Reviewer in MCN
Reviewer in MCN
Reviewer in MCN
FAMILY – is a group of people related by blood, marriage of adoption living - Companionship, shared resources
Negative Aspects
Types of Family
- Not sanctioned by law, disapproval by community,
Family of orientation – the family one is born into: on oneself decreased value of women
mother, father and siblings (if any)
Family of procreation – a family one establishes; oneself, spouse
5. The Extended Family/Multigenerational Family
or significant other and any children (if any)
- It includes not only a nuclear family but also other family
members such as grandmother, grandfather, aunts/uncles,
1. The Dyad Family cousins and children
- Two people living together without children
- It refers to single young adults who live together in shared Positive Aspects
apartments for companionship and financial secretary while
completing school or career - Many people for child care and member support
- A temporary arrangements but this could extend into a
lifetime arrangement Negative Aspects
a. Polygymy – family with one and several wives - Provides the advantages of nuclear family
b. Polyandry – one wife with more than one husband
Negative Aspects
Positive Aspects
Maternal and Child Nursing
- May suffer from discrimination from neighbors who do not Monthly visit for the first 7 months of pregnancy without
thoroughly approve on accepting this family type problems
During 8th months, visit usually every 2 weeks, and then weekly
during last month until delivery
FIRST MANEUVER – answers the question: What is the fundus? Head or Face the patient’s feet
breech? Gently move your fingers down the sides of the abdomen toward
Finding presentation: it identifies the part of the fetus that lies over the inlet the pelvis until the fingers of one hand encounter a bony
into the pelvis. The commonest presentations are cephalic (head first) and prominence. This is the cephalic prominence
breech (pelvis first)
If the prominence is on the opposite side from the back, it is the
baby’s brow and the head is flexed
Performing First Maneuver
If the head is extended, the cephalic prominence will be located
on the same side as the back and will be occiput
Facing the patient’s head, use the tips of the fingers of both hands
to palpate the uterine fundus
When the fetal head is in the fundus, it will feel hard, smooth, 2. MCDONALD’S METHOD AND RULE – measuring fundic height
globular, mobile and ballotable using tape measure. Uterine growth and estimated fetal growth
When the breech is in the fundus, it will soft, irregular, round and a. Fundus at symphysis pubis = 12 weeks gestation
less mobile b. Fundus between symphysis pubis and umbilicus = 16 weeks
The lie of the fetus – the relationship between the long axis of the c. Fundus at umbilicus = 20-22 weeks gestation
fetus and the long axis of the mother – can also be determined d. 2 fingersbreadths above umbilicus = 24 weeks
during the first maneuver e. Fundus 28cm from top of symphysis pubis = 28 weeks
The lie is commonly longitudinal or transverse, but occasionally be gestation
oblique f. Midway between umbilicus and xiphoid process = 30 weeks
g. Just below xiphoid process = 34 weeks
SECOND MANEUVER – answers the questions: Where is the back? h. Fundus at lower border rib cage or at the level xiphoid
Finding position: it identifies the relationship of the fetal body part to the process = 36 weeks gestations
front, back or sides of the maternal pelvis. There are many possible fetal i. Uterus becomes globular and drops = 40 weeks gestation
Mcdonald’s rule: In months: Fundic height (cm) multiplied (x) 2/7
Performing Second Maneuver Example: 25cm X 2 = 50 = 7 months
Remain facing the patient’s head. Place your hands on either side In weeks: FUndic height (cm) multiplied (X) 8/7
of the abdomen Example: 25cm X 8 = 200 -28 -29 weeks
Steady the uterus with your hand on one side, and palpate the
opposite side to determine the location of the fetal back 3. Another method of calculating AGE OF GESTATION by weeks
The back will feel firm, smooth, convex, resistant Ask the client’s first day of LMP. EX. February 19, 2009
Subtract the date of LMP from the total no. of days of
The small parts (arms and legs) will feel small, irregularly placed,
that same month. EX. Feb has 28 days – Feb 19 (LMP) =
and knobby may be actively or possibly mobile
8 days difference
Third Maneuver – answer the questions: Where is the presenting part? Add the difference to the present date of the month
Finding presenting part: it identifies the most dependent part of the fetus- when the client had consulted/visited the clinic
that is the part that lies nearest the cervix. It is the part of the fetus that first (present prenatal visit). EX. Difference 9 add Mrach 22
