April 3, 2011
April 3, 2011
April 3, 2011
5:00 PM (Sunday Obligation)
7:30 AM - 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
WEEKDAY MASSES (Monday-Friday)
6:30 AM AND 8:30 AM
8:30 AM
HOLY DAYS (Except Christmas and New Year)
Vigil Mass - 5:00 PM (evening before Holy Day)
6:30 AM - 8:30 AM - 6:00PM - 7:30 PM
Saturday 4:00-4:45 PM
1st and 3rd Sundays at 3:15 PM
RECTORY ………….……………….…(708)423-0321
Baptismal Preparation Class
PLEBANIA (po polsku)……………...(708)423-0321
Last Monday of month at 7:00 PM
For Sacraments of Baptism, Marriage,
Parish registration and attendance at the
parish registration, convert instruction,
Baptismal Preparation Class are required
prolonged illness at home.
Prior to Baptism.
All wedding arrangements must be made with a
parish priest at least 5 months prior to scheduled date.
[email protected]
All couples are required to participate in a marriage
preparation program. Parish registration is a
North-75th St. East-Cicero, West-Narragansett,
requirement. Times of marriages are as follows:
South-87th St. Cicero to Austin)
Saturday 12:00 PM and 2:30 PM
83rd St. (Austin to Narragansett)
Sunday—no weddings
MINISTRY OF CARE……………….…(708)423-0321
Deacon Irvin A. Bryce Jr.
PRAYER NETWORK………………....(708)966-4068
Mrs. Marlene Rybicki
Mrs. Marilyn Kurowski, Principal
5535 West State Road
CCD OFFICE…………………………...(708)636-0406
Mr. Kevin Wiseman, Coordinator
5535 West State Road
with Fr. Paul Burak from St. Michael Church “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from
in Orland Park and CONFESSIONS the dead, and Christ will give you
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 2011 AT 7:00 PM light” (Ephesians 5:14). We are at the
midpoint of our Lenten journey of
MASS INTENTIONS conversion. As always, God never
SUNDAY, APRIL 3, 2011 gives up on us, especially those who
7:30-For the Parishioners, Antonina Snarskis have “fallen asleep” along the road to
9:00-Stanley Jankowski, William Jankowski conversion. The most powerful sto-
-Maria Bukowska ries of conversion are proclaimed during these final
10:30-James Ghilardi
-Michael Sweeney, Maria Bukowska
weeks of Lent. They have the power to shake us out
12:00PM-DiGirolamo Family of our sleep. Today’s Gospel story of the healing of the
-Stanislaw & Rozalia Ponicki man born blind exposes the real blindness in the time
1:30PM-POLISH MASS of Christ—the blindness of the self-righteous reli-
-Jan Budz, Jan Cybulski gious leaders. In a few weeks, at the Easter Vigil, the
-Jozef & Karolina Kubicz - Anniv. Of Death
Church will proclaim “Christ our Light” as the paschal
-Antonina & Kazimierz Dlugopolski candle is carried into darkened churches throughout
MONDAY, APRIL 4, 2011 the world. May the darkness of sin that still pervades
6:30-Stanislaw Tylka, Demeter Bereznak our lives, communities, and world, be dispelled by the
8:30-Krystyna - Birthday Blessing Christ who comes to bring sight to the blind and light
-Betty Mattera, Theresa & Umberto Botta to the world. © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.
TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 2011 St. Vincent De Paul Society
6:30-For the Parishioners
8:30-Thomas O’Dea, Jan Kowalczyk We want to thank everyone who helped make St. Joseph's
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 2011 table a huge success, especially the cooks, servers, bakers,
6:30-Chester Goslawski cleaning and set up crews and all those who purchased the
-Rachele Kate Michaels - Birthday Blessing delicious dinners and treats. What wonderful teamwork we
8:30-Stanislawa Krol Jendryga, Laverne Kupiec
have at St. Albert’s! We could not have done it without all of
THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2011 your. Again, a Big Thank You!
6:30-Gerard & Mae Ryan, Nancy & Edward Zoarski
8:30-Patrick O’Let, Gary L. Rice Jr. STATIONS OF THE CROSS
7:00PM - PARISH HOLY HOUR Please join us for the Stations of the Cross
FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 2011 every Friday during Lent at the following times:
6:30-For the Parishioners
6:00 p.m. - in English / 7:00 p.m. - in Polish
8:30-Charlotte Lagodny, Marion Janik
-Isabela Resurreccion SCHOOL CHILDREN
6:00PM– STATIONS OF THE CROSS The children will attend Stations of the Cross in church
7:00PM– STATIONS OF THE CROSS every Monday at 1:30 p.m. You are welcome to join them.
