Engine Inspection Questions

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The chapter on engine inspection presents information on the procedures used to conduct conformity and airworthi-

ness inspections on powerplants. Particular attention is devoted to maintenance publications used as sources of
approved data. The FAA exam questions that apply to this chapter include:

8228 C01 8228. Answer A. AC39-7B

(Refer to figure 1 on page 3-2) Determine which por- Paragraph B in the AD applies to all model 0-690
tion of the AD is applicable for Model 0-690 series engines with serial numbers 5265-40 to 6129-40. The
engine, serial No.5863-40 with 283 hours time in ser- engine and serial number listed in the question fall
vice. within this listing. Paragraph 1 also applies to the listed
engine because it identifies engines with more than
275 hours time in service. Answer (6) is wrong
because paragraph A of the AD applies only to serial
numbers 101-40 through 5264-40 for the model 0-690
engine and the engine in this question falls outside this
range. Answer (C) is wrong because subparagraph 2
applies to engines with less than 275 hours time in ser-
vice, and the engine in the example has 283 hours.

8229. CO1 8229. Answer B. AC 65-9A

A Cessna 180 aircraft has a McCauley propeller Model The Aircraft Specifications or Type Certificate Data
No.2A34C50190A. The propeller is severely damaged Sheet for an aircraft lists the engines and propellers
in a ground accident, and this model propeller is not approved for use on the aircraft. If there is more than
available for replacement. Which of the following one approved propeller for the Cessna 180, it will be
should be used to find an approved alternate replace- listed in one of these documents. This information can
ment? also be found in the Summary of Supplemental Type
Certificates. Therefore, there are two correct answers
A - Summary of Supplemental Type Certificates. for this question. However, it is our belief that the
B - Aircraft SpecificationstType Certificate Data Aircraft Specifications or Type Certificate Data Sheets
Sheets. are better references to use. Answer (C) is incorrect
C - Aircraft Engine and Propeller Specifications/ because the Engine and Propeller Specificationsflype
Type Certificate Data Sheets. Certificate Data Sheets do not state which propellers
may be installed on a given aircraft.

8230. C01 8230. Answer B. AC 65-12A

Which of the following is used to monitor the mechan- One of the most important indicators of how a turbine
ical integrity of the turbines, as well as to check engine engine is performing as well as its mechanical integrity
operating conditions of a turbine engine? is exhaust gas temperature (EGT). If there is damage
to the turbine section of an engine, it will show up as
A - Engine oil pressure. an increase in EGT. Answer (A) is incorrect because
B - Exhaust gas temperature. an engine oil pressure gauge indicates the presence
C - Engine pressure ratio. and flow of oil. Answer (C) is wrong because engine
pressure ratio represents overall engine efficiency
and is not restricted to the turbine section only.
3-2 Engine Inspection

This is the compliance portion of an FAA Airworthiness Directive.

Compliance required as indicated:

(A) For model 0 - 6 9 0 series engines, serial Nos. 101-40 through 5264-40 and 10-690
series engines, serial Nos. 101-48 through 423-48, compliance with (C) required within
25 hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD and every 100 hours' time in
service thereafter.

(B) For model 0 - 6 9 0 series engines, serial Nos. 5265-40 through 6129-40 and 10-690
series engines, serial Nos. 424-48 through 551-48, compliance with (C) required as

(1) Within 25 hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD and every 100
hours' time in service thereafter for engines with more than 275 hours' time in service
on the effective date of this AD.

(2) Prior t o the accumulation of 300 hours total time in service and every 100 hours'
time in service thereafter for engines with 275 hours or less time in service on the
effective date of this AD.

(C) Inspect the oil pump drive shaft (PIN 675 12) on applicable engines in accordance
with instructions contained in Connin Service Bulletin No. 295. Any shafts which are
found to be damaged shall be replaced before further flight. These inspections shall
be continued until Connin PIN 67512 (redesigned) or PIN 74641 oil pump drive shaft
is installed at which time the inspections may be discontinued.

Figure 1.-- Airworthiness Directive Excerpt.

