Gerard Scheenstra

Gerard Scheenstra

Arnhem-Nijmegen en omgeving
5K volgers Meer dan 500 connecties


Gerard has an extensive background in aligning teams in a purpose-driven work environment…



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  • Xponential Ecosystem grafisch
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    The world

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    The World

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    The Netherlands

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    Netherlands & Canada

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    Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands

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    Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands

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    Hong Kong

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    Amsterdam Area, Netherlands & Europe

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    Rotterdam Area, Netherlands


Licenties en certificaten

Ervaring als vrijwilliger

  • Mentor coach (School 2 work transtion)

    Student mentor/coach (business, hr, it, multi media, psycholgy, commercial and economics)

    - heden 37 jaar


    Gerard is since 1988 mentor and personal coach for students with key goal for participating students to acquire work experience and make sure they graduate with a clear plan for the future (100 % positive conversion ratio).

  • Executive Board Member

    Administration Village House

    - 12 jaar 4 maanden

    Sociale voorzieningen

    Custodians and create a sustainable future for the Village House

    In 2014 we have been able to start a renovation project based on public funding and we have been able to realize this project in December 2019.

  • Board Member

    Administration village association

    - 6 jaar

    Sociale voorzieningen

    We created with the initial team from scratch the Village Association

  • Team Manager H1

    NMHC Fieldhockey

    - 1 jaar

    Sociale voorzieningen

  • Board Member

    Central Labour board Hudig Langeveldt Group (actual Aon)

    - 2 jaar 5 maanden

    Sociale voorzieningen

    COR central ondernemingsraad Hudig Langveldt



  • Universal Basic Income (UBI) grafisch


    Universal Basic Income (UBI)

    - heden 8 jaar 6 maanden

    Universal Basic Income (UBI) it is not Why but How and When.

    Basic income can be implemented nationally, regionally or locally.

    An unconditional income that is sufficient to meet a person's basic needs (at or above the poverty line), is sometimes called a Full Basic Income, while if it is less than that amount, it is sometimes called Partial.

    Dutch initiative (old group).


  • Fit fot the Future toekomstbestendig HRM-Beleid Chapter 13


    Hoofdtuk 13

    Toekomst van werk: welke implicaties hebben deze verandering voor werkenden, organisaties en de rol van HRM?

    Andere auteurs
  • Duurzame inzetbaarheid in crisistijd: waarom toch wel?


    Whitepaper waarin we uiteenzetten waarom het juist in tijden van financiele krapte zo belangrijk is om werk te maken van duurzame inzetbaarheid. Goed inzetbare medewerkers hebben een grotere kans hun werk te behouden of nieuw werk te vinden. Werkgevers verlagen hun personeelslasten en slaan zich flexibeler en innovatiever door de crisis heen. Inclusief een paar voorbeelden van business cases.

    Andere auteurs
  • Een leven lang inzetbaar?


    Handboek over duurzame inzetbaarheid op het werk: interventies, best practices en integrale benaderingen.

    Dit handboek helpt u als werkgever, manager of personeelsfunctionaris verder op weg met het doorgronden van het thema en levert een overzicht van wat er bekend is in Nederland over het thema duurzame inzetbaarheid.

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    Publicatie weergeven
  • Meten van employability essentieel in een veranderende omgeving

    Knowvium White paper

    Kennis van de employability van arbeidskrachten is essentieel voor veranderingstrajecten
    Bedrijven en organisaties staan niet op zichzelf, maar zijn onderdeel van een complex netwerk van sociale en economische relaties. Veranderingen in deze omgeving treden steeds sneller op en de invloed ervan op de organisatie wordt steeds groter. Speciaal in het geval van een trendbreuk, zoals met de huidige crisis het geval is, vinden er grote veranderingen plaats in bijvoorbeeld het consumentengedrag…

    Kennis van de employability van arbeidskrachten is essentieel voor veranderingstrajecten
    Bedrijven en organisaties staan niet op zichzelf, maar zijn onderdeel van een complex netwerk van sociale en economische relaties. Veranderingen in deze omgeving treden steeds sneller op en de invloed ervan op de organisatie wordt steeds groter. Speciaal in het geval van een trendbreuk, zoals met de huidige crisis het geval is, vinden er grote veranderingen plaats in bijvoorbeeld het consumentengedrag, concurrentengedrag, de wet- en regelgeving en de wijze waarop gefinancierd kan worden.