contracts the finger in the vaginal examination, most commonly the head or (present prenatal visit) = 31 total no. of days
breech. Then the total no. of days will be divided by 7. EX. 31
divided by 7 = 4.42 weeks or 4 weeks and 3 days
Performing the Third Maneuver 4. NAEGLE’S RULE
o Formula in finding expected/estimated date of
Turn and face the patient’s feet confinement or estimated due date
Maternal and Child Nursing
o Add 7 days to the first day of the LMP Preparation of client/nurse responsibilities
o Subtract 3 months
o Add 1 year Ask the woman to void, to prevent bladder puncturing
EX. First day of LMP – September 16. 1998 Since the procedure involves penetration to the amniotic
Add 7 days – September 23 sac, such as frightening to the woman, explain the
Subtract 3 months – June 23 procedure and alleviate her fear
Add 1 year – June 23, 1999 will be the EDD Place in supine position and provide privacy but exposing
5. HAASES’S RULE – is used to determine the length of the fetus in only her abdomen
cm Place folded towel under her right buttock to tip her body
During the first half (1 to 5 month) of pregnancy, slightly to the left and move the uterus off the vena cava to
square the number of months. EX. (3 months)2 = 9cm prevent supine hypotension
During the 2nd half (6 to 10 month) of pregnancy, Take maternal blood pressure and FHR for baseline then
multiply the number of months by 5. EX. (7 months) x attach to electronic fetal monitoring
5 = 3cm Caution the woman that she may feel a sensation of
6. JOHNSON’S RULE – use to calculate the fetal weight in grams pressure as the gauge 20-22 spinal needle a 3-4 inches
Fundic height in cm – N multiplied K= weight of the fetus introduced for aspiration
K = 155 (constant); N is 12 (engaged) 11 (not engaged) Caution the woman not to take a deep breath and hold it
EX. 30cm – 12 X 1 = 8X155= 2790 grams because the diaphragm lowers uterine and shifts
7. FETAL MOVEMENTS: Quickening (first fetal movement) felt by intrauterine contents
mother at 18-20 weeks and peaks at 28-38 every minute and 10-
12 X hour. Decreased movement: placenta; insufficiency, instruct Amniocentesis can provide information in some of these areas:
woman to seek consultation and tell her that fetal movements
Color: normal color of amniotic fluid is color water, late in
vary in relation to mother’s activity
pregnancy is slightly yellow tinger, blood incompatibility is strong
8. FETAL HEART RATE – 5-8th week, heartbeat seen in ultrasound,
yellow results from billirubin release with hemolysis of RBC,
10-11th weeks heard with ultrasonic Doppler, 16 weeks heard at
meconium staining is green color suggest fetal distress
Lecithin/Sphingomyelin Ratio – are protein components of the
lung enzyme surfactant that the alveoli begin to form at about
C. LABORATORY WORKS – including CBC and blood typing, 22nd to 24th weeks of pregnancy. After amniocentesis, the L/S ratio
urinalysis, urine and blood glucose, urine ketone and urine may be determined quickly by shake test (if bubbles appear in
protein; Pap’s smear test, rubella titer; testings for STD, HbsAg amniotic fluid after shaking, the ratio is mature) or sent to
and hepatitis; toxoplasmosis, ECG, TBtest and other tests as laboratory for lab analysis
indicated Phosphatidyl Glycerol and Desaturated Phosphatidylcholine:
these are compound substances found in surfactant which are
2. DIAGNOSTIC TESTS DURING PREGNANCY present only with mature lung function at 35-36 weeks. This
means that fetus has no respiratory distress syndrome
Pregnancy Test – measures HCG in urine, accurate early in Billirubin determination: the blood specimen must be free from
pregnancy the presence of billirubin (yellowish pigment found in bile, a fluid
Ultrasonography – identifies fetal and maternal structure. produced by the liver or a yellow breakdown product of red bloos
Measures the response of sound waves against solid objects; used cells)
to discover complications of pregnancy Chromosomes analysis: used to detect chromosomal diseases
Purposes of ultrasound: through prenatal amniocentesis
Diagnose pregnancy as early as 6 weeks gestation Fetal fibronectin: fibronectin is glycoprotein that plays a part in
To confirm the presence, size and location of the helping the placenta attach to the uterine deciduas, found in
placenta/amniotic fluid amniotic fluid until after 20 weeks of pregnancy and is assessed
To see fetal abnormalities e.g hydrocephalus through cervical mucus. As labor approaches, it can be found in
To establish sex, presentation and position of fetus. vaginal or cervical fluid, but higher amount of these substances in
Sex is seen as early as 15 weeks through 4 dimension the amniotic fluid would mean a preterm labor ay begin.
