January 30, 2011
January 30, 2011
January 30, 2011
5:00 PM (Sunday Obligation)
7:30 AM - 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
WEEKDAY MASSES (Monday-Friday)
6:30 AM AND 8:30 AM
8:30 AM
HOLY DAYS (Except Christmas and New Year)
Vigil Mass - 5:00 PM (evening before Holy Day)
6:30 AM - 8:30 AM - 6:00PM - 7:30 PM
Saturday 4:00-4:45 PM
1st and 3rd Sundays at 3:15 PM
RECTORY ………….……………….…(708)423-0321
Baptismal Preparation Class
PLEBANIA (po polsku)……………...(708)423-0321
Last Monday of month at 7:00 PM
For Sacraments of Baptism, Marriage,
Parish registration and attendance at the
parish registration, convert instruction,
Baptismal Preparation Class are required
prolonged illness at home.
Prior to Baptism.
All wedding arrangements must be made with a
parish priest at least 5 months prior to scheduled date.
[email protected]
All couples are required to participate in a marriage
preparation program. Parish registration is a
North-75th St. East-Cicero, West-Narragansett,
requirement. Times of marriages are as follows:
South-87th St. Cicero to Austin)
Saturday 12:00 PM and 2:30 PM
83rd St. (Austin to Narragansett)
Sunday—no weddings
MINISTRY OF CARE……………….…(708)423-0321
Deacon Irvin A. Bryce Jr.
PRAYER NETWORK………………....(708)966-4068
Mrs. Marlene Rybicki
Mrs. Marilyn Kurowski, Principal
5535 West State Road
CCD OFFICE…………………………...(708)636-0406
Mr. Kevin Wiseman, Coordinator
5535 West State Road
SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 2011 If we itemized the top
7:30-For the Parishioners eight things that bring us hap-
-Stephen Fahy piness, what items might show
9:00-Michael Fahy, Joseph Fahy, Stephen Fahy up on the list? A hefty bank ac-
10:30-Michael Sweeney, Phyllis Crowe
count? A Caribbean cruise or
12:00PM-Leszek Radwanski - Anniv. of Death
-Emily Ortiz
African safari? A shopping mall
1:30PM-POLISH MAS marathon? Season tickets for
-Ks. Wladyslaw Sieczka - 11Anniv. of Death the hometown team? A new
-Jan Sarna - Blessing car? If we already have some of these things, most
5:00PM-POLISH MASS likely we know they don’t bring us true happiness.
-Antonina & Kazimierz Dlugopolski Fact is, they probably bring us more aggravation—
MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 2011 items to return or repair, one more object for peo-
6:30-For the Parishioners ple to argue over. Today’s scriptures point us to-
8:30-Steve Alisauskas ward the things that bring us true joy. The words
of all three passages conflict with our society’s con-
6:30-Antonina & Kazimierz Dlugopolski
viction that fortune, fame, and power are the
8:30-Michael Walker
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2011 sought-after treasures of life. God’s ways are not
6:30-For the Parishioners the ways of our popular culture, after all, and to-
8:10-MORNING PRAYER OF THE CHURCH day’s readings help point us in the right direction.
© Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.
8:30-Anthony Lonski, Primitivo Augustin
-Maria Waliczek - Blessing
7:00PM-POLISH MASS Thursday, February 3rd, 2011
-For the Parishioners is the Feast of St. Blasé
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2011 will have the blessing of the throats
6:30-For the Parishioners after the 6:30 am and 8:30 am Masses.
8:30-Emily Sekan
6:30-Purgatorial Society Next Holy Name Society meeting will be on
8:30-Mary Scherp, Lidia Tucker
Monday, February 14, 2011. at 8:00 pm
-Laverne Kupiec
6:00PM-Stanislaw Tylka in Rogers Hall. Our guest speaker that evening
-Stanislawa, Ignacy & Adela Prezydent will be Senator Louis Viverito.
8:30-Gertrude Trlak LET US PRAY
-Anna & James Shaughnessy For the sick: Edna Gapastione, Janelle Demski,
5:00PM-Leo Gutkowski, Helen Halko
Walter & Betty Anderson, Harriet Madey, Denis
-Antonina & Kazimierz Dlugopolski
Hedderman & Family, Loretta Paulus, Jean
7:30-For the Parishioners, Stephen Fahy Chidichma, Shirley McVane, Vicenta Eckhauz,
9:00-Maria Lesny & Potoczak Family Catherine, Katie & Lucy Hedderman, Patricia
-Sarah “(Cis)” Dobbin Williams, Andrea Pelicano, Carrie Hermann,
10:30-Michael Sweeney, Helena & Jozef Skibinski Emily Sekan, Becky Alter, Lorraine Kritikos,
12:00PM-Simbang Gabi Marilyn Buchalski, Rose Thomas, Don Kupiec,
1:30PM-POLISH MASS Raymond Trusk, Maryann Sorn, Cheryl Korosa, Betty
-Jan Cybulski, Jan Sarna - Blessing Anderson, Carol Mariano, Penny Prokop, Umberto Botta,
5:00PM-POLISH MASS Mary Ann Riccio. For the deceased: Stanley Jankowski.
