Anees Ahmad: Career Objective

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Phone: 0333-8302690 Email:[email protected]

To utilize the skill of rofessional engineering an! management "ith inno#ation$ struggle an! commitment in a !%namic organization that ro#i!es satisfaction an! self actualization.

Matriculation ( !!!" &ith Percentage 82.'2 ( F%Sc ( !!," Boar) o- Int&r.&)iat& / S&con)ar0 E)ucation La(or& UET5 La(or& #o$t% H%S%S Mor& '(un)a Nan*ana Sa(i+

&ith ercentage )6.90( B%Sc% Ci$il En1in&&rin1( !!23!4" *irst +i#ision in all four %ears "ith final %ear ercentage )6 ( RESEARCH 6OR' +e#elo ment , - lications of .ene"a/le Energ% Technologies an! their - lications in 0uil!ing 1n!ustr% of Pakistan

SCHOLARSHI7 HOLDER THROU#HOUT EDUCATION CAREER% Act&) a8 a 9ro:&ct l&a)&r in -inal 0&ar 9ro:&ct%

2ualit% control of construction acti#ities Pre aration of 3ontractor4s 5onthl% 0ill Pre aration of monthl% fore-cost. 6oo! 7no"le!ge of corres on!ence an! letters !rafting 6oo! kno"le!ge of *1+13 8 3ontract 5atters 8 roce!ures for 3i#il 3ontracts 9ite e:ecution an! su er#ision

Pre re aration of ;<49

Organization Working As Duration Project C ient


Assistant Project Manager Apri !"#! to $ate Construction o% Co&&ercia cu& Car Parking P aza at Moon Market La'ore(## )tories* TEPA+ LDA

Consu tants EC)P( P,t-*Lt$ Responsi.i ities an$ Duties +ail% ins ection of fiel! acti#ities

E:ecution of "ork accor!ing to !ra"ing = s ecification 0ar /en!ing sche!ule re aration an! 3ontractors monthl% /ill. 2ualit% control an! >ualit% assurance on construction acti#ities <#er all control of site an! consultation "ith consultants an! office management.
Pre aration of 5onthl% *ore cost .e l% to 3onsultants corres on!ence regar!ing all matters$ "hich in#ol#e monthl% /ill an! its #erification. Pre aration of +raft ;ariation <r!ers. Pre aration of ?e" .ates for #arie! "orks. 9u/contractor4s measurement an! a%ment.
Organization Working As Duration

Pu. ic /ea t' Engineering Depart&ent 0o,t- O% Punja.

)u. Di,isiona O%%icer Ma1-!"#" to Apri !"#!


+esign$ management an! e:ecution of "ater su s ecifications4 at 9u/ +i#ision le#el <#erall 2ualit% control of schemes l% an! sanitation schemes accor!ing to

Organization BABER ELECTRIC COMPANY Worke$ As Assistant Project Manager Duration 2an-!""3 MAY !"#" Project Labor colony, Apartments, infrastructure (Water Supply network,2No. Over Hea Water !ank "##### $alons%!ube well &'amber. (oa s Sewera$e, )isposal Station


+ail% ins ection of fiel! acti#ities

(a" D&8i1nation: 7&rio): 7ro:&ct: Co.9an0: D&9art.&nt: -ssignments:

E:ecution of "ork accor!ing to !ra"ing = s ecification 0ar /en!ing sche!ule re aration an! 3ontractors monthl% /ill. 2ualit% control an! >ualit% assurance on construction acti#ities <#er all control of site an! consultation "ith consultants an! office management.
A88i8tant En1in&&r Contract8=Q%S Au1u8t !!4 Jan% !!> Sat9ara Da. 7ro:&ct5 3ontract @ot: '- A+am an! Po"erhousesB 3onstruction of 3i#il , C%!raulic 9teel &orks$ 9kar!u A?orthern -reasB DESCON En1in&&rin1 Lt)% Q%S% = Contract 5easurement of all concrete items i.e.

A1ntake 9tructure$ 0o: 3on!uit$ 9urge 3ham/er$ 3ircular 3on!uit 9tilling 0asin$ 9 ill"a%$ Penstocks$ Cea!race 3hannel$ - roach 3hannel$ *lushing 3hannel$ 9 ill 3hannel$ Emergenc% 9 ill$ *ore 0a%$ Po"er CousesB
5easurement of Earth"ork items$ i.e.$ 5ain +am$ 3offer!am$ Pre aration of 1nterim Pa%ment - lication A5onthl% 0illB Pre aration of 5onthl% *ore cost .e l% to 3onsultants corres on!ence regar!ing all matters$ "hich in#ol#e monthl% /ill an! its #erification. Pre aration of +raft ;ariation <r!ers Pre aration of ?e" .ates for #arie! "orks 9u/contractor4s measurement an! a%ment

1. AUGUST 2007 TO JULY 2008 Employer: RURAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY (NGO)(It is a partner organization o Pa!istan Po"ert# A$$e"iation %&n' (PPA%)) Designa ion: %IELD ENGINEER ( PROGRAM MANAGER COMMUNITY P)YSICAL IN%RASTRUCTURE (CPI) PROGRAM Types o! "ro#e$ s: @ink roa!s 9anitation s%stem 9mall 0ri!ges an! 3ul#erts 1rrigation roDects com rising "atercourse im ro#ement an! tu/e "ell installation

%esponsi&ili ies: 1 han!le! in!e en!entl% more than E0 roDects er %ear "ith a#erage cost of .s. E00$0008

*inancial an! technical management of rogram Ensuring lo" cost infrastructures through economical !esigns an! /etter harnessing communities otential 5onitoring of the rogress ma!e /% rogram an! re aring consoli!ate! re ort To e#aluate results$ effects an! im acts of !ifferent inter#entions on erio!ic /asis 6ui!ing fiel! staff com rising fiel! engineers an! social organizers for /etter im lementation of rogram Pre aring monthl% an! annual re orts of rogram *uture Planning for !e#elo ment in target area

2. DE'E()E% 200* o JU+E 2007 Employer: )A*I AYYU+ NOOR , SONS (Part-Ti.e) Designa ion: Site Engineer Types o! "ro#e$ s: 3onstruction of 3on#ocation hall 3om le:$ 6irls Costel$ 9tu!ent 9er#ices 3enters$ -rchitectural Engineering +e artment an! +e artment of 1ncu/ation , Technolog% in FET$ @ahore 3am us.

%esponsi&ili ies: 9u er#ision of e:ecution of roDect as er consultant AFET$ @ahoreB !esign. Ensuring >ualit% through control on materials$ men$ machiner% an! time ;erif%ing su/-contractors4 "ork an! recommen!ing a%ments accor!ingl%. Pre aration of running /ills as er site measurements , !ra"ings.


3an "ork in 6INDO6S !!! / <7 an! has !e#elo e! the 9kill to use the follo"ing soft "aresG 59 <**13E (59 &<.+$ EH3E@$ P<&E. P<1?TB -FT< 3-+ "E%SO+AL DATA: *ather4s ?ame +ate of 0irth ?ationalit% ?.1.3. ?o PE3 .eg. ?o +omicile : : : : : : 5uhamma! Iousaf 0'-0'-'98E Pakistani 3EJ02-988)92J-9 3i#il-2))J' ?ankana 9ahi/ APunDa/B ;illage .atti Ti//i -ra%an P.< 5ore 7hun!a Tehsil , +istrict ?ankana 9ahi/ Tele hone ?o : 0333-8302690

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