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SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26, 2010 This Sunday is the feast of the Holy Family,
7:30-For the Parishioners which comes on the first Sunday after Christ-
-Marietta & Carmine Cesario
9:00-Jacob & Genevieve Klumbis, Robert O’Grady
mas Day. Today’s feast celebrates how the hu-
10:30-Vincent Petravich - Birthday Remembrance manity of Jesus (including his entire family life)
-Mariano & Luiga Imbarrato has brought saving significance into the daily
12:00PM-Puleo Family rhythms of our human family life.
-Margaret, Joseph & Robert Kasper The scriptures offer instruction and encour-
-Michael Drozdowski agement on how to share—within our families,
-Anna & Jozef Smolka - 33rd Wedding Anniversary parish families, and the wider human family—
5:00PM-POLISH MASS the love that God shares with us in Jesus. Selec-
-Boleslaw & Jadwiga Kurkul tions from Sirach, Psalm 128, and Colossians
MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, 2010 encourage us to reflect divine love and thus
6:30-Jan Haber
8:30-Vito Mattera find holiness in all our human relationships.
-Jan Suchowian & Family - Blessing The reading from Matthew’s Gospel offers a liv-
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2010 ing example of love in the actions Joseph took
6:30-Frances Tomaszkiewicz to protect his young family from danger and to
8:30-John Valek, Jim Dieter nurture them within the larger family of faith of
6:30-For the Parishioners their time. © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.
8:30-Elaine Dziedziak
6:30-Frances Tomaszkiewicz
8:30-Ercole Sturino
6:30-Frances Tomaszkiewicz
8:30-Ercole Sturino
7:00PM POLISH MASS All are invited to a very special Christian Musical
-For the Parishioners
Pageant of all St. Albert’s Musical
8:30-Elaine Dziedziak 1st Anniv. Of Death Groups on Saturday, January 8, 2011
-Theresa Botta, Umberto Botta - Blessing at 6:00 pm in the church. Save the
-Michael Walker
10:30-POLISH MASS date, bring a friend and enjoy an
-Maria Szwajnos, Marlene Gauck evening of beautiful Christian music.
-Leonard Bis, Deonizy Bienko
12:00-For the Parishioners LET US PRAY
-Genowefa Jarosz For the sick: Harriet Madey, Denis
5:00PM - Stanislaw Ciesla Hedderman & Family, Robert &
SUNDAY, JANUARY 2, 2011, 2011 Loretta Paulus, Jean Chidichma,
7:30-For the Parishioners, Ercole Sturino Shirley McVane, Vicenta Eckhauz,
9:00-Stanislaw & Maria Chlebek, Rita Lenz
Catherine, Katie & Lucy Hedderman,
10:30-Henry Family - Blessing
-Cecilia & Matthew Wronkiewicz Ken Martin, Misael Ibarra, Commella
12:00PM-Rosemary Levickas Barnett, Patricia Williams, Andrea
-Ahmed Papa - Blessing Pelicano, Carrie Hermann, Emily Sekan, Becky Alter,
1:30PM-POLISH MAS Lorraine Kritikos, Marilyn Buchalski, Rose Thomas,
-Jan & Aniela Kowalczyk, Jan Cybulski Don Kupiec, Raymond Trusk, Maryann Sorn, Cheryl
Korosa, Betty Anderson, Carol Mariano, Penny Prokop,
-For the Parishioners
Umberto Botta, Mary Ann Riccio. For the deceased:
Jose Godinez Sr. , Nichoholas Olliffe.
Our Advent journey is over. We didn't get lost on the way to Bethlehem be-
cause Mary was our excellent guide. She knows the way to Jesus and She brought
us to Him. We entrusted Her our preparation for Christmas on the Feast of the
Immaculate Conception and Our lady of Guadalupe. Thanks to your generous do-
nations the new beautiful statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe is ours and will stay
with us in the Blessed Mother Shrine in the back of the Church.
This weekend we celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ and the Feast of the Holy
Family. We thank God for the gift of His Son and the gift of our own family. Let us
remember that family is love, and family is forever. Two weeks ago I watched
program called “A Family is a Family”. During this program a little boy was asked
what according to him is the most important in the life of the family. He an-
swered: “I was raised on love and that's all I need”. I pray at the feet of the New-
born Jesus that this Christmas will bring us closer to God and one another.
I pray that Jesus Christ will increase love, unity and peace in your family.
I want to wish you Merry Christmas on behalf of my family, especially my
mom, who asked me to thank you for all your prayers for her, especially during
her illness. I wish you a very Merry Christmas on behalf of Fr. Mariusz, Deacon
Irv, our Seminarian Mark, and our entire staff.
I want to share with you a prayer that you can use praying for your family.

