Maak kennis met de nieuwe LVVN-raad in Polen: Jouke Knol Vanuit de Nederlandse ambassade in Warschau zet Jouke Knol zich in om de banden met #Polen, #Slowakije en #Tsjechië – de landen in zijn werkgebied – te versterken en de Nederlandse overheid, bedrijfsleven en NGO’s in de landbouw en #natuur te verbinden met de markt aldaar. Met name als het gaat om duurzame land- en kassenbouw, diergezondheid, bodemkwaliteit, energietransitie en klimaatadaptatie. In januari 2025 neemt Polen het EU-voorzitterschap op zich, een belangrijke mijlpaal die kansen biedt voor intensievere samenwerking. Knol: ‘We willen beleidsmatig nauwer samenwerken, marktkansen verzilveren en laten zien wat Nederland kan bijdragen aan #duurzame #landbouw en de #energietransitie.’ 🔗 Lees het volledige interview hier Olaf K. Horbanczuk | Agnieszka Murawska | Ralf Van De Beek | Martijn Homan | Gabrielle Nuijtens-Vaarkamp | Ministerie van Landbouw, Visserij, Voedselzekerheid en Natuur
LVVN Attaché Netwerk
Internationale zaken
Wereldwijde ondersteuning in het internationale domein van landbouw, visserij, voedsel en natuur
Over ons
Het LVVN Attaché Netwerk (LAN) verbindt Nederlandse producten, kennis en innovaties aan internationale uitdagingen en kansen in het domein van landbouw, visserij, voedselzekerheid en natuur. Zo positioneert LAN zich als dé samenwerkingspartner ter versterking van het verdienvermogen van Nederland en ten dienste van de realisatie van de Sustainable Development Goals. LAN ondersteunt Nederlandse bedrijven, kennisinstellingen en non profit organisaties in het internationale domein van landbouw, natuur en voedsel. De LVVN-raden en LVVN-attachés en hun teams werken op 62 Nederlandse ambassades en/of consulaten en bedienen van daaruit 77 landen. Ook zijn ze vertegenwoordigers voor Nederland bij internationale organisaties zoals FAO/WFP/IFAD in Rome, EU in Brussel en OESO in Parijs.
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Externe link voor LVVN Attaché Netwerk
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- Internationale zaken
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- 201 - 500 medewerkers
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- Den Haag
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- 1919
Prinses Beatrixlaan 2
Den Haag, 2595 AL, NL
Medewerkers van LVVN Attaché Netwerk
Pascalle De Ruyter
Team coördinator voedselveiligheid bij Ministerie van Landbouw, Visserij, Voedselzekerheid en Natuur
Suzanne Wolters
Senior advisor Netherlands Agricultural Network
Morris de Moor
Merle Eerhard
Agricultural policy officer LAN-Paris & PR OECD 🇫🇷🇳🇱| MSc. Animal Scientist
Op 28 november 2024 is het rapport van denktank The Shift Project over de toekomst van de Franse landbouw gepresenteerd. De denktank heeft de afgelopen anderhalf jaar belanghebbenden gesproken en onderzoek gedaan. Het doel is, zoals omschreven in het #rapport, het bereiken van een koolstofarme, veerkrachtige en welvarende #landbouwsector, samen met agrariërs. Het opgeleverde rapport bevat uitgebreide informatie over onder andere de huidige staat van de Franse landbouw, haar impact op #klimaat en #ecosystemen, en afhankelijkheden van andere landen (import van #fossiele brandstoffen, #kunstmest, #diervoeding, etc.). Over een paar maanden zal The Shift Project beginnen met het uitbreiden van het rapport. Een hoofdstuk over voedsel, in lijn met de Europese ‘From Farm to Fork Strategy’ zal worden toegevoegd tussen 2025 en 2026. #Frankrijk | Martijn Weijtens | Annelies DIJKEMA | Marieke RIESMEIJER 🇳🇱 🇫🇷
Frankrijk: The Shift Project presenteert rapport over de toekomst van de Franse landbouw
