Fetal Neurophysiology According To Gestational Age Aida Salihagic Kadic, Maja Predojevic
Fetal Neurophysiology According To Gestational Age Aida Salihagic Kadic, Maja Predojevic
Fetal Neurophysiology According To Gestational Age Aida Salihagic Kadic, Maja Predojevic
s u m m a r y
Keywords: More than 99% of the human neocortex is fashioned during intrauterine life, resulting in the fascinating
Fetal neurophysiology diversity of fetal functions and activities. The objective of this review is to present the most significant
Neuromotor development
neurodevelopmental events, as well as new findings about prenatal motor and sensory development.
Neurosensory development
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A. Salihagic Kadic, M. Predojevic / Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 17 (2012) 256e260 257
Fetal swallowing activity was observed as early as 11 weeks of onwards (Table 2).13 Furthermore, SEPs may provide evidence of
gestation,23 with daily swallowing rates near term of pain processing in the somatosensory cortex.25 The earliest reac-
500e1000 mL.24 Fetal swallowing and ingestive behavior tions to painful stimuli e motor reflexes e can be detected at 7.5
contribute significantly to the regulation of the amniotic fluid weeks of gestation (Table 2). As early as 16e18 weeks, fetal cerebral
volume and the development and maturation of the fetal gastro- blood flow increases during invasive procedures.26,27 An elevation
intestinal tract. They also contribute to the fetal somatic growth.4 of noradrenaline, cortisol, and beta-endorphin plasma levels, in
response to needle pricking of the innervated hepatic vein for
3. Prenatal neurosensory development intrauterine transfusion, was registered in a 23-week-old fetus
(Table 2). Pricking of the non-innervated placental cord insertion
The main events in neurosensory development during preg- for the same purpose had no effect.28,29 Painful stimuli trigger
nancy are presented in Table 2. a wide spectrum of reactions, such as activation of the
Tactile sensations, such as touch and pain, are among the first to hypothalamo-hypophysial axis or autonomic nervous system,
be developed during intrauterine life (Table 2). Twin pregnancies without reaching the cortex. In premature neonates born after
allow us to observe the first reactions to touch in utero. Peri-oral gestational week 28, the most promising pain indicators are
region, hands, and lower limbs become touch sensitive at 7.5, 10.5 changes in facial activity, shifts in infant sleep/wake state, and
and 14 weeks of gestation, respectively (Table 2). Thalamocortical physiological changes of heart rate and blood oxygen satura-
pathways, important for the perception of sensory impulses, reach tion.30,31 One of the most important effects of a painful experience
the somatosensory cortex around week 23 (Table 2). Maturation of is the prolonged stress response.32 This includes marked fluctua-
the primary somatosensory cortex continues in the postnatal tions in blood pressure, cerebral blood flow and hypoxemia, which
period.4 may predispose to intracranial hemorrhage.27 Moreover, prenatal
The first nociceptors appear at 7 weeks of gestation, and by and/or neonatal exposure to pain can lead to altered pain thresh-
week 20 these are present all over the body (Table 2). Sensing pain olds as well as abnormal pain-related behavior later in life.32
requires a developed neural pain system and after 26 weeks the The intrauterine environment is not completely deprived of
fetus has the necessary connections to sense pain. Somatosensory light. According to some experimental results, the development of
evoked potentials (SEPs) can be registered from the cortex at 29 visual and auditory organs could not be possible without any light
weeks, indicating that a functionally meaningful pathway from the or auditory stimulation.33 Human visual connections between
periphery to the cerebral cortex starts to operate from that time retina, lateral geniculate nucleus, and visual cortex are partially
established by mid-gestation and undergo further development
during and after this period.34 In the primary visual cortex syn-
Table 2 aptogenesis persists between 24 weeks of gestation and 8 months
Chronology of prenatal neurosensory development. after delivery (Table 2). Maturation of the visual cortex is charac-
Development of the nervous system Fetal reaction terized by the appearance of surface-positive evoked potentials,
First trimester which occurs between weeks 36 and 40 and continues after birth
Tactile sensation (the touch and pain) Peri-oral region, hands, lower limbs (Table 2).4 A flash stimulus over the maternal abdomen can cause
emerging first: 7 weeks. become touch sensitive at 7.5, 10.5 the visual evoked brain activity in the human fetus, recorded by
Development of nociceptors: and 14 weeks of gestation. magnetoencephalography. Fetal eye motility plays a role in retinal
from 7 weeks Motor reflexes as first fetal response
to painful stimuli: 7.5 weeks
(neuronal) cell differentiation, as well as eye functional
Development of taste buds: maturation.4
from 7 weeks Cochlear function develops between 22 and 25 weeks of
Second trimester gestation, and its maturation continues during the first 6 months
Secretion of neuropeptide Y and Possible regulation of appetite and
after delivery (Table 2). Fetal reactions to very loud sounds have
leptin: 16e18 weeks ingestive behavior
Nociceptors present all over the Alterations in cerebral blood flow in been detected from 26 weeks onwards. Delayed selective response
body: 20 weeks. response to painful stimuli: to sounds can be explained by the prolonged pontine maturation.
