Network Maintenance-Troubleshooting

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phone call to understand the nature of the she was doing some editing work regarding
problem. So that he can have an idea to her career, the computer suddenly went to
solve the problem. off condition. She calls to the service centre
and explains the situation. They understand
Elements of Customer the situation and came forward to clear the
Interaction: problem with some of the tools. They don’t
know the exact problem. So they came with
„ Reliability „ Empathy two types of tools. One is Hardware and
„ Assurance „ Responsiveness another one is software tools.

Reliability Computer Hardware Tools

The quality of being trust worthy or of The physical components of a computer

performing consistently well. such as the machine and wiring, or tools
and machinery. The computer case and
Example: Raja works in a computer wiring are examples of hardware.
manufacturing industry. He has a record
of 5 star rating from all the customers he „ Flat –tip Screwdrivers
served. „ Philips –Head Screwdrivers
„ Torx Screwdrivers and Nut Drivers
„ Wire Cutter
A positive declaration intended to „ Needle-Nose Pliers
confidence, a promise. A strong feeling of
confidence about yourself or about being „ Wire Strippers
right. „ Crimpers
Example: Vijay assured to deliver
Computer Software Tools
100 keyboards to a software company
within 2 days. Software or a programming tool is a set of
computer programs that are used by the
Empathy developers to create, maintain, debug, or
support other applications and programs.
Empathy is sharing the joy at a friend’s
The tools are as follows
wedding. Empathy is defined as the ability
to understand the thoughts feelings or „ OS (Operating System)
emotions of someone else. „ Device drivers
„ Anti Virus
Responsiveness: „ Basic software
The quality of reacting quickly and positively,
responsiveness as a concept of computer External Devices
science, which refers to the specific ability A device is an object that has been invented
of a system or functional unit to complete for a particular purpose, for example for
assigned tasks within a given time. recording or measuring something.
„ External hard disk Field Trip With Tools And
„ Pen drive
„ SFC(System File Checker)
Your friend Lisa has a computer in her
home. She is a photographer. At the time „ External CD Drive

162 CHAPTER 09 Computer Maintenance and Troubleshooting with Safety Practices Understand The Nature Ergonomics is a field of study that

Of Problem On Field By attempts to reduce strain, fatigue, and
Interacting With Customer: injuries by improving product design and
If we want to know the system complaint, workspace arrangement. The goal is a
it is important to have conversation with comfortable, relaxed posture.
the customer. Because if the problem
is caused by physical damage or liquid Arrange Your Workstation
contact means we can easily find out by Every time you work, take time to adjust
interacting with the customer. workstations that aren’t quite right in
We can discuss about the key points order to minimize awkward and frequently
to discuss with the customer. performed movements.
1. Time duration of the problem,
2. PC overheating,
3. Application running slowly,
4. Internet or network connectivity
5. Hardware drive failure,
6. Unable to install Application.
7. Computer suddenly shut off or

First you have to ask the customer

how many days they are having that
problem. Because problems may increases
periodically according to the maintenance
of the computer. Ask types of problem facing
by them, and then you find out the problem FIGURE 9.10 Arrange your workstation
in that system (hardware problem “or”
software problem). Then you check all the
part of computer system. (Check the wire
connections, board damage), if no problems
found, then it is a software Problem. Due
to software problems the computer works
slow, keeps restarting, keyboard and mouse
are not working properly; find the problem
and resolve it.

9.6 Concept of Computer FIGURE 9.11 Modify your body mechanics

Computer ergonomics is the practice of Modify Your Body Mechanics
fitting the setup of the computer and the Do you wear eyeglasses? Make sure they
workspace to fit the user and the user's fit properly to avoid tilting your head.
work needs in order to minimize physical Type with light strokes, and try to keep
stress on the computer user. your muscles relaxed.

CHAPTER 09 Computer Maintenance and Troubleshooting with Safety Practices 163

Adjust Your Work Patterns Feet

Reduce prolonged computer time Toe Curl: Flex toes up, then curl toes
whenever possible. Break work into under. Release.
smaller segments and switch between Foot Rotation: Circle foot slowly
tasks that use different motions. from the ankle, then reverse.

