SEPT 2023-ME (Refresher 2) - EXAMS
SEPT 2023-ME (Refresher 2) - EXAMS
SEPT 2023-ME (Refresher 2) - EXAMS
1. it provide an escape path for the water between the 13. What is the purpose of test piles?
wheel and pavement. a) To determine the required pile length
a. concrete joint c. concrete grooves b) To determine the cross-sectional area of
b. concrete depression d. NOTA the pile.
c) To determine the actual number of piles
2. How many concrete hollow blocks units are required for d) None of the above
every 10,000 units that are to be used for one quality test?
a) 3 c) 8 14. The finer the fineness modulus, the
b) 6 d) 12 a) Coarser the materials
b) The Finer materials
3. Basic criterion to reject asphalt delivered at site c) The lighter the materials
a) Asphalt content b) Temperature of mix d) The drier the materials
c) Gradation of aggregates
d) All of the above 15. Which is not included in cement treated base?
a) Trial section c) Curing
4. In the construction of bridge project, what is the method b) Compaction d) Stability
used to determine the casting length of the regular pile?
a) Test pile c) Sheet pile 16. The minimum compaction trial for embankment.
b) Bored pile d) Batter pile a. 200 sq. m b. 300 sq. m
c. 400 sq. m d. 500 sq. m
5. What is the desirable shape and surface texture of
aggregate particles? 17. Embankment materials are classified as unsuitable
a) Round and rough textured particles materials if:
b) Angular and smooth aggregate particles a) The natural moisture content is 50%
c) Round and smooth aggregate particles b) The LL is 40%
d) Angular and rough textured particles c) The plasticity index of 60%
d) The natural density of 1200 kg/ cu.m
6. Minimum temperature that the Stone Mastic Asphalt
shall be placed 18. The required height for Reflectorized thermoplastic
a) 135*C c) 115*C rumble strips pavement shall have:
b) 107*C d) 125*C a) 4.0 mm to 13 mm b) 5.0 mm to 14 mm
c) 6.0 mm to 15 mm d) None of the above
7. In the given data LL = 40 and PL = 10 what is the Plasticity
Index? 19. A load bearing of CHB samples were tested for (width,
a) 10 c) 20 length and load)
b) 30 d) NOTA CHB1 CHB2 CHB3
Width mm, 150, 150, 150
8. Materials suitable for embankment shall have a plasticity Length mm, 392, 392 393
index of not more than: Height mm, 192, 191, 191
a) 12 c) 8 Ultimate 28.2 28.5 28.4
b) 10 d) 6 Load tones
Determine the average compressive strength.
9. A mass of solid reinforced concrete cast around the a) 4.72N/m2 c) 6.62N/m2
head of group of piles to ensure that act as a unit to b) 5.24N/m2 d) NOTA
support the imposed load.
a. Pile c. Pile cap 20. Rock shall be excavated to a depth ____ below sub
b. Pile casing d. NOTA grade within the limit of the roadbed.
a) 100 mm c) 200 mm
10. Which of the following is a test criterion for reinforced b) 150 mm d) 300 mm
concrete pipe tested in a three-edge bearing test?
a) 0.3 mm crack b) 0.4 mm crack 21. What do you call a bituminous mix of aggregate and
c) 0.5 mm crack d) 0.6 mm crack liquid asphalt, which is used the effectivity on wet season?
a) Bituminous macadam mix b) Slurry mix
11. Which of the following must be done on the subbase c) Cold Mix d) Hot mix
course with existing moisture content of 10% higher than
the optimum moisture of the AASHTO T 180 Method D? (Sec. 22. During testing of concrete cylinders in uniaxial
200.3.3) compression, what will happen to the result (i.e. way
a) Spread the required loose thickness and above the prescribed rate of loading)?
compact a) Rate of loading has no bearing on the
b) Adding water, spread loose thickness and result of the test
compact b) The computed compressive strength will
c) Dry out to reduce moisture, spread to the be higher
required loose thickness and compact c) The computed compressive strength will
d) Spread to the required loose thickness be lower
d) The result will depend on the age of the
Refresher 2
30. A set of three (3) core samples has the following 39. It is a condition applied to bituminous mix wherein
compressive strength: 4000 psi, 3500 psi and 2900 psi. If the bitumen separates from aggregates surface due to action
required strength is 3500 psi, the area presented by the of moisture.