Dear Lord, with Mary and Joseph, you have lived within a family;
Teach me always to appreciate the precious gift of being part of a family.
Christmas Greetings Show me ever new ways to protect and comfort those closest to me, and
from Fr. Rich’s Mom Let me, each day, do something that will say ‘I love you’ without speaking the words.
But remind me also to frequently say those words.
Let me never part from any member of my family in anger.
Prompt me always to turn back without delay - to forgive, and be forgiven.
And let me see your image within each person
in my own family, and in my greater family,
Knowing that in your Kingdom, we will truly be one family,
United by your sacrifice on the cross. Amen.
God Bless! Fr. Rich
CONTRIBUTION $15,856.00 8:30 AM - Rev. Rich Milek
5:00PM……………...…..…..$2,828.00 10:30 AM - Rev. Mariusz Nawalaniec (Pol.)
7:30AM…………...…..……..$1,244.00 12:00 PM - Rev. Rich Milek
9:00AM…………...……..…..$1,566.00 1:30 PM - Rev. Mariusz Nawalaniec (Pol.)
10:30AM…………...…………$1,642.00 5:00 PM - Rev. Ted Ploplis (Sunday Vigil)
12:00PM…………...……...….$1,235.00 SUNDAY, JANUARY 2, 2011
1:30PM…………...………….$3,505.00 7:30 AM - Rev. Joseph Mol
5:00PM…………...………….$1,520.00 9:00 AM - Rev. Mariusz Nawalaniec
6:30PM………………..……...$ 833.00 10:30 AM - Rev. Mariusz Nawalaniec
MAIL IN…………..…...……….$1,457.00 12:00 AM - Rev. Tom McCarthy
Children Envelopes……..….$ 26.00 1:30 PM - Rev. Rich Milek
5:00 PM - Rev. Rich Milek
All parishioners are invited to join in this Let us adore baby Jesus in the manger.
Special celebration of our Christian Faith. God’s humble coming in Jesus would not surprise us if
we knew God better. So no
matter how much we try to
with Francis Cardinal George understand God becoming
Saturday, January 15, 2011 human in Jesus we will not
at 5:00 p.m. be able to comprehend, it
will remain a mystery.
God became human so that we might become more like
Lira Singers God. Jesus if you had not come as a human like us, we
Christmas Concert might have had difficulty in believing that God really
of Polish Carols loved us. But now we know for sure. As we see baby
Sunday, December 26th Jesus in the manger we reflect on God’s way being a way
at 6:30 p.m. of gentleness and tenderness. There is a lack of goodness
and love in the world but God is tender and loving. As we
Tickets may be purchased at the rectory look on baby Jesus we see that he is the answer to to-
$25.00 - adult, Children to age 16 - $10.00 day’s problems. Instead of violence, in baby Jesus we
see gentleness. Instead of selfishness, we see love for
We have a permission from the Bishop to host
this concert of religious songs in our church. Lira us. Let us ask Jesus to help us to be gentle, tender and
Singers is the charitable organi- loving with those around us as he was in the manger.
zation and the whole profit from Jesus in the manger, you give us hope. In the darkness of
the concert will go to children for our world, your light has shone. Your coming in gentle-
the scholarship so that they can ness encourages us to hold out the hand of reconciliation,
continue cultivate their culture to help one another, to work for peace. Baby Jesus, help
and develop their talents. We are us to be people of peace and to spread peace everywhere
aware that that the entrance to
we go. Let us pray now for peace.
the church should be available to
everyone, so if there is anyone
who cannot afford buying the ticket, please con-
tact the rectory for the free admission ticket. We
will make sure that the dignity of our church shall
be preserved and this Christmas caroling will
bring us closer to God and one another.