    2 additional authors

    Arjan van Berkum
    Richard Steketee

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  • EASY MEETS Trusted Partner & Business mentoring

    Andere bijdragers
  • Ferme Ardhi Trusted partner business mentor

  • Strategy Consluting Whitespace

    - heden

    Registered Strategy Advisor

    Project weergeven
  • Mentor Baruch College

    Mentor for Student participating in the entrepreneurial accelerator program

  • Mentor and Business Coach at Start Up Nijmegen

    Pitch Coaching
    BMC evaluations

    Project weergeven
  • Health 4 Everyone (Social Impact Project in alignment with the SDG's)

    This is a social impact project in alignment with the SDG's and has as Massive Transformative Purpose
    Health 4 Everyone

    Health care is not a given for everyone and big difference per country.

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    Project weergeven
  • Career planner (project name)

    New solutions for career planning

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  • Exponential Individual Social impact Purpose driven project

    The main purpose of this project is based on the following Massive Transformatative Purpose

    Making self-awareness & human optimization the universal.

    As such create a massive mindshift from ME to WE thinking and doing in alignment with the SDG's

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    Project weergeven
  • Social economic impact project: Coaching and mentoring Afghan refugees

    - heden

    To Coach/Mentor and train the participants to create a new future and purpose in there new home country in the Netherlands

  • Validation alternative "Insurance" Business Model for Pets insurance (Social Economy project)

    - heden

    The idea for this business model is can there be an alternative for pets insurance cats and dogs as main focus based on alternative funding for pet owners who have no financial means to pay the bills.

    Validation of the business model all dimensions.

  • Fit4future Formula

    Start up phase I am lead creator to make it happen

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  • Focus 2 Green

    Focus on green energy transition products & Services

    Project weergeven
  • The Innovation Incubator

    - heden

    The Innovation Incubator is a network of independent entrepreneurs with a variety of knowledge and skills.

    Experimentation phase for innovation projects with liked minded professionals

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  • Training & certification Coaches as Duurzaam Inzetbaar Potentieel Coach for Knowvium

    - heden

    Key activities:

    • Development and optimization of the training and program as ongoing activity
    • Participant will be certified Sustainable Employability Potential Coach based on the MCA method
    • Lead trainer and thought leader
    • Train and certify the coaches
    • This is all done in co creation team since we started this activity with

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  • Coaching

    - heden

    • Fit 4 future programs
    • Coaching personal 1:1 career question
    • Design your life & work coaching
    • Business coaching
    • Executive coaching
    • Coach work shops
    • Golf and coach programs

    1000 trajectories and counting

  • Business coaching and strategy consulting Fashion Meta Vogue + La Vogue


  • Yenna Tech Strategy advisor and business coach


    Tokinization of land and food chain optimization

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  • Direct4You


    To make coaching low profile available via a Web Shop for the Dutch market

    Start up experimentation

    Project weergeven
  • Creation new Business Model The Innnovation Fair


    Based on the outcome of a professional 1:1 fit 4 future coach program and in follow up team session with Droppstuf. The following idea has been explored:

    • Can we create a location where all available objects of can be exposed?
    • A unique location where people and business will be challenged and inspired to start to think differently
    • In parallel develop a innovation program which can be linked to this unique location and with integration of all available…

    Based on the outcome of a professional 1:1 fit 4 future coach program and in follow up team session with Droppstuf. The following idea has been explored:

    • Can we create a location where all available objects of can be exposed?
    • A unique location where people and business will be challenged and inspired to start to think differently
    • In parallel develop a innovation program which can be linked to this unique location and with integration of all available objects.

    All the above points have been developed. Due to the pandemic business actions are still slow.

    Andere bijdragers
  • COAD Comite Open Arbeidsmarkt Data (social economy impact project)


    Social economy impact project labor markted optimization the netherlands

    Het Comité Open Arbeidsmarktdata (COAD) heeft als doel om de werking van de arbeidsmarkt te verbeteren. Dat doen wij door publieke en private partijen aan te zetten om de groeiende hoeveelheid arbeidsmarktdata waarover zij beschikken te delen. Het Comité staat open voor deelname van elke persoon of partij die aan dit initiatief wil bijdragen. Wij richten ons daarbij op marktpartijen, wetenschappers en houders van…

    Social economy impact project labor markted optimization the netherlands

    Het Comité Open Arbeidsmarktdata (COAD) heeft als doel om de werking van de arbeidsmarkt te verbeteren. Dat doen wij door publieke en private partijen aan te zetten om de groeiende hoeveelheid arbeidsmarktdata waarover zij beschikken te delen. Het Comité staat open voor deelname van elke persoon of partij die aan dit initiatief wil bijdragen. Wij richten ons daarbij op marktpartijen, wetenschappers en houders van open en besloten gegevensverzamelingen, zoals bijvoorbeeld het UWV.