ultrasound Inron errors of metabolism: some inherited diseases that are
caused by inborn errors of metabolism can be detected by
Preparation of client/nurse responsibilities:
Alpha-fetoprotein: an increased level of aplhafetoprotein in the
Explain test to client
amniotic fluid signifies anencephaly, myelomeningocele or
Have client drink 6-8 glasses of water, without voiding before the
omphalocele. But if levels is found to be decreased, the result is
test so that fetal parts are more visible
down syndrome
Contraction stress test (CST) – based on principles that healthy Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein: assesses quantity of fetal
fetus can withstand decreased oxygen but compromised fetus serum proteins (substance produced by the fetal liver), done at 15
cannot; the FHR is analyzed in conjunction with the contractions weeks of pregnancy. If elevated, are associated with neural tube
defects. If the level is low, fetus has chromosomal defect e.g down
Types: syndrome
Biophysical profile: looks at fetal hypoxia and fetal compromised
a. Nipple stimulated CST – massage or rolling of one or both
by measuring 5 parameters of fetal activity – FHR, fetal breathing
nipples to stimulate uterine activity and check effect on FHR
movement, gross fetal movement, fetal tone and amniotic fluid
b. Oxytocin challenge test (OCT) – infusion of calibrated dose
volume. It can be done daily during a high risk pregnancy
of IV oxytocin thru piggybacked to maintain IV line;
controlled by infusion pump; amount infused increased Results:
every 15-20 minutes until 3 good uterine contractions are
observed within 10 minute period A score of 6 is suspicious;4 denotes fetal compromised; but score
of 10 (highest score) means good fetal well-being
Patient preparation:
Explain the procedure to he patient that IV infusion of oxytocin
were initiated A. WEIGHT GAIN – total weight gain of 25-3 lbs. (11-16kg) for the
Then ask the woman to roll her nipples between her fingers and whole pregnancy
thumb until uterine contractions begin, which are recorded by a 1st trimester – 3.5-5lbs (1.6-2.3kg) or 1.16 -1.66 lbs/month or .29 -
monitor .42 lb/week or less than 1 ;b/week
Each of 2nd and 3rd trimester. 12-15lbs (5.5 – 6.8 kg) or 4-5
Results: lbs/month or 1-1.25 lbs/week or 0.45 – 0.56 kg/week which
consist of:
3 contractions with a duration of 40 seconds or longer must be
Fetus – 7-7.5 lbs (3.4kg)
present in a 10 minute window. If the test is negative, it means
Amniotic fluid – 2lbs (0.9kg)
normal because there is no fetal heart decelerations (FHR
Placenta and membrane – 1.5lbs (0.6 kg)
deviations seen through monitor)
Breasts – 1.5-3 lbs (0.6-1.3kg)
If the test is positive, it is abnormal, meaning 50% or
Uterus – 2.5 lbs (1.1 kg)
more contraction cause late deceleration (there is
Increased blood volume – 2-4lbs (0.90-1.8kg)
uteroplacental insufficiency resulting to the fetal
Body fat – 7lbs (3.8kg)
Extravascular fluid and fat – 5-10 lbs (
Nonstress test (NST): evaluates FHR in response to
fetal movement, done in 10-20 minutes. The uterine
contraction monitors are attached to the rhythm strip B. SPECIFIC NUTRIENTS needs are:
and the woman pushes the button attached to the 1. Calories: usual addition is 300 kcal/day, but there will be
monitor whenever she feels the fetus moves. This can specific guidelines for those beginning pregnancy either
be done also at home as part of home monitoring over or underweight
program. 2. Protein: additional 30 gms/day to ensure intake of 74-76
Results: 3. Carbohydrates: intake must be sufficient for energy needs,
using fresh fruits and vegetables as much as possible to
When the fetus moves, the FHR should increase about 15 bpm derive fiber benefit
and remain elevated for 15 seconds 4. Fats: high energy foods, which are needed to carry the fat
If no increase in bpm on fetal movements, there is poor fetal soluble vitamins
oxygen perfusion 5. Iron: needed by the mother as well as fetus; reserved
If a 20 minute period passes without any fetal movement, the usually sufficient for first trimester should be taken with