8231. C01 8231. Answer A. AC 65-12A

On a reciprocating engine aircraft using a shrouded Many piston engine powered aircraft use the engine
exhaust muffler system as a source for cabin heat, the exhaust as a source of cabin heat. This is done by
exhaust system should be installing a jacket, or shroud, around the exhaust sys-
tem. With this type of system, air passes between the
A - visually inspected for any indication of cracks or exhaust and the shroud and is heated by the exhaust
an operational carbon monoxide detection test manifold. When this type of system is used, it must be
should be done. inspected on a regular basis to ensure that no leaks
B - replaced at each reciprocating engine overhaul by exist in the exhaust system. Furthermore, a carbon
a new or overhauled exhaust system or a hydro- monoxide detection test should be performed periodi-
static test should be accomplished. cally to verify that no exhaust fumes are entering the
C - removed and the exhaust muffler checked for cabin area. Answer (B) is wrong because there is no
cracks by using magnetic particle inspection requirement to replace a serviceable exhaust when an
method or a hydrostatic test should be done on engine is overhauled, and answer (C) is wrong because
the exhaust muffler. there is no requirement to use magnetic particle
Engine Inspection

8232. C01 8232. Answer C. AC 65-9A

(1) Airworthiness Directives are Federal Aviation Both statements (1) and (2) are correct. Airworthiness
Regulations and must be complied with unless Directives (ADS)are part of 14 CFR Part 39 and must
specific exemption is granted. be complied with unless a specific exemption is
(2) Airworthiness Directives of an emergency granted. Statement (2) is also true on most occasions,
nature require immediate compliance upon receipt. because emergency ADS generally do require immedi-
ate compliance. Furthermore, if an AD is issued that
Regarding the above statements, identifies an emergency condition, compliance is typi-
cally required upon receipt.
A - only No. 1 is true.
B - only No. 2 is true.
C - both No. 1 and No. 2 are true.

8233. COI 8233. Answer B. 14 CFR Part 43, Appendix D

Which of the following contains a minimum checklist 14 CFR Part 43 contains the minimum checklist for a
for 100-hour inspections of engines? 100-hour inspection of an engine and airframe. Answers
(A) and (C) are incorrect because neither Appendix A of
A - 14 CFR Part 33, Appendix A. 14 CFR Part 33, nor the Type Certificate Data Sheets
B - 14 CFR Part 43, Appendix D. contain information on inspection checklists.
C - Engine Specifications or Type Certificate Data

8234. C01 8234. Answer A. 14 CFR 39.3

When must an Airworthiness Directive (AD) be com- After an AD has become effective, it must be complied
plied with after it becomes effective? with as specified in the AD. Answers (B) and (C) are
wrong because although an AD can specify that com-
A - As specified in the AD. pliance is required at the next inspection or over-
B - During the next scheduled inspection. haul, AD compliance is not an inspection or overhaul
C - At the next scheduled overhaul. requirement.

8235. C01 8235. Answer B. AC 65-12A

Which of the following contains a table that lists the To find out what engines a particular propeller is
engines to which a given propeller is adaptable? adaptable to, you must look at the propeller's Type
Certificate Data Sheet. Answer (A) is incorrect because
A - Aircraft Type Certificate Data Sheets. Aircraft Type Certificate Data Sheets give the propeller
B - Propeller Type Certificate Data Sheets. that is acceptable for use on a given aircraft, and
C - Engine Type Certificate Data Sheets. answer (C) is wrong because Engine Type Certificate
Data Sheets list the propellers that are acceptable for
use on a given engine.

8236. CO1 8236. Answer B. 14 CFR Part 43, Appendix D

Which of the following component inspections is to be According to Appendix D of 14 CFR Part 43 a 100-hour
accomplished on a 100-hour inspection? inspection on an engine requires that a cylinder com-
pression check be performed. Although it is good prac-
A - Check internal timing of magneto. tice to also check the internal timing of the magnetos
B - Check cylinder compression. (answer A) and the valve timing (answer C), neither is
C - Check valve timing. required to be checked during a 100-hour inspection.