    The inspiration in the team disappeared and we stopped this activity

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    Project weergeven
  • Digi Portal Object Persoon (Social Economy impact project)


    Social economy impact project.
    Based on a long-time vision. The idea is to create a so-called object person digital safety-box for all life and work events.
    Key point be in charge of your own personal data.
    • Exploration what are the running comparable projects in the world (started to check within the Netherlands
    • Design used cases
    • Design wireframe
    • Market communication

    All activities have been realized in basic versions.

    During the process (late) I…

    Social economy impact project.
    Based on a long-time vision. The idea is to create a so-called object person digital safety-box for all life and work events.
    Key point be in charge of your own personal data.
    • Exploration what are the running comparable projects in the world (started to check within the Netherlands
    • Design used cases
    • Design wireframe
    • Market communication

    All activities have been realized in basic versions.

    During the process (late) I discovered Doccle. Ontvang, betaal en bewaar jouw administratie op één plek. And a “old” business partner was involved and as such the project stopped.
    I personally started the alignment with this business model.

    Andere bijdragers
  • Knowvium Software HR science based software solution


    Since the start of Knowvium software has been part of the strategy to be able to bring the science based questionnaires available for the marked.

    From full stag internal development based on Lotes Notes platform we are since 2017 in a running transition based on key partnerships and co creation.

    The unit will transfer to a full stand alone label in due time.

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    Project weergeven
  • The Coach Facility for the Media Industry joint project (knowvium & media perspectives)


    Created a dedicated coach/mentor facility for all people in the media industry.
    • 1:1 coaching programs
    • Workshops
    Due to the pandemic the funding and business model stopped.

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  • The Promotion Engine (Social Economy Impact project)



    Creation of new way of learning (for students and people in transition to new dreams) based on modern organization models in co creation with star associates eco system.

    Action learning, is learning by doing.
    Business model was for:
    • Low profile websites from question to full design based on packaged solutions
    • Standard hosting package

    We had to stop this project experiment while it was not sustainable financially and not enough participating…


    Creation of new way of learning (for students and people in transition to new dreams) based on modern organization models in co creation with star associates eco system.

    Action learning, is learning by doing.
    Business model was for:
    • Low profile websites from question to full design based on packaged solutions
    • Standard hosting package

    We had to stop this project experiment while it was not sustainable financially and not enough participating students.

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    Project weergeven
  • Insurance Incubator with focus on creation insurance soluitions for the car sharing economy projects


    Entrepreneurial social impact project for the sharing economy with focus on car sharing insurance solutions with team of like-minded professionals

    The business model was not sustainable for the long run we stopped the project.

  • Research consulting & coaching Media industry Sustainable Employability Status for Media Perspectives


    Applied science research (data), reporting and consulting regarding the status of Sustainable Employability in the Media Industry (employees and contractors).

    Parallel active coaching session of 40 participants .

    Workshop feedback session regarding the findings and advised strategy

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  • Isala Clinics Zwolle


    HR metrics
    Research Sustainable Employability status IC staff

    Presentation results and advise steps to take

    Personal coach sessions with number of the staff

    Operational workshop Sustainable Employability Potential in practice and define joined plan of action.

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  • Co-creation Park Fly Rent Insurance Solution (Sharing economy social impact project)


    Entrepreneurial project:

    • To support the business model for Park Fly Rent regarding all related insurance issues and handling.
    • We developed and organized in co-creation with the business partners a Park Fly Rent Insurance Coverage. First phase for the Dutch market with Bovemij Insurance as Risk Carrier.
    • European roll out was under review, due to certain change in circumstances the business model owner had to stop the project and merge it with existing initiative (snapp car)

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  • Applied Science onderzoek en Advies betreffende duurzaam inzetbare uitzendkracht voor DOORZAAM (voormalig Stoof)


    Context van de vraag
    Het project heeft als basis het denkmodel dat een duurzaam inzetbare uitzendkracht een hogere mate van werkzekerheid heeft, meer toegevoegde waarde levert in het werk en beter bestand is tegen de dynamiek op de arbeidsmarkt. Dit heeft als potentieel gevolg dat uitzendorganisaties die aantoonbaar kunnen maken dat men “de duurzaam Inzetbare uitzendkracht” in portfolio heeft, meerwaarde kunnen bieden aan potentiële inleners.

