frITs Bussemaker

frITs Bussemaker

Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland
10K volgers Meer dan 500 connecties


  • I-Partnerschap Rijk-Hoger Onderwijs grafisch

    I-Partnerschap Rijk-Hoger Onderwijs

    The Hague, South Holland, Netherlands

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    Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

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    The Hague Area, Netherlands

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    Amsterdam Area

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    The Hague

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    Geneva, Switzerland

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    Brussels, Brussels Region, Belgium

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    Utrecht, Netherlands

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    Den Haag

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  • Open Donderdag

    De Open Donderdag wordt om de twee weken georganiseerd bij Nationaal Archief door het bureau van de Regeringscommissaris Informatiehuishouding.Het biedt een agora functie om inzichten en ervaringen over IHH te delen met belangstellenden.

  • Association of Business Women in Commerce & Industry

    I have been invited as a Global Ambassador to support ABWCI on community building

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  • The Brand Called You

    - heden

    The Brand Called You is an initiative to share Perspectives from the Brightest Minds from around the World on Leadership Lessons, Knowledge, Experience and Wisdom. I am one of the host of TBCY.

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  • Digitale Fitheid

    - heden

    Een van de ambassadeurs van Digitale Fitheid. Een initiatief van Martijn Aslander en Mark Mijnema

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  • Strategic Counsel - Institute for Future of Living

    - heden

    The Institute for Future of Living is a foundation under the laws of the Netherlands that merges the National Smart Cities Strategy as presented to prime minister Mark Rutte in 2017, collaborates with the Urban Society initiatives of the European Commission, and includes the Global Smart City and Community Coalition (GSC3) and related international matchmaking.

    The Institute for Future of Living primarily facilitates and supports the public sector, both on local, national, regional and…

    The Institute for Future of Living is a foundation under the laws of the Netherlands that merges the National Smart Cities Strategy as presented to prime minister Mark Rutte in 2017, collaborates with the Urban Society initiatives of the European Commission, and includes the Global Smart City and Community Coalition (GSC3) and related international matchmaking.

    The Institute for Future of Living primarily facilitates and supports the public sector, both on local, national, regional and international levels, with current and future societal challenges and opportunities. For that, the Institute for Future of Living embraces the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda as the overall goal to be achieved.

    It does so by for instance initiating, promoting, facilitating and enhancing collaboration, navigation, strategic and operational excellence, transparency and accountability on co-creation, building and optimizing smart, human-centric, inclusive and sustainable societies, being the multi-helix combination of both public and private sector as well as research, educational and societal organizations.

    The Institute for Future of Living is independent, non-partisan, not for profit and fully transparant.

    Amongst others, the Institute has a global collaboration with World Bank

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  • ITU/XPRIZE: AI for Good Global Summit, Geneva

    - heden

    ITU and the XPRIZE Foundation organized the first AI for Good Global Summit in Geneva, 7-9 June, 2017 in partnership with a number of UN sister agencies. The Summit aimed to accelerate and advance the development and democratization of AI solutions that can address specific global challenges related to poverty, hunger, health, education, the environment, and others.

    I have the honor to be a co-founder and dept chair of the outreach committee, and to moderate the session on Smart Cities…

    ITU and the XPRIZE Foundation organized the first AI for Good Global Summit in Geneva, 7-9 June, 2017 in partnership with a number of UN sister agencies. The Summit aimed to accelerate and advance the development and democratization of AI solutions that can address specific global challenges related to poverty, hunger, health, education, the environment, and others.

    I have the honor to be a co-founder and dept chair of the outreach committee, and to moderate the session on Smart Cities and Communities.

    On May 15-17 2018 the ITU organized the second AGGS. I have the honor to chair one of the plenary sessions.

    The 3rd Summit was May 27-31 2019. With over 3300 delegated attending.

    The 4th Summit is Scheduled for May 4th-8th @Geneva

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  • Advisor REDDS Venture Investment Partners

    Empowering disruptive start-ups that scale worldwide and have billion dollar plus potential through team building, global business development, financing, mentoring, strategy,…The REDDS Venture Investment Partners, managing partners, partners, and advisors, bring more than 100 years of experience in more than 100 new ventures in all domains.

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  • Member Advisory Board Digital Africa

    - heden

    The Digital Africa Conference, aims to enhance Africa's digital standing in the world, so as to bridge the gap between Africa and the rest of the world. ICT is seen as a development catalyst.

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  • TEDxGooisemeren - The Blended Community

    TEDxGooisemeren is about “The Blended Community”. Gooisemeren is a new municipality formed by three former towns Bussum, Muiden and Naarden. So, our new community is blended. It is also blended as by comparison, a lot of people who live here have a blended life style. i.e. compared with the rest of the Netherlands a significant of people have international jobs. So, live in a small community but, work on a global scale. Blended can also apply on how we learn or how we shop and work and…

    TEDxGooisemeren is about “The Blended Community”. Gooisemeren is a new municipality formed by three former towns Bussum, Muiden and Naarden. So, our new community is blended. It is also blended as by comparison, a lot of people who live here have a blended life style. i.e. compared with the rest of the Netherlands a significant of people have international jobs. So, live in a small community but, work on a global scale. Blended can also apply on how we learn or how we shop and work and live.