8237. COl 8237. Answer A. AC 65-12A

You are performing a 100-hour inspection on an R985- In the designation for an engine R985-22, the 985 indi-
22 aircraft engine. What does the "985" indicate? cates the total piston displacement of the engine in
cubic inches. Answers (B) and (C) are incorrect
A - The total piston displacement of the engine. because the correct definition of piston displacement is
B - The pistons will pump a maximum of 985 cubic the total volume swept by the pistons of an engine in
inches of air per crankshaft revolution. one revolution of the crankshaft.
C - The total piston displacement of one cylinder.
3-4 Engine Inspection

8238. C01 8238. Answer B. JSGT

Where would one find type design information for an Both the R1830-92 and DC-3 were certified under the
R 1830-92 engine certificated under the Civil Air older Civil Aeronautics Regulations and, therefore, Type
Regulations (CAR) and installed on a DC-3? Certificate Data Sheets were not published for either the
engine or the aircraft. Therefore, the only place to find
A - The Aircraft Specifications and Type Certificate type design information for an R1830-92 engine that is
Data Sheet. installed on a DC-3 is in the aircraft engine specifications.
B - The Aircraft Engine Specifications. Answer (A) is incorrect because the Aircraft Specifications
C - The Aircraft Engine Type Certificate Handbook. and Type Certificate Data Sheets do not contain engine
type design information and answer (C) is incorrect
because there are no Type Certificate Handbooks.

8239. C01 8239. Answer B. AC 65-12A

Straightening nitrided crankshafts i s A bent nitrided crankshaft should not be straightened.
Any attempt to do so will result in a rupture of the
A - recommended. nitrided surface of the bearing journals and eventual
B -not recommended. crankshaft failure. Answers (A) and (C) are incorrect
C - approved by the manufacturer. because straightening nitrided crankshafts is neither
recommended nor approved.

8240. C01 8240. Answer A. AC 65-12A

The breaking loose of small pieces of metal from Flaking is defined as the breaking loose of small pieces
coated surfaces, usually caused by defective plating or of metal from coated surfaces. It is usually caused by
excessive loads, i s called defective plating or excessive loading. Answer (B) is
wrong because chafing is wear caused by light rubbing
A - flaking. between two parts that does not produce small pieces
B - chafing. of metal. Answer (C) is incorrect because brinelling
C - brinelling. refers to the indentations found on bearing races that
are caused by high static loads or the application of
force during component installation or removal.

8241. C01 8241. Answer A. 14 CFR 23.903

Each powerplant installed on an airplane with a Each airplane having a standard airworthinesscertificate
Standard Airworthiness Certificate must have been must be equipped with an engine which is type certificated
and, if it is prop driven, a type certificated propeller. Answer
A - type certificated. (B) is incorrect because an engine that is type certificated '

B - manufacturedunder the TSO system. does not need to be manufactured under a TSO, and
C - originally certificated for that aircraft. answer (C) is wrong since Supplemental Type Certificates
permit the installationof components and appliances that
were not originally certificated for a given aircraft.

8242. C01 8242. Answer C. AC 65-12A

A severe condition of chafing or fretting in which a Galling is defined as a severe condition of chafing or
transfer of metal from one part to another occurs i s fretting in which a transfer of metal from one part to
called another occurs. It is usually caused by a slight move-
ment of mated parts under high loads and having limited
A - scoring. relative motion. Answer (A) is incorrect because scoring
B - burning. results in deep scratching and is the result of foreign
C - galling. particles between moving parts. Answer (B) is wrong
because burning is surface damage caused by exces-
sive heat and rarely results in the transfer of metal.
8243. CO1 8243. Answer B. AC 65-12A
Indentations on bearing races caused by high static Brinelling is defined as one or more indentations on
loads are known as bearing races, usually caused by high loads or the
application of force during installation or removal. The
A - fretting. indentations are rounded or spherical due to the
B - brinelling. impression left by the contacting ball or roller bearings.
C - galling. Answer (A) is incorrect because fretting is a form of
surface corrosion that is caused by movement
between two parts that are clamped together under
pressure. Answer (C) is wrong because galling is a
severe chafing that results in transfer of metal.

8244. C01 8244. Answer C. AC 65-9A

When inspecting an aircraft reciprocating engine what When inspecting an engine, it is important to make
document is used to determine if the proper magnetos sure that it conforms to its original type design. The
are installed? original type design for an engine manufactured before
1959 is contained in the Aircraft Engine Specifications.
A - Instructions for continued airworthiness issued by However, for engines that were manufactured after
the engine manufacturer. 1959 the type design information is in the Type
B - Engine Manufacturer's Maintenance Manual. Certificate Data Sheet. Answer (A) is wrong because
C - Aircraft Engine Specifications or Type Certificate instructions for continued airworthiness consist of
Data Sheets. maintenance manuals, installation instructions, and
servicing information. Answer (B) is wrong because
maintenance manuals do not reference approved
components for a given engine or aircraft.