Do you or someone you know looking to

receive the Sacrament of Confirmation?
St. Albert the Great will offer classes to pre-
pare you for Confirmation beginning Tues-
day January 4, 2011. Classes will meet with
the RCIA class from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. on
Tuesdays. If you are interested in this class
please contact Deacon Pete at the rectory
(708) 432-0321 to register for this class.

I-Sean Murray & Jessica Barabasz

“A Słowo Ciałem się stało i zamieszkało między nami”

W duchu wiary, miłości i wdzięczności wyciągam do Was ręke z
opłatkiem, aby dzielić się z Wami tą Radością, której na imię Jezus
Chrystus. Modlę się, aby te Święta Bożego Narodzenia jeszcze bardziej
zbliżyły nas do Boga i do siebie nawzajem. Cieszę się że nasz Kościół stał
się dla Was miejscem gdzie spotykacie się z Bogiem i znajdujecie w Nim
siłę i moc do dalszego życia.
Stając u żłóbka Bożej Dzieciny w naszym Kościele modlę się za Was
i dziękuję Wam za Waszą miłość i troskę o nasz Kościół. Dziękuję Wam za Waszą hojność i
życzliwość, która napewno objawi się szczególnie w okresie Świąt Bożego Narodzenia. Ponieważ w
tym roku Święto Świętej Rodziny przypada zaraz po Świętach Bożego Narodzenia, które są
Świętami rodzinnymi, pragnę Was zapewnić o pamięci w
modlitwie za Wasze rodziny. Niech te Święta pogłębią w Waszych
rodzinach miłość, jedność i pokój.
W imieniu mojej rodziny, Księdza Mariusza, Kleryka Marka
i całego personelu prafialnego jeszcze raz pragnę Wam życzyć
Wesołych i Błogosławionych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia. Myśląc
ciągle o kultywowaniu naszych pięknych tradycji i o umacnianiu
naszej wspólnoty pragnę zaprosić Was na „Opłatek Parafialny”
w niedzielę, 9-tego stycznia po Mszy Świętej o godzinie 1:30 p.m.
Życzenia Świąteczne od rodziny
Księdza Ryszarda z Polski. Szczęść Boże, Ks. Ryszard
Od Seminarzysty - Marka Smołki
Seminarium Mundeline wydało swoją płytę „Christmas 2010”. Marek powinien podczas Świąt
rozprowadzić te płyty. Na płycie jest 25 piosenek w 5-ciu różnych językach, jak rownież w języku
polskim. Koszt płyty wynosi $15 za jedną lub $25 za dwie.

Parafialny Koncert Kolęd w różnych językach w wykonaniu Prafialnych Grup

Muzycznych - Sobota, 8-go stycznia, 2011 o godzinie 6:00 pm w Kościele Św. Alberta
Zapraszamy !

Zapraszamy na Świąteczny Koncert Zespołu LIRA

Niedziela, 26-go grudnia o godz. 6:30 p.m.
Bilety dla dorosłych $25.00 dzieci do 16-tu lat $10.00
Po więcej informacji prosze dzwonić na plebanię 708-423-0321

Restauracja Mabenka zaprasza na Zabawę Sylwestrową

w piątek 31-go grudnia o godzinie 7:00 wieczorem.
7844 S. Cicero Ave, Burbank, IL. 708-423-7679

Najlepsze Życzenia z okazji 33-ciej Rocznicy Ślubu

dla Józefa i Anny Smołka

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