Payment of Claims - AuditChecklist - Template - DA12
Payment of Claims - AuditChecklist - Template - DA12
Payment of Claims - AuditChecklist - Template - DA12
This form is to be used during the actual interview with the auditee to note down the objective evidence that supports or
contradicts the established criteria. The final and official statements necessary to establish conformity or nonconformity
must be recorded on the Audit Findings Report.
7 Support
7.1 Resources
7.1.1 General
The organization shall determine and Demonstrate how resources
provide the resources needed for the are determined for the
establishment, implementation, establishment,
maintenance and continual implementation, maintenance
improvement of the quality and continual improvement
management system. of the QMS.
The organization shall consider: Show me how the
a) the capabilities of, and constraints capabilities and constraints
on, existing internal resources; on internal resources are
b) what needs to be obtained from considered.
external providers. Show me how needs from
external providers are
7.1.2 People
To ensure that the organization can How do you provide persons
consistently meet customer and necessary to consistently
applicable statutory and regulatory
meet customer, applicable
requirements, the organization shall
statutory and regulatory
provide the persons necessary for the
effective requirements for the QMS
operation of the quality management including the necessary
system, including the processes processes?
7.1.3 Infrastructure
The organization shall determine, How do you determine,
provide and maintain the provide and maintain the
infrastructure for the operation of its infrastructure for the
processes to achieve conformity of operation of processes to
products and services achieve products and service
7.2 Competence
The organization shall: Show me how:
a) determine the necessary You determine the necessary
competence of person(s) doing work competence of people doing
under its control that affects its quality work under your control that
performance; affects quality performance;
b) ensure that these persons are How do you determine
competent on the basis of competence on the basis of
appropriate education, training, or appropriate education,
experience; training or experience?
c) where applicable, take actions to How do you take actions to
acquire the necessary competence, acquire necessary
and evaluate the effectiveness of the competence where
actions taken; applicable and how do you
d) retain appropriate documented evaluate the effectiveness of
those actions?
information as evidence of
Show me documented
information where
appropriate of competence.
7.3 Awareness
Persons doing work under the
organization’s How are people aware of:
control shall be aware of: The quality policy?
a) the quality policy; Relevant quality objectives?
b) relevant quality objectives; Their contribution to the
c) their contribution to the effectiveness of the QMS?
effectiveness of the quality The benefits of improved
management system, including the
The implications of not
benefits of improved quality
conforming with the QMS
d) the implications of not conforming
with the quality management system
7.4 Communication
The organization shall determine the
How do you determine
internal and external communications internal and external
relevant to the quality management communications relevant to
system including: the QMS?
a) on what it will communicate; How do you determine:
b) when to communicate; What?
c) with whom to communicate; When?
d) how to communicate. With Whom?
8.2 Determination of
requirements for products
and services
8.2.1 Customer communication
The organization shall establish the What are your processes for
processes for communicating with communicating with
customers in relation to: customers? How do you
a) information relating to products communicate information
and services; relating to:
b) enquiries, contracts or order Products;
handling, including changes; Services;
c) obtaining customer views and Enquiries;
perceptions, including customer Contracts;
complaints; Order handling;
d) the handling or treatment of Customer views, perceptions
customer property, if applicable; and complaints;
e) specific requirements for Handling or treatment of
contingency actions, when relevant. customer property;
Specific requirements for
contingency actions?
8.2.2 Determination of
requirements related to
products and services
The organization shall establish,
implement and maintain a process to
determine the requirements for the What is your process to
products and services to be offered to determine the requirements
potential customers. for products and services to
The organization shall ensure that: be offered to potential
a) product and service requirements customers? How do you
(including those considered establish, implement and
necessary by the organization), and maintain this process?
applicable statutory and regulatory
requirements, are defined;
b) it has the ability to meet the
defined requirements and
substantiate the claims for the
products and services it offers.
8.2.3 Review of requirements How do you review:
related to products and Customer requirements for
services delivery and post-delivery?
The organization shall review, as Requirements necessary for
applicable: customers’ specified or
a) requirements specified by the intended use, where known;
customer, including the requirements Additional statutory and
for delivery and post-delivery regulatory requirements
activities; applicable to products and
b) requirements not stated by the services;
customer, but necessary for the Any other contract or order
customers’ specified or intended use, requirements.
when known; Show me that the review is
c) additional statutory and regulatory conducted prior to your
requirements applicable to the commitment to supply
products and services; products and services to your
d) contract or order requirements customers. How do you
differing from those previously resolve contract or order
Document Code:
QMS Internal Audit Checklist
Date of Effectivity:
9 Performance evaluation
9.1 Monitoring,
measurement, analysis and
9.1.1 General Show me how you
The organization shall determine: determine:
a) what needs to be monitored and What needs to be monitored
measured; and measured?
b) the methods for monitoring, Methods for monitoring,
measurement, analysis and measurement, analysis and
evaluation, as applicable, to ensure evaluation to ensure valid
valid results; results?
c) when the monitoring and When to perform monitoring
measuring shall be performed; and measuring?
d) when the results from monitoring When results shall be
and measurement shall be analyzed analyzed and evaluated?
and evaluated. What documented
The organization shall ensure that information can you show me
monitoring and measurement that monitoring and
activities are implemented in measurement activities have
accordance with the determined been implemented in
requirements and shall retain accordance with determined
appropriate documented information requirements?
as Show me how you evaluate
evidence of the results. the quality performance and
The organization shall evaluate the the effectiveness of the
quality performance and the QMS.
effectiveness of the quality
management system.
9.1.2 Customer satisfaction
The organization shall monitor How do you monitor
customer perceptions of the degree customer perception of the
to which requirements have been degree to which
met. requirements have been
The organization shall obtain met?
information relating to customer How do you obtain
views and opinions of the information relating to
organization and its products and customer views and opinions
services. of your products and
The methods for obtaining and using services?
this information shall be determined. What methods for obtaining
and using this information do
you have?
Document Code:
QMS Internal Audit Checklist
Date of Effectivity:
10 Improvement
10.1 General
The organization shall determine and
How do you determine and
select opportunities for improvement
select opportunities for
and implement necessary actions to
improvement? What
meet customer requirements and
necessary actions have you
enhance customer satisfaction.
implemented so that you
This shall include, as appropriate:
a) improving processes to prevent have met customer
nonconformities; requirements and enhanced
b) improving products and services to customer satisfaction?
meet known and predicted Show me how you have:
requirements; Improved processes to
c) improving quality management prevent nonconformities;
system results. Improved products and
services to meet known and
predicted requirements;
Improved QMS results.
Document Code:
QMS Internal Audit Checklist
Date of Effectivity:
The organization shall retain What documented
documented information as evidence information can you show
of: me as evidence of:
a) the nature of the nonconformities The nature of the
and any subsequent actions taken; nonconformities and
b) the results of any corrective action. subsequent actions taken;
The results of any corrective
Date: Date: