Network Maintenance-Troubleshooting
Network Maintenance-Troubleshooting
Network Maintenance-Troubleshooting
phone call to understand the nature of the she was doing some editing work regarding
problem. So that he can have an idea to her career, the computer suddenly went to
solve the problem. off condition. She calls to the service centre
and explains the situation. They understand
Elements of Customer the situation and came forward to clear the
Interaction: problem with some of the tools. They don’t
know the exact problem. So they came with
Reliability Empathy two types of tools. One is Hardware and
Assurance Responsiveness another one is software tools.
Eye Rolls: Roll your eyes clockwise then
counter clockwise briefly.
Palm Eyes: Without touching your
eyes, cup hands lightly over eyes for 30
seconds to rest them from light.
FIGURE 9.12 Position
9.7 Basic Electrical Safety
Move at Workplace
At least every 10 minutes, take a short (10- Electricity is everywhere in our lives.
20 second) break. Take your hands off the Electricity lights up our homes, cooks
keyboard and move! Every 30-60 minutes, our food, powers our computers,
take a brief (2-5 minute) break to stretch television sets, and other electronic
and/or walk around. devices. Electricity (DC Current) from
batteries starts our cars and makes our
Exercise at Your Computer flashlights shine in the dark. You need
to have safe and functional electricity
Neck Rotation: Slowly rotate your head as
within the workplace, so that you can
far as comfortable to the right, then left.
effectively function and allow for the
Shoulder Rotation: Circle your most production from the employees.
shoulders, then reverse directions.
Head Side to Side: Bend your neck
so left ear approaches left shoulder, then
repeat for right. Add a little resistance
by pressing your hand against the side of
your head
Arm Relaxation: Drop your arms and
hands to your sides. Gently shake them
for a few seconds
power supplies (batteries charged by the which could be fatal. Electrical safety
power system) for large computers, so precautions can protect against electrical
that we need to know the electrical safety, shocks and burns.
when working with computer.
Concept of safety of work
Electrical safety infrastructure
Electrical safety refers to any safety Today’s computer workstation has few
precautions taken against electricity. hazards other than ergonomic that the typical
Electricity is undoubtedly one of the most worker will be exposed to if all components
basic needs in modern life, but electrical are functioning properly. Many injuries
hazards are very dangerous. or illnesses associated with a computer
workstation will be of an ergonomic nature
and thus may be difficult to diagnose.
1. Good light – use natural light where
possible but try to avoid glare.
FIGURE 9.15 Electricity effects
learning outcome
After studying this chapter, students can understand the following
1. Basics of computer maintenance 4. Customer complaints.
and its categories 5. Computer ergonomics
2. Troubleshoot, Rectify and Replace 6. Basic electrical safety at workplace.
the common hardware problems.
3. Troubleshoot, Rectify and Replace
the common software problems.
I. Choose the best answer from the 2. Main Hardware components of the
given four options. (1 Mark) system BIOS is _________.
1. _______ is a combination of a) BIOS
hardware and software. b) BIOS ROM
a) Firmware b) Hardware c) BIOS CMOS Memory
c) Software d) Fireware d) BIOS POST
Network Maintenance-
Troubleshooting and IT Securities
learning objective
The students can understand the following in this chapter
1. Common network problem 5. Cyber crime
2. Hardware troubleshooting 6. Security policy
3. Problems related with network 7. Functioning of Firewall
operating system 8. ITIL V4
4. Over view of hacking
e. Else select Update driver option to look for automatic update then restart the
Sometimes while installing a program in windows 10 you may receive error message “The
feature you are trying to use on a network resource is unavailable” and this error prevents
you from installing or uninstalling programs on your PC.
configuration references the details and been increasing in both frequency and
system resource setting allotted for specific severity for couple of decades, and is
device. With newer technology most of almost certainly going to be one of the
the computers have Plug and Play, (PnP) biggest challenges for IT in the 21st
allowing OS to detect and configure external century.
and internal peripherals as well as most Wi-Fi Advances: Wi-Fi is the fastest
adaptors. Follow the below troubleshooting changing field in the network hardware.
technique to avoid common hardware Wi-Fi lags behind connection in terms
configuration problems. of bandwidth and speed, but as data
1. Go to the Device Manager. Locate demands: continues to increase.
the device you want to update. Ports and Wiring: Newer connection
2. Right click and select Update Driver types require connectors and wiring
which can keep up with them.
