Model Question Paper
Model Question Paper
Model Question Paper
the machine tools and the expenditure 3. Expenditure on fuels and electricity.
for miscellaneous operations performed 4. Rent and maintenance paid for the
on the workpieces. Charges for hacksaw building of the manufacturing unit.
cutting, filing, fitting, and assembling are
5. Salary paid to the administrative staff
counted under this head.
and expenses for purchasing office
10.18.4 Cost for Making
6. Salary paid to the supervisors, store-
Accessories like Jigs and
keepers and watchman.
7. Expenditure for advertising, travel
When the mass production process
involves the same size and quantity of and postage.
materials are produced. Some special 8. Amount spend for the Welfare of
equipments like jigs and fixtures are the workers, and contribution to the
used. The cost paid for manufacturing employee’s fund (it includes savings
or purchasing the same is called cost for for workers, medical insurance,their
accessories. It reduces the production child education fund and other
time and increase the production. expenses)
9. Interest on capital.
10.18.5 Administrative Expenditure
The administrative expenditure can also 10.18.6 PROFIT
be called as ‘overhead charges’. It includes: Profit is calculated in the range of 10% to
1. Depreciation (wear and tear on 30% of the total cost of estimation. The
machine tools and other tools) profit percentage varies for each factory
2. Repairs and maintenance of the according to their capital invested.
machine tools.
Part I
Choose the correct option 1 Mark
1. Work study is
a. Method of plant study b. A technique of increasing production
c. Method study d. Work measurement
2. Production planning is
a. Productivity of men b. Productivity of land
c. S
cheming of productivity procedure d. Quality control
a. D
efine, Measure, Act, Deliever, (SPC) and Process Capability?
Verify 17. Define Six Sigma.
b. D
o, Make, Analyse, Design, 18. Define Kaizen.
19. Define “cost estimation”
c. D
efine, Measure, Analyse,
Design, Verify 20. What is machining charges
d. D
efine, Make, Analyse, Design,