core strength is: a) raveling c) doffing
a) Acceptable b) unbonding d) stripping
b) Not acceptable
c) To be acceptable but with adjustment in 40. One significance and/or use of thickness determination
payment for asphalt pavement.
d) Subject to monitoring within the warranty a) for quantitative compliance
period b) for asphalt content
c) for compression strength
31. Quality test for Portland Cement is taken for every ____.
a) 4,000 bags or fraction thereof 41. It is possible to determine the thickness of 4 sides sawing
b) 2,000 bags or fraction thereof of pavement?
c) 2,500 bags or fraction thereof a) Possible (midpoint of each of the four
d) 3,000 bags or fraction thereof sides)
b) Not possible c) Banned
d) Upon recommendation of the Project
Refresher 2
45. Lower penetration indicates what consistency? 56. The job-mix formula is established, the tolerance for
a) Hard consistency passing No. 8 – No. 100 sieve is ____.
b) Soft consistency c) Lighter consistency a) +/- 2% c) +/- 7%
b) +/- 4% d) +/- 0.4%
46. What percent of hydrated lime shall be added to the
mixture during temperature mixing operation of asphalt mix? 57. Which is NOT included in Asphalt mix design?
a. 0.5 to 1.0 mass % b. 1.0 to 1.5 mass % a) % AC at median air voids
c. 0.75 to 1.2 mass % d. 0.2 to 0.7 mass % b) % AC at maximum stability
c) % AC at minimum VMA
47. ____ is a property of bituminous mixes in pavement to d) % AC at bulk specific gravity
resist disintegration or deterioration due to the action of
water, traffic and changing climate. 58. The SS designation in an emulsified asphalt means:
a) Durability c) Ductility a) single size c) slow setting
b) Flexibility b) soft solid d) soluble solid
48. Ability of an asphalt surface to minimum skidding of 59. In the testing for the consistency of concrete, slump test
slipping of vehicle tires, particularly when the roadway was carried out. After the test, the height of concrete was
surface is wet. measured to be 230 mm. Determine the slump.
a) Skid resistance c) Skid hazard a. 60 mm c. 75 mm
b) Skid risk b. 65 mm d. NOTA
49. What property of mix that has the ability to resist 60. An asphalt mix produced and applied at a
deformation from an imposed load? temperature around 20 – 40*C lower than an equivalent
a) Stability b) Rutting resistance “Hot Mix Asphalt”. It is a greener process that has less
c) Blow temperature d) Fatigue resistance impact on the environment.
a) Low temperature asphalt mix
50. This relationship chart between mixing and temperature b) Warm mix asphalt
of asphalt mixture. c) Green asphalt
a) Penetration - temperature d) Environment Friendly asphalt
b) Viscosity - temperature
c) Moisture susceptibility – temperature 61. Painting a 3 storey building requires 330 gallons of paint.
190 gallons of which are latex and 140 gallons are flat
51. Which of the following statement is/are true about enamel. How many gallons of paint must be submitted for
moisture – density curve of a soil? quality test.
a) Granular, well-graded soils generally have a) 1 gallon each c) 3 gallons each
fairly high maximum densities at low b) 2 gallons each d) 4 gallons each
optimum moisture content (OMC)
b) All of these 62. When vibrating concrete, vibrators shall be inserted in a
c) Clay soils have lower densities at optimum vertical position for not more than:
moisture content (OMC) than granular, a) 5 seconds c) 15 seconds
well-graded soils b) 10 seconds d) 20 seconds
d) Granular, well-graded soils have higher
densities than uniform soils at optimum 63. What is the type of paint that is used for concrete and
moisture content (OMC) other masonry surfaces?
a) Enamel Paint b) Latex Paint
c) Polyurethane paint d) None of the above
Refresher 2
64. Which of the following gauge number of galvanized 76. The percent index retention is computed in the formula
iron sheets will give the largest thickness? _____.
a) Gauge # 32 c) Gauge # 26 a) Wet Stability/Dry Stability x 100
b) Gauge # 31 d) Gauge # 18 b) Dry Stability/ Wet Stability x 100
c) Wet Stability-Dry Stability/ Dry Stability
65. Which of the following is the thickest schedule no. of X 100
a) Schedule 80 c) Schedule 20 77. The ratio of the weigh/mass of the water in the soil to
b) Schedule 40 d) Schedule 120 the weigh/mass of the dry soil after has been dried to
constant weigh/mass.
