Business Case Template
Business Case Template
Business Case Template
Revision Date: MM/DD/YYYY Revision Num: 1.0 File Name: 11 !"#$%#.&oc Num o' Pa(es: 10 )ut*or: [)ut*or]
Revision History
Date <MM/DD/YY > Revision 1.0 )ut*or [Author] ,*an(es <Original document created>
0or the changes &rom the ,Summar". ta% to ta9e e&&ect select the all the text in the document and #ress 0:' o o ;e#eat this in the header and &ooter areas o& the document as +ell' (& a message sho+s u# a&ter "ou7 e #ressed 0:< select the ,!#date entire ta%le. o#tion'
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A&ter each u#date o& the document ma9e sure to increase the re ision num%ers and u#date the re ision date manuall" on2 o o o $he &irst #age $he document header (n the re ision ta%le and to descri%e the changes>
$he %usiness case should %e signed %" the 9e" sta9eholders' According to the BABO= er' >'? the 9e" sta9eholders are2 / / / / Business executi e s#onsor o& the #ro#osed #ro*ect Business #rocess o+ner and %usiness SME &or the a&&ected %usiness area ($ manager +ho is su##orting the %usiness area Senior #ro*ect manager 41M5
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Table of Contents
1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................................................5 2 INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY.........................................................................................................................5 3 APPROACH......................................................................................................................................................................9 4 KEY SELECTION CRITERION ................................................................................................................................9 5 PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE (INSERT TITLE) ...............................................................................................10 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................................................10
Table of Figures
Table of Tables
TA!LE 1" SOLUTION 1 # PAY!ACK PERIOD........................................................................................................9
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Business Case
<$his #art o& the document must start on an odd #age' (& necessar" add a %lan9 #age' BABO= er'>'? ,$he BA colla%orates +ith su%*ect matter ex#erts 4the %usiness s#onsor< %usiness re#resentati e4s5 and ($ management5 to sco#e the #ro#osed #ro*ect< ma9e time and cost estimates< )uanti&" %usiness %ene&its and #re#are the %usiness case'. ,De elo# the Business 8ase at the le el o& detail su&&icient to demonstrate #ro*ect ia%ilit" and secure a go/no go decision &or the initiati e'.>
1 E ecutive !ummary
<Descri%e the %usiness #ro%lem this #ro*ect is initiated to sol e' Brie&l" descri%e the #ro*ect< including external %eha ior o& the a##lication or su%s"stem identi&ied< %usiness #rocess changes and the &unctional and non&unctional re)uirements' S#eci&" the #ur#ose and the audience o& this document' $he audience is usuall" the sta9eholders +ho sign the document' BABO= er' >'? Business 8ase 1ur#ose ,$he Business 8ase +ill ultimatel" %e su%mitted to management as a %asis to determine +hether &urther in estment in the #ro*ect is +arranted< i'e'< &unding &or #ro*ect initiation< #lanning and re)uirements elicitation< anal"sis and documentation' (t is common %usiness #ractice to re)uire the disci#line o& Business 8ase de elo#ment &or large@scale initiati es' $he Enter#rise Anal"sis acti ities culminate in de elo#ment o& the Business 8ase to ensure that ade)uate in&ormation is #resented &or the #ort&olio management go ernance grou# to ma9e the %est in estment decisions. $his section should not %e longer than hal& a #age' Ma" add a context diagram here'>
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"%+ (pportunity
<BABO= er' >'? ,Ain&ormation a%out the o##ortunit" in terms o& the mar9et trends< com#etiti e en ironment and ex#ected mar9et #enetration i& a &easi%ilit" stud" is not a aila%le to #ro ide this context in&ormation. Man" times the o##ortunit" is related to the #ro%lem at hand and the current %usiness #rocess'>