Eye Rolls: Roll your eyes clockwise then
counter clockwise briefly.
Palm Eyes: Without touching your
eyes, cup hands lightly over eyes for 30
seconds to rest them from light.
FIGURE 9.12 Position
9.7 Basic Electrical Safety
Move at Workplace
At least every 10 minutes, take a short (10- Electricity is everywhere in our lives.
20 second) break. Take your hands off the Electricity lights up our homes, cooks
keyboard and move! Every 30-60 minutes, our food, powers our computers,
take a brief (2-5 minute) break to stretch television sets, and other electronic
and/or walk around. devices. Electricity (DC Current) from
batteries starts our cars and makes our
Exercise at Your Computer flashlights shine in the dark. You need
to have safe and functional electricity
Neck Rotation: Slowly rotate your head as
within the workplace, so that you can
far as comfortable to the right, then left.
effectively function and allow for the
Shoulder Rotation: Circle your most production from the employees.
shoulders, then reverse directions.
Head Side to Side: Bend your neck
so left ear approaches left shoulder, then
repeat for right. Add a little resistance
by pressing your hand against the side of
your head

Arm Relaxation: Drop your arms and
hands to your sides. Gently shake them
for a few seconds

Hands and Wrists FIGURE 9.13 Electrical Safety

Wrist Flex: With your elbows on desk,
Electricity does indeed power
gently use left hand to bend right hand
computers, either directly for desktop
back toward forearm. Hold for a few
units or indirectly through uninterruptible
seconds, then relax. Repeat on other side
164 CHAPTER 09 Computer Maintenance and Troubleshooting with Safety Practices

power supplies (batteries charged by the which could be fatal. Electrical safety
power system) for large computers, so precautions can protect against electrical
that we need to know the electrical safety, shocks and burns.
when working with computer.
Concept of safety of work
Electrical safety infrastructure
Electrical safety refers to any safety Today’s computer workstation has few
precautions taken against electricity. hazards other than ergonomic that the typical
Electricity is undoubtedly one of the most worker will be exposed to if all components
basic needs in modern life, but electrical are functioning properly. Many injuries
hazards are very dangerous. or illnesses associated with a computer
workstation will be of an ergonomic nature
and thus may be difficult to diagnose.

A safe place of work

1. Make sure your buildings are in good
2. Maintain the workplace and any
equipment so that it is safe and works
3. Make right any dangerous defects
FIGURE 9.14 Electrical safety tips
immediately, or take steps to protect
Some of the serious injuries you can anyone at risk.
receive from electricity include electrical 4. Fence or cover floor openings, e.g.,
shocks, electrical burns, and electrocution, vehicle examination pits, when not
in use.
5. Have enough space for safe movement
and access.
6. Provide safety glass, if necessary.
7. Make sure floors, corridors and
stairs etc., are free of obstructions,
e. g., trailing cables.
8. Provide good drainage in wet
9. Make sure any windows capable of
being opened can be opened, closed
or adjusted safely.
10. Make sure all windows and skylights
are designed and constructed so that
they may be cleaned safely.

1. Good light – use natural light where
possible but try to avoid glare.
FIGURE 9.15 Electricity effects

CHAPTER 09 Computer Maintenance and Troubleshooting with Safety Practices 165

2. A good level of local lighting 3. Provide containers for waste

at workstations where ever it is materials.
necessary. 4. Remove dirt, refuse and trade waste
3. Suitable forms of emergency lighting. regularly.
4. Well-lit stairs and corridors. 5. Clear up spillages promptly.
5. Well-lit outside areas.
Hygiene and welfare
Moving around the premises
1. Drinking water.
1. Safe passage for pedestrians and 2. Use clean toilets and hand basins.
vehicles – separate routes may be With running hot or cold or warm
necessary. water clean with soap and dry with
2. Level, even floors and surfaces towel or any other means of drying.
without holes or broken boards.
3. Somewhere to rest and eat meals,
3. Hand-rails on stairs and ramps where
including facilities for eating food
ever it is necessary.
which would otherwise become
4. Safely constructed doors and gates. contaminated.
5. Floors and surfaces which are not 4. Showers for dirty work or emergencies.
5. Accommodation or hanging space
for personal clothing not worn at
work (and somewhere to change if
1. Provide clean floors and stairs, with special clothing is worn for work).
effective drainage where necessary.
2. Provide clean premises, furniture
and fittings.

learning outcome
After studying this chapter, students can understand the following
1. Basics of computer maintenance 4. Customer complaints.
and its categories 5. Computer ergonomics
2. Troubleshoot, Rectify and Replace 6. Basic electrical safety at workplace.
the common hardware problems.
3. Troubleshoot, Rectify and Replace
the common software problems.