    And, in this world which is becoming a global village , we’re asking ourselves, how can we create a new municipality which people can call home?

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  • Partner Provoque

    - heden

    Partner with Provoque

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  • Liaison Trendoffice Bakas

    Adjiedj Bakas is a renowned futurologist. His books and presentations are sold worldwide. As Liaison for Trendoffice Bakas I support and connect Bakas to relevant Thought Leaders and organizations who’s insights contribute to Bakas’ predictions and analysis of the trends of the future. Furthermore, I have made contribitions to several books by Bakas.

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  • Business Rules Foundation

    Het Business Rules Platform Nederland verzorgt de uitwisseling van kennis en praktijkervaring over Business Rules

  • InnovatieNetwerk Overheid (INO) van de Vlaamse Overheid


    INO is a community within the Flemish government aimed to share innovation. I coach INO on Community Building

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  • Strategic Counsel IT-Circle Nederland


    Ondersteuning van IT Circle Nederland met Community Building. De IT Circles zijn regionaal ingericht en richt zich uniek op de IT professional werkzaam bij eindgebruikers. IT Circle ondersteunt kennis uitwisseling voor en door de leden.

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  • UN Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development


    Digital Transformation & Artificial Intelligence Competency Framework for Civil Servants
    UN Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development

    Main objective and process

    This short document aims to explain the research project undertaken by ITU/UNESCO Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development whose main objectives are as follows:

    • Identify the specific digital/AI competencies for civil servants ;
    • Identify the ways in which, leveraging different approaches and…

    Digital Transformation & Artificial Intelligence Competency Framework for Civil Servants
    UN Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development

    Main objective and process

    This short document aims to explain the research project undertaken by ITU/UNESCO Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development whose main objectives are as follows:

    • Identify the specific digital/AI competencies for civil servants ;
    • Identify the ways in which, leveraging different approaches and tools, those competencies can be developed so as to support capacity building for civil services across ICT Ministries and Digital Units in governments.

    This project includes a desk and literature review as well as global and multi-stakeholder consultations to co-design and validate the competency framework: the identified draft competency framework proposed in this document will therefore be used as a basis of the discussion, yet it will be modified and better articulated on the basis of the desk review and consultation process. A set of questions, related to the framework presented below, have been developed to drive the consultation process.

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  • Earth Impact Summit '21


    Following the successful European Impact Summit, member of the Advisory Board of YPO's the Earth Impact Summit initiative scheduled for Oct '21.

  • Rijks Innovatie Community


    Community Manager van de Rijks Innovatie Community (RIC) met opdracht om de van deze start up een scale up te maken.

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  • Global Industry Council Director


    Click to edit position descriptionThe Global Indusry Council is intended to create a vehicle for organizations to:

    - Provide a global forum under the auspices of a UNESCO-consultative body for the frank and open discussion of matters of common interest;
    - Demonstrate a public commitment to professional IT standards;
    - Play a real and active part in developing the global IT Profession;
    - Provide detailed comment of the certification requirement and on the shape and content of…

    Click to edit position descriptionThe Global Indusry Council is intended to create a vehicle for organizations to:

    - Provide a global forum under the auspices of a UNESCO-consultative body for the frank and open discussion of matters of common interest;
    - Demonstrate a public commitment to professional IT standards;
    - Play a real and active part in developing the global IT Profession;
    - Provide detailed comment of the certification requirement and on the shape and content of development and support services for professionals; and
    - Provide valuable support to the growth of IT capability within
    developing nations.

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  • INNOvember


    Rijks breed innovatie festival met meer dan 100 verschillende (on-line) sessies over innovatie bij 12 verschillende departementen.

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  • Innovation Week Ireland


    Presented and the 'Rijks Innovatie Community' at Innovation Week Ireland

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  • YPO's European Impact Summit 20


    The ​European Impact Summit (EIS20), organized by the Young Presidents Organization (YPO), will take place from 19-20 October 2020, hosted by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in Geneva, Switzerland in partnership with UN sister agencies. EIS20 will bring together 500+ international C-level executives aiming at creating solutions to today's European pressing issues.

    As deputy chair of the Advisory Board, I am responsible for the partnerships of EIS20.

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  • Digital Africa


    Presentation on Community Building at the online Digital Africa conference.

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  • Geldmaat


    Dit jaar maken de geldautomaten van ABN AMRO, ING en Rabobank langzaamaan plaats voor de geldautomaten van Geldmaat. Deze automaten worden gelijkmatiger over Nederland verspreid zodat iedereen gemakkelijk geld kan blijven opnemen en storten. TTT bv (een maatschap van Willem van Oppen, Prof. Henk Akkermans en Frits Bussemaker) is gevraagd Geldmaat te ondersteunen bij het stroomlijnen van haar supplychain met G4S.

