February 17, 2013
February 17, 2013
February 17, 2013
The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart. Romans 10:8
All are In this House of God
MASSES SATURDAY 5:00 PM (Sunday Obligation) SUNDAY 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM (English-Polish) - 12:00 PM 6:15 AM, 1:30 PM and 5:00 PM (Polish) 6:30 PM (Spanish) WEEKDAY MASSES (Monday-Friday) 6:30 AM, 7:30 AM (Polish), 8:30 AM SATURDAY MASS 7:30 AM ( Polish) 8:30 AM FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION - All day, Bilingual Confessions 5:00-6:00PM, 6:00 PM Mass (Polish) HOLY DAYS Please refer to schedules printed in the bulletin prior to the Holiday. Vigil Mass - 7:00 PM (evening before Holy Day) SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 4:00-4:45 PM SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays at 3:15 PM Baptismal Preparation Class Last Monday of month at 7:00 PM Parish registration and attendance at the Baptismal Preparation Class are required prior to Baptism. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE All wedding arrangements must be made with a parish priest at least 5 months prior to scheduled date. All couples are required to participate in a marriage preparation program. Parish registration is a requirement. Times of marriages are as follows: Saturday 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM
RECTORY ...(708)423-0321 or (708)423-0322 PLEBANIA (po polsku) .(708)423-0321, (708)423-0322 For Sacraments of Baptism, Marriage, parish registration, convert instruction, prolonged illness at home. PARISH WEBSITE www.stalbertgreat.com E-MAIL [email protected] PARISH BOUNDARIES North-75th St. East-Cicero, West-Narragansett, South-87th St. Cicero to Austin) 83rd St. (Austin to Narragansett) MINISTRY OF CARE.(708)423-0321 Deacon Irvin A. Bryce Jr. PRAYER NETWORK....(708)966-4068 Mrs. Marlene Rybicki ST. ALBERT THE GREAT SCHOOL.(708)424-7757 5535 West State Road Mrs. Marilyn Kurowski, Principal www.stalbertcatholicschool.com POLISH CATHOLIC SCHOOL KS. IGNACEGO POSADZEGO.(708) 423-5714 5555 West State Road,Sr. Anna Gorska, Principal www.szkolaksignacego.com E-MAIL [email protected] CCD OFFICE...(708)636-0406 Mr.5535 West State Road Kevin Wiseman, Coordinator
Monday, February 18, 2013 6:30 7:30 8:30 +Poor Souls in Purgatory 7:00PM -PARISH MISSION Tuesday, February 19, 2013 6:30 -Diane Schrader - Blessing 7:30 8:30 +Bernard Keating, Birthday Remembrance +Al Steffek 5th Anniv. of Death, +Pat Fischer 7:00PM PARISH MISSION Wednesday, February 20, 2013 6:30 +Robert Zoarski 7:30 +Anna & James Shaughnessy 8:10 -MORNING PRAYER OF THE CHURCH 8:30 7:00PM PARISH MISSION Thursday, February 21, 2013 Saint Peter Damian, Bishop & Doctor of the Church 6:30 7:30 8:30 +Emily Sekan, +Leonard Young 7:00PM-PARISH HOLY HOUR Friday, February 22, 2013 Saint Peter the Apostle 6:30 7:30 8:30 +Warren Pocius Stations of the Cross: 5:30pm - English 6:30pm - Polish, 8:00pm - Spanish Saturday, February 23, 2013 Saint Polycarp, Bishop & Martyr 7:30 8:30 +Luisa Munoz 5:00PM +Elaine Dziedziak +Ellen Kandich, +Pete Sum Sunday, February 24, 2013 Second Sunday of Lent 6:15 7:30 -For the Parishioners +Ercole & Innocenza Sturino -Ann, Matt, Kate & Rachel - Blessing & Guidance 9:00 +Sadie Bushma, +Grace Howell +Czeslawa Rusznica 10:30 +Mieczyslaw Antol, +Stanislaw Bobak +Frank & Victoria Smagacz +Wladyslaw Tylka 12:00PM +MaryAnn Pellegrini 1:30PM +Jozef Fudala -1st Anniv. of Death +Rozalia Zajac +Michal Lysy -1st Anniv. of Death -Mieczyslaw Fudala - Blessing 5:00PM +Jerzy Gancarz 6:30PM +Enrique Madrigal Jr.