I. Choose the best answer from the 2. Main Hardware components of the
given four options.  (1 Mark) system BIOS is _________.
1. _______ is a combination of a) BIOS
hardware and software. b) BIOS ROM
a) Firmware b) Hardware c) BIOS CMOS Memory
c) Software d) Fireware d) BIOS POST

166 CHAPTER 09 Computer Maintenance and Troubleshooting with Safety Practices

3. CMOS stands for ___________. II. Answer in few sentence.

a) C omplementary Metal Oxide 1. What is computer maintenance?
Semiconductor 2. Define predictive maintenance.
b) C omplex Metal Oxide 3. What is BIOS? Why it occurs?
Semiconductor 4. What is blank monitor?
c) C ommon Metal Oxide
5. Write short notes on ‘Noise Hard
d) C entral Metal Oxide
6. Why CMOS alert message showing
up on our screen? How will you
4. The physical parts of a computer are react?
called ___________ 7. What are the ways a customer can
a) Software b) Hardware interact with a resource person of a
c) ALU d) Memory unit company?
5. What is the name of the on board
8. What are the elements of computer
chip that stores the date, time and interaction?
system configuration? 9. What is computer ergonomics?
a) RAM b) CMOS 10. What is electrical safety? Why it is
c) JFET d) FET
6. How many beeps will a speaker sine III. Explain the following questions.
on the failure of RAM?
1. Why computer maintenance is
a) 2 - 3 times b) 4 - 5 times essential?
c) 1 - 2 times d) 3 - 4 times
2. What are the reasons of over heating
7. Which of the following is computer of PC? How will you overcome the
hardware tool? problems?
a) Crimpers b) Device drivers 3. List out the computer hardware and
c) Antivirus d) OS software tools.
8. ___________ is a software or a
programming tool. IV. Briefly explain the following
a) Crimpers b) OS questions.
c) Wire strippers d) Nose plier 1. What are the types of computer
9. Which of these software is also called maintenance? Explain each in detail.
firmware? 2. Explain any five common software
a) Operating System problems in a computer with
b) System BIOS rectification procedures.
c) Installation drivers 3. Explain about electrical safety
d) None of the above and the concept of safety of work
10. What component of the computer infrastructure.
processes data?
b) The storage devices
1(a) 2(b) 3(a) 4(b) 5(b)
c) The processor
d) The monitor 6(a) 7(a) 8(b) 9(b) 10(c)

CHAPTER 09 Computer Maintenance and Troubleshooting with Safety Practices 167


Network Maintenance-
Troubleshooting and IT Securities

learning objective
The students can understand the following in this chapter
1. Common network problem 5. Cyber crime
2. Hardware troubleshooting 6. Security policy
3. Problems related with network 7. Functioning of Firewall
operating system 8. ITIL V4
4. Over view of hacking

10.1 Introduction you solve a problem, you are increasing

your troubleshooting skills by gaining
A computer network consists of collection
more experience and comes to know when
of computers, printers and other equipment
to combine steps or skip steps to reach a
that are connected together so that they can
solution quickly.
communicate with each other. So there is
a possibility of rising hardware or software
error at any point of time. Troubleshooting 10.2 Steps involved in
helps us to deal with the error that rising troubleshooting
in computer network. Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting steps may vary depends
is the process of identifying and solving
on the problems we are dealing with but
problems related with computer and other
there are certain basic steps that need to be
components in a systematic manner.
remember while troubleshooting; they are:
Troubleshooting will always be a process
of trial and error – in some cases you may „ Identifying the problem
need to use several different approaches In this step, gather as much information
before you find a solution. Troubleshooting as possible about the error and make
is a skill that you refine over time. Each time backup of the system before moving on.

„ Test probable cause. Solution:

Create your technical procedural form 1. Check AC power input: Make sure
which will help to identify probable the cord is firmly seated in the wall
cause. socket and in the power supply
„ Execute the plan. socket. Try a different cord.
Once the actual cause is identified then 2. Check DC power connection: Make
apply the relevant troubleshooting sure the motherboard and disk drive
method. power connectors are firmly seated.
„ Verify system functionality 3. Check DC power output: Use digital
After troubleshooting, you need multimeter to check the voltage at
to verify that the system is fully the Power Cord pin for +3 to +6V
functional. power. If the measurement is not
„ Documentation. within the range, the power supply is
Document the findings, actions and bad and must be replaced.
outcomes. When the problem occurs 4. Check Installed peripherals: Remove
again it would be helpful. all boards and drives and restart the
system. If it works, add back in items
10.3 Common Network until the system fail again. The last
item added before the failure return
is likely defective.
This section will discuss some of the
potential problems that occur commonly
in a computer network.