  • Rijks Innovatie Community - Community coach


    Onder regie van Uitvoeringsorganisatie Bedrijfsvoering Rijk is een Rijks Innovatie Community geïnitieerd. Een community met als doelstelling 1) kennis over innovatie met elkaar te delen en 2) innovaties en oplossingen te hergebruiken. Ik zal deze community coachen op 'community building'

  • Resiliencepoort


    Voorzitter van de poort bij Perscentrum Nieuwspoort die zich richt op het creëeren van een 'resilient society'

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    Champion of an invitation only pre-conference workshop to identify solutions for Cyber Security / Accountability issues in the Digital Age

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  • European Regional Summit (YPO, Dublin)


    As member of the Advisory Board of YPO's European Impact Summit '20 (EIS20), was part of the panel presenting the EIS20 challenges at the European Regional Summit in Dublin.

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  • Presentation @Government conference FST media , Wellington New Zealand


    Rand a series of Round tables on 'Community Building'
    Presented workshop on 'Accountability in the Digital Age'

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  • Tech Advisory Council member - FSR FinTech Ideas Festival


    The Financial-Technology Ideas Festival will bring together the world’s leaders of the financial services community with high technology companies at the confluence of finance, innovation and technology. The FinTech Ideas Festival would focus on the big, future ideas that technologists and companies can imagine or innovate. Rather than being a trade show of today’s technology FinTech Ideas Festival would envision the future of financial technology 10 or 20 years from now.

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  • ICE Digital Transformation | IT-Circle Nederland


    Moderator of the Plenary sessions.

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  • Jaarcongres General Counsel Nederland


    Moderation of the Annual conference of General Counsel Netherlands

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  • Externe Toetsing i-Strategie 2.0 Rijkswaterstaat


    RWS IV heeft een i-Strategie 2.0 ontwikkeld. Deze wordt getoetst met een aantal externe partijen / experts.

  • Dutch IT Channel Awards


    Lid van de jury

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  • UN Secretary-General's High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation


    Participated in a panel discussion on Digital Cooperation.

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  • Workshop Community Building/Moderator, Yonder Romenia


    Workshop for the Community Managers & Delivery Managers of Yonder, Cluj-Napoca Romenia

    Moderator planaire discussion on the Future of ITY with Stephen Ibaraki

  • TEDxGooiseMeren - Neighbours!


    Najaar: vrijdag 12 oktober 2018 wordt in GooiseMeren voor de tweede keer TEDxGooiseMeren georganiseerd in 't Spant in Bussum.

    Thema is Neighbours!

    We willen laten zien wat onze buren in de ruimste zin van het woord te bieden hebben.

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  • BPM-Forum (rebranded as Process Camp)


    A Dutch non-profit organization for BPM professionals. I was the founder/chairman of the BPM-Forum till end 2009. Currently member of the Board of Advice.

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  • Dutch IT-channel Awards


    Member of the Jury for the Dutch IT Channel Awards

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  • Advisor SIM-CI


    SIM-CI is the innovation hub of the Dutch energy company Alliander. My support covers areas like liaison work, communication and branding.

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  • FSTGov conference - International keynote


    Presented a keynote on 'Community Building' at Wellington, New Zealand

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  • UNESCO International Day for Universal Access to Information, Colombo, Sri Lanka


    Panel member on the panel for Cyber Vulnerability to Cyber Security

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  • Presenting at the Agile for Excellence conference


    Agile Ecosystems – How to create shared purpose in an ever changing world?

    Do we compete or collaborate? While digitalisation creates ever-new connections across legal, business, and cultural entities, we need to learn to benefit within such ecosystems. However, both alignment to a common purpose and sharing of assets have their limits. What are the rules of engagement, how to create a win-win in an ecosystem, and what are the leadership competencies required? The goals of the event are…

    Agile Ecosystems – How to create shared purpose in an ever changing world?

    Do we compete or collaborate? While digitalisation creates ever-new connections across legal, business, and cultural entities, we need to learn to benefit within such ecosystems. However, both alignment to a common purpose and sharing of assets have their limits. What are the rules of engagement, how to create a win-win in an ecosystem, and what are the leadership competencies required? The goals of the event are to learn, get inspired, and facilitate knowledge exchange within a community of practitioners, change agents, and researchers.

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  • Global Digital Leaders Alliance


    Initiated by CIONET International, the following organisations have agreed to sign a collaboration agreement – The Global Digital Leader Alliance – to share peer-to-peer knowledge and best-practices on the Global Digital Transition. These organisations are: CIONET International, the China CIO Union, the CIOKLUB, India, the Russian Union of CIO and the Society for Information Management from the United States. Together, these organisations represent well over 20.000 Chief Information Officers…

    Initiated by CIONET International, the following organisations have agreed to sign a collaboration agreement – The Global Digital Leader Alliance – to share peer-to-peer knowledge and best-practices on the Global Digital Transition. These organisations are: CIONET International, the China CIO Union, the CIOKLUB, India, the Russian Union of CIO and the Society for Information Management from the United States. Together, these organisations represent well over 20.000 Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and Digital Leaders from all over the world and represent billions in IT investments.