    Het project heeft als…

    Context van de vraag
    Het project heeft als basis het denkmodel dat een duurzaam inzetbare uitzendkracht een hogere mate van werkzekerheid heeft, meer toegevoegde waarde levert in het werk en beter bestand is tegen de dynamiek op de arbeidsmarkt. Dit heeft als potentieel gevolg dat uitzendorganisaties die aantoonbaar kunnen maken dat men “de duurzaam Inzetbare uitzendkracht” in portfolio heeft, meerwaarde kunnen bieden aan potentiële inleners.

    Het project heeft als doelstellingen:
    1. Om uitzendorganisaties zodanig op te zetten dat men DI maximaal kan faciliteren vanuit beleid en strategie om de onderstaande doelstellingen 2, 3 en 4 te kunnen realiseren.
    2. Om de uitzendkracht te stimuleren om zelf regie te nemen op het blijven ontwikkelen van zijn/haar eigen Duurzaam Inzetbaarheid (het z.g. DI Potentieel).
    3. Om de intercedenten vaardigheden bij te brengen om als “coach” de uitzendkrachten te kunnen begeleiden om zelfregie m.b.t. ontwikkelen van duurzame inzetbaarheid actief op te pakken
    4. Om de inleners bewust te maken van de voordelen van een z.g. “duurzaam inzetbare uitzendkracht” versus de eigen rol die de inlener hierin speelt.

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  • Executive consulting Nolet


    Het project Fit 4 the Future op basis van thema “Elke Dag Beter” raakt een onderwerp met zowel maatschappelijke als organisatorische relevantie. Organisaties willen steeds wendbaarder en flexibeler worden om sneller in te kunnen spelen op alle veranderingen.

    Key vraag hoe wordt in een wendbare organisatie

    Applied science research
    Methodology check hard KPI's and Soft KPI's Human Capital Metrics
    Workshops for MT
    Personal coaching
    Strategy advice & intervention plan

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  • Co Creation PEERBY WARRANTY Insurance Solution


    To sustainable support the business model of PeerBy for all insurance related issues and handling.

    We developed and organized in co-creation with its business partners a PeerBy Warranty Insurance Coverage. First phase for the Dutch market with Achmea/Centraal Beheer as Risk Carrier.

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  • Entrepreneurial experimentation project with VDM


    Experiment exploration for the promotion of the VDM toolbox test

    • How to rationalize company innovations supported with the VDM toolbox

    Was at that moment in time not a sustainable business model though the idea worked.

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  • Workshops the future for the building corporation sector (via partner Kjenning)


    Inspriratie en awareness workshops , disruptive technologies in the woning corpratie sector in the Netherlands

    We designed and facilitated 2 series of workshops for 20 participants

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  • Ambassador Business development & innovation Rolls


    Innovatieve positionering Rolls in de verzekeringsmarkt

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  • Strategy & business development consulting Aurus Analytics (Indian based company)


    Start up phase of Aurus analytics review the strategy and test the Dutch market for pilots

  • Bovemij The Innovation Circle


    As part of the MT (innovation officer) of Bovemij Insurance Group we created the in company innovation circle.
    The innovation Circle has been created to start the process that innovation will be structural embedded within the DNA of all business units of the Bovemij Insurance Group. This to inspire 20 % of all staff of the group. Create innovation Hot Spots
    Key points:
    • Key theme of the program outside the box inside the circle
    • Tailor made program, inspiration, training and…

    As part of the MT (innovation officer) of Bovemij Insurance Group we created the in company innovation circle.
    The innovation Circle has been created to start the process that innovation will be structural embedded within the DNA of all business units of the Bovemij Insurance Group. This to inspire 20 % of all staff of the group. Create innovation Hot Spots
    Key points:
    • Key theme of the program outside the box inside the circle
    • Tailor made program, inspiration, training and creating with pitches for real funding
    • Per active group max 20 participants, 6 month’s
    • Close to 40 ideas have been pitched and some directly implemented and others funded

    Overall the goals have been reached and a new innovation culture emerged.