-Antonina & Kazimierz Dlugopolski
Last week I received a note on the parish donation envelope from the principal of one of our
Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese: “I am the principal and my time is split between the church of
my school and my Parish, St. Albert. We are trying to increase enrollment so my presence has been
called there quite a bit”. To me it is a beautiful example of love and care for the Catholic Schools,
which sometimes require even a sacrifice. Celebrating the Catholic School’s Week we think and pray
for St. Albert the Great School. We thank and pray for our principal, teachers, parents, students and
all those who support our school in many different ways. From the bottom of my heart I want to ask
and encourage all parents in our parish to consider sending their children to our school, so we can
also increase enrollment. I want to take this opportunity to thank all our parishioners for their con-
tinued support of our school and we pray for them always, especially during our school Masses in
our church.
One of the important sources of support for the Catholic SchoolS in our Archdiocese is the Catho-
lic Annual Appeal. I want to thank you for your participation in the 2010 Catholic Annual Appeal and
I want to ask you to be a part of this year’s Catholic Annual Appeal that will take place soon.
2011 Archdiocesan annual Catholic Appeal Begins
“…seek first the kingdom of God…” (Matthew 6:33)
Many of our parishioners either have or soon will receive a mailing from Cardinal George. He will
ask that you make a pledge to the 2011 Annual Catholic Appeal. Please respond generously.
The Appeal supports parish ministries that provide religious education to children, youth and adults
in economically disadvantaged communities. It is also one of the largest philanthropic sources of
financial support for Catholic schools in the Archdiocese. The Appeal also funds services that are of
great help to other ministries here in our parish.
This year, the theme of the Appeal is “…seek first the kingdom of God…” (Matthew 6:33). Jesus
taught that we are not to worry about the things of this world. Rather, we are to seek the kingdom of
God and the Father will reward us. God provides all that we have and all that we are. Stewardship,
in part, is the recognition of God’s gifts and the obligation to return a significant portion of our gifts
to assist in his work. Our gifts to our parish, to our Archdiocese and the Church throughout the
world are given in gratitude for what God has given us. A gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal helps to
provide education, services, and ministry to thousands within and outside of our Archdiocese.
Also, when our parish reaches its goal of $54,577.00 in paid pledges, 100% of the additional funds
received will be returned to us for use in our parish.
.....Please prayerfully consider making a significant pledge to the 2011 Annual Catholic Appeal.
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK: Catholic Schools Week is the annual celebration of what makes Catholic
education special. This week is set aside each year to build community awareness of and involvement in
Catholic schools. We share with everyone the important role of Catholic schools in educating the whole
child—in mind, heart, and spirit.
This year’s theme “A+ for Catholic Schools” underscores the great commitment Catholic education has to
making the world a better place. As part of their effort to educate the whole child in an atmosphere of
faith and academic excellence, Catholic schools instill in students a lifelong commitment to serving oth-
ers. When our students graduate, they have the tools they need to fulfill their roles as good citizens,
productive employees, compassionate leaders, and future leaders of the Catholic Church.
OPEN HOUSE: An Open House has been scheduled to take place during
Catholic School Week on Tuesday, February 1, 2011 from 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
This Open House is for our current school families as well as new families who are
considering a Catholic education for their child/children. Prospective new fami-
lies will be given a tour of the school and the opportunity to speak with the Prin-
cipal, staff and teachers. The school office will be open to accept registrations for
the 2011 – 2012 school year during this Open House.
ALUMNI NEWS: The following St. Albert the Great graduates have earned Honor Roll status at St. Rita
High School for the 1st Semester of the 2010-2011 school year: Gold Honors – Connor Hughes, Max Kali-
nowski, Victor Luna, and Mark Murphy. Silver Honors – John Nowobilski, and Jesus Torres. Congratula-
tions to each of them! We are very proud of you – Keep up the good work!
Dear parishioners,
In January of 2009 we had installed a system
which was to assist our hearing impaired pa-
rishioners during the Mass. Unfortunately, this
service is no longer available, because the lis-
tening device was borrowed and not yet re-
turned. If someone used it and forgot to put it
back on the usher’s table, please return it to the
rectory, so that it could be used again and bene-
fit all parishioners who also would like to use it.
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1st Sunday Seniors 11:00 am Bingo 7:00 pm Morning Prayer Adoration Cub Scouts CCD 9:00 am
Collection of the Church 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Schola 4:00 pm
8:10 am
CCD 7:00 pm
Boy Scouts 6:00 pm
13 14 ST. VALENTINE 15 16 17 18 19
Parish Council Bingo 7:00 pm Morning Prayer Adoration Cub Scouts Schola 4:00 pm
7:00 pm RCIA 7:00 pm of the Church 7:00 pm 7:00 pm
Holy Name 8:00 pm 8:10 am
MARKET DAY 6:00 SVD 6:30 pm
pm Boy Scouts 6:00 pm
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Seniors 11:00 am Bingo 7:00 pm Morning Prayer Adoration Cub Scouts CCD 9:00 am
Youth Group of the Church 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Schola 4:00 pm
6:00 pm 8:10 am
CCD 7:00 pm
Boy Scouts 6:00 pm
27 28
CCD Parish
1st Reconciliation
7:15 pm
W tych dniach przeżywamy Tydzień Modlitw w intencji szkół katolickich. Jak wiecie, w naszej
parafii mamy szkołę katolicką i dlatego przy tej okazji pragnę Wam podziękować za wspieranie naszej
szkoły poprzez Wasze hojne ofiary dla parafii. Chciałem z głębi serca zachęcić Was a szczególnie
wszystkich rodziców do zapisania Waszych dzieci do naszej szkoły katolickiej. Mamy wspaniały
program dla małych dzieci i ostatnio kilka rodzin okazało zainteresowanie naszą szkołą na przyszły
rok. Zainteresowanych prosimy o bezpośredni kontakt ze szkołą lub księżmi parafii, którzy pomogą
Wam w zdobyciu informacji i zapisaniu Waszych dzieci do naszej szkoły. Jednym ze zródeł funduszy
dla szkół katolickich w naszej Archidiecezji jest Doroczna Kwesta Katolicka. Dziękuję Wam za udział
w tej Kweście w ubiegłym roku i proszę o zaangażowanie w Kweście która rozpocznie się niedługo.
„... starajcie się naprzód o królestwo Boga...” (Mateusz 6:33)
Wielu z parafian otrzymało już lub wkrótce otrzyma korespondencję od kardynała George’a z
prośbą o złożenie zobowiązania finansowego na rzecz Kwesty Katolickiej 2011. Prosimy o szczodry
Kwesta Katolicka wspiera wiele zadań i działań duszpasterskich, które w zamian oferują religijne
programy edukacyjne dla dzieci, młodzieży oraz dorosłych w uboższych wspólnotach naszej
archidiecezji. To również największe źródło finansowego wsparcia dla wszystkich szkół katolickich.
Ponadto dochód z tej kwesty umożliwia podjęcie wielu kolejnych zadań i działań duszpasterskich w
naszej parafii.
W tym roku, motywem przewodnim jest fragment z Ewangelii św. Mateusza (6:33) „..starajcie się
naprzód o królestwo Boga...” Jezus uczył nas, abyśmy nie zamartwiali się o rzeczy tego świata, a rac-
zej najpierw starali się o Królestwo Boże, za co zostaniemy wynagrodzeni przez Jego Ojca. Bóg
zapewnia nam wszystko czym jesteśmy i czego potrzebujemy. Podstawą prawdziwego chrześcijanina
jest wyrabianie postawy służebnej, czyli w tym wypadku dzielenia się swoimi dobrami z potrzebują-
cymi. Postawa służebna, to także zrozumienie przez nas samych, że wszystko co posiadamy jest
darem od Boga i naszym obowiązkiem jest zwrócić część tych darów, by wspomóc dzieła Boże. Dary
złożone na rzecz naszej parafii, archidiecezji i Kościoła na całym świecie są składane jako akt wdzięc-
zności za to, co otrzymaliśmy od Boga. Ofiary złożone na Doroczną Kwestę Katolicką pomagają w
zapewnieniu wykształcenia, przygotowania i opracowania programów pomocy, wreszcie stanowią
wsparcie dla duszpasterstwa ubogim wielu tysiącom osób w naszej archidiecezji, a nawet poza jej
Ponadto, po uzyskaniu przez naszą parafię kwoty docelowej w wysokości $ 54,577.00 w postaci
wpłaconych zobowiązań, 100% zebranych w ten sposób środków, zostanie zwrócona nam, do
wykorzystania na niezbędne dla naszej parafii cele.
Prosimy o modlitwę w intencji Dorocznej Kwesty Katolickiej 2011. Pamiętajmy, że o powodzeniu
tego wyjątkowego dzieła Bożego zadecyduje także nasza hojność i deklaracja złożonego daru.
Ks. Ryszard
Jeździć po kardynalsku.
Pewnego razu zapytano Karola
Restauracja Mabenka
Wojtyłę, czy uchodzi, aby zaprasza
kardynał jeździł na nartach. na Zabawę Serduszkową
Wojtyła uśmiechnął się i odparł:- w sobotę 12-go lutego o godzinie 7:00 pm
Co nie uchodzi kardynałowi, to - tylko $25.00 od osoby
źle jeździć na nartach! 7844 S. Cicero Ave, Burbank, IL. 708-423-7679