TLE039 Handout 10
TLE039 Handout 10
TLE039 Handout 10
On marriage
- Marriages formed after cohabitation are rated as less stable and result
Biglang Awa St., Corner Cattleya St., 12th Avenue East, Caloocan City 2. Family life
- Effect to kids
TLE 039: Marriage and Family Relations - Effect to the married life
- Effect to sociality
TOPIC: The Family and Its Many Concerns
SUB-TOPIC/S: Challenges Present Families Face Same Sex Marriage
Same-sex marriage, also known as gay marriage, is marriage between
people of the same sex, either as a secular civil ceremony or in a
Challenges Present Families Face religious setting. Same-sex unions are recorded in the history of
As the structure of family changes over time, so do the challenges several cultures, but marriage or similarly formalized same sex unions
families face. Events like divorce and remarriage present new were rare or nonexistent in other cultures.
difficulties for families and individuals. Other long-standing domestic What must be considered?
issues, such as abuse, continue to strain the health and stability of Each one of us have our own freewill. We can do whatever we want
families. but not everything is beneficial.
Cohabitation - It doesn’t hurt society or anyone in particular
Cohabitation is an arrangement where two people who are not married - The only thing that should matter in marriage is love
live together.
Reasons for Cohabitation - Most religions consider homosexuality a sin
1. Saving money - It would further weaken the traditional family values essential to our
- Spending more time together society
- Fearing financial hardship - It confuses children about gender roles and expectations of society,
- The extremely high cost of housing and only a man & woman can pro-create
2. Testing their relationships
3. Some people do not believe in marriage Opportunities:
- Access to Equal Benefits
Effects of Cohabitation - The number of child adoptions should increase since gay couples
cannot procreate
5. Poor communication
Threats: 6. Lack of diversity
- It could provide a slippery slope in the legality of marriage (e.g. 7. Unresolved problems/conflict
having multiple wives or marrying an animal could be next) 8. Lack of emotional support
- It can bring huge financial and emotional stress 9. Expectations
- The health risks are enormous to themselves and others
- Gay Marriage means having the morals of the minority forced upon Effects of a Dysfunctional Family
the majority Dysfunctional family relationships are recognized as contributing to
- Gay Marriage affects people spiritually the presentation of psychological disorder on children
1. Divorce
Dysfunctional Family 2. Behavior
3. Social
Family dysfunction can be any condition that interferes with healthy
4. Loneliness
family functioning.
5. Financial status
6. Cultures and traditions in the family
Types of Dysfunctional Families
7. Th parents’ adjustment
1. One or both parents have addictions or compulsions that have strong
8. Education
influences on family members.
9. Family dynamics
2. One or both parents use the threat or application of physical
violence as the primary means of control.
Divorce and Remarriage
3. One or both parents exploit the children and treat them as
possessions whose primary purpose is to respond to the physical The ending of the legal union between two married people is called
and/or emotional needs of adults. divorce. Throughout most ages and societies forms of divorce have
4. One or both parents are unable to provide, or threaten to withdraw, existed. Divorce is becoming so common among those in the
financial or basic physical care for their children. professional ministry that denominations are quickly forming policies
5. One or both parents exert a strong authoritarian control over the governing ordination and remarriage.
Five grounds for divorce:
- Adultery
- Unreasonable behavior
Causes of a Dysfunctional Family
- Desertion
1. Lack of harmony between parents
- The parties to the marriage have lived apart for at least two years and
2. Jealousy
both consent to the divorce (no fault)
3. Abuse
- The parties have lived apart for at least five years (no fault)
4. Lack of discipline
Jesus on Divorce and Remarriage 1. Physical assault or injury (hitting, beating, shoving, etc.)
2. Psychological or emotional abuse
• Grounds for divorce is not really understood by us today, but we
3. Social abuse
know that it was allowed (Deut 24:1).
4. Financial abuse
• God is clearly unhappy over his people breaking their marriage vows
5. Sexual assault (sexual abuse, forced sexual activity)
(Mal 2:13).