LAMENTATIONS - GORZKIE ALE Every Sunday of Lent 4:30 p.m. (in Polish)
ROSARY Every Day after 8:30 a.m. Mass (in English)
FASTING: Ages 18-59 fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, limiting themselves to one full meal and two smaller meals each day, with no snacking between meals. ABSTINENCE:Catholic age 14 and older abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and all the Fridays of lent.
We received a donation and note from a parent of a 4 years old Camilo and were so touched, we thought we would share it with our parishioners. We were visiting Chicago in September for a family wedding and attended Mass at St. Alberts the Sunday morning that we were there. My 4 years old son, Camilo, took one of the baby bottles for the Womens Care Center, and has been collecting change since then. We may be later then you expected in returning the donation, but enclosed is a check for the $5.05 which Camilo collected. Best Regards, Michael Goedecke. May God bless little, Camilo!
In this Year of Faith, the 2013 St. Albert the Great Lenten Parish Mission will focus on Our Ladys role in the history of salvation and the sacramental life of the Church. We look to Mary as Mother and Teacher in the Spiritual Life. We turn to Mary during this Lenten Season to draw us deeper into the Paschal Mystery of Her Son. 1st presentation: Mary, Fountain of Light and Life:
The Role of the Blessed Virgin in the Sacraments of Christian Initiation 2nd presentation: The Blessed Virgin Mary at the Foot of the Cross: Our Lady as the Refuge of Sinners and the Mother of Reconciliation 3rd presentation: Mary, Woman of the Eucharist: The Blessed Virgin as Disciple of the Incarnate Word
Open Houses in February. St. Albert the Great Catholic School will be holding two Open Houses in February for new families, Wednesday, February 20, from 9:00 AM- 6:00 PM and Monday, February 25, from 9:00 AM 1:00 PM. Our students come to us from Burbank, Bridgeview, Justice, Chicago, Oak Lawn and other local communities. Call the school office @ 708-424-7757 for more information.
15% REBATE CHECK TO: St. Albert The Great Catholic School
Order pick up is Monday, February 25, 6-7pm CARSONS COMMUNITY DAYS The Carsons Community Day Event being held on Friday, March 1st & Saturday, March 2nd, is a great way to earn money for St. Albert the Great Catholic School. A $5.00 donation (the school gets to keep the $5.00) will get you a booklet with over $400.00 in valuable coupons that will not be offered anywhere else. For further information about this event, and how to order coupon booklets, please call the school office. ILLINOIS STATE SCHOLARS NAMED AT QUEEN OF PEACE Two St. Albert graduates, Vanina Valadez and Evelina Zieba, who are now Seniors at Queen of Peace High School, were recently named Illinois State Scholars by the Illinois State Student Assistance Commission. This honor is based on a students performance on the ACT, SAT or Prairie State Achievement Exam, and their class rank at the end of their junior year.
LET US PRAY For the sick: Dorothy White, Debbie OHara, Eric & Jesse Dulce, Donald Demski, Marge Nunez, Marlene Johanes, Andrea Pelicano, Janet Arndt, Mary Sochacz Marilyn Buchalski, Erica Huisman, Eckhart Families, Carmella Mazurek, Arletta Ceynow, Carmen Salonga Family, Cermak Family, Olga Garcia, Michael Mazurek, John Bello, Alvarez Family, Bernice Ciszek, Valerie Farbin, Barbara Iacullo, Irene Korosa, Bill & Ruth Eichnamm, Diane & Robert Juris, Dorothy Reid, Salvatore Bottari, Theresa Lonski, Harriet Madey, Alex Silverman, Don Kupiec, Richard Polancyk, Johana Pusateri, Janelle Demski, Bussie & Hedderman Families, Sister Patricia Labuda, Walter Anderson, Denis Hedderman & Family Shirley McVane, Katie and Lucy Hedderman, Cheryl Korosa, Penny Prokop, Mary Ann Riccio. For the deceased: Mary Ellen Doyle.