8245. C01 8245. Answer C. 14 CFR 65.95

Which of the following can inspect and approve an Although a certified airframe and powerplant technician
engine major repair for return to service? is authorized to perform a major repair, it takes a person
with the inspection authorization to return the repair to
A - Certificated mechanic with airframe and power- service. Answers (A) and (B) are incorrect because a
plant ratings. mechanic certificate alone is not sufficient to inspect
B - Certificated mechanic with a powerplant rating. and approve a major repair for return to service.
C - Certificated mechanic with inspection authoriza-

8246. COl 8246. Answer 6.14 CFR Part 43, Appendix A

What publication is used for guidance to determine A list of what constitutes a powerplant major repair or
whether a powerplant repair is major or minor? alteration is provided in FAR Part 43, Appendix A.
However, this list is only a guide and does not identify
A - Airworthiness Directives. all possible repairs and alterations. Answer (A) is
B - Federal Aviation Regulations, Part 43, appendix A. incorrect because Airworthiness Directives give no
C - Technical Standard Orders. guidance on the status of repairs and alterations and
answer (C) is incorrect because a technical standard
order merely certifies that a part meets certain quality
3-6 Enqine Inspection

8247. COl 8247. Answer B. FAR 23.1

The airworthiness standards for the issue of type cer- FAR Part 23 entitled, Airworthiness Standards: Normal,
tificates for small airplanes with nine or less passenger Utility, Acrobatic and Commuter Category Airplanes,
seats in the normal, utility, and acrobatic categories prescribes the airworthiness standards for the issue of
may be found in the type certificates for small airplanes in the normal, util-
ity, and acrobatic categories that have a passenger
A - Supplemental Type Certificate. seating configuration, excluding pilot seats, of 9 seats
B - Federal Aviation Regulations, Part 23. or less. Answer (A) is incorrect because a
C - Federal Aviation Regulations, Part 21. Supplemental Type Certificate allows the alteration of
an aircraft, powerplant, or component and contains no
airworthiness information beyond the requirements for
the alteration. Answer (C) is wrong because Part 21 of
the FARs gives the certification procedures necessary
to obtain a Type Certificate but does not provide the
required standards.

8248. C01 8248. Answer C. AC 65-19E

Which of the following contains approved data for per- Manufacturer's maintenance instructions are accept-
forming a major repair to an aircraft engine? able to use when performing a major repair to an
engine, providing they are FAA approved. FAA
A - Engine Type Certificate Data Sheets. approval must be stamped on the manual before it can
B - Supplemental Type Certificates. be used as approved data. Answer (A) is incorrect
C - Manufacturer's maintenance instructions when because Engine Type Certificate Data Sheets contain
FAA approved. information such as power rating, fuel grade, and
weight for a given engine model but contain no
approved data for major repairs. Answer (B) is incor-
rect because Supplemental Type Certificates contain
approved data for major alterations, not repairs.

8249. CO1 8249. Answer B. FAR 43.9

What maintenance record(s) islare required following a When a major repair is performed on an engine, an
major repair of an aircraft engine? entry must be made in the engine's maintenance
records and an FAA Form 337 must be filled out. One
A - Entries in engine maintenance records and a list copy of the Form 337 stays with the maintenance
of discrepancies for the FAA. records and a second copy is sent to the FAA. An
B - Entries in the engine maintenance record and exception to this would be if the repair was done by a
FAA Form 337. certified repair station. If approved data was used, the
C - Entry in logbook. repair station would not be required to fill out a Form
337. Answer (A) is wrong because there is no
requirement that the FAA receive a list of discrepancies
found during a major repair, and answer (C) is incor-
rect because an FAA Form 337 must be completed in
addition to an entry in the engine's maintenance record.