8:30-Marge St. Paul LET US PRAY
5:00PM-John & Alfreda Placzek, Salvatore Imbarrato For the sick: Johana Pusateri, Rosemarie Maslo,
-For the Priests of St. Albert Martin Kreil, Elena Hernandez, Ramona Iglesias,
SUNDAY, APRIL 10, 2011
7:30-For the Parishioners, Marilyn Balandis
Janelle Demski, Walter & Betty Anderson, Harriet
9:00-Sarah Dobbyn, Michael E. Sweeney Madey, Denis Hedderman & Family, Loretta Pau-
10:30-James Ghilardi, Phyllis Crowe lus, Shirley McVane, Vicenta Eckhauz, Catherine,
12:00PM-Ros Merino, For the Priests of St. Albert Katie & Lucy Hedderman, Becky Alter, Lorraine Kritikos,
1:30PM-POLISH MASS Marilyn Buchalski, Rose Thomas, Don Kupiec, Raymond Trusk,
-Michal Mozdzen
Maryann Sorn, Cheryl Korosa, Betty Anderson, Carol Mariano,
-For the Parishioners Penny Prokop, Umberto Botta, Mary Ann Riccio.
For the deceased: Catherine Brennan.
Last Sunday we witnessed the beautiful and instructive dialogue between Jesus and the Samaritan
woman. Today we see Christ’s touching encounter with the blind man, which concludes with healing.
The future occurrences of the blind man with the people are not very joyful. The people instead of be-
ing delighted for the man’s happiness, they are questioning how this happened and why he was healed
on the Sabbath. Not finding any sympathy in the people the healed man returns to Christ and thanks
Him for the gift of sight and even more, for the gift of faith.
Last year when Fr. Tom McCarthy was inviting us to participate in the Parish Mission he did it in the
name of Jesus who was the One to wait for us during the Mission’s time. The response and turnout to
this invitation was unbelievable. This year I want to invite all of you to the Night of Reflection and con-
fessions in the same way. I made an appointment for all of you with Jesus Christ on Wednesday, April
6th at 7:00 pm in our Church. I hope and believe that you will come for Jesus and also for me so we
won’t be disappointed. Father Paul Burak will lead us in prayer and reflection followed by individual
confessions. Inspired by the example of the blind man in today’s Gospel we will thank God that night
for the gift of the eyes of faith.
Some of the parishioners asked about the Passion Play on Palm Sunday; I can say that we are work-
ing on it and hopefully we will be able to do it again this year.
We are in the middle of Lent, the time of giving alms and doing good deeds. I want to thank mem-
bers of St. Vincent De Paul society and Pro life Group in our parish for volunteering to bring our pa-
rishioner for 10:30 am Sunday Mass from Chicago Ridge. I would love to do it every Sunday, but I can’t
when I’m scheduled for the Masses on Sunday morning. We need more volunteers who could do it
maybe just once a year and this way we would serve Jesus who said: “whatever you do for the least of
my brothers you do it for me”. All you have to do is call the rectory and we will schedule the day and
give you the address.
Responding to the needs and requests of many people, especially different parish groups who use
a lot our Rogers Hall and organize many events, we will soon begin renovation of the bathrooms. We
apologize for any inconvenience during this time. If we patiently go through this period of remodeling
we will have completely new bathrooms with handicap access, baby changing stations, new partitions
and new tiles on the walls and the floor. This will be possible, thanks to your generosity, especially to
Renovation Fund and First Sunday Collections which are designated for the improvement of parish
buildings and facilities. Thank you. May God Bless You all.
Fr. Rich
School Registration 2011-2012: Take a look at St. Albert the Great School if you are interested in a faith-based
education, academic excellence, a commitment to diversity, and scholarship. We offer 3 & 4 Year Old Pre-school
thru 8th Grade classes. St. Albert’s has been well known in Burbank and the surrounding communities for its ex-
cellence for over 56 years. Registration for the 2011 – 2012 school year is underway. If you would like informa-
tion regarding our school, stop in the school office Monday thru Friday from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m., or call 708 424-
7757 about scheduling an appointment to view the school and discuss registration for the up-coming school
Stations of the Cross: The school children will be praying the Stations of the Cross every Monday (March 14- April
18) during Lent at 1:30 p.m. in the church. We would like to invite the parish community to join us as we remem-
ber how very much Jesus loves us.