The topic of biodiversity in #Ghana is closely linked to neglected and underutilized species (NUS). These minor crops are integral to rural livelihoods, food security, and the environment. However, they are increasingly at risk due to genetic erosion and a lack of conservation efforts, making initiatives to protect them more urgent. Read the complete article ‘Conserving Ghana’s biodiversity: safeguarding neglected and underutilized species' in the link below. This article is part of the 13th edition of the e-magazine Agrospecial, titled "Peace with Nature: Global Biodiversity Commitment" (originally published on October 9, 2024). In this edition, the Netherlands Agricultural Network (LAN) explores the crucial role of biodiversity in agriculture and nature in the context of the COP16 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Colombia. Agricultural Counselors from over 18 countries share their involvement in initiatives that foster the protection and sustainable use of biodiversity, highlighting the complex interdependence between biodiversity, water and soil management. In these efforts, cooperation, innovation and knowledge exchange are key, and LAN plays a crucial role in mainstreaming this global commitment. #biodiversity | #agrospecial | #COP16 | Ministerie van Landbouw, Visserij, Voedselzekerheid en Natuur | Inge Tenniglo | Helen Gyasi | Marian Armoo
Conserving Ghana’s biodiversity: safeguarding neglected and underutilized species
Interesting vacancy in our network of agricultural advisor in #Brazil
VACANCY Join the Netherlands Agricultural Network in Brazil! Be our enthusiastic Agricultural Advisor in São Paulo! * Support Dutch agribusiness & promote trade * Work on sustainable agriculture and biodiversity * Build the network and be our man or woman in Sao Paulo * Be a team player with strong communication skills (English & Portuguese). Apply by 15 January 2025! See details: & apply: [email protected] (Subject: Application Agricultural Advisor in São Paulo) Kingdom of the Netherlands in Brazil, Emiel Mulder, Wieneke Vullings, Peggy De Rop, Dutcham - Dutch Brazilian Chamber of Commerce, Vasco Rodrigues, André Driessen, Netherlands Agricultural Network, Frederica Heering
Vacancies and internships - Brazil - NAY
Highlights Agroberichten Buitenland is de wekelijkse nieuwsbrief van het LVVN Attaché Netwerk (LAN). U wordt iedere week geattendeerd op nieuws, activiteiten en achtergrondinformatie op het internationale domein van landbouw, visserij, voedsel en natuur van 62 LAN teams die werkzaam op Nederlandse ambassades en consulaten-generaal en actief zijn in 77 landen. Abonneer via onderstaande link en blijf automatisch op de hoogte van de voornaamste publicaties op deze website.
Insect feed production represents an innovative and sustainable approach to addressing the growing demand for animal feed while reducing #environmental impact. This emerging sector offers significant opportunities for #Ukraine, a country with a strong #agricultural foundation and a need for diversified protein sources. The development of insect feed production in Ukraine is crucial for several reasons: 1. Sustainable Protein Source 2. Circular Economy 3. Food Security 4. Environmental Benefits 5. Economic Opportunities In the context of Ukraine, with its strong agricultural base and growing focus on sustainable practices, insect feed production represents a strategic opportunity to address these global challenges while fostering economic growth and innovation in the agricultural sector. Carolien Spaans | Dmytro Kyryliuk | Kateryna Tushynska | #InsectFeed | #SustainableAgriculture | #ProteinInnovation | #CircularEconomy | #AgTech
Opportunities for Insect Feed Production in Ukraine
The Dutch Embassy will be present at the 92nd Novi Sad Agricultural Fair in #Serbia. The Orange Pavilion will be open for Dutch companies who wish to showcase the best that the Netherlands has to offer in the agri-food industry. In May 2025, the agricultural team of the Netherlands Embassy in Belgrade intends to organize an Orange Pavilion open to Dutch companies that wish to showcase the very best the Netherlands has to offer to the agri-food industries of the Western #Balkans. Koen van Ginneken | Mila Mirkovic | Netherlands
Join the Orange Pavilion at the biggest agriculture fair in the Western Balkans!