FIG 10.1 Power Failure

10.3.1 Power Failure

Symptom: A system that is completely dead
or spontaneous rebooting. Display of “No FIG 10.2 Digital Multimeter
Signal” message in the monitor, electric
shock felt on the system connectors, small 10.3.2 Wiring Problems
brownouts or smoke from the system are
some of the common symptoms of power Symptom: Frequent electrical surge or
failure. power sags and dips. Flickering light,
loose outlets and cable burning are the
Cause: Overload power supply or symptoms of failed wiring.
overheating due to fan failure. Loose cable
connection and UPS failure can be the Cause: Improper installation of cables
cause of power failure and not maintaining the distance

CHAPTER 10 Network Maintenance-Troubleshooting and IT Securities 169

limits between the cables. Atmospheric

temperature or running network cable
parallel to electrical cables.

FIG 10.4 Device Connected To Wi-Fi


1. Unplug and reinstall the device then

FIG 10.3 Wiring Connection restart the system.
2. Use the Device Manager to identify
the device problem by following the
steps below.
a. Go to start->control panel-
1. Ensure your connections are well >device manager
made. Don’t over fix wire nuts, but b. Expand the branch with the
ensure they are firmly tight. device you want to check
2. Securely test the fixture with an extra
c. Right click the device and select
cord to check whether it works. If it the Properties option
doesn’t, check the wiring installation.
d. Click the General tab
If required, replace the cable.
e. Under Device status section,
3. Make sure the network cable and
network port you are using are confirm the status of the component
working properly. f. If the component isn’t working

4. Inspect cable for any pinching or

properly, then you’ll see the
breaks. description of the problem with
an error code.
5. Keep cables away from electromagnetic
3. Follow the below steps to fix the
device problem
10.3.3 Device Not Working a. Goto start> control panel> device
Symptoms: Printer, fax machine, Wi-Fi
or other electronic devices attached to the b. Expand the branch with the
network may not work properly. device you want to fix
Cause: Device driver might be c. Right click the device and select
outdated or not properly installed. uninstall device option
Connection or device failure can be the d. Click the uninstall button and
cause of device not working. restart your devices.

170 CHAPTER 10 Network Maintenance-Troubleshooting and IT Securities

e. Else select Update driver option to look for automatic update then restart the

d. Click the uninstall button and restart your devices.

e. Else select Update driver option to look for automatic update then restart the

10.3.4 Non Availability of Network Resources


Sometimes while installing a program in windows 10 you may receive error message “The
feature you are trying to use on a network resource is unavailable” and this error prevents
you from installing or uninstalling programs on your PC.

CHAPTER 10 Network Maintenance-Troubleshooting and IT Securities 171

Cause 4. In the properties window, make sure

This error may occur due to the original that the Startup Type is Manual or
application might be removed or is no Automatic.
longer available, while uninstalling 5. Proceed to Service status. Check if
anything from the window installer the service is running. If not, click
service. Start.
6. Click on Apply and then OK.
7. Restart and Check if the issue has
been resolved.
8. If still the error occurs, then you can
remove the sub key of the specified
application from the Registry Editor

10.3.5 Internet Not Working

FIG 10.5 Resource Unavailable Error Message
Solution “No Internet Connection” or “Connection
1. Press the windows key + R to open a Failed” are the common message that
Run dialog box arise when the system is not connected to
the internet
2. Type services.msc into the Run
dialog and press Enter

3. In the service manager, locate Windows

Installer in the list of available services.
Right click and select properties in the
resulting context menu.
FIG 10.6 No Internet Connection

There are lots of possible reasons for why

internet isn’t working. Your modem or
router may be out of date, DNS (Domain
Name System) cache or IP address may be
experiencing a glitch, or internet service
provider could be experiencing outages in
your area. The problem could be as simple
as faulty Ethernet cable or running out of

172 CHAPTER 10 Network Maintenance-Troubleshooting and IT Securities

Solution 4. Check the firewall and antivirus

1. Check if the computer is properly settings to ensure that the site is not
connected to the network in the blocked list
2. Restart the network settings. This 5. Check for malware and harmful
changes everything back to default browser extension
settings. 6. Avoid proxy server or VPN
3. Restart modem and router.
10.3.7 Network Hang
4. Clear computer DNS cache and
browser cache Symptoms
5. Perform virus and malware scan. Browser become freeze or unresponsive
and getting message like “The page cannot
10.3.6 S
 erver Connectivity be displayed”. Taking long time to load
Problems a page can be the symptoms of network

If you have a problem connecting to a Cause

website, you may see error message like
Network hang have varied causes,
Server Not Found, Error 404 not found or
including hardware and software defects,
The site can’t be reached
slow network, misconfiguration and
compatibility problem.