66. The presence of organic compound in natural sand a) Liquid Limit c) Moisture Content
which are to be use in cement mortar and concrete. b) Plastic limit d) Plasticity index
a) organic content b) moisture content
c) organic impurities d) absorption 78. When Polymer-Based Chemical Soil Additive is used to
improved the properties of soil, the rate dilution in each
67. Asphalt Mix Design values: layer shall be in range of ____.
% AC at median air voids - 5.0% a) 1:2 to 1:6 c) 1:4 to 1:8
% AC at minimum VMA - 5.4 % b) 1:3 to 1:7 d) 1:5 to 1:9
% AC at maximum stability - 4.9 %
% AC at bulk specific Gravity - 5.2 % 79. Method used to determine the particle size distribution
What is the percent asphalt content? of soil.
a) 5.20 % c) 5.13 % a) Sieve analysis test b) Hydrometer test
b) 5.07 % d) 5.03 % c) Atterberg limits tests d) a and b
68. Condition of aggregates when it is fully dry and 80. A 2190 kg/sq.m wet unit weight with an average
absorbent. moisture content of 8.5% obtained from laboratory
a) oven dry b) air dry conduct during FDT on an average base course material.
c) wet d) saturated surface dry What is the dry density?
a. 2060 c. 2018
69. water on pavement can result to loss of contact b. 2040 d. 2290
between vehicle and pavement. This may cause loss of
vehicular direction and skidding. This phenomenon is 81. Sieve analysis is made after performance of wash test
known as: on materials?
a) hydroplaning b) fatigue resistance a) Finer than no. 200 sieve
c) skid resistance d) none of the above b) Courser than no. 200 sieve
c) Finer than 3/4” sieve d) Either a or b
70. Admixture that can delay or extend setting time of
cement paste on concrete 82. The degree of compaction of an embankment in our
a) Super plasticizers c) NOTA present Specifications is based on:
b) Retarder a. CBR method d. Bulk specific gravity
b. Unconfined compression test
71. Total weight of ingredients divided by unit weight of c. AASHTO Designation T-180
freshly concrete?
a) Cement content b) Aggregate content 83. In abrasion test under grading A the original weight of
c) Yield d) Nota the sample is 5000g after subjecting to Los Angeles
machine to 500 revolution the weight of the wash sample is
72. Sand, gravel, crushed stone and air-cooled black 3500g. Compute the aggregate Abrasion Value.
furnace slag type of aggregate used of produce. a) 30 c) 60
a) Normal weight concrete b) 50 d) 70
b) Structural lightweight concrete
c) Heavy weight concrete 84. In soundness test for coarse and fine aggregates using
d) None of the above Sodium Sulfate Solution how many cycles of repeated
immersion and oven drying is required?
73. The class type of superstructures a) 4 c) 6
a) Class A c) Class C b) 5 d) 7
b) Class B d) Class D
85. For Mechanically-Stabilized Earth (MSE) retaining wall,
74. Forms used in concrete paving shall remains in-place concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of
and undisturbed, how many hours for pouring? ___ at 28 days.
a) Less than 24 hours a) 24 MPa c) 30 MPa
b) Greater than 24 hours b) 30 MPa d) 32 MPa
c) Less than 48 hours
d) Not less than 24 hours 86. Volumetric proportions shall be used instead of weight
for small projects requiring:
75. In Item 514, Shotcrete the use of PVC, how many size in a) 50m3 c) 100m3
diameter. b) 75m3 d) 125m3
a) 40 mm c) 75 mm
b) 50 mm d) 100 mm
Refresher 2
87. Compute for the Fineness Modulus of Sand with Sieve 98. The application of paint shall preferably be carried out
Analysis data as follows: by a machine specially made for this purpose but where
Sieve Opening Percentage Retrained brushes are used, only round or oval brushes.