Thalamocortical pathways: around 16e18 weeks. During the last weeks of pregnancy (from week 36 onward), the
week 23. Elevation of cortisol and beta- fetus responds to external noise, even to the sound of mother’s
endorphin levels in response to
painful stimuli: 23 weeks
voice, with reflexive body movements, head-turning and heart rate
Visual connections between retina, acceleration. But an even more astonishing finding is that the fetus
lateral geniculate nucleus, and at this age is able not only to perceive the sounds, but also to
visual cortex: mid-gestation. discriminate between different sounds (Table 2). Furthermore, the
Synaptogenesis in the primary visual
fetus displays the selective preference for the mother’s voice or
cortex: from 24 weeks.
Cochlear function: 22e25 weeks other familiar voices. These findings are explained by the tonotopic
Third trimester organization of the cochlear nuclei and by the maturation of the
Somatosensory evoked potentials (pain Sense of pain: after 26 weeks. brain stem during the last weeks of pregnancy (Table 2).6 The brain
processing in the somatosensory Response to pain as changes in stem displays learning-related activity. Fetuses at <37 weeks of
cortex): 29 weeks facial activity, shifts in infant
sleep/wake state, and physiological
gestation of mothers who smoke throughout pregnancy have
changes of heart rate and blood a delayed onset of response to the maternal voice.35 If the mother
oxygen saturation: after 28 weeks does not speak, a newborn may be 2 months delayed in develop-
Surface-positive evoked potentials in the ment of the tonotopic column and less able to discern intensity,
visual and auditory cortex: from
rhythm, and shape of each sound.36 Growth restriction could also
36e40 weeks
Pons maturation. Fetal reactions to very loud sounds: affect the development of auditory perception in human fetuses.37
Tonotopic organization of the cochlear from 26 weeks. The chemical senses, such as the sense of taste, also develop
nuclei, maturation of the brain stem: Fetal response to external noise, during intrauterine life. Human embryos demonstrate taste buds
last weeks of pregnancy discrimination between different by week 7 of gestation (Table 2).38 It has been shown that sweet
sounds, selective preference for
mother’s voice: from 36 weeks
taste stimulates swallowing in the human fetus, whereas bitter and
sour tastes decrease fetal swallowing. Flavors from the mother’s
A. Salihagic Kadic, M. Predojevic / Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 17 (2012) 256e260 259
diet during pregnancy are transmitted to amniotic fluid and swal- Progression in behavioral complexity begins with spontaneous
lowed by the fetus. Consequently, the type of food eaten by the fetal movements and culminates with presumed preferences for
mother during pregnancy is experienced by infants before their the sound of mother’s voice, reflecting maturational events that
first exposure to solid food.39 It has also been suggested that take place in the brain stem, followed by forebrain structures.
preference for a certain food is acquired during intrauterine Furthermore, the fetus is able to learn and remember familiar
development.40 auditory stimuli. This finding could be interpreted as evidence for
It is generally believed that thirst, satiety and appetite mecha- fetal rudimentary, learning-related cognitive-like activity.
nisms develop prenatally in all precocious species. Experiments in
fetal lambs have indicated that dipsogenic mechanisms begin to
regulate swallowing during intrauterine life. Swallowing and
arginineevasopressin (AVP) secretion increase following the Research directions
central administration of hypertonic saline solution and angio-
tensin II. According to some studies, an altered intrauterine osmotic The investigations of fetal neuromotor and neurosen-
environment may modulate not only fetal swallowing activity, but sory development according to gestational age are of
great importance, because more and more indicators of
also the development of adult sensitivities for thirst, AVP secretion,
normal functional brain development in different
and AVP responsiveness.24,41,42 Mothers, consuming excessive periods of gestation have been made available.
amounts of salt and water during pregnancy, increase salt prefer- Deviations from normal fetal neuromotor and neuro-
ence in adult offspring which may lead to hypertension.43 sensory development, indicating delayed or abnormal
The main feeding regulatory factors, neuropeptide Y (NPY) and brain development, still need to be explored.
leptin, are secreted in the human fetus as early as 16 and 18 weeks, Further investigations, supported by the new imaging
respectively (Table 2).44e46 NPY is the most powerful known techniques, should open a new perspective for the
inducer of food intake and a leptin is a main satiety factor. Contrary development of prenatal diagnostic strategies to detect
to its function in adults, leptin does not suppress fetal ingestive and/or prevent severe neurological disorders as well as
minimal cerebral dysfunctions.
behavior.41 Fetal swallowing was significantly increased following
the injection of leptin.47 Therefore, some investigators have
postulated that the lack of leptin-inhibitory responses might
potentiate feeding and facilitate weight gain in newborns, despite Conflict of interest statement
high body fat levels.48
Further, it has been discussed that the mechanisms by which None declared.
environmental factors modulate the physiologic systems control-
ling body weight may begin their development before birth.49 An
adverse intrauterine environment, with altered fetal orexic factors, Funding source
could change the normal set-points of appetitive behavior and
potentially lead to programming of childhood or/and adulthood This work was supported by a grant from the Ministry of
hyperphagia and obesity. Prenatal exposure to over- or undernu- Science, Education and Sport of the Republic of Croatia.
trition, rapid growth in early infancy, early adiposity rebound in
childhood, and early pubertal development have all been impli- References
cated in the development of obesity.50
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