FIG 10.7 Server Not Found Error

Cause FIG 10.8 Network Hang

The server you’re trying to connect may

no longer exist or the DNS is set up Solution
incorrectly on the name servers. It could 1. Right click on the computer internet
also because of temporary issue in the connection icon at the bottom-right
DNS system of machine doing the lookup. corner of the computer and select
“Troubleshooting problems”
Solution 2. Reset your modem and router
1. Check the URL for spelling mistake 3. Reboot the computer
and reload the page 4. Temporarily shut down the firewalls,
2. Use different browser and search and other system protection
engines application that runs continuously
3. Check your modem and router, if 5. Install all recommended windows
required reset updates
CHAPTER 10 Network Maintenance-Troubleshooting and IT Securities 173

10.3.8 Downloading and 10.4.1 Problems with Hardware

Uploading Issues Devices
Old, damaged, and malfunctioning NICs
Symptoms are the top of the Hardware Problem list.
Takes longer time than usual to upload It is frequently necessary to replace suspect
and download files. component systematically with good known
parts. Follow the below troubleshooting
Cause: technique to avoid common hardware
Website traffic, age of computer, pending
windows updates and virus „ Minimize ESD: Electrostatic
discharge, or ESD is a reality, so handle
NICs with care and make sure you are
properly grounded.
„ NIC standardization: Ensure there
is no damage to the Network Internet
Controller (NIC) port or to the cable.
Check the configuration and install
FIG 10.9 Slow Downloading
latest driver
„ Cleanliness: Keep the network
Solution equipment clean and at the proper
1. Update windows application, device
drivers and browser to the latest „ Power: Check for power surge using
version Digital Multimeter.
2. Scan for any virus and malware
„ Cabling: Ensure the standards of
cabling such as 568A and 568B. Check
3. Reset router and modem
whether the cable is properly installed
4. Delete Temporary files by typing with required distance.
%temp% in run dialog box.
5. Use Ethernet connection instead of
6. Remove unnecessary background
7. Limit the devices connected to the
FIG 10.10 Network Interface Controller
10.4 Hardware
Troubleshooting 10.4.2 Hardware Configuration
There is a wide variety of possible Problems
hardware problem that can lead to a total The ability to configure your server hardware
network interface failure. These problems properly is essential for the smooth
include the following: running of the operating system. Hardware
174 CHAPTER 10 Network Maintenance-Troubleshooting and IT Securities

configuration references the details and been increasing in both frequency and
system resource setting allotted for specific severity for couple of decades, and is
device. With newer technology most of almost certainly going to be one of the
the computers have Plug and Play, (PnP) biggest challenges for IT in the 21st
allowing OS to detect and configure external century.
and internal peripherals as well as most „ Wi-Fi Advances: Wi-Fi is the fastest
adaptors. Follow the below troubleshooting changing field in the network hardware.
technique to avoid common hardware Wi-Fi lags behind connection in terms
configuration problems. of bandwidth and speed, but as data
1. Go to the Device Manager. Locate demands: continues to increase.
the device you want to update. „ Ports and Wiring: Newer connection
2. Right click and select Update Driver types require connectors and wiring
which can keep up with them.

FIG 10.11 Computer Virus

3. If still not properly configured, then 1. Upgrade firewall to avoid security
Uninstall and reinstall that Device issue.
again. 2. Replace the network internet
4. Make sure the hardware is properly connection to the latest Wi-Fi
attached to the system. environment.
5. Finally, replace the device. 3. Upgrade wiring / cabling, since an
upgrade to new network hardware
10.4.3 Replace Old Device requires wiring update to get better
The technology is constantly advancing,
so the network device is either need to 4. If any hardware is replaced then check
replaced or updated to avoid compatibility with device manger for its proper
issue. Network devices need constant installation and working status.
attention and any non functional old 5. Ensure that there is no problem
device should be replaced. Following are with the network setup due to the
some of the reason could look towards replacement of old device.
upgrades: 6. Keep regular watch over the
„ Security Issue: This is the most performance of network devices to
important reason. Cyber crime has capture the faulty one at the earliest.