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  • European Commission project: e-CF Council


    The eCF Council aims to create a transnational partnership between the major players responsible for IT professionals’ enhancement, namely employers, professional associations, social partners, VET providers, higher education, research centres, regulatory bodies, and SMEs, across Europe. This, in response to the critical mismatch between ICT skills demand and offer that Europe is suffering both in terms of trainings and geographical distribution of the required competences against the positions…

    The eCF Council aims to create a transnational partnership between the major players responsible for IT professionals’ enhancement, namely employers, professional associations, social partners, VET providers, higher education, research centres, regulatory bodies, and SMEs, across Europe. This, in response to the critical mismatch between ICT skills demand and offer that Europe is suffering both in terms of trainings and geographical distribution of the required competences against the positions available.

    During three years, the eCF Council project partnership will build the eCF Alliance, a stable network of reference stakeholders in the ICT sector whose goal is to foster ICT professionalism at the European and international level.

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  • Ambassadeur eSkills & eLeadership NGI-NGN


    In samenwerking met een netwerk van organisaties zal ik als Ambassadeur het belang van eSkills & eLeadership voor het ICT-vakgebied uitdragen. Dit zal gebeuren door middel van publicaties en presentaties en in dialoog met betrokkenen bij overheden, onderwijs, gebruikersorganisaties, leveranciers, beroeps & branche verenigingen en de politiek.

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  • Masterclass Informatiestrategie Anno Nu


    10de editie van de "Masterclass Informatiestrategie Anno Nu" georganiseerd door bITa-center

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  • Lid Raad van Advies Kenniscentrum Innovatie en Business


    In de huidige economie ondervinden ondernemers meer en meer dat ze in een dynamische, sterk veranderende omgeving opereren, waarbij technologische vernieuwingen zich in hoog tempo aandienen (cloud computing, iPad-apps, etc.). Deze trend tot verregaande digitalisering leidt tot 'substitute' services en producten die traditionele diensten vervangen. Voor veel organisaties betekend dit dat de concurrentieverhoudingen zich in snel tempo zullen wijzigen. Deze ontwikkelingen kunnen bedreigend…

    In de huidige economie ondervinden ondernemers meer en meer dat ze in een dynamische, sterk veranderende omgeving opereren, waarbij technologische vernieuwingen zich in hoog tempo aandienen (cloud computing, iPad-apps, etc.). Deze trend tot verregaande digitalisering leidt tot 'substitute' services en producten die traditionele diensten vervangen. Voor veel organisaties betekend dit dat de concurrentieverhoudingen zich in snel tempo zullen wijzigen. Deze ontwikkelingen kunnen bedreigend overkomen maar biedt juist ook kansen voor innovatie. Business model innovatie is daarbij de nieuwe concurrentiestrategie.

    Het lectoraat Procesinnovatie & Informatie Systemen kan u hierbij van dienst zijn. Wij richten ons op ICT als enabler van innovatie in het organiseren van uw bedrijfsmodel, klant- en interne processen.

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  • AAID


  • Stakeholder meeting 'Vrede en recht in een digitale wereld'


    Presentatie van de "The Hague Summit for Accountability & Internet Democracy" van 31 mei '18 en de mogelijkheden om een internationaal instituut - Internet Ombudsman - naar Den Haag te brengen.

  • Speaker FST Government Queensland 2018


    Invited as a speaker on Community Building for a conference in Brisbane Australia. Target audience is the Queensland Government.

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  • Jurylid van de Dutch IT Channel Awards 2017


    De Nederlandse IT-channel speelt een belangrijke en cruciale rol in de groei en innovatie en digitale transformatie van de Nederlandse economie. Daarom organisereert de Dutch IT channel de derde editie van het Dutch IT-Channel Awards Nieuwjaarsgala in Studio21, Hilversum waar de hele branche samenkomt om te netwerken en het belang van het kanaal viert!

    Noteer alvast in uw agenda: Dutch IT- channel Awards Nieuwjaarsgala, 18 januari 2018, Studio 21 te Hilversum.

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  • Adviseur General Council Netherlands


    Advisering over de opzet van de community en in het bijzonder het jaarcongres van de General Council Netherlands - een netwerk van Chief Legal Officers in Nederland

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  • Spreker - Community Building


    Spreker op het Agile for Excellence congres over Community Building.

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  • Spreker KNVI jaar congres


    Spreker sessie "Hoe kijkt de Digital Leader naar Skills voor nu en straks?"

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  • Ambassador Singularity University Summit


    Helping out to promote the Singularity University Summit, November 20nd/21st @Haarlem

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  • Moderator Masterclass RWS Groepsraad


    In opdracht van Perry van der Weyden, CIO RWS een Masterclass voor de Groepsraad voor de HIDs van RWS mogen helpen opzetten en begeleiden rond de i-visie en de i-strategie ontwikkeld door de CIV.

  • Moderator conference "E-Skills and Jobs in the Digital Age"


    Moderated the conference: "E-Skills and Jobs in the Digital Age: Accelerating Europe’s Competitiveness and Inclusive Growth" organized by te Public Policy Exchange. Conference program included speakers from the European Commission, the European Parliament, Digital Champion, IT associations and academic speakers.

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  • Process Community


    Co-Founder and Chairman of the Process Community, an international community for local BPM boardmembers around Europe.

  • K.E.Y. Platform Seoul, Korea


    Speech on Blockchain.