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  • KNOWVIUM Applied Science Research project business case thinking and doing sustainable employability and innovation


    Project leader

    European E-HRM research project in co creation with the Radboud University

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  • Strategy consulting Rialto Insurance


    Program assignment regarding development business case and strategy regarding new serviced model for Rialto Insurance which simulates becoming a direct writer. This in alignment with existing insurance application used.

  • program consulting new media strategy business case Bovemij


    Follow up project and consulting work regarding the business cases designed in 2011 regarding the new media strategy for the midsized insurance company (Bovemij Insurance).

  • Entrepreneurial project flex workspotz in Maastricht W110


    Create a seat2meat like business model in Maastricht as start up in joint effort with property owners.

    Labeling from bounce space to SPOTZ

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  • Strategy development new Media for Bovemij Insurance company


    Strategy development new media strategy for midsized insurance company . From brainstorm over 150 ideas converted into 12 potential value added business cases.

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  • Programma begeleiding studenten Hoge School Zuyd, onderwijsmodule duurzaam doorwerken


    Programma begeleiding studenten Hoge School Zuyd, onderwijsmodule duurzaam doorwerken voor 3de jaars studenten van de Faculteit PBM Hogeschool Zuyd in Sittard, 2011

  • Strategy consulting Bovemij


    Market review for medium sized insurance company (Bovemij Inssurance) regarding available insurance applications to replace existing application landscape.

  • Creative with Eggs project to be able to boost sales based on the ferrero effect


    Creative business model to be able to boost sales of boxes of eggs based in Ferrero concept

    Model pilot strip story, game regarding the fam chicken

    In discussion with the big retailors and eggs producers

    We failed to get the real pilot going due to lack of funding.

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  • Interim Projectmanager change & innovation Helviass


    Interim and project management realization operational excellence and new service model for small Dutch underwriter (Helviass) as part of the Allianz Group. All based on full interactive internet portal.

  • Executive Consulting Amlin Insurance


    Executive Consultant assignment (very political ) regarding fit smart software migration strategy AMLIN versus Fortis corporate insurance. Give knowledge and experienced based second opinion.

  • Interim director RDC


    Interim director (strategy, business development) RDC financial Services Industry

  • Program management IT Run off Dutch Aviation Pool Insurance


    Program management information management run-off Dutch Aviation Pool

  • Running entreprenurial BI project label star solutions


    BI projects in the insurance industry making use of Cognos and Clickview

    Strategy, consulting and execution to sustainable BI solutions for the client

    Dutch Motor Car Fund
    BI modules for CCS Level-7 software

    Label has been merged with other BI provider due to scale and resource issues in 2008.

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  • Interim program management Verenigde Assurantie Bedrijven NL


    Program management V.A.N. for all labels (BAVAM, Rialto, Atoompool, DAP, Milieupool) to create full Operational Excellence alignment. Innovation and change.

  • Interim Manager innovation & change Wederkerige Verzekeringen


    Interim management, realisation operational excellence and a new service model for small Dutch insurance company Wederkerige Verzekeringen. Including implementation and transition to new software solution.

  • ICT Strategy planning Finless NV


    Consulting regarding the 'ICT strategy

  • Interim change & program management V.A.N. & Rialto merge


    Interim change & program management regarding process, ICT optimization and alignment for United Insurance Company Netherlands (V.A.N.) all juridical entities.
    Wrote merge strategy and program regarding Rialto Insurance and the V.A.N.

  • Interim change & innovation management & program management Rialto Verzekeringen nv


    Interim Change & Innovation and program management regarding optimization, people , process, ICT organization alignment. Creation of smart new organization and implementations new software solutions.

  • Entrepreneurial project initiatiation & development webportal employeebenefits/insurance


    Strategy, consulting regarding the initiation, design , business development of B2B and B2C Web-Portal and business model based on full logistic and financial control of the different workflows and processes.

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  • Entreprenuerial start Knowvium (under label LPM Advies)


    Enterpreneurial start up proces leading to Knowvium The applied Science Company

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  • Strategy & managing consultant THIS bv


    Strategy & Managing Consultant THIS b.v. (:Life and pension Insurance software company), for the European market approach Development & Business Development.

  • Program management International Y2K project Aon Holding


    International project regarding Y2K in relation with used insurance applications like EBIX

  • Interim manager global development department Mees Pierson


    Alignment development strategy with the actual client needs


  • English

    Volledige professionele vaardigheid

  • Dutch

    Moedertaal of tweetalig

  • German


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