fetus is only sleeping. The mother should be given an oral vitamin C to promote absorption
carbohydrates snack, enough to cause fetal movement; also may 6. Calcium: 1200mg/day needed; dairy products most frequent
Maternal and Child Nursing
7. Sodium: contained in most foods, needed in pregnancy; 2. Due to the possible injury to the bay, the couples are often
should not be restricted without serious indication warned to avoid sexual intercourse during the last 6-8 weeks of
8. Vitamins: both fat and water soluble are needed in pregnancy
pregnancy; essential for tissue growth and development as 3. In healthy pregnancy, there is no medical reason to limit sexual
well as regulation of metabolism activity
9. Folate (folic acid): folate is a B vitamin which is essential for 4. The expectant mother may experience changes in sexual desire
the formation of RBC and must be taken before and during and response related to various discomforts that occur
pregnancy. The requirement for woman for folate increases throughout pregnancy
by 50% during pregnancy because this is a time of additional 5. During the first trimester, sexual desire is decreased due to
blood formation and rapid tissue growth for the baby. various discomforts brought about by fatigue, nausea and
Studies have shown that additional folate intake during early vomiting and breast tenderness
stages of conception helps prevent neural tube defects e.g 6. During the second trimester, woman may experience greater
cleft lip and cleft palate. sexual desires and satisfaction due to lessened discomforts
7. During the third trimester, interest in coitus may again decrease
due to fatigue, shortness of breath, pain in the pelvis and other
food and drug act
8. Solitary and mutual masturbation and oral genital intercourse
1. Nitosamines (N-nitroso compounds)
maybe used by couple as alternatives to penile-vaginal
- These compounds are patent carcinogens in all tested
species, including amphibians, birds, fish and mammals
9. The side by side position is often preferred, especially during third
e.g sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite are added to
trimester because it requires less energy and places less pressure
most smoke and cured meat and fish to act as an
on the pregnant abdomen
antioxidant to ensure preserving the foodstuff
10. Intercourse is contraindicated for medical reasons such as:
2. Alatoxins
Multiple pregnancy
- Related to mycotoxins and are produced by fungal
Threatened abortion
growths on a wide range of food stuffs. For instance,
Incompetent cervix
the mycotoxin ergotism of rye can induce abortion as
Partner with std
well as gangrene and other ills of the vascular system
Maternal history of miscarriage
3. US certified food colorings
Membranes are ruptured
- These are the “azo” dyes which include red #2
History of preterm labor
(amaranth) red #4, yellow #6 (tartrazine). Green
Abdominal pain
(ferrous gluconate) and some other
Vaginal bleeding
4. Artificial sweeteners
Uterine contractions
- Researchers have found that mothers who had taken
11. Sexual activity styles are:
cyclamates during pregnancy had children who
Spoon – both bodies fit closer together in this position,
suffered from hypersensitivity and leaning disabilities
making it very intimate, relaxing and optimal for slow
5. Caffeine
and sensual love-making. Spooning is a great
- The substance is of concern because of its chemical
introduction to rear-entry sex, and also is very
structure, purine, one of the constituent groups of
comfortable during late pregnancy because there is
DNA. Moreover, it crosses placenta and is known to
very little pressure on the woman’s stomach
penetrate the preimplantation blastocytes in mammals
Scissors – the woman is lying side by side so that the
6. Trace elements and metallic and chemical contaminants
man is facing the woman’s back then sliding his body
- Such trace elements and metallic contaminants as
so that his body is perpendicular to the woman’s body.
lead, selenium, arsenic, cadmium, mercury and
The end result is a little like the doggy-style position
methylmercury occur in the gorund; in fish and
laid on the side
crustaceans, especially when they came from
Penguine – a sexual position where the male partner is
contaminated waters
lying down, while the pregnant woman partner is
7. Oral analgesics (NSAID): aspirin; Oral hypoglycemic:
sitting on top him enough to secure the abdomen or
orinase; Antithyroid: methimazole Anticoagulant: coumarin;
the fetus against harm
antibiotics: sulfonamides, tetracycline;ACE inhibitors:
capotene, vasotec; Tranquilizers: diazepam; Vitamin A
derivatives: Isotretinoin, etretinate; Nicotine; alcohol:
whisky, wine Immunity is the resistance that an individual has against disease. As a
general rule, immunizations are best avoided during pregnancy
Analysis Goals
Nursing diagnosis for the active phase of first stage of labor may include: a. Labor will continue and progress through transition
b. Mother/fetus will tolerate process well
1. Ineffective individual coping c. Complications will be avoided
2. Alteration in orla mucous membranes
3. Knowledge deficit Interventions
4. Pain
5. Altered tissue perfusion 1. Continue observation of labor progress, maternal/fetal VS
6. High risk for injury 2. Give another positive support if tired or discouraged
3. Accept behavioral changes of mother
Planning and Implementation 4. Promote appropriate breathing pattern to prevent
Goals 5. If hyperventilation present, have another rebreath CO2 to revert
respiratory alkalosis
a. Progress will be normal for active phase 6. Discourage pushing effort until cervix is completely dilated, then
b. Mother/fetus will successfully complete active phase assist with pushing
7. Observe for signs of delivery
1. Continue to observe labor progress
2. Reinforce/teach breathing techniques as needed a. Mother/fetus progressed through transition
3. Position client for maximum comfort b. No complication observed
4. Support client/couple as mother becomes more involved in labor c. Mother/fetus ready for second stage of labor
5. Administer analgesia prn
6. Assist with anesthesia if given and monitor maternal/fetus VS CERVICAL CHANGES IN THE FIRST STAGE OF LABOR
7. Provide ice chips or clear fluids for mother to drink if
allowed/desired 1. Effacement
8. Keep client/couple informed as labor progresses a. Shortening and thinning of cervix
Maternal and Child Nursing
b. In primipara, effacement is usually well advanced before Assessment
dilation begin in a multipara, effacement and dilaton
progress together 1. Signs of placental separation
2. Dilation a. Callein’s sign – earliest sign of placental separation; change
a. Enlargement or widening of the cervical os and canal in shape of uterus (discoid uterine shape to regular)
b. Full dilation is considered 10cm b. Sudden gush of vaginal blood
c. Lengthening of umbilical cord
Types of Placental Delivery
From full dilation of cervix to birth of baby
Schultz – placenta separates from the center to edge
Assessment Duncan – placenta separates from the edge to the center
Goals: critical first hour(s) after delivery will pass without complications for
A. Placement of ultrasound transducer and tocotransducer to record
FHR and uterine contractions and display them on special graph
for comparison and identification of normal and abnormal pattern
B. Can be applied externally to other’s abdomen or internally within
the uterus
1. Palpate fundus every 15 mins for first 1-2 hrs; massage gently if
C. External application (External Electronic Monitoring)
not firm
a. Less precise information collected
2. Check mother’s BP, pulse and respiratory rate every 15 mins for
b. May be affected by maternal movements
first 1-2 hrs or until stable
c. Non-invasive: rupture of membranes not required, can be
a. Check lochia for color and amount for every 15 mins for 1-2
widely used
d. Little danger associated with use
b. Inspect perineum every 15 mins for first 1-2 hrs
D. Internal Apllication
c. Apply ice to perineum if swollen or episiotomy
a. More precise information collected
d. Encourage mother to void, particularly if fundus is not firm
b. Cervix must be dilated 3cm and membranes ruptured to be
or if displaced
1. Use nursing techniques to encourage voiding
c. Physician applies fetal scalp electrode and uterine catheter
2. If client is unable to void, get order for catheterization
attached to the pressure recorder
3. Measure first voiding
d. Sterile technique must be maintained during application to
e. Encourage early bonding, through breastfeeding if desired
reduce risk of intrauterine infection
Evaluation e. Can yield specific short-term variability
E. Patterns Recognition
a. Mother’s VS stable, fundus and lochia within normal limits 1. Nurse is responsible for assessing FHR patterns,
b. Evidence of bonding; parents cuddle, touch, talk to baby implementing appropriate nursing interventions. And
c. No complication observed for mother or baby during crucial time reporting suspicious patterns to physician
2. Baseline/normal FHR: 120-160, when uterus is not
DURATION OF LABOR contracting. FHR variability is normal, indicative of intact
fetal nervous system or reliable fetal well being. Variability is
A. Depends on result of interaction of sympathetic and parasympathetic
1. Regular, progressive uterine contraction nervous system. Two types of variability are:
2. Progressive effacement and dilation of cervix a. Short-term (beat to beat) refers to the difference
3. Progressive descend of presenting part successive heartbeats. Assessed as present or absent
B. Average Length or decreased. FHR: average 3-5bpm
Primipara b. Long term (rhythmic fluctuations) refers to the broad
Stage 1: 12-13 hrs view of the recording and from fluctuations in the FHR.