CHAPTER 10 Network Maintenance-Troubleshooting and IT Securities 175

Network Maintenance Tasks:

Some of the more common network
maintenance task includes the following
general activities:
1. Installing, Replacing or Upgrading
FIG 10.12 Firewall both Hardware and Software: It is
a common network task to replace
10.4.4 Maintenance of Services older or failed hardware and installing
Network maintenance is essentially what device software and creating backup
you need to do to keep your network up of device configuration.
and running smoothly. There are basically 2. Monitoring, Tuning and Optimizing
three main approaches to handling the network: Verifying the
network maintenance: they are: performance of the network and all
inter-network devices in the network.
„ Structured Driven: In this approach,
Identifying and troubleshooting
you have system in place to prevent
potential network issue.
problems before they happen. Even if
problems arises, you are well prepared 3. Securing Network from both Internal
to handle the situation. This protective and External Threats: Network
approach reduces the frequency and security is an integral component of
quantity of problems and addresses network operation and maintenance.
them more efficiently. Structured maintenance approach can
also be used to discover vulnerabilities
„ Interrupt Driven: In this method, you
or potential security threats, which can
wait for the problem to happen and
then allow for the appropriate action
then fix it as quickly as possible. This
to be taken before an incident occurs.
method has most cost-effective and
less down time compared to structured 4. An Inventory of all network
approach. Devices, Components and Modules:
Maintaining an inventory for
„ Standards-Based Maintenance: Several
interconnected component in the
well known network maintenance
network helps to know when to
methodologies have been defined by a
replace the device or update.
variety of organizations such as:
5. Writing and Up dating
„ Information Technology Infrastructure
Documentation: Documentation
Library (IITL)
is the critical component of
„ Telecommunication Management network maintenance as well as
Network (TMN) troubleshooting and support. From
„ Cisco Lifecycle Services best practices perspective, network
„ FCAPS (Fault, Configuration, documentation should include the
Accounting, Performance, Security) following information at a minimum:
„ The choice of maintenance methodology a. Information about the
will determine the type and variety of interconnects between devices
maintenance tools required. for LAN and WAN connections

176 CHAPTER 10 Network Maintenance-Troubleshooting and IT Securities

b. IP addressing and VLAN c. Type exit and press enter to leave

information the cmd.
c. A physical topology diagram of 6. Undo any recent hardware or
the network software changes
d. A logical topology diagram of the 7. Scan for virus and malware
8. Check for firewall conflict.
e. Configuration information
9. Close other background running
f. Data or traffic flow patterns
programs and free up RAM
10.5 Problems Related with 10. Boot up system in safe mode.

Network Operating
Problem 2:
Software Installation failed
10.5.1 Installation of Software
Possible problems during software Solution:
installation and troubleshooting methods 1. Copy or download the software
are described below: properly.
Problem1 2. Install, if the software requires any
System cannot find the file specified supporting software
3. Follow the installation procedure as
1. If you have a CD-ROM containing
new software, make sure it is installed 4. Remove temporary files and earlier
in the drive of the server that you’re installation of that software, if any
currently logged into. 5. Install with administrative rights
2. Install windows updates
3. Check the system log files 10.5.2 Problems in Software
4. Uninstall and reinstall the drivers Configuration
5. Restore or repair the missing files Software misconfigurations are time-
using the following steps: consuming and hard to troubleshoot. The
a. Open Command Prompt (cmd) behavior of software system often depends
as Admin on how the system is configured. Small
b. Type “sfc/scannow” into command configuration errors can lead to hard-to-
prompt and press enter, wait a diagnose undesired behaviors.
while, chkdsk tries to repair your „ Software Configuration Management
files (SCM) is a process to systematically
manage, organize and control the
changes in document, codes, and
other entities during the Software
Development Life Cycle.
„ The primary goal is to increase
productivity with minimal mistakes.

