Chapter 55 Abuse
Chapter 55 Abuse
Chapter 55 Abuse
1. Mandatory reporters
Nursing Care of Family in Crisis: 2. Permissive reporters
CHILD ABUSE Nurses are included in the mandatory category in most states:
they must report suspected child abuse when they identify it.
- may be physical or neglect, psychological or even
emotional A. Physical Abuse
- Has immediate risk but can also lead to long-term
effects - action of a caregiver that causes injury to a child
- Commonly revealed by burns or by injuries to the
Behaviors of abused child: head or hands
- Aloof Assessment
- Angry
- Irritable - done by interviewing the parents about an injury to a
- Noncompliant child’s body
- Hyperactive - Some injuries may be due to unintentional accidents
- Low self esteem caused by the child’s inability to distinguish safe
- Poor self-control situations from dangerous ones
- If a child has been physically abused, the injury is
THEORIES OF CHILD ABUSE: (Special Triad) usually out of proportion to the history of the injury
given by the parent
SPECIAL PARENT: PARENTS WHO ABUSE - Parents may give conflicting stories or may give no
- seem a little different from others reason for the injury
- Only a small fraction of them ha e a history of mental - Abused children often repeat the parent’s story
illness but many of them were abused as children Physical examination
- Have less self-control
- May be unfamiliar with the normal growth & - make sure the child is fully undressed so that the
development of children and have many unrealistic entire body can be observed
expectations of a child - Plot height & weight on a standard growth chart
- May be socially isolated, with no support people (delayed growth = neglect)
readily available & so can become overwhelmed by
childbearing Common findings
- Abuse is strongly a/w excessive parental use of - beaten with electrical cords, belts or clotheslines -
alcohol, a substance that removes inhibitions and circular or linear lesions
self-control - Belt buckle or other weapons - curved laceration or
- Tied to a bed or against a wall - abrasions or
- viewed as somehow “different” by their parents ecchymotic areas on the wrists or ankles
- May be more or less intelligent than other children in - Burns - dorsal surface of their hands
the family - Scalding with hot water - ring of burns causing a
- May have a birth defect; may have an attention span “doughnut-hole” effect
deficit - Cigarette burns - if fresh, blister is seen that
resembles the scab or impetigo. If healed, a definite
SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES: STRESS circular scar is observed
- may be a result to an event that would not necessarily - Broken bones - multiple fracture in different stages of
be stressful for an average parent like a blocked toilet healing, a single fracture with multiple bruises, rib or
or an illness in the family occipital fractures, and metaphyseal-epiphyseal
- Deliberate poisoning - usually occurs in a child - Pedophile - adult who seeks out children fir sexual
younger than 2.5 yrs old gratification
- Nursing diagnosis: Risk for injury RT documented - sexual activity between family members
abused by parent - Often involves an older man and a young girl,
- Outcome evaluation: child has no further physical although it may involve and older woman and a
injuries identifiable as being inflicted by abusing younger boy, a brother and sister, or same-sex
parent partners
- Interventions: - Results in a destructive relationship because it causes
• prevent further abuse a great deal of guilt and loss of self-esteem in both the
• Identify abusive parents abusing and the abused person
• Provide consistent care and support for
C. Pornography and Prostitution
abused child (consistency & security)
• Evaluate and promote family health - child pornography - photographing or describing
sexual acts by any media involving children, or
B. Ritual Abuse
distributing such material in person or by mail or fax
- a cult based or religiously, spiritually or satanically or over the internet
motivated - Child prostitution - arranging or participating in sexual
- Can involve physical, sexual or psychological abuse acts with children
with bizarre or ceremonial activities
- Describe the victim’s physical appearance 2. Violence developed after the relationship was
- Gynecologic or anal examination established or children were born
- Presence of acid phosphate - violence develops as a last resort after all other
- Vaginal and anal cultures attempts at communication have failed
- Pregnancy test - The behavior of one partner threatens the
- VDRL test for syphilis psychological defenses of the other, and each
- Prophylactic administration of antibiotics against projects his or her feelings and shortcomings onto the
gonorrhea and syphilis other.
- Oral contraceptives to avoid pregnancy
Legal considerations
- ask about the possibility of abuse since 20-25% of
- Nurses can testify women seen in emergency departments for trauma
- Chart is a legal document and can be used in court received their wounds from abuse
- Common injuries suffered by abused woman are
Nursing Diagnosis and Related Interventions: burns, bruises, and head injuries.
1. Nursing diagnosis: Rape Trauma Syndrome r/t recent - Physical examination helps detect physical abuse
rape while emotional abuse can be detected by asking
• Outcome evaluation: victim is able to discuss what about their safety or well-being.
happened and voice intense feelings about the crime; Therapeutic Management
victim states ability to go forward with life
• Interventions: - don’t blame the victims
- Ask the victim to describe the incident to you - Help them find a shelter where they can feel safe
- Counseling - Treatment for abusers needs to be scheduled, but
- Follow up testing and care safety is first priority
2. Nursing Diagnosis: Disabling family coping r/t recent
rape of family member
• Outcome evaluation:
- partner or other family members express
feelings about the rape to health care
provider; states confidence in ability to
support rape victim
• Intervention:
- Counseling