On December 10, 2024, Cinema Barberini in Rome became a hub of thought and inspiration as the Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the United Nations (UN) Rome-Based Agencies (RBA’s) hosted an international premier screening of 'Food for Thought'. 'Food for Thought' provided an in-depth look at the complexities of food production, agriculture, and innovation across the globe. The film masterfully illuminated the pressing challenges of sustainability and biodiversity, while simultaneously showcasing opportunities for transformation. Through vivid storytelling and a global lens, van Lohuizen highlighted the interconnectedness of food systems with environmental and social dynamics, urging viewers to consider their role in shaping a sustainable future. #Italy | Marcel Beukeboom | Yvonne van Laarhoven | Floor de Bont | Jana Stankova | #FoodForThought | #Sustainability | #Biodiversity | #GlobalFoodSystems | #FoodProduction | #AgricultureInnovation | #SustainableFuture | #ClimateAction | #FoodSecurity
An Evening of Reflection on Sustainable Food Systems
The Habitats Directive is among the most important measures to conserve the European Union’s (EU) wild flora and fauna. It aims to protect thousands of species and hundreds of valuable habitat types in over 26.000 protected areas. Although the Directive provides a legislative framework for all EU member states, its implementation may differ from country to country. Since these differences are especially noticeable along national borders, the Netherlands Agricultural Network (LAN) team in #Germany has set up expert meetings between Germany and the Netherlands to facilitate cross-border dialogue. Read the complete article ‘Germany and the Netherlands successfully collaborate on cross-border biodiversity conservation' via the link below. This article is part of the 13th edition of the e-magazine Agrospecial, titled "Peace with nature: global biodiversity commitment" (originally published on October 9, 2024). In this edition, the Netherlands Agricultural Network (LAN) explores the crucial role of biodiversity in agriculture and nature in the context of the COP16 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Colombia. Agricultural Counselors from over 18 countries share their involvement in initiatives that foster the protection and sustainable use of biodiversity, highlighting the complex interdependence between biodiversity, water and soil management. In these efforts, cooperation, innovation and knowledge exchange are key, and LAN plays a crucial role in mainstreaming this global commitment. #biodiversity | #agrospecial | #COP16 | Ministerie van Landbouw, Visserij, Voedselzekerheid en Natuur | Jack Vera | Dennis Kraaijeveld | Femke Meijer | Merijn Bos | Alet Meijer | Nikki T. | Amy van Brummelen | Netherlands Agricultural Network in Germany
Germany and the Netherlands successfully collaborate on cross-border biodiversity conservation
Wytze Vries, de is the head of the Nature-inclusive program office at the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security, and Nature. The Nature-inclusive program office coordinates and facilitates the public private cooperation on ten domains, and the movement of Collective Nature-inclusive. ‘We are a program of hope and unity,’ says De Vries. ‘Essentially, our work is about our transformation as humans. We have distanced ourselves from nature, placing ourselves above it. However, we need to become part of nature again and move towards a healthy society.’ Read the complete article ‘Preserving biodiversity in water-scarce regions in Egypt and Jordan' in the link below. This article is part of the 13th edition of the e-magazine Agrospecial, titled "Peace with Nature: Global Biodiversity Commitment" (originally published on October 9, 2024). In this edition, the Netherlands Agricultural Network (LAN) explores the crucial role of biodiversity in agriculture and nature in the context of the COP16 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Colombia. Agricultural Counselors from over 18 countries share their involvement in initiatives that foster the protection and sustainable use of biodiversity, highlighting the complex interdependence between biodiversity, water and soil management. In these efforts, cooperation, innovation and knowledge exchange are key, and LAN plays a crucial role in mainstreaming this global commitment. #biodiversity | #agrospecial | #COP16 | Ministerie van Landbouw, Visserij, Voedselzekerheid en Natuur | André van der Zande
Nature-inclusive movement: in search of hope and connection