Saint Albert THE: Great
Saint Albert THE: Great
Saint Albert THE: Great
5:00 PM (Sunday Obligation)
7:30 AM - 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
WEEKDAY MASSES (Monday-Friday)
6:30 AM AND 8:30 AM
8:30 AM
HOLY DAYS (Except Christmas and New Year)
Vigil Mass - 5:00 PM (evening before Holy Day)
6:30 AM - 8:30 AM - 6:00PM - 7:30 PM
Saturday 4:00-4:45 PM
1st and 3rd Sundays at 3:15 PM
RECTORY ………….……………….…(708)423-0321
Baptismal Preparation Class
PLEBANIA (po polsku)……………...(708)423-0321
Last Monday of month at 7:00 PM
For Sacraments of Baptism, Marriage,
Parish registration and attendance at the
parish registration, convert instruction,
Baptismal Preparation Class are required
prolonged illness at home.
Prior to Baptism.
All wedding arrangements must be made with a
parish priest at least 5 months prior to scheduled date.
[email protected]
All couples are required to participate in a marriage
preparation program. Parish registration is a
North-75th St. East-Cicero, West-Narragansett,
requirement. Times of marriages are as follows:
South-87th St. Cicero to Austin)
Saturday 12:00 PM and 2:30 PM
83rd St. (Austin to Narragansett)
Sunday—no weddings
MINISTRY OF CARE……………….…(708)423-0321
Deacon Irvin A. Bryce Jr.
PRAYER NETWORK………………....(708)966-4068
Mrs. Marlene Rybicki
Mrs. Marilyn Kurowski, Principal
5535 West State Road
CCD OFFICE…………………………...(708)636-0406
Mr. Kevin Wiseman, Coordinator
5535 West State Road
SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2011 For a while it was very
7:30-For the Parishioners, Stephen Fahy fashionable to own pigs as
9:00-Joseph Rawski, Dennis Miller Sr. pets. The publicity surround-
-Innocenza Sturino
ing these creatures informed
10:30-John Lawlor Jr., Phyllis Crowe
12:00PM-Iacullo & Madia Families
us that they were—contrary
-Marianne Formeller 1st Anniv. Of Death to their popular image—very
-Luis Garcia 2nd Anniv. Of Death clean animals, and also quite
-Kathleen Brennan, John Bourke smart. Sad to say, sheep will
1:30PM-POLISH MASS most likely never enjoy this
Anniversary Mass of the First Holy Communion. sort of domestic vogue. They are neither clean nor
-Jan, Elzbieta & Jozef Szczurek smart and are largely defenseless when left on
-Maria Kurczak their own, even in large numbers. The biblical im-
age of us as the flock of sheep is not a particularly
-Anna Galarowicz
-Anna & Jan Kaczmarczyk flattering one. Sheep without a shepherd are truly
MONDAY, MAY 16, 2011 sad, because they most likely will perish either
6:30-Adolph & Evelyn Bloczynski from their inability to fend for themselves or from
-Robert Paulus Birthday Remembrance their lack of defenses against predators. Placing
8:30-Bob Wright, Special Intention ourselves in the heart of this unflattering image
TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2011 can reinforce our faith. Until we come to a pro-
6:30-For the Parishioners found realization of how much we need a shep-
8:30-Jerry Middlecamp
herd, we cannot appreciate how deeply blessed
6:30-Jan Pawel II we are to have been given a Shepherd, one who
8:10-MORNING PRAYER OF THE CHURCH laid down his life for us and was raised to life eter-
8:30-Special Intention nal in the Spirit, so he might guide us and we
THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2011 might follow him in faith forever. © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.
6:30-Kelly & McGarry Family
8:30-Bozena Ziolkowski To Our St. Albert the Great Parish Family!
7:00PM - PARISH HOLY HOUR St. Vincent DePaul Society would like to
FRIDAY, MAY 20, 2011 thank you for your generous “Easter
6:30-For the Parishioners Basket Blessing” donations. Once again
8:30-Joyce Pubins you proved how much you love to share
SATURDAY, MAY 21, 2011
with our needy families.
8:30-Al Steffek
-Anna & Jakubiec Family - Blessing We appreciate all you do for our parish.
5:00PM-Stanley Ojer, Leo Gutkowski T h a n ks A B u n c h !
SUNDAY, MAY 22, 2011
7:30-For the Parishioners LET US PRAY
-Ercole Sturino
9:00-Joseph, Helen & Harriet Boladz
For the sick: Cooper Grant, Carter Pierchalski, Jeffrey
-Salvatore Imbarrato Andrews, Michael Antoszkiewicz, Carol Berghuis,
10:30-James Ghilardi Johana Pusateri, Rosemarie Maslo, Martin Kreil,
-In reparation for abortion Janelle Demski, Walter & Betty Anderson, Denis Hed-
12:00PM-Kathleen Brennan derman & Family, Loretta Paulus, Shirley McVane,
-Innocenza Sturino Catherine, Katie & Lucy Hedderman, Lorraine
1:30PM-POLISH MASS Kritikos, Marilyn Buchalski, Rose Thomas, Don
-Rev. Zdzislaw Wyrowinski Kupiec, Raymond Trusk, Maryann Sorn, Cheryl Korosa,
-Maria Kurczak, Jan Pawel II, Janina Plewa Betty Anderson, Carol Mariano, Penny Prokop, Mary
5:00PM-POLISH MASS Ann Riccio. For the deceased: Florence Windolph,
-Stanislawa Krol Jendryga
Sandra McIntyre., Umberto Botta.