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  • Moderate and organize presentation in Accountability in the Digital Age @ The Hague Institute for Global Justice


    Organized and moderate seminar at the ‘The Hague Institute for Global Justice’ on Tuesday April 11th. Dan Shefet, founder of the Association for Accountablity and Internet Democracy (AAID) gave a keynote on: “An Accountable Internet”

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  • Moderator Resilience Summit, Eden Utah


    Moderated the presentations and discussions during the Resilience weekend organized by in Eden Utah, US.

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  • Workshop RWS on the future of LEF


    Organized and moderated a workshop with 5 external experts about the future of LEF - the future centre of Rijkswaterstaat.

  • Technical Steering Cie & Moderator 'Future of Fintech'​ @ FSRoundtable FINTECH Festival, San Francisco


    Jan 9-10th I will co-host and moderate 3 workshops on the 'Future of FINTECH' During the FSroundtable FINTECH Festival. Over 170 CEOs from the US FS and IT industry are coming.

    The Financial Services Roundtable represents the largest integrated financial services companies providing banking, insurance, payment and investment products and services to the American consumer. Member companies participate through the Chief Executive Officer and other senior executives nominated by the CEO…

    Jan 9-10th I will co-host and moderate 3 workshops on the 'Future of FINTECH' During the FSroundtable FINTECH Festival. Over 170 CEOs from the US FS and IT industry are coming.

    The Financial Services Roundtable represents the largest integrated financial services companies providing banking, insurance, payment and investment products and services to the American consumer. Member companies participate through the Chief Executive Officer and other senior executives nominated by the CEO. FSR member companies provide fuel for America’s economic engine, accounting for $92.7 trillion in managed assets, $1.2 trillion in revenue, and 2.3 million jobs.

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  • Jury ECs European Digital Skills Awards 2016


    Member of the Jury of the European Digital Skills Awards. Presented awards to the winners together with European Commissioner Oettinger, December 1st at the European Digital Skills and Jobs Conference.

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  • Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs


    Representing CIONET in the network which has been granted the responsibility to address the issues raised by Eurocommissioner Neelie Kroes in her call for a the Grand Coalition.

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  • Chair conference - Future Proofing your Critical Infrastructure Ecosystems, Nov 10th


    On the 10th of November SIM-CI, the Alliander Innovation Satellite focusing on simulating behaviours of Critical Infrastructures, and Google present the near future of risk & asset management for CI’s, showcasing Disruptive Technologies and strategies to foresee, identify and manage the threats CI owners and operators face.

  • Speker DNBN, Oslo Norway Nov 23rd.


    Invited to speak at the Dutch Norwegian Business Network in Oslo, Norway. Will speak on the Digital Transition of Society & the impact on Leadership

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  • Van Publieke Data tot Innovatie, Nov 24th


    Invited to join the closing panel of this conference - the conference will also present a memorandum on the use of public data

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  • Chair VirtualIT Conference, November 15th


    Every year the congress is visited by around 350 interested computer science students. Among them are bachelor as well as master students. With every year another theme the congress offers high class lectures with national and international speakers. There are a lot of networking possibilities between the lectures which is interesting for students as well as companies. Previous editions had titles as AnonymIT and AutonomIT.

    This year the congress takes place on the 15th of November, 2016…

    Every year the congress is visited by around 350 interested computer science students. Among them are bachelor as well as master students. With every year another theme the congress offers high class lectures with national and international speakers. There are a lot of networking possibilities between the lectures which is interesting for students as well as companies. Previous editions had titles as AnonymIT and AutonomIT.

    This year the congress takes place on the 15th of November, 2016 (week 46) with the theme VirtualIT. Nowadays there is a lot going on in the area of virtualising the real world around us; not only in games but also in training institutes, businesses and non-profit organisations. VirtualIT is about creating (interactive) virtual worlds in every aspect of life. Think about subjects as virtual reality, virtualised interfaces, augmented reality, VR as testing and development tool, and modelling. Graphics is also an interesting aspect.

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  • Voorzitter Raad van Advies eSociety Platform


    De digitale economie groeit zeven keer sneller dan de gewone economie. Het eSociety Platform is ervan overtuigd dat de verdere digitalisering van de economie en maatschappij, ofwel de eSociety, op wereldschaal doorzet. Smartphones, tablets, digitale televisies, webshoppen, telebankieren… het is de gewoonste zaak geworden. Het eSociety Platform is een kennis- en actiecommunity, waarin bedrijfsleven, overheid, maatschappelijke sectoren en de technologiesector gezamenlijk, de eSociety in Nederland…

    De digitale economie groeit zeven keer sneller dan de gewone economie. Het eSociety Platform is ervan overtuigd dat de verdere digitalisering van de economie en maatschappij, ofwel de eSociety, op wereldschaal doorzet. Smartphones, tablets, digitale televisies, webshoppen, telebankieren… het is de gewoonste zaak geworden. Het eSociety Platform is een kennis- en actiecommunity, waarin bedrijfsleven, overheid, maatschappelijke sectoren en de technologiesector gezamenlijk, de eSociety in Nederland stimuleren en verder vormgeven. Een supersnelle, toekomstvaste digitale glasvezelinfrastructuur in heel Nederland is daarvoor een absolute randvoorwaarde.

