5ect of the in"est!ent !entioned a%o"e in section 2. a), %), c) ... g). If necessary, pro"ide here only a su!!ary and attach to the (usiness #lan a !ore detailed description>8 56

D.1. De)c#%pt%on of the technolo+%cal p#oce))6 5%th the p#opo)e& %mp#o$ement) th#ou+h p#e)ent %n$e)tment p#oIect (If needed, present details in an annex to the (usiness #lan> D.!. En$%#onmental %mpact <Chat i!pact )ill the pro5ect ha"e on the en"iron!entA Is it needed an en"iron!ental i!pact studyA Is it re4uired an en"iron!ental authori:ationA If you ha"e already prepared an en"iron!ental i!pact study, attach it to the (usiness #lan> D.'. Ut%l%t%e) 4elect#%c%ty6 5ate#6 methane +a) etc.7 < Chat utilities are re4uired for the i!ple!entation of the pro5ect (4uantity, para!eters, 4uality and so on). *re @ )ill %e all utilities pro"ided at the re4uired para!eters and ti!eA 1tc.> D.B. Othe# #ele$ant le+al %))ue) <$or exa!ple8 Chat other licenses, per!its etc. )ill %e needed for the i!ple!entation of the pro5ectA 3. The mana+ement )t#uctu#e %n %mplement%n+ the p#oIect < #resent !anage!ent structure of the proposed pro5ect8 )ho )ill %e the people in"ol"ed in the coordination and !anage!ent of this pro5ectA Chat pro5ect !anage!ent structure you plan to i!ple!ent to ensure the i!ple!entation of the pro5ect on ti!e and )ithin the para!eters descri%ed in this (usiness #lanA Chat role and )hat responsi%ilities )ill ha"e each tea! !e!%er of the !anage!ent of the pro5ectA The ma%n )uppl%e#) of #a5 mate#%al) fo# the act%$%t%e) of the p#opo)e& %n$e)tment p#oIect < &ho) )hat ra) !aterials, processed !aterials, packaging etc. )ill %e re4uired to !ake and sell products and ser"ices that )ill %e o%tained as a result of pro5ect i!ple!entation. 'id you identify the suppliers of ra) !aterials A Cho are theyA Chat is their for! of o)nershipA 'o you already ha"e %usiness relationships )ith the!A Chat percentage of the necessary ra) !aterialsE "alue )ill %e purchased fro! each supplierA Cith )hat fre4uency you )ill need to supply ade4uate to !eet production re4uire!entsA 1tc., etc., etc. +ou should de!onstrate in this section that you ha"e analy:ed in detail the issues of %eing supplied )ith ra) !aterials, !aterials, packaging, etc.. and ha"e identified and are a%le to ensure a good supply. $ill, in addition, the synthetic ta%le %elo)8> &upplierEs na!e #ercent = #eriodicity


;a) !aterial

:. De)c#%pt%on of p#opo)e& %n$e)tment %n the conte;t of the technolo+%cal p#oce)) &e)c#%"e& a"o$e o. 7he in"est!entEs o%5ect (e4uip!ents, %uildings reha%ilitation @ construction, etc.) 8 Total 7ype@ #ieces 7echnical features #otential suppliers *nd address 1sti!ated "alue (1?;2) 2%s.

9mportant: 9n case of the pro:ects that include industrial uildin)s, "ou have to include the estimated construction e;penditures. 'an e presented as a separate appendi; to the usiness plan, if it is too lar)e..


<. T%meta"le fo# %mplement%n+ the p#opo)e& %n$e)tment p#oIect 4&eta%le& )che&ule of p#oIect %mplementat%on pha)e) an& act%$%t%e)7 E)t%mate& )ta#t &ate of the p#oIect act%$%ty ..../....../....... E)t%mate& &ate of complet%on of the p#oIect act%$%ty ..../....../....... E)t%mate& &ate of )ta#t%n+ of p#o&uct%on act%$%ty at full capac%ty ..../....../....... o. #ro"ided acti"ity #ro5ect duration 7he !onth of reali:ing the action Fonth Fonth 3 G 2

Fonth 1

1=. Nece))a#y mo&%f%cat%on) to e;%)t%n+ e0u%pment o# "u%l&%n+) <please detail> 11. Nece))a#y chan+e) %n the )t#uctu#e an& num"e# of )taff < $ill in as detailed as you can this section of the %usiness plan. 9o) !any ne) people )ill %e hired after i!ple!enting this in"est!ent pro5ectA 9o) !any ne) 5o%s )ill %e created, co!pared to the current nu!%er of 5o%s in the co!panyA Cill %e per!anent 5o%s, ha"ing e!ploy!ent contracts of indefinite durationA *%out ho) long do you esti!ate that these positions )ill %e re4uired and retained in your co!panyA Cill %e created and @ only te!porary positionsA 9o) !uch )ill they lastA Chat professional re4uire!ents should !eet those )ho )ill %e e!ployed in ne) created 5o%sA Cill you pro"ide the re4uired professional training A Chat is the nu!%er of une!ployed people that you esti!ate could %e e!ployed %y your co!pany as a result of the in"est!ent pro5ect i!ple!entationA 1tc. etc. etc. >: 1!. Cha#acte#%)t%c) of the local la"o# fo#ce acco#&%n+ to #e0u%#ement) <<ill you %e a%le to recruit la%or a"aila%le locally in your county for the ne)ly created 5o%sA If not, )hyA Chat re4uire!ents should they !eetA 1tc.>