M o i D ro d z y Pa ra f i a n i e ,
Dziki Waszej ofiarnoci, miesic temu spacilimy cakowicie system dzwikowy w kociele. Bardzo serdecznie pragn podzikowa za wszelk pomoc finansow dla naszej parafii. Teraz musimy podj si nastpnego i jeszcze wikszego przedsiwzicia. Jak zapewne wiecie, nasz kosci jak i budynek w ktrym mieszcz si biura parafialne maj okoo 60 lat. Czas zrobi swoje i trzeba bdzie wymieni na nich dachy. Po konsultacji z Komisj Budynkw zdecydowano e dach na budynku administracyjnym jest w gorszym stanie ni ten na kociele i musi by wkrtce wymieniony. Dach na kociele natomiast przecieka wiele razy w cigu ostatnich kilku lat- poinformowano mnie e w najbliszym czasie powinien by wymieniony. Aby sprosta tym potrzebom bdziemy starali si o fundusze poprzez organizowanie specjalnych wydarze, jak rwnie poprzez miesiczne drugie skadki niedzielne. Suma potrzebna na reperacje wyniesie okoo 300 tysicy dolarw. Licz e z Wasz pomoc bdziemy w stanie pooy nowe dachy, ktre wytrwaj nastpne 50 60 lat. Jak zapewne wiecie budynki parafialne starzej si i aby zapobiec dalszym zniszczeniom musimy kontynuowa ich odnawianie. Biorc pod uwag rozmiazry naszych budynkw parafialnych, moecie sobie tylko wyobrazi koszt tych reperacji. Mdlmy si do w. Jzefa, opiekuna Kocioa, proszc o pomoc i wstawiennictwo w tym przedsiwzieciu. Niech Wam Pan wynagrodzi za wszelk wasz pomoc, szczodro i ofiar. Z powaaniem, Ks. Michael L. Zoufal, Proboszcz
Naboestwa Wielkopostne:
Droga Krzyowa w pitki o godzinie 6:30 wieczorem Gorzkie ale w niedziele o godzinie 4:30 po poudniu poczone ze Msz wit.
NASZE POKUSY Historia Jezusa na pustyni opowiada o pokusach zego ducha i o tym, jak je przezwycia. Analizujc odpowiedzi Jezusa, odnajdujemy wskazwki dla naszego postpowania. Pustynia jest symbolem duchowych zmaga czowieka. Jezus udaje si tam peen Ducha witego. Zanim rozpocznie walk z szatanem, napenia si moc, ktr otrzymuje od Ojca. Ten fakt oznacza, e kiedy Bg dopuszcza na nas pokusy, najpierw udziela nam swojej aski, abymy mogli stawi im czoa. Nie jest jak widz ogldajcy walk, ale jak ojciec, ktry zawsze walczy po stronie swojego dziecka. Pierwsza pokusa dotyczy naszych potrzeb. Czasem wydaje si, e s rzeczy, bez ktrych nie potrafilibymy y. wiat reklamy dodatkowo potguje w nas to wraenie. Jezus nie odrzuca naszych pragnie ani potrzeb, ale uwiadamia nam, e jako osoby wierzce mamy karmi si Sowem Boym. Ono zawiera prawd o naszym yciu i odpowied na najtrudniejsze pytania. W drugiej pokusie Jezus prostuje nasze mylenie na temat systemu wartoci. Bogactwo, wadza czy uroda nie s w yciu najwaniejsze. Bardziej powinno zalee nam na pielgnowaniu relacji z Bogiem, bo od Niego zaley nasze szczcie: C bowiem za korzy odniesie czowiek, choby cay wiat zyska, a na swej duszy szkod ponis?. W trzeciej pokusie Jezus objawia nam nasz godno. Jest ona darem Boym i nikt nie moe nam jej odebra. Bez wzgldu na popenione grzechy Bg zawsze nas kocha i dla Niego jestemy bezcenni. Warto o tym pamita, kiedy rozpoczynamy czas nawrcenia. ks. Krzysztof Burski paulista ..Panu, Bogu swemu, bdziesz oddawa pokon. (k 4,8)