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  • Keynote speaker: 2016 Big Data Application Congress in 14-15 July, in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China


    Keynote for the Big Data Application conference, in Chengdu China. Presentation on the CIO perspective on Big Data with a focus on the Finance Industry.

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    CIO CITY is CIONET's European CIO event bringing 200+ CIOs from Europe together. CIOCITY is an associated event of the Dutch presidency.

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  • Co-author with Adjiedj Bakas book: "BLENDED, Is your strategy digital?"


    After having worked with Adjiedj Bakas for 10 years, decided to write a book together: 'BLENDED, Is your strategy digital?' A book about the Global Digital Transformation. Expected due date spring 2017.

    This book has been postponed due to Adjiejd's illness

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  • Chinese Cloud Computer Conference, Beijing China


    Presented the 'Blended CIO' at the 8th Chinese Cloud Computer Conference. And discussed the CIONET community experience with CIO networks from China, Taiwan and Japan. Also presenting at the CCCC were Maarten Hillenaar and Jaap Haenen presenting the Smart City experience of The Hague and Eindhoven.

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  • Wireless Innovation Council - Europe


    The recent explosion of smart devices, our ever increasing measure of connectivity and the massive number of advanced applications we gain access to have initiated an exciting wave of change and innovation.​N​evertheless the awareness of enterprises with respect to the potential impact of this artificial evolution is limited, as most innovatory opportunities lie at industrial intersections whereas dialogue between their key players is seldom reached.

    The members of WIC Europe collaborate…

    The recent explosion of smart devices, our ever increasing measure of connectivity and the massive number of advanced applications we gain access to have initiated an exciting wave of change and innovation.​N​evertheless the awareness of enterprises with respect to the potential impact of this artificial evolution is limited, as most innovatory opportunities lie at industrial intersections whereas dialogue between their key players is seldom reached.

    The members of WIC Europe collaborate to identify these opportunities. As mobile challenges are faced by their respective industries, they work together on the invention of solutions by innovating business models and addressing niches of their particular expertise. During physical meetups, parties and events, they investigate and discuss diverse research topics to inspire one another on ways to stay fit for the future. Documentation is created and shared among members, to optimize their inside knowledge and potential influence in the field.

    WIC Europe has been initiated by its American counterpart. Its main objective is to bridge the gap between users and suppliers of mobile technology, with economic growth as an important incitement. As a platform encouraging collaborative research and development, WIC Europe functions as a means to share knowledge which results in a cost efficient advantage with respect to the development of individual mobile strategies. Activities include workshops, executive briefings and an online collaboration platform.

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  • Volunteer @ Operation Education


    Operation Education is a Dutch movement. An initiative of founder Claire Boonstra to bring current the education system to the 21st century. As a volunteer I support this initiative with advice, opening my network and by being an ambassador.

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  • K.E.Y. Platform Seoul, Korea


    Presented 2 talks at the Korean K.E.Y. Platform conference organized by Money Today, Korean's biggest publisher. On the changing role of the CIO - the 'Blended CIO' and on the CIO perspective on FINTECH.

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  • Management & IT Symposium 2015


    Dit jaar gaan we met het Nationaal Management & IT Symposium op zoek naar digitaal vertrouwen, onder de titel ‘Building Digital Trust’. Blind vertrouwen dat het wel goed komt in de huidige digitale wereld lijkt niet erg verstandig. Alle bestaande fundamenten, technolo­gie, sturingsmechanismes, competenties en de vraagkant van IT zijn niet meer als voorheen

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  • Dutch Digital Leader Award


    De ‘Dutch Digital Leader Award’ is een initiatief om Nederlandse Digital Leaders te identificeren en te waarderen. Wij willen met de zoektocht naar Digital Leaders levende voorbeelden en rolmodellen geven.

    Kandidaten worden beoordeeld op hun vermogen om de digitale verandering te leiden over de hele organisatie, nieuwe bedrijfsmodellen te initiëren die nieuwe inkomsten genereren en in hoeverre de relevante technologie is gebruikt vanuit het digitale ecosysteem.

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  • TEDxBinnenhof


    Part of the team to help organize TEDxBinnenhof 2016. Theme is 'Ideas from Europe'.

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  • Member expert Group GUIDE Workshop 'Guidelines and Quality Label for fostering e-Leadership in Europe'


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  • Dedicon


    Dedicon is de nieuwe naam van de Nederlandse Blinden Bibliotheek. De Directie heeft verzocht een eenmalige Raad van Advies te organiseren rond thema Digitalisering. Centrale vraag is: wat is de invloed van Digitalisering op de strategie en product ontwikkeling van Dedicon?

  • "ICT bijeenkomst" vereniging Hogescholen tbv de Nationale Wetenschapsagenda


    Moderator bijeenkomst van de Vereniging Hogescholen voor bepalen voorstel van de ICT onderzoeksvragen voor de Nationale Wetenschapsagenda

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  • IT Talent debat



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  • CIONET Luxembourg event


    Presentation on the status of eSkills and eLeadership development in Europe and especially Luxembourg. Also presenting was the Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Xavier Bettel presenting the 'Digital Lëtzebuerg' agenda.