9. DATA CONCE*NIN? T@E POTENTIAL MA*FET AND P*ODUCTS MA*FETIN? 1. E)t%mate& )ale) $olume at the en& of the ne;t B 4fou#7 yea#) fo# p#o&uct) an& )e#$%ce) ma&e a) a #e)ult of the p#opo)e& p#oIect6 %f p#oIect f%nanc%n+ %) &one Yea# I ........ EU*O Yea# II ........ EU*O Yea# III ........ EU*O Yea# IA ........ EU*O

6. De)c#%pt%on of the ma#>et fo# p#o&uct) an& )e#$%ce) you 5%ll ma>e a) a #e)ult of p#oIect %mplementat%on. <'escri%e as detailed as you can 791 F*;H17 that the products and ser"ices that your co!pany )ill create as a result of the i!ple!entation of your proposed in"est!ent pro5ect )ill addressed8 ho) !any potential custo!ers do you esti!ate are for these products and ser"icesA 2f these, ho) !any custo!ers @ %uyers do you expect to ha"e @ )in for products and ser"ices offered in addition %y your co!pany as a result of i!ple!entation of this pro5ectA *re these clients exclusi"ely local custo!ersA 7he potential !arket that you address is only in the county )here the pro5ect is to %e i!ple!entedA 2r are there opportunities in other counties alsoA If yes, )hich othersA Cill you %e a%le to export products and ser"ices offeredA If yes, )here and ho)A Chat specific re4uire!ents ha"e the potential custo!ers for products and ser"ices that you )ill produce as a result of i!ple!entation of this pro5ectA etc. etc. etc. In addition, if you ha"e the necessary infor!ation, co!plete the ta%le %elo)8> a!e and address of the potential custo!er #roduct = of sales *nnual "alue (1?;2 e4ui"alent)


'. Potent%al compet%t%on <'etail8 )ho )ill %e the potential co!petitors, )hat is their position on the !arket at the ti!e %eing etc.3 plus, fill in the ta%le %elo)8> a!e and address 7he !arket seg!ent Foti"ation

B. The ma%n a&$anta+e) of the p#o&uct) offe#e& "y you# company. 4e.+. p#%ce6 0ual%ty6 )pec%al featu#e)6 othe#)7 <please detail> D. P#e&%cta"le #eact%on of the compet%t%on at launch%n+ the ne5 offe# on the ma#>et <please detail> 3. @o5 5%ll you en)u#e the )ale of p#o&uct) an& )e#$%ce)1 <please detail> Metho& of )ale O5n net5o#> of )hop) D%)t#%"uto#) Ghole)ale At the facto#y )hop Othe#) 4E..7 J of total )ale) Comment)

8. Ma#>et%n+ act%$%t%e) planne& <'etail8 9o) )ill potential custo!ers find a%out your productsA Chat %udget )ill you allocate in the follo)ing years for the products !arketingA Chat ad"ertising !ethods )ill you useA Cill you participate in fairs, exhi%itions and so onA If yes, )hereA 'o you intend to export productsA If yes, descri%e on )hich foreign !arkets do you intend to sell the products and@or ser"ices and )hat )ill you do to get your products )ell kno)n on these !arketsA> :. Othe# element) conce#n%n+ the ma#>et%n+ )t#ate+y of the company <detail3 e.g.8 Chat changes do you think )ill occur on the !arket of the products and ser"ices that you offer as a result of this pro5ectA 9o) )ill your co!pany adapt to these changesA 9o) do you prepare for the future changes in the !arketA etc> <. Othe# )ynthet%c %nfo#mat%on on the e;pecte& %mpact of the p#oIect %n econom%c te#m) <#ro"ide details that you consider %eing rele"ant concerning the "ia%ility and sustaina%ility of the pro5ect8 9o) )ill increase export sales (percentage and "alue / 1?;2 e4ui"alent)A 9o) )ill increase co!pany profits (percentage and "alue / 1?;2 e4ui"alent)A 1tc. etc.> ?. ENAISA?ED ASSUMPTIONS AND *ISFS G@EN DESI?NIN? T@E P*O-ECT <#resent )hich )ere the assu!ptions and risks that you considered )hen ela%orating the proposed in"est!ent pro5ect3 if needed, annex the presentation of these ele!ents to the (usiness #lan>

@. OT@E*S <*ttach, if you considerer necessary, other ele!ents that you consider rele"ant to your co!pany and proposed pro5ect8 technical studies @ feasi%ility studies, etc. referring to the proposed in"est!ent, price offers, en"iron!ental i!pact studies, etc.>


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