CHAPTER 10 Network Maintenance-Troubleshooting and IT Securities 177

SCM is part of cross-disciplinary field „ Changing software/hardware

of configuration management and it requirements
can accurately determine, who made „ To improve system efficiency
and which revision. „ To optimize code to run faster
„ It provides tool to ensure that changes „ To modify the components
are being properly implemented
„ The four procedures typically found Software maintenance is classified into
in reliable software configuration the following categories:
management system are: 1. Corrective Maintenance: This aims
„ Configuration Identification: It is to rectify bugs observed while the
the process of identifying all of the system is in use, or to enhance the
components of a project and ensuring performance of the system.
that these components can be found
2. Adaptive Maintenance: This includes
quickly throughout the project life cycle.
modification and Updation when
It also breaks a project into smaller,
the customers need the product to
more manageable sub-projects.
run on new platforms or the product
„ Configuration Change Control: It is to interface with new hardware and
a set of processes and approval stages software.
required to change a configuration
3. Perfective Maintenance: It defines
object’s attributes and to rebase them
improving efficiency or performance
of the software and adding new
„ Configuration Status Accounting:
features that the users want or change
It is used to record and report on the
different types of functionality
configuration baselines associated
according to the needs.
with each configuration object at any
4. Preventive Maintenance: This type of
point in time.
maintenance includes modification
„ Configuration Auditing: It is a
and Updation to prevent future
process that confirms that a software
problems of the software.
or intranet project is on track. By
developing a series of checklist that
specify what components are in a 10.5.4 R
 eplacement and Re-
given baseline, which a project or installation of Software
intranet is complete. System need to be updated in order to
maintain smooth network operation.
10.5.3 Software Maintenance While updating, it is necessary to replace
and Updation the older version of software with newer
Software maintenance is an inclusive version and also driver software need to
activity that includes error corrections, be updated for any hardware changes.
enhancement of capabilities, deletion of Changing or reinstalling software without
obsolete capabilities and optimization. affecting the routine is a challenging task
Software maintenance is need for: in network. Below are the some of the
troubleshooting technique that need to be
„ Correct errors followed when reinstallation take place.
„ Change in user requirement with time

178 CHAPTER 10 Network Maintenance-Troubleshooting and IT Securities

10.6 Problems related to
Network Users
Network authentication verifies the user’s
identification to a network service to which
the user tries to gain access. Network
users may experience problems with login,
authentication, rights, permission and access
to network. This section will discuss the
troubleshooting technique for the common
FIG 10.13 Driver Installation problems related with network users.

10.6.1. Authentication Problem

1. Back up Data: Before replacing
any software, back up everything it
contains that you wish to keep. Data Authentication failed error message appear
can be stored in either hard drive or while trying to login or access certain
cloud drive. resource. This error message indicates
2. Create a Recovery Disc: To reinstall that the authentication process between
operating system on a computer, your local computer and the remote host
create a recovery disc that the computer has failed for some reasons.
computer can use to boot up the new,
blank drive after it is installed. Cause

3. Remove Old Drive: Make sure the The common cause of failed authentication
computer is turned off and unplugged is an incorrect password, trying to access
before starting, locate the hard drive non permissible resource and security
and remove the power cables and attack.
data connectors from the drive itself.
Now replace with the new drive and
reinstall the driver software
4. Uninstall older version: Before
reinstalling or replacing any software,
first remove the older version from
the system and make sure the data is
backed up. Then proceed to reinstall
the software. FIG 10.14 Authentication Failed

5. Check for malware: Software

installation may interrupt or fail due Solution:
to the malicious software present in 1. Ensure username and password is
the computer or network. Hence, typed correctly
make sure you have a strong firewall
2. Check your rights and permission
to protect your network.
before accessing the resource

CHAPTER 10 Network Maintenance-Troubleshooting and IT Securities 179

3. Clear cookies and reconnect to the „ Make sure cookies are enabled: Some
network by typing password website use cookies to authorize user
4. Reset the wireless network connection to access certain section of the website.
Make sure cookies are enabled in your
5. Update device driver for router and
browser preferences.
„ Clear your Browser Cache:
Sometimes cookies and cache might
10.6.2 Login and Password
stored your old credentials so you
need to clear your cache and restart
Incorrect password or security attack the browser.
could prevent network user from login
into their system or account. Following 10.6.3 Addition and Deletion of
are some of the troubleshooting technique Users
to deal with login issues:
1. Add User:
a. Choose start-> administrative-
>Tools->Active Directory Users
and Computers.
b. Right click the domain that you
want to add the user to and then
choose New->User
FIG 10.15 Login Error Message

„ Reset your password: If you forget

your password, you can easily reset
it using forget password link on the
login page.

c. Type the user’s first name, initial,

last and full name in the respective
„ Password Expiry: Check for the d. Type the user log-on name.
availability of your password, if it is e. Click Next.
expired then reset. f. Set new password by typing it twice.
„ Typing Mistake: Make sure there is g. Specify the password option that
no spelling mistake in the username you want to apply.
and password you entered.