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  • Lid Raad van Advies - iBestuur Mobility Congres


    Op 21 mei vindt in New Babylon in Den Haag de eerste editie plaats van het nieuwe congres ‘iBestuur Mobility, de beleving’. Publieke bestuurders en beslissers, beleidsmakers en uitvoerders, en toonaangevende leveranciers en kennisinstellingen delen daar visie, expertise en ervaringen rondom enterprise mobility. Inspirerende key-notes op het plenaire podium, break-out sessies op maat en hands-on beleving: de praktijk van de publieke sector staat centraal.

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  • Management & IT Symposium , Co-creation!


    Het congres is een samenwerking tussen grote toonaangevende IT-organisaties over business, innovatie en IT! (Agile Consortium - ASL BiSL Foundation - BPM Forum - itSMF - Ngi-NGN - KIVI - PvIB). Was verantwoordelijk voor de interviews in de 'college tour' sessies

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  • Huawei CIO Forum


    Program management

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  • Member International Steering Cie "World CIO Forum" Xi'an, China


    Liaison with organization and CIONET Europe for keynote CIO speaker(s).

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  • TEDxBloemendaal


    Organized a TEDx Event @ Bloemendaal - theme "Shift Happens" various presentations about the major changes in the world around us.

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  • Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs Summit, Lisbon Portugal


    Liaison European Commission, Cabinet of President Barroso.

    Opening speech & welcome President Barroso at the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs Summit on October 3rd, Lisbon Portugal

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  • Management Advies Bluelanes


    Raad van Advies / Management advies Start up Blue Lanes

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  • Member Board of Advice IPBPM, Portugal


    Helped set up the IPBPM Community in Portugal. Was responsible for the international program for a number of the annual events and have presented talks and contributed to a number of panel discussions on the role of Business Process Management.

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  • TEDxBinnenhof


    Together with the City of The Hague and RVO organized the impact event on 'Secure Societies, the Digital Dimension'

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  • Adviseur KNMvD


    De Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij voor Diergeneeskunde organiseert oktober 14' haar jaarcongres. De KNMvD had behoefte aan een klankbord en advisering betreft de opzet van het congres.

  • Huawei IT Leaders Forum - Europe


    The Huawei IT Leaders Forum will take place in Amsterdam on September 18th. We will bring together over 100 IT-executives to discuss the "Challenges of today - how to innovate tomorrow".


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  • Sprekerscoaching TEDx RWS


    In september 2013 organiseerde RWS voor het eerst een eigen TED-event, in het met het LEF future center. Doel: RWSsers inspireren en de eigen verhalen op een trotse manier over het voetlicht brengen. Mij werd gevraagd de sprekers te coachen op presentatievaardigheden en natuurlijk het brengen van een TEDwaardig verhaal. Fijne, mooie en zeer bevredigende opdracht. Smaakt naar meer!

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  • TEDxRijkswaterstaat


    Organizing TEDxRijkswaterstaat (September). Overall theme is 'What's next!'. Is an internal TEDx event for RWS employees only. The conference will explore and present themes like innovation, co-creation, in-car technology, exponential organizations, the human mind and smart cities.

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  • Member expert group e-skills Vision, Roadmap and Foresight Scenarios


    The Directorate General Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission has asked empirica to provide sound, unbiased empirical evidence how the supply and demand for different types of ICT-related skills is evolving in Europe under different socio-economic scenarios. This will allow the European Commission order to prepare for targeted policy initiatives and encourage and facilitate the dialogue and cooperation between policy makers and relevant stakeholders at the EU and national levels…

    The Directorate General Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission has asked empirica to provide sound, unbiased empirical evidence how the supply and demand for different types of ICT-related skills is evolving in Europe under different socio-economic scenarios. This will allow the European Commission order to prepare for targeted policy initiatives and encourage and facilitate the dialogue and cooperation between policy makers and relevant stakeholders at the EU and national levels about the implications and required actions to be taken to address current as well as anticipated skills gaps and shortages and to help reducing innovation skills shortages, gaps and mismatches in Europe. The study design requires a combination of different data collection techniques, the application of foresight scenario techniques, and statistical modeling of the data for the various scenarios. The work is addressed to the development of foresight scenarios and a forecasting of e-skills demand and supply until 2020 a vision report and the development of a policy roadmap for future action in this area.

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  • Member expert group Quality labels for training fostering e-skills


    The objective of the QUALITY study issued by the European Commission is to develop quality labels for industry-based training and certification which at the same time are compatible with the European Commission 2009 Recommendation on a European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Vocational Training and Education (EQAVET).

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  • Week van de Inspiratie


    De Week van de Inspiratie van de Belastingdienst is een intern congres van 5 dagen voor de 3500 medewerkers van de IT afdelingen in Apeldoorn. We verwachten 24-28 september 200+ sprekers in Apeldoorn.

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  • Commonline


    Program Manager developing & delivering the Commonline 2012 conference. A conference & community for communication professionals.

