Payanay Fatima May E. Bsn-2A // CHN Lec
Payanay Fatima May E. Bsn-2A // CHN Lec
Payanay Fatima May E. Bsn-2A // CHN Lec
Is the basic social institution and the 1. The family as a social group is universal
primary group in society and is significant element in man’s
A social group characterized by social life.
common residence, economic 2. It is the first social group to which the
cooperation and reproduction. It individual is expose
includes both sexes, at least two of who 3. Family contract and relationships are
maintain a socially approved sexual repetitive and continuous.
relationship, and one or two children. 4. The family is very close and intimate
(mudock, 1949) group
A group of persons united by ties of 5. It Is the setting of the most intense
marriage, blood or adoption, emotional experience during the
constituting a single household, lifetime of the individual
interacting and communication with 6. The family affects the individual’s social
each other in their perspective social values disposition and outlook in life
roles of husband and wife, mother and 7. The family has the unique position of
father, son and daughter, brother and serving as a link between the individual
sister, and creating and maintaining a and the larger society.
common culture. 8. The family is also unique in providing
From a systems perspective, a family is continuity of social life
defined as a collection of people who
are integrated, interacting and
interdependent (hunt, 1997:126). Just TYPES OF FAMILY IN TODAY’S SOCIETY
like other systems, the parts interact
with each other members. The family o Traditional family
has boundary which means that other o Two-career family
people can recognize its members and o Single-parent family
those who are not. o Adolescent family
o Foster family
o Blended family
F- father o Intragenerational family
o Cohabiting family
A- and o Gay and lesbian family
M-mother o Single adults living alone