8250. C01 8250. Answer A. AC 43.13-1 B

A ground incident that results in propeller sudden stop- When an engine has been subjected to a sudden
page may require a crankshaft runout inspection. What stoppage requiring a crankshaft run-out check, it
publication would be used to obtain crankshaft runout should be done in accordance with the manufacturer's
tolerance? technical data. Therefore, the manufacturer's mainte-
nance instructions would typically be used. Answers
A - Current Manufacturer's maintenance instructions. (B) and (C) are incorrect because neither the Type
B - Type Certificate Data Sheet. Certificate Data Sheets nor AC 43.1 3-1B gives specific
C - AC 43.13- 1A, Acceptable Methods, Techniques, limits or tolerances for engine overhauls.
and Practices Aircraft Inspection and Repair. !
Engine Inspection 3-7

8251. C01 8251. Answer A. AC 65-9A

Select the Airworthiness Directive applicability state- Answer (A) applies to the engine identified because it
ment which applies to an IVO-355 engine, serial num- gives the model number as 1V0-355; the serial num-
ber T8 164, with 2,100 hours total time and 300 hours bers include the number of the listed engine; and the
since rebuilding. hours of time in service apply to the listed engine. The
number of hours the engine has accumulated since
A - Applies to all IVO-355 engines, serial numbers rebuilding does not matter in relation to this question.
T8000 through T8300, having less than 2,400 Answer (B) is incorrect since it specifies engines with
hours total time. more total time than the given engine has, and answer
B - Applies to all IVO-355 engines, serial numbers (C) is wrong because it specifies 1 0 and TVIO-355
T8000 through T8900 with 2,400 hours or more engines while the given engine is an 1V0-355.
total time.
C - Applies to all 1.0.and TV10-355 engines, all ser-
ial numbers regardless of total time or since over-

8252. C01 8252. Answer B. Part 33, Appendix A

What publication contains the mandatory replacement Appendix A of FAR Part 33 specifies what must be
time for parts of a turbine engine? included in an engine manufacturer's maintenance
manuals. Paragraph A33.3 states that recommended
A - Engine Manufacturer's service instructions. overhaul periods must be included in the Airworthiness
B - Engine Manufacturer's maintenance manual. Limitations section of engine maintenance manuals.
C - Airworthiness directive issued by the engine Answer (A) is incorrect because service instructions
manufacturer. are used to communicate with owners and service per-
sonnel and generally do not contain time limitations for
engine components. Answer (C) is incorrect because if
an Airworthiness Directive contains a time or cycle limi-
tation it will be for a specific part only.

8253. CO1 8253. Answer A. AC 65-12A

How are discharge nozzles in a fuel injected recipro- Fuel discharge nozzles are calibrated for several differ-
cating engine identified to indicate the flow range? ent flow ranges. In order to help identify the flow range
of a specific nozzle a letter is stamped on the hex of
A - By an identification letter stamped on one of the the nozzle body.
hexes of the nozzle body.
B - By an identification metal tag attached to the noz-
zle body.
C - By color codes on the nozzle body.

8254. CO1 8254. Answer C. Part 33, Appendix A

What section in the instructions for continued airwor- According to FAR Part 33 Appendix A, the Instructions
thiness is FAA approved? for Continued Airworthiness must contain a section
titled Airworthiness Limitations that is segregated and
A - Engine maintenance manual or section. clearly distinguishable from the rest of the document.
B - Engine overhaul manual or section. This section is FAA approved and must list the mandatory
C - Airworthiness limitations section. replacement time, inspection interval, and related
procedures required for certification. Answers (A)
and (6)are incorrect because the FARs do not require
engine maintenance and overhaul manuals to be
FAA approved.
Engine Inspection

8255. C01 8255. Answer A. AC 65-12A

Which of the following conditions is usually not Any crack or sharp bend that may result in cracking is
acceptable to any extent in turbine blades? cause for rejection of a turbine blade. Answers (B) and
(C) are wrong because most manufacturers allow
A - Cracks. some pits or dents in a turbine blade if the defect falls
B - Pits. within certain limits.
C - Dents.

8256. C01 8256. Answer C. AC 65-12A

( 1) Serviceability limits for turbine blades are much Only statement number (1) is correct. Because the
more stringent than are those for turbine nozzle centrifugal stresses and gas temperatures imposed on
vanes. turbine blades is greater than those imposed on tur-
(2) A limited number of small nicks and dents can bine nozzle vanes, serviceability limits are more strin-
usually be permitted in any area of a turbine blade. gent for turbine blades than for nozzle vanes.
Furthermore, any nicks or dents found in the root area
Regarding the above statements, of a turbine blade is cause for immediate replacement.

A -both No. 1 and No. 2 are true.

B - neither No. 1 nor No. 2 is true.
C - only No. 1 is true.

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