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  • WCC2012


    Formally IFIP is a non-governmental, non-profit umbrella organization for national societies working in the field of information processing. It was established in 1960 under the auspices of UNESCO as a result of the first World Computer Congress held in Paris in 1959. The IFIP represents IT Societies from 56 countries/regions, covering five continents with a total membership of over 800.000.

    The 22nd IFIP WCC2012 - World Computing Conference - is IFIP's flagship global conference which…

    Formally IFIP is a non-governmental, non-profit umbrella organization for national societies working in the field of information processing. It was established in 1960 under the auspices of UNESCO as a result of the first World Computer Congress held in Paris in 1959. The IFIP represents IT Societies from 56 countries/regions, covering five continents with a total membership of over 800.000.

    The 22nd IFIP WCC2012 - World Computing Conference - is IFIP's flagship global conference which will take place @ the Amsterdam RAI conference center 24-26th September 2012.

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  • Ondersteuning 'Staat van Morgen' Adjiedj Bakas


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  • Programma ondersteuning 'Trends in BPM' congres SDU


  • Ondersteuning 'Einde van Privacy' Adjiedj Bakas


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  • iBestuur Congres


    Het iBestuur Congres 2012, de opvolger van het Digitaal Bestuur Congres 2011, is hét jaarlijkse event voor en door de e- en i-overheid.

  • Keynote Speaker ARK Group BPM Conference, Sydney, Australia


  • Week van de Inspiratie 2011


    Member of the three man team (1 Tax Office + 2 external) responsible for the "Week of Inspiration". An internal 5 day conference for the 3500-4000 IT employees of the Dutch Tax Office. Over 200 speakers were present including Ben Tiggelaar, Anina, Esther Jacobs, Peter Hinssen, Maarten van Rossum, Rene Boender, Maarten Hillenaar, Edwin van der Sar, Martijn Aslander, Constantijn van Oranje, Nicole Kroon, Peter Veld en Henkjan Smits.

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  • Strategisch Management advies


    Strategisch Manangement advies internationale samenwerking tbv een grote internationale organisatie

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  • Bid team Mobile World Capital Amsterdam


    Amsterdam is one of the six cities in Europe which is making a bid to host the Mobile World Capital and the Mobile World Conference per 2013 (now Barcelona with 50.000+ delegates).

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  • Keynote Speaker ARK Group BPM Conference, Melbourne, Australia


  • Week van de Inspiratie 2010


    Member of the three man team (1 Tax Office + 2 external) responsible for the "Week of Inspiration". An internal 4 day conference for the IT staff of the Belastingdienst (Dutch Tax office) @ Apeldoorn. This will take place 21st till 27th of september. Together with an internal team a full 4 day program was created with over 100 speakers (both external and belastingdienst) for a group of 2500+ IT staff. External speakers include Rob & Marcel Creemers, Dom Sagolla (co-founder Twitter), Daan…

    Member of the three man team (1 Tax Office + 2 external) responsible for the "Week of Inspiration". An internal 4 day conference for the IT staff of the Belastingdienst (Dutch Tax office) @ Apeldoorn. This will take place 21st till 27th of september. Together with an internal team a full 4 day program was created with over 100 speakers (both external and belastingdienst) for a group of 2500+ IT staff. External speakers include Rob & Marcel Creemers, Dom Sagolla (co-founder Twitter), Daan Quakernaat, Adjiedj Bakas, Paul Iske and Martijn Aslander.

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  • PSO Management - Management Advies


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  • Triodos bank - advies ontwikkelen BPM visie


  • Presentatie intern management congres APG


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  • WCIT2010


    The Netherlands hosted WITSA's 17th World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT). The conference was part of the Spanish presidency of the European Commission and hosted by the European Commission, the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, the city of Amsterdam and ICT~Office. I was responsible for the program. See

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  • Dagvoorzitter BPM Congres Array


  • Keynote congres NPQ


  • Human Energy Management


    Helpen opzetten en voorzitten van de Raad van Advies van Human Energy Management

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  • Dagvoorzitter Seminar GGZ Nederland


  • Adviseur YNNO over film 'Het Nieuwe Werken' / NeWork Community


    Advies over opzetten van de NeWork Community , een community die kennis wil delen over 'Het Nieuwe Werken'. Verder advies bij de film over 'Het nieuwe werken'. Zie link

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  • Keynote speaker Topforce, Rotterdam internal event


  • Spreker / adviseur IRM BPM Conference, London, UK


  • Association for Strategic Alliance Professionals


    Founder and Chair of the first European chapter of the Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals is an international association which aims to create awareness, provide a network and educate alliance managers. The Dutch chapter is one of the first local chapters to be founded.

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  • Keynote first BPM-conference, Warshaw, Polen


  • Voorzitter Ondernemingsraad Logica


  • Computer User Group - Society of Petroleum Engineers


    Chaired the Dutch community of computer users working in the oil and gas industry. Aim is to share best practices and vision on how IT can help the oil and gas industry.

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  • FSTGov -


  • FSTGov Conference - International keynote speaker


  • Strategic Council Community Building Omdena


    Omdena is a global collaborative learning platform that provides practical experience to AI enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds through real-world projects.

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  • The Grand Conference 2013 Building A Resilient Digital Society


    Member of the Project Management Team

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