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@etc' !suall" the %usiness %ene&its are related to the com#an" goals< o%*ecti es and #olic"'>
"%0 Assumptions
<Bist an" assum#tions made and 9no+n at the moment' BABO= er' >'? ,$he %usiness de&ines assum#tions regarding ho+ %ene&its +ill %e a##ortioned6 #articularl" in situations 4increased re enue %eing the most common5 +here a change in +hat is %eing measured cannot al+a"s %e &ull" attri%uted to one #ro*ect alone'I
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Both %usiness and technical assum#tions are to %e listed' 0or the %usiness assum#tions contact the manager o& the %usiness area a&&ected %" the #ro*ect &or the technical ones contact the ($ de#artment head or SMEs'>
<BABO= er'>'? ,$he Business 8ase also discusses the im#act o& the #ro#osed change initiati e on the %usiness o#erations< as +ell as on the technolog" in&rastructure'. Descri%e %oth the #ositi e and negati e %usiness and sta&& im#act2 hiring< realignment< etc' $his must %e discussed +ith the manager o& the %usiness area a&&ected %" the #ro*ect' >
<BABO= er'>'? ,$he Business 8ase also discusses the im#act o& the #ro#osed change initiati e on the %usiness o#erations< as +ell as on the technolog" in&rastructure'. $he technolog" im#act is usuall" related to the #urchase< re#lacement or u#grade o& hard+are< data%ases< and in&rastructure' $he technical as#ect must %e discussed in details +ith the ($ de#artment head and the costs +ith the Manager o& the %usiness area a&&ected' 0or exam#le i& this is the &irst s"stem that must %e a aila%le JKxLthis +ill re)uire a lot o& additional hard+are to su##ort its uninterru#ted o#erations and ma" lead to changes in the hard+are used &or some o& the existing s"stems'>
(t*er #ssues
<BABO= er' >'? ,(n addition< the Business 8ase lists the constraints associated +ith the #ro#osed #ro*ect< along +ith the estimated %udget< and alignment +ith #riorities esta%lished %" the %usiness'.>
#mplementation &lan
<Descri%e at er" high le el< ho+ the #ro*ect +ill %e im#lemented' (nclude num%er o& #hases< high le el deli era%les and their current target dates< #ersonnel re)uired &or each #hase< #ro*ect structure< etc' $his is not a #ro*ect #lan' $he #ro*ect #lan +ill %e created %" the #ro*ect manager once the #ro*ect is gi en a green light' $his in&ormation +ill %e used %" the #ort&olio management team 4#ro*ect go ernance grou#5 to determine +hether to in est in the #ro#osed ne+ initiati e'>
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) Approac*
)%1 Financial 2etrics
<Descri%e the &inancial metrics used &or solution and alternati es e aluation' @8ost@%ene&it anal"sis @strengths< +ea9nesses< o##ortunities and threats 4SDO$5 anal"sis @etc' You ma" add a ta%le li9e the one %elo+ &or each solution and alternati e e aluated' Table 1: Solution 1 Payback Period Solution 1 Benefits: Expected Revenue Costs: Analysis Design !ple!entation Maintenance & Support: Personnel So"t#are$%ard#are Accumulated Benefits Accumulated Costs Pa off Year: > Year 0 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Year 1 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Year 2 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ! Year 3 $ $ $ $ $ $ $
+%1 4eig*ting
<Descri%e the s"stem used to +eight the results &rom the e aluation o& all the solutions and alternati es'>
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- Reference$ Documents
<0or e er" re&erenced document #ro ide the &ollo+ing in&ormation2 Se)uence num%er in the list 3 the document +ill %e re&erenced through out this document %" that num%er 0ull correct name< document name could also %e a lin9'' ersion< and &ull correct location 3 i& #ossi%le the
$hen re&erence the document num%er &rom this section in the document a%o e using ,(nsert/;e&erence/8ross@;e&erence. as this +ill create a h"#erlin9 &rom the document text to this list o& documents' BABO= er' >'? ,@ Strategic 1lan/ /oals/O%*ecti es @ Business 1ro%lem/ O##ortunit" De&inition @ Business Architecture Arti&acts @ Business 0easi%ilit" Stud" @ 1ro#osed 1ro*ect Sco#e De&inition.>
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