12.5 mm 0 a) 250 mm c) 150 mm
9.5 mm 3/8” 0 b) 200 mm d) 100 mm
4.75 #4 4
2.36 #8 35 99. Shotcrete shall have a minimum compressive strength
1.18 #16 40 of _____ at 28 days.
0.6 # 30 70 a) 24 MPa c) 28 MPa
0.3 #50 80 b) 25 MPa d) 32 MPa
0.15 # 100 95
0.075 #200 98 100. The required spacing of Reflectorized Thermoplastic
a) 2.40 c) 3.24 Rumble Strips shall be:
b) 2.88 d) 3.67 a) 50 – 100 mm c) 200 – 500 mm
b) 100 – 200 mm d) 150 – 350 mm
88. These materials are generated when asphalt
pavements are milled or removed for reuse of recovered 101.*Unconfined compressive strength is applicable only to
aggregates. ___.
a) Recycled Asphalt Pavement a. Silty Soils c. Clayey Soils
b) Recovered Asphalt Pavement b. Sandy Soils d. All of the above
c) Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement
d) Removed Asphalt Pavement 102. *What type of agent shall be incorporated in the
curing compound for concrete to prevent it from caking?
89. Slurry seal, micro-surfacing or Slurry Surface Treatment a. Anti-curing agent
(SST) shall not be applied if either the pavement or air b. Anti-setting agent
temperature is below __ *C. c. Anti-caking agent
a) 25 c) 15 d. Anti-solidifying agent
b) 20 d) 10
103. * The ratio of the weight in air of a unit volume of the
90. Transverse construction joint shall be constructed when impermeable portion of aggregate at a stated
there is an interruption of more than ___ minutes in the temperature to the weight in air of an equal volume of
concreting operations: gas-free distilled water at the same temperature.
a) 30 c) 50 a. Bulk specific gravity
b) 40 d) 60 b. Bulk SSD specific gravity
c. Apparent specific gravity
91. When the cement is placed in contact with moist d. Optimum specific gravity
aggregates, it shall be neglected unless mixed within ____
hours after such contact. 104. *This test is applied only to asphaltic products derived
a) 1/2 c) 1 1/2 from petroleum and NOT applicable to natural asphalts
b) 1 d) 2 containing non bituminous matter soluble in xylene.
a. solubility c. specific gravity
92. For painting, when flat brushes are used, it shall not b. spot test d. loss on heating
exceed ___ mm in width.
a) 75 c) 150 105.The kind of test that determines the consistency of
b) 200 d) 100 concrete is ___.
a. Slump test c. Specific gravity
93. Curb and gutter must be constructed ___ but not more b. Abrasion test d. Workability
than 2m.
a) 30mm c) 50mm 106. * Considering the express provision indicated in DPWH
b) 40mm d) 60mm Standard Specification for Item 104 Embankment. Which of
94. Permissible tolerance of height, length and width of the following is considered as an unsuitable material?
gabions is ___. a. Soil with a plasticity index exceeding 58.
a) 3% c) 10% b. Soils with very low natural density, 900 kg/m3
b) 5% d) 15% c. Soils with liquid limit exceeding 70
d. All of the above
95. In Item 505, Riprap and grouted riprap of classes of
stones, what is the minimum thickness of class A stones? 107. Which of the following test is used confirm the grade of
a. 600 mm c. 400 mm reinforcing steel bars or / used to classify steel bars into
b. 500 mm d. 300 mm grade?
a. Tensile strength c. Elongation
96. The following are mineral/natural admixtures except: b. Yield Strength d. Necking
a) Alumina c) Volcanic ash
b) Silica fume d) Fly ash 108.* The temperature in which bituminous material will
evolve vapors that will temporarily ignite when a small fire is
97. Tolerance for surface irregularity Aggregate Base brought in contact with it.
Course measured by using 3m straight edge is: a) Ignition temperature b) Threshold point
a) +/-10 mm c) +/- 20 mm c) Flash point d) Burning temp.
b) 5 mm d) +/- 5 mm
Refresher 2
109. In Marshall Stability Test, what happens to the air voids 120.* Undersized reinforcing steel bars that satisfying tensile
when asphalt increases? and elongation requirements may be accepted provided
a. Increase ` c. Remains constant that its underweight does NOT exceed?