SPRING CANDY SALE: St. Albert the Great Catholic School is holding a Spring Fundraiser with World’s Finest
Chocolates. We know that most of you will be purchasing Easter Candy, so why not help our school with this
fundraiser and make your purchase through the school? If you are interested in purchasing a chocolate bunny
($5.00), please call the school office at 708 424-7757. Candy will be delivered to you the week of April 11th.
WENDY’S COMMUNITY NIGHT: The next Wendy’s Community Night is scheduled for Wednesday, April 20th, from
5 – 8 p.m. at the Wendy’s located on 79th & Harlem.
Join Us! For Fish Fry Fridays 4/08, 4/15 from 4:00pm to 7:30pm in Rogers Hall
Our fryers and chefs are ready to serve you the very best fried fish, shrimp, and pasta dinners
as well as our Weekly Specials
Fish dinner - includes choice of baked potato, fries or pasta, cole slaw or potato salad, roll/butter,
desert, coffee/juice…………………..…....…………………………………………………………….……...……….......$9.00
Shrimp dinner - includes choice of baked potato, fries or pasta, cole slaw or potato salad, roll/butter,
desert, coffee/juice …...…………….…………...…………………………………………………………………….…$10.50
Pasta dinner - includes coleslaw roll/butter, desert, coffee/juice ……………….……….……...……...…$5.50
Fish sandwich w/lettuce & tomato Includes French fries, coleslaw, desert, coffee/juice ………...$6.00
New Kids Meal (7 and under) - Includes 1 piece fish, choice of pasta or mac & cheese and fries
Includes juice, cole slaw & desert …………………………………………………………………………………....$4.50
Fry Basket……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….….$1.50
* Salmon Fillet served on bed of Rice Pilaf w/ Beurre Blanc Sauce……………………………...……..$8.00
*quantity is limited. Other refreshments are available for purchase.
come early, come hungry
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 First Friday 2
Adoration all day Schola 4:00 pm
Stations of the
6:00 pm ( bi-lingual)
3 4 5 6 Morning Prayer 7 8 9
4TH SUNDAY Seniors 11:00 am Bingo 7:00 pm of the Church Adoration Stations of the CCD 9:00 am
OF LENT Eucharistic RCIA 7:00 pm 8:10 am 7:00 pm Cross Schola 4:00 pm
1st Sunday Ministers SVD 6:30 pm 6:00 pm (in English)
Collection for Training 7:00 pm Day of Reflection & 7:00 pm (in Polish)
parish needs Confession 7:00 pm FISH FRY 4-7-pm
Eucharistic Minister Cub Scouts
Training 7:00 pm 7:00 pm
Boy Scouts 6:00 pm
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
5TH SUNDAY Parish Council Pro Life Morning Prayer Adoration Stations of the CCD 9:00 am
OF LENT 6:30 pm 7:00 pm of the Church 7:00 pm Cross Schola 4:00 pm
Holy Name Bingo 7:00 pm 8:10 am 6:00 pm (in English)
8:00 pm Boy Scouts 6:00 pm 7:00 pm (in Polish)
CCD 7:00 pm FISH FRY 4-7 pm
Cub Scouts
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Blessing of Food
PALM SUNDAY PASSOVER Bingo 7:00 pm Morning Prayer Mass of the Last GOOD FRIDAY 10:00 am-2:00 pm
Pancake BEGINS of the Church Supper 7:00 pm Prayer Service
Breakfast Seniors 11:00 am 8:10 am Adoration until (English) 3:00 pm
MARKET DAY SVD 6:30 pm 11:00 pm (Polish)7:00 pm
PASSION 6:00pm Boy Scouts 6:00 pm Adoration until
PLAY CCD 7:00 pm 11:00 pm Easter Vigil 7:00pm
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Baptismal Prep Bingo 7:00 pm Morning Prayer Adoration Cub Scouts Schola 4:00 pm
EASTER Class 7:00 pm CCD 7:00 pm of the Church 7:00 pm 7:00 pm
SUNDAY THE 8:10 am
RESURRECTION Boy Scouts 6:00 pm
Rekolekcje Wielkopostne
Piątek 8 Kwiecień .....................12:00 & 7:00 pm
Sobota 9 Kwiecień ....................12:00 & 7:00 pm
Niedziela 10 Kwiecień .................1:30 & 5:00 pm
Spowiedź Wielkopostna
Poniedziałek, 18 Kwietnia 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Nabożeństwa Wielkopostne:
Droga Krzyżowa w piątki ........................7:00 pm
Gorzkie Żale w niedziele ........................5:00 pm
połączone ze Mszą Świętą.