Stage 2: 1 hr Classified according to number of cycles per minute.
Stage 3: 5-30 mins FHR: average is 6-10 bpm
Stage 4: 1-2 hrs 3. Tachycardia
a. FHR more than 160-180 bpm lasting 10 mins
Maternal and Child Nursing
b. FHR >180 bpm i. Sever variable decelerations indicate fetal distress
Causes: maternal – fever, dehydration, severe nemia,
hyperthyroidism, bronchodilators, decongestant and DANGER SIGNS OF LABOR
stimulant drugs; maternal/fetal hypoxia or
hypovolemia; fetal- arrhythmia Fetal Danger Signs
c. Oxygen may be administered
4. Bradycardia 1. High or low FHR: FHR >160 bpm (tachycardia) and <100 bpm
a. FHR less than 120bpm lasting 10 mins (bradycardia) both signs of possible fetal distress as shows in the
b. FHR 100-119 bpm (moderate bradycarida) is not fetal monitor with variable deceleration pattern
serious due to fetal heart compression during labor 2. Meconium staining (green color in the amniotic fluid results in
c. FHR <100 bpm is marked bradycardia and dangerous the loss of sphincter control, fetus is experiencing hypoxia
Causes: umbilical cord compression; fetal hypoxia and (deficient in the blood or tissue)
heart block, maternal seizures, epidural and spinal 3. Fetal hyperactivity a sign of hypoxia
anesthesia 4. Fetal acidosis (sign of compromised fetal well being, blood pH
d. Oxygen may be administered lower than 7.2)
5. Early deceleration
Maternal Danger Signs
a. Periodic decreases in FHR from pressureon the fetal
head brought about by parasympathetic stimulation in
1. Rising or falling of BP
response to vagal nerve compression
2. Abnormal pulse
b. FHR between 120-160 bpm a mirror image of
3. Inadequate prolonged contractions (less frequent and shorter
duration indicates inertia
c. Deceleration of FHR begins in early or which the peak
4. Abnormal lower abdominal contour indicates full bladder
of uterine contraction, stops within normal range
5. Increasing apprehension (sign of oxygen deprivation and internal
(reassuring pattern) and returns to baseline by the end
of contraction
d. Believe to be the result of compression of fetal head PREPARATION FOR LABOR
against cervix
e. Not an ominous pattern, no nursing intervention Prepared Childbirth
6. Late deceleration a. Natural childbirth was used to describe one approach to giving
a. Deceleration of FHR begins 30-40 sec after the onset birth
uterine contraction depth varies within strength of b. To some, natural childbirth means delivery without analgesic or
contractions; does not return to baseline by the end of anesthesia or being prepared for childbirth through prenatal
contraction. Lowest peak of FHR is 110-120 bpm education and training
b. May be occasional or consistent. Gradual increase in c. This preparation gave the woman a method of coping with the
number is always suspicious and must be reported discomforts of labor and delivery
c. Believer to be the result of uteroplacental insufficiency d. To avoid the suggestion that analgesia or anesthesia are available
d. Nurse should change maternal position, administer to the woman during labor and delivery should she need it, the
oxygen, discontinue any oxytocin infusions, assess term “prepared childbirth” is now used instead of natural
variability and prepare for immediate delivery if childbirth
patterns remain uncorrected. An ominous pattern
7. Variable deceleration
I. Method of Grantly Dick-Read
a. Onset of deceleration not related to uterine
a. This method is used on the idea that fear and anticipation of pain
contraction; occurs at unpredictable times seen in U, V
arouse natural protective tension in the body, both psychic and
or W shaped waves
muscular (fear-tension-pain mechanism)
b. Lowest FHR 55-85 bpm
b. Fear stimulates sympathetic nervous system and causes the
c. Believed to be the result of compression of the
circular muscle of the cervix to contract
umbilical cord
c. the longitudinal muscles of the uterus then have to act against
d. Although not an ominous pattern, continued nursing
increased cervical resistance, causing tension and pain.