b. Decreases d. Either a & b a) 3% c) 6%
b) 5% d) 10%
110. *Phenomenon wherein soil subgrade loses its strength
due to ground shaking. 121. How many spheres used in abrasion test in grading B?
a) settlement b) liquefaction a. 8 spheres c. 11 spheres
c) subsidence b. 10 spheres d. 7 spheres
d) hydraulic compaction
122.* A 3.5 – meter width single lane pavement has a
111. The contractor shall submit in writing a job-mix formula shoulder width of 9.5 meter on each side. It was designed
for the mixture supported by laboratory test data along to subbase and base courses of a combined thickness of
with samples of resources of components and viscosity – 300 mm. How the spreading and compaction of the
temperature relationships to the Engineer for testing and subbase and base courses be carried out if the thickness of
approval at least ___.? the subbase is 125 mm?
a. two weeks c. one week a) 3 layers over the full width of 4.5m
b. three weeks d. four weeks b) 2 layers over the full width of 4.5m
c) 3 layers over the full width of 3.5m
112. *Which of the following practices is acceptable to use d) 2 layers over the full width of 3.5m
to bring down the temperature of the concrete mix?
a. Add crushed ice to the mix 123. Liquid limit is expressed as the moisture corresponding
b. Sprinkler water to the aggregates to how many no. of blows?
c. Use chilled water for the mix a. 25 blows c. 56 blows
d. All of the above b. 63 blows d. NOTA
113. The apparatus used to determine the hydraulic setting 124.* During asphalt compaction, the rolling speed,
of cement in the laboratory is ___. whether being used in the vibrator or static mode, should
a. Gillmore needles c. Vicat apparatus not exceed ___ km/hr.
b. Nuclear Density Gauge a) 4-7 km/hr c) 6-9 km/hr
b) 5-8 km/hr d) 7-10 km/hr
114. *For Asphalt stabilized road mix base course, The
amount of asphaltic material to be added to the soil- 125.* Which of the following bituminous material is best
aggregate shall be recommended for sealing weakened plane and
a. from 3 to 12 mass percent of the dry soil construction joints of the PCCP? (similar)
b. from 6 to 10 mass percent of the dry soil a. Asphalt cement c. Cutback asphalt
c. from 4 to 7 mass percent of the dry soil b. Emulsified asphalt d. Joint filler asphalt
d. None pof the above
126. The rate of loading in the determination of
115. Sample for CBR test is soaked for ___ before subjecting compressive strength of cylindrical concrete specimen is at
to penetration test: a constant rate within the range of____.
a. 2 days c. 4 days a. 20-60 psi/sec
b. 3 days d. 5 days b. 20-40 psi/sec c. 20-50 psi/sec
116.*Weep holes shall be placed at the lowest points 127.* Shotcrete shall have a minimum compressive strength
where free outlets for water can be obtained and shall be of _____ at 28 days.
spread NOT more than? a) 24 MPa c) 28 MPa
a) 1 meter center to center b) 25 MPa d) 32 MPa
b) 3 meter center to center
c) 2 meter center to center 128. Sample for CBR test is soaked for _____ before
d) 2 1/2 meter center to center subjecting to penetration test:
a. 48 hours c. 96 hours
117. How much is the allowable or tolerance in b. 72 hours d. NOTA
temperature of bituminous plant-mix surface course? Or
Bituminous mix of Item 310. 129.* When concrete is delivered in truck mixers, additional
a) +/- 5 Degrees Celsius water may be added to the batch and additional mixing
b) +/- 10 Degrees Celsius performed to increase the slump to meet the specified
c) +/- 3 degrees Celsius requirement if permitted by the Engineer, provided all
d) +/- 15 degrees Celsius these operation are performed within ____ after the initial
mixing operation and the water and cement ratio is not
118.* What is the maximum center to center spacing of exceeded.
weepholes of a wall of an abutment? a) 30 minutes c) 45 minutes
a) 0.15 m c) 2.0 m b) 15 minutes d) 60 minutes
b) 1m d) 0.30 m
130. Given: Wt. of dry aggregates. = 950 g, wt. of asphalt =
119. What will be the effect of using different brands of 50 g. What is the % of asphalt by weight of total mix?
cement? a. 3% c. 5%
a. different texture c. No effect b. 4% d. 6%
b. different strength d. NOTA
Refresher 2
131.* It was found out that no specimens was made on a 140. What institution is not authorized to test materials to be
PCCP. Per our present Specification for Highway and incorporated in DPWH projects?
