Family Types

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Ms. K.

Arima North Secondary




Nuclear Family Consists of a mother, father  Parents support each other, share  Can be isolated from other
and their child/children living responsibilities. relatives.
under the same roof.  Two role models to teach  Parents may lack support of
appropriate behavior. extended family.
 More financially secure; stable  Children have less
and caring environment. experience of a range of
 Caring home environment helps opinions and views.
good self-esteem.  Less opportunity for
problem solving.
Extended Family Consists of members that  More opportunity to gain  Less privacy or space as
extend beyond a mother, father knowledge from elders. some households can
and their children. Several  More possibilities for assistance become overcrowded.
generations may live together with childcare.  Multiple authority figures
under the same roof or family  Financial help could be provided. may cause confusion about
compound.  Extra help with house chores, who is in setting of rules.
discipline etc.  Some persons may be more
difficult than others to get
along with.
Single Parent Household This consists of only one  Members learn how to be  Total financial
parent living with his/her child independent. The children tend to responsibility on lone
or children. learn to take more parent.
responsibilities.  Limited time to share with
 They can share more with the one child/children as a result of
parent. balancing full-time job and
 Lack of same-sex role

Ms. K. Harris
Arima North Secondary

Reorganized/Reconstructed/ This is formed when one of the  They learn to cooperate and  Difficulty adjusting to the
Blended Family spouses has had an earlier develop good communication new family structure.
relationship. A previous union skills.  Depending of the number of
may have been broken through  There is a sharing of parenting children, it may cost more
death of a spouse or divorce. responsibilities. to manage.
Sibling Household This situation occurs when  Children foster a stronger sibling  Older sibling is forced to
both parents are absent from bond. take on adult responsibility.
the home and older  They develop a greater sense of  Educational pursuits of
brothers/sisters take care of the responsibility. siblings may be affected.
younger ones.  As a result of the roles and
responsibilities children
may lack the chance of
socialize and enjoy their
teenage years.


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