Corometrics 170 Series Brochure
Corometrics 170 Series Brochure
Corometrics 170 Series Brochure
• Dual, 9-crystal Nautilus™ watertight ultrasound • Remote event marker helps make it easy to annotate
transducer permits external monitoring of twins using perceived Fetal Movements (FM) or other events on
technology that minimizes the need for repositioning. the strip chart.
• Independent volume controls facilitate easy • Easy-to-load Z-fold paper stacks itself neatly upon
transducer placement. exiting the recorder, facilitating easy storage.
• Nautilus watertight toco transducer permits quick, • Optional fetal movement detection algorithm
external acquisition of uterine activity. Its flat-surface automatically senses gross fetal movement and
design means it won’t leave a mark on your patient. annotates its occurrence on the strip chart.
• Heart rate offset mode helps make it easy to visually • Fetal heart rate alarm provides both audible and
distinguish between the heart rates of twins by visual alerts if the heart rate is outside of the
allowing you to offset the secondary FHR by +20BPM. user-defined high/low range.
• Heartbeat coincidence recognition provides visual • Built-in dual digital interface seamlessly connects the
and audible indications when it detects synchronous monitor to a Clinical Information System as well as
fetal or maternal heart-rate signals, indicating that to selected external monitors – such as DINAMAP®
you may be monitoring a duplicate signal. non-invasive blood pressure monitors or maternal
SpO2 and FSpO2 monitors.
4 cm 4 cm
8 cm 8 cm
16 cm 16 cm
General Electric Company reserves the right to make changes in specifications and
features shown herein, or discontinue the product described at any time without notice
or obligation. Contact your GE Representative for the most current information.
GE Healthcare
8200 West Tower Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53223 MIC-0105-05.13-EN-US
U.S.A. DOC1012120