Congratulations to First Communion children , their teachers , catechists, parents and families.
I want to thank our eight graders and all school representatives for the beautiful May Crowning Ceremony
last Sunday at the 10:30 Mass. Please keep them in your prayers when they prepare for graduation and the
new chapter in their lives. I’m sure that you heard about upcoming Roman Missal changes which will affect
our worship. Beginning today we will publish in our bulletin series of articles to help us understand and
then implement the changes into our Liturgies.
Words play a very important part in our relationship with God. Catholics worship using both words and
sacrament (sign, symbol, ritual). The words we use in worship—which will be affected by the new Missal
changes—are chosen carefully so as to best express our understanding of and relationship with God.
To fully understand the new Roman Missal changes, we need a little history.
The New Roman Missal Changes – How We Got to this Point
1570 – Pope Pius V issued the first Roman Missal – a complete collection of all the texts (prayers, rubrics,
readings, antiphons) that were used in the celebration of the Eucharist. Aside from a few minor revi-
sions over the centuries, this single book remained largely unchanged for almost 400 years.
1963 – The Second Vatican Council called for a renewal of the Church’s liturgical life – including a reform
and renewal of the Mass.
1969 – The Latin texts of the renewed Mass were issued in the first edition of the Roman Missal. Almost
immediately, work began on translating the Latin into the vernacular languages of the world. The Eng-
lish translation was given the title “The Sacramentary,” the name we have used until now for the red
book which contains the prayers and antiphons that are used at Mass.
1975 – A second edition of the Roman Missal was issued in Latin by the Church. It was largely the same as
the first edition, but contained some modifications that were the result of further decisions of the Sec-
ond Vatican Council made since the first edition was published
2000 – Pope John Paul II issued a third edition of the Roman Missal in Latin. He did so to mark the Millen-
nium and to include new prayers to be used at Mass for the celebration of Saints who had been canon-
ized since the second edition was issued.
2001 – Work began on translating into English the Latin text of the new Roman Missal.
2010 – In August of that year, Rome approved the English translation that was submitted by the English
speaking countries of the world.
Beginning with Advent 2011, we will begin celebrating the Mass following this English translation of the
new Roman Missal
God Bless, Fr. Rich
MAY 8, 2011 ENVELOPES 746, CONTRIBUTION $16,390.00
5:00PM……………...…..…..$2,378.00 SATURDAY, MAY 21, 2011
7:30AM…………...…..……...$2,338.00 5:00 PM - Rev. Joseph Mol
9:00AM…………...……..…...$2,032.00 SUNDAY, 22, 2011
10:30AM…………...…………..$2,670.00 7:30 AM - Rev. Rich Milek
12:00PM…………...……...…..$1,981.00 9:00 AM - Rev. Ted Ploplis
1:30PM…………...…………...$3,216.00 10:30 AM - Rev. Phil Hogan
5:00PM…………...…………..$1,115.00 12:00 AM - Rev. Joseph Mol
MAIL IN…………..…...……….$ 618.00 1:30 PM - Rev. Mariusz Nawalaniec
Children Envelopes……..….$ 42.00 5:00 PM - Rev. Mariusz Nawalaniec
School Registration 2011-2012: Take a look at St. Albert the Great School if you are interested in a faith-
based education, academic excellence, a commitment to diversity, and scholarship. We offer 3 & 4 Year Old Pre-
school thru 8th Grade classes. St. Albert’s has been well known in Burbank and the surrounding communities for
its excellence for over 56 years. Registration for the 2011 – 2012 school year is underway. If you would like in-
formation regarding our school, stop in the school office Monday thru Friday from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m., or call 708
424-7757 about scheduling an appointment to view the school and discuss registration for the up-coming
school year.
the next Wendy’s Community Night is scheduled for Wednesday, May 18, 2011
from 5 – 8 p.m. at the Wendy’s located on 79th & Harlem.
Dine in or drive thru, bring the kids, enjoy good company, and make a difference!
Our teachers, school children and parishioners celebrated the National Day of Prayer on May 5, 2011
Drodzy Parafianie,
Organizacja Św. Pawła z Paulo pragnie podziękować wszystkim tym którzy
w Wielką Sobotę Wielkanocną złożyli donacje na pomoc ubogim rodzinom
w Burbank. Jeszcze raz udowodniliście jak chętnie dzielicie się z braćmi
i siostrammi w potrzebie. Jesteśmy Wam za to bardzo wdzięczni.
Stokrotne Podziękowania dla Wszystkich!