Bridges including amendments, what will you do as an ME? a) DPWH-accredited private testing
a) to open 7 days after pouring laboratory
c) to open 14 days after pouring b) DPWH- Implementing Offices laboratory
b) Prepare specimens c) LGU- Testing laboratory
d) nota d) DOST Testing laboratory
132If the bulk volume of asphalt specimen is 500 cc and 141.* ____ is a property of bituminous mixes in pavement
weight of dry specimen in air is 1200 g. What is the bulk adjust itself to settlement.
specific gravity of asphalt specimen? a) Flexibility
a. 2.40 c. 2.50 b) Rigidity c) Hardness
b. 2.45 d. 2.55
142. What is the purpose of capping concrete cylinders
133.* Which of the following is the preferred concrete class prior to testing for compression?
for the concrete leveling pad of MSE Retaining Wall? a) To safeguard the end of the cylinder from
a. Class A c. Class C premature breaking resulting from
b. Class B d. Class D improper application of load
b) To offer smooth, flat ends that are
134.*Determine the minimum compressive strength of a perpendicular to axis of the sample
lean concrete prior to the placing of reinforcing bar? c) To preclude cylinder from tilting
a) 13.8 MPa c) 10.4 MPa d) To uphold the veracity of the cylinder
b) 18.3 MPa d) 14.0 MPa
143.* The upward movement in an asphalt pavement
135. Why are undisturbed samples are used primarily for resulting in the formation of film of asphalt in the surface.
determining the properties of foundation materials? a. blow-up
a) To retain the structure of the foundation c. bleeding or flushing asphalt
materials b. asphalt seal coat
b) Because it is easier to obtain undisturbed d. Upheaval
samples than disturbed samples
c) Because it is easier to test undisturbed 144. What should be the remedial action/s in concrete
samples than disturbed samples pouring where large variations in the concrete cylinder test
d) Because it represents the relative strength results were observed?
of the soil strata when subjected to a) Getting the average test result to ensure it
compression test is above the specifications requirement
b) Checking the calibration of the
136.* What is the main/primary problem associated with compression machine
the wrong practice of conveying/depositing concrete? c) Reviewing the design mix, materials
a) Honeycomb c) Laitance quality and aggregate condition in the
b) Scaling d) Segregation batching process
d) All of these
137. Three cores taken from a pavement section poured
on a single day were tested to have strength as follows: 145. The following properties of an asphalt mix can be
Core Strength determined in a core sample except for:
1 3650 a. Index of Retrained Strength
2 3000 b. Asphalt content
3 2450 c. Grading d. Specific Gravity
Ave 3033
If the required strength is 3500 psi concrete and 146..* Three cores taken a pavement section poured on a
represented by cores: single day were tested for strength compliance. The results
As a ME, what is your judgement? are 2900 Psi, 3600 Psi and 3800 Psi. The required strength is
a. Maybe accepted, subject to price 3600 Psi. As a ME, what will you recommend?
adjustment a. maybe accepted, subject to price
b. Is considered adequate adjustment
c. Considered in adequate b. is considered adequate
d. None of the above c. is considered inadequate
d. maybe recorded, at the initiative of the
138. A compacted soil is compacted again with the same DPWH
effort, but this time with water in soil, what is the reason why
the dry density will go higher? 147. What is the compressive strength of a concrete
a. The grains are lubricated by water cylinder sample (6 in) that fails at 89,000 lb?
b. The air is forced out of the soil a. 3,125 psi c. 3,148 psi
c. More space is left for the soil solids b. 3.105 psi d. 3.173 psi
d. All of the above
148. * An asphalt pavement was assessed to have an
139.* A form of plastic movement resulting in localized International Roughness Value of 3.52 m/km. In
bulging of the pavement: accordance with DPWH Department Order No. 137, Series
a. Corrugation c. Shoving of 2016, the Contractor.
b. Raveling d. Cracks a) is entitled to received 100% payment of
the item cost
Refresher 2
b) is entitled to received 90% payment of the 160The SS designation in an emulsified asphalt means:
item cost a. single size b. slow setting
c) is entitled to received 70% payment of the c. soft solid d. soluble solid
item cost
d) will receive no payment 161.* What will happen if tack coat is applied more than
the requirements:
149. Universal Testing Machines should be calibrated at a. ravelling b. swelling
least: b. Bleeding d. NOTA
a. Every three months b. Every six months
c. Every year d. Every two years 162. For small project where quantity of steel bars is 10,000
kg or less, what is the basis for acceptance of material?