3. If still not properly configured, then 1. Upgrade firewall to avoid security
Uninstall and reinstall that Device issue.
again. 2. Replace the network internet
4. Make sure the hardware is properly connection to the latest Wi-Fi
attached to the system. environment.
5. Finally, replace the device. 3. Upgrade wiring / cabling, since an
upgrade to new network hardware
10.4.3 Replace Old Device requires wiring update to get better
The technology is constantly advancing,
so the network device is either need to 4. If any hardware is replaced then check
replaced or updated to avoid compatibility with device manger for its proper
issue. Network devices need constant installation and working status.
attention and any non functional old 5. Ensure that there is no problem
device should be replaced. Following are with the network setup due to the
some of the reason could look towards replacement of old device.
upgrades: 6. Keep regular watch over the
Security Issue: This is the most performance of network devices to
important reason. Cyber crime has capture the faulty one at the earliest.
Network Operating
Problem 2:
Software Installation failed
10.5.1 Installation of Software
Possible problems during software Solution:
installation and troubleshooting methods 1. Copy or download the software
are described below: properly.
Problem1 2. Install, if the software requires any
System cannot find the file specified supporting software
3. Follow the installation procedure as
1. If you have a CD-ROM containing
new software, make sure it is installed 4. Remove temporary files and earlier
in the drive of the server that you’re installation of that software, if any
currently logged into. 5. Install with administrative rights
2. Install windows updates
3. Check the system log files 10.5.2 Problems in Software
4. Uninstall and reinstall the drivers Configuration
5. Restore or repair the missing files Software misconfigurations are time-
using the following steps: consuming and hard to troubleshoot. The
a. Open Command Prompt (cmd) behavior of software system often depends
as Admin on how the system is configured. Small
b. Type “sfc/scannow” into command configuration errors can lead to hard-to-
prompt and press enter, wait a diagnose undesired behaviors.
while, chkdsk tries to repair your Software Configuration Management
files (SCM) is a process to systematically
manage, organize and control the
changes in document, codes, and
other entities during the Software
Development Life Cycle.
The primary goal is to increase
productivity with minimal mistakes.
10.6 Problems related to
Network Users
Network authentication verifies the user’s
identification to a network service to which
the user tries to gain access. Network
users may experience problems with login,
authentication, rights, permission and access
to network. This section will discuss the
troubleshooting technique for the common
FIG 10.13 Driver Installation problems related with network users.
3. Remove Old Drive: Make sure the The common cause of failed authentication
computer is turned off and unplugged is an incorrect password, trying to access
before starting, locate the hard drive non permissible resource and security
and remove the power cables and attack.
data connectors from the drive itself.
Now replace with the new drive and
reinstall the driver software
4. Uninstall older version: Before
reinstalling or replacing any software,
first remove the older version from
the system and make sure the data is
backed up. Then proceed to reinstall
the software. FIG 10.14 Authentication Failed
3. Clear cookies and reconnect to the Make sure cookies are enabled: Some
network by typing password website use cookies to authorize user
4. Reset the wireless network connection to access certain section of the website.
Make sure cookies are enabled in your
5. Update device driver for router and
browser preferences.
Clear your Browser Cache:
Sometimes cookies and cache might
10.6.2 Login and Password
stored your old credentials so you
need to clear your cache and restart
Incorrect password or security attack the browser.
could prevent network user from login
into their system or account. Following 10.6.3 Addition and Deletion of
are some of the troubleshooting technique Users
to deal with login issues:
1. Add User:
a. Choose start-> administrative-
>Tools->Active Directory Users
and Computers.
b. Right click the domain that you
want to add the user to and then
choose New->User
FIG 10.15 Login Error Message
Workshop: Delete the existing dummy whom you want to grant permission
user account using the above steps and then click OK.
Hackers can be classified into different Grey hat hackers are a blend of both black
categories such as white hat, black hat, and hat and white hat hackers. They act without
grey hat, based on their intent of hacking malicious intent but for their fun, they
a system. Here, we are going to discuss exploit a security weakness in a computer
about some of hackers. system or network without the owner’s
permission or knowledge. Their intent is
to bring the weakness to the attention of
the owners and getting appreciation or a
little bounty from the owners.