180 CHAPTER 10 Network Maintenance-Troubleshooting and IT Securities

10.6.4 Permission to Access

Network Resources
Network users only have restricted access
to the resources unless the ownership
right is given to them by an administrator.
For example: when you create files on
your network, all users are granted read-
only access to the share. If you want to
allow users to modify files in the share or
allow them to create new files, you need to
add permissions. Follow the below steps
h. Click Next. to change the permission of the user.
i. You are taken to the final page of 1. Right click on the folder you want
New Object- User Wizard. to share and then choose properties
form the contextual menu.
2. Click sharing tab; then click advanced
3. Click permissions

Workshop: Create or add a new user

account using the above steps.
2. Delete User
a. Login as an administrator
b. Choose Start->Administrative
tools->Active Directory Users
and Computers
c. Click Users in the Console tree
4. This dialog box list all the users and
d. In the details pane, right click the
user you want to delete and then groups to whom you have granted
choose Delete permission for the folder.
5. Click add button
e. Click Yes to remove the user
account. 6. Enter name of the user or group to

Workshop: Delete the existing dummy whom you want to grant permission
user account using the above steps and then click OK.

CHAPTER 10 Network Maintenance-Troubleshooting and IT Securities 181

7. Select the appropriate Allow and Deny

check boxes to which permissions to
allow for the user or group.
8. Repeat steps 5-7 for any other
permission that you want to add.
9. When you are complete the work
click OK.


While accessing printer getting error 5. Select Save Changes button

message as “you might not have permission
to use this network resource” 10.7 Overview of Hacking

Solution: Hacking is the act of finding the possible

entry points that exist in a computer
The most important thing is to ensure that system or a computer network and finally
you turned on File and Printer Sharing on entering into them. Hacking is usually
the machine hosting the printer done to gain unauthorized access to a
1. Right click on your network icon computer system or a computer network,
in the Notification Area and select either to harm the system or to steal
Open Network and Sharing Center sensitive information available on the
2. Select Change advanced sharing computer. Hacking is usually legal as long
settings on the upper left as it is being done to find weaknesses in
a computer or network system for testing
purpose. This sort of hacking is what we
call Ethical Hacking.
For example: login into an email
account that is not supposed to have
access, gaining access to a remote
computer that you are not supposed to
have access, reading information that you
are not supposed to read is considered as
hacking. There are a large number of ways
to hack a system.
A computer expert who does
3. Expand the appropriate network the act of hacking is called a “Hacker”.
profile (typically private) Hackers are those who seek knowledge,
4. Select the radio button to Turn on
to understand how systems operate, how
file and printer sharing they are designed, and then attempt to
play with these systems.

182 CHAPTER 10 Network Maintenance-Troubleshooting and IT Securities

10.8 Types of Hackers Grey Hat Hackers

Hackers can be classified into different Grey hat hackers are a blend of both black
categories such as white hat, black hat, and hat and white hat hackers. They act without
grey hat, based on their intent of hacking malicious intent but for their fun, they
a system. Here, we are going to discuss exploit a security weakness in a computer
about some of hackers. system or network without the owner’s
permission or knowledge. Their intent is
to bring the weakness to the attention of
the owners and getting appreciation or a
little bounty from the owners.

10.9 Ethical Hacking

Ethical hacking is the act of locating
weaknesses and vulnerabilities in
computers and information system
FIG 10.16 Hackers by replicating the intent of actions of
malicious hackers.
White Hat Hackers Ethical hacking is also known as
White hat Hacking or Penetration Testing.
White Hat hackers are also known as
Ethical hacking involves an authorized
Ethical Hackers. They never intent to
attempt to gain unauthorized access
harm a system, rather they try to find out
to a computer system or data. Ethical
weaknesses in a computer or a network
hacking is used to improve the security
system as a part of penetration testing and
of the systems and networks by fixing the
vulnerability assessments.
vulnerability found while testing.
Ethical hacking is not illegal and it
is one of the demanding jobs available in
the IT industry. 10.10 Cyber crime
Cybercrime is a criminal activity that
Black Hat Hackers either targets or uses a computer, a
computer network or a networked device.
Black Hat hackers, also known as
crackers, are those who hack in order Most, but not all, cybercrime is
to gain unauthorized access to a system committed by cybercriminals or hackers
and harm its operations or steal sensitive who want to make money. Cybercrime is
information. Black Hat hacking is always carried out by individuals or organizations.
illegal because of its bad intent which Some cybercriminals are organized,
includes stealing corporate data, violating use advanced techniques and are highly
privacy, damaging the system, blocking technically skilled. Others are novice
network communication, etc. hackers.

CHAPTER 10 Network Maintenance-Troubleshooting and IT Securities 183

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