150.* In Item 514-Shotcrete, what is the maximum layer a. No testing c. Mill certificate
thickness shotcrete application allowed per layer? b. P.E. certificat d. NOTA
a) 25mm c) 75 mm
b) 50mm d) 100 mm 163. *Per our present Specification for Highway and Bridges
including amendments, it is mandatory to open PCCP to
151.* The use of Fly Ash concrete mix as mineral admixture traffic not later than: (in the absence of testing specimen")
in PCCP and as ____ replaces the Portland cement in a) 7 days after pouring c) 14 days after pouring
concrete mix. b) 21 days after pouring d) 28 days after pouring
a) 15 % c) 25 %
b) 20 % d) 10 % 164.* The thinnest and most fluid grade of medium curing
cutback asphalt is:
152. The purpose/s of conducting laboratory CBR test onhe a. MC 70 c. MC 30
fill materials for embankment is to check the: b. MC 250 d. MC 800
a) Permeability of the compacted subgrade
material 165.* To ensure equilibrium related to its anticipated service
b) Swelling characteristics of the subgrade environment, structural timber is dried between ___
material moisture content.
c) Bearing capacity of subgrade material a. 5% - 10% c. 15% - 20%
d) All of these b. 10% - 15% d. NOTA
153.* What do you call the localized upward displacement 166.* Height of dropping concrete to the point of deposit
of a pavement due to swelling of the sub-grade or some is___.
portion of the pavement structure? a) 1.0 m c) 1.5 m
a. Pumping c. Upheaval b) 2.0 m d) 2.5 m
b. Raveling
167. A process of volatilization test which measures the
154. The maximum percentage abrasion loss allowed for relative proportion of asphalt to oil.
paving concrete coarse aggregate is: a) Distillation c) Float Test
a. 30% c. 50% b) Extraction d. NOTA
b. 40% d. 80%
168.* Longitudinal surface depression in the wheel paths:
155.* What will you recommend? Samples of aggregate a. Corrugation c. Raveling
base course materials when tested for quality passed the b. Shoving d. Rutting
requirements except grading, what will you recommend as
ME? 169.* All shotcrete shall be cured uninterrupted for at least
a) reject the material b) replaced the material ____.
c) accept the material at an adjusted price a. 3 days c. 14 days
d) reprocess the material by blending b. 7 days d. 28 days
156. Under what climatic conditions do we use the lower 170. How much is the minimum required strength of
penetration grade or hard asphalts? concrete beam sample, when tested by third-point
a) Cold climate c) a and b method?
b) Hot climate d) Rainy weather a) 550 psi c) 2,500 psi
b) 650 psi d) 3,500 psi
157.* Mortar for Item 506, Stone Masonry shall be used
within _ minutes after its preparation. 171. The minimum required Flexural strength of concrete
a) 60 c) 90 beam sample, when tested by third-point method?
b) 15 d) 30 a) 3.80 MPa c) 4.80 MPa
b) 3.50 MPa d) 4.50 MPa
158. The shape of a compaction curve in a laboratory
compaction test of soil is a ____. 172. The depth of the weakened plain joints should be at
a) hyperbola c) semi-circle all time not less than __.
b) parabola d) straight line a. 60 mm c. 50 mm
b. 55 mm
159.* What is the result in concrete pavement when very
wet, incorporation of too many sand and overworking of 173.____ a classification of soil which 35% or less the
the mix were done during placing? particles pass through no. 200 sieve.
a) Cracking c) Scaling a. Course Sand soil b) Granular Materials
b) Raveling d) Settlement c. Silty-Clay Materials d. Clayey Materials
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