• Matt. 19 & Mark 10 – monogamy, marriage is life long, divorce is
not compulsory even in cases of adultery Child Abuse
• Divorce is permitted not commanded (grounds for divorce unsure).
Child abuse can be defined as causing or permitting any harmful or
• Marriage is not compulsory, so infertility is no grounds for divorce
offensive contact on a child’s body; and, any communication or
• Divorce for any matter is invalid.
transaction of any kind which humiliates, shames, or frightens the
Two Grounds for Separation
- Severe incompatibility – to remain unmarried or to be reconciled Forms of Child Abuse
- If the unbeliever in the marriage chooses to leave then the believing 1. Physical abuse
spouse is not under bondage. 2. Sexual abuse
3. Psychological/Emotional abuse
Infidelity 4. Neglect
- One partner squandering what was assumed to belong exclusively to
the spouse
- Dividing love between two
Consequences of Child Abuse
- Violation of emotional and physical boundaries
- It will encourage your child to lie, resent, fear, and retaliate, instead
- Invasion of the sacred partnership
of loving, trusting, and listening
Three (3) Defining Elements of Infidelity
- It will alienate your child from you and the rest of your family &
1. Secrecy
make him a recluse
2. Emotional intimacy
- It will lower your child's self-esteem and affect your child's
3. Sexual chemistry
psychological development and ability to behave normally outside his
Domestic Violence
- When your child grows up, your child could probably carry on the
Domestic violence can be broadly defined as a pattern of abusive family tradition, and abuse your grandchildren.
behaviors by one or both partners in an intimate relationship such as - Your child may exclude you from his adult life. For example, you
marriage, dating, family, friends, or cohabitation. might not be invited to your child's wedding, or not be allowed any
contact or relationship with your grandchildren
Forms of Domestic Violence
6. Corporal punishment tarnishes the school’s image. Some parents do
Corporal Punishment not take their children to schools known for degrading and humiliating
“Any punishment in which physical force is used and intended to
7. It costs money to treat injured children. When children are injured
cause some degree of pain or discomfort, however light. Most involves
from corporal punishment, the school must take responsibility for
hitting (smacking, slapping, spanking) children with the hand or with
paying the medical expenses
an implement—whip, stick, belt, shoe, wooden spoon, etc. But it can
also involve, for example, kicking, shaking, or throwing children,
Juvenile Delinquency
scratching, pinching, burning, scalding, or forced ingestion (for
example, washing children’s mouths out with soap or forcing them to Juvenile: A boy or girl child under 18 years of age is a juvenile
swallow hot spices). In addition, there are other non-physical forms of
Delinquency: a kind of abnormality when an individual deviates from
punishment which are also cruel and degrading and thus incompatible
the course of normal social life.
with the Convention. These include, for example, punishment which
belittles, humiliates, denigrates, scapegoats, threatens, scares or Juvenile Delinquent: a juvenile who is alleged to have committed an
ridicules the child.” – by the Committee on the Rights of the Child. offence and has not completed 18th year of age as on the date of
commission of such offence.
Delinquency includes:
- Violent crimes
Consequences of Corporal punishment - Drug and alcohol violations
- Sexual offences
1. Corporal punishment can lead to lifelong psychological damage,
- Status offence
such as depression, inhibition, rigidity, heightened anxiety, and
Reasons for delinquent behavior
suicidal thoughts.
- Social disorganization
2. Corporal punishment causes children to lose interest in learning. - Family environment
Children resent the learning experience and, as a result, do not value - Increase in standard of living
education. - For seeking attention
3. Children learn to hate a subject or teacher. Education doesn’t thrive - Attraction towards money and luxuries
when children live in fear of those who teach them. - Influence of media
4. School absenteeism and dropout increase. Children lose interest and - Influence of video games
develop a negative attitude toward schools and learning. - Strain and stress
5. Corporal punishment breeds cruelty and violence. Violence breeds - Mental disorders
more violence. It is common knowledge that a significant number of
people who commit crime and violence were physically punished
when they were children.