assessment required
d. Tension and pain aggravate fear which produces and vicious cycle
e. Nurse should change maternal position from supine to
of tension, pain and fear
trendelenburg to relieved pressure on cord: if no
e. A minor degree of pain, magnified by fear, becomes unbearable
improvement seen, administer oxygen, discontinue
f. According to Dick-Read, prenatal courses and training reduce fear,
oxytocin if infusing. Rationale: with ach uterine
overcome, ignorance and build a woman self-confidence
contraction being stimulated by ocytocin bloodflow
from the mother to the baby initially ceases as the
Included in this method are:
uterine myometrial veins are compressed
f. Prepare client for vaginal examination to assess for 1. Explanation of fetal development and childbirth
prolapsed cord 2. Description of methods available to relieve pain
g. If cord is proplapsed, relived pressure on cord, do tno 3. Exercise that strengthen certain muscle and relax others
attempt to replace cord
h. CS will be needed
Maternal and Child Nursing
4. Breathing technique that will enable the woman to relax in the c. He is also to explore his feelings and role as a parent and to
first stage of labor and work effectively with muscle used during prepare psychologically for fatherhood
5. Explanations of the value of improved physical health and V.Home Delivery
emotional stability for childbirth
6. The woman is not told that labor and delivery will be painless; Home delivery although controversial, has won in increasing
analgesia and anesthesia are available If needed support in recent years
7. The woman is empathetic understanding and support during labor Motivation of home delivery:
by her partner, the nurse and the physician a. Belief that home birth has significant advantages for the
family and the newborn infant
II. Psychoprophylactic or Lamaze Method b. Objection to the impersonal and authoritarian atmosphere
of the hospital environment with enforced separation of
1. Psychoprophylactic childbirth has a rationale based on Pavlov’s woman and family
concept of perception and his theory of conditioned reflexes (the c. Desire to avoid such practice as routine CS delivery for
substitution of favorable conditioned reflexes for unfavorable one breech presentation, episiotomy, forceps delivery, oxytocin
2. The woman is taught to replace responses of restlessness, fear, stimulation, routine monitoring of FHR and other practices
and the loss of control with more useful activity. A high level of associated with hospitals
activity can excite the cerebral cortex efficiently to inhibit other d. Risk of hospital infections; belief that infant is immune to
stimuli such as pain in labor own home bacteria
3. The mother taught exercises that strengthen the abdominal e. Rising cost of hospitalization
muscles and relax perineum Contraindications
4. Breathing techniques to help the process of labor are predicted a. High risk indications for infants or mother
5. The woman is conditioned to respond with respiratory activity b. Patient with history of premature or postdate delivery in
and disassociation or relaxation of the uninvolved muscles, while previous pregnancy
controlling her perception of the stimuli associated with labor c. Woman with medical and emotional complications
6. One method of control consists of breathing normally while d. Patients who cannot be quickly transported to a hospital
silently mouthing the words to a song and simultaneously tapping Alternatives
the rhythm with fingers a. Alteration of hospital setting to a family centered
7. Similarity between Dick-Read and Lamaze methods: approached
a. Fear, which enhances the perception of pain, may diminish b. Birthing centers for low risk women with adequate facilities
or disappear when the woman understand the physiology of for emergency care
labor c. Properly educated and motivated support personnel
b. Since psychic tension enhances perception of pain,
relaxation is achieved more easily in a calm, agreeable
atmosphere with supportive persons nearby
c. Muscular relaxations and specific type of breathing diminish
or abolish the pains of labor