Engine Instrument Questions

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This chapter discusses the maintenance practices used to inspect, check, service, and troubleshoot electrical and
mechanical engine indication systems. The engine indicating systems covered include engine and oil temperature
and pressure systems, engine rpm, and fuel rate-of-flow systems. The following FAA exam questions are taken from
this chapter:

8257. H01 8257. Answer A. AC 65-12A

Which unit most accurately indicates fuel consumption Electronic fuel flowmeters (vane-type or mass-flow
of a reciprocating engine? type) are what many modern aircraft use to measure
the amount of fuel consumed by an engine. Fuel
A - Fuel flow meter. flowmeters monitor the amount of fuel that flows past a
B - Fuel pressure gauge. given point and display this flow rate in the cockpit as
C - Electronic fuel quantity indicator. pounds of fuel consumed per hour. Answer (B) is
wrong because a fuel pressure gauge only indicates
the fuel pressure within the fuel lines and answer (C) is
incorrect because an electronic fuel quantity indicator
displays the amount of fuel in the fuel tanks and does
not directly indicate the amount of fuel consumption.

8258. H01 8258. Answer B. ITP-A2

The fuel flowmeter used with a continuous-fuel injection Most light aircraft equipped with continuous-fuel injec-
system installed on an aircraft horizontally opposed recip- tion systems utilize a fuel flow indication system that
rocating engine measures the fuel pressure drop across the measures the pressure drop across the injection noz-
zles to determine fuel flow (answer B). With this type of
A - manifold valve. system, a higher fuel flow results in a greater pressure
B - fuel nozzles. drop and a corresponding increase in fuel flow is indi-
C - metering valve. cated in the cockpit. Answer (A) and (C) are wrong
because there is no pressure drop across either the
manifold valve or metering valve.

8259. H01 8259. Answer C. ITP-A2

The principle fault in the pressure type fuel flowmeter Most light aircraft equipped with continuous-fuel injec-
indicating system, installed on a horizontally opposed tion systems utilize a fuel flow indication system that
continuous-flow fuel injected aircraft reciprocating measures the pressure drop across the injection noz-
engine, is that a plugged fuel injection nozzle will zles to determine fuel flow. With this type of system, a
cause a higher fuel flow results in a greater pressure drop and
a corresponding increase in fuel flow is indicated in the
A - normal operation indication. cockpit. However, if an injector nozzle becomes
B - lower than normal fuel flow indication. restricted, the pressure drop across the nozzle
C - higher than normal fuel flow indication. becomes greater and produces a false or high fuel flow
reading (answer C).
4-2 Engine Instrument Systems

8260. H01 8260. Answer A. AC 65-15A

Motor driven impeller and turbine fuel flow transmit- In an autosyn system installed in the fuel system of tur-
ters are designed to transmit data bine engine aircraft, fuel-flow data are transmitted using
the aircraft's electrical system. Answers (B) and (C) are
A - using aircraft electrical system power. incorrect because mechanical connections or fuel lines
B - mechanically. between an engine and a cockpit indicator would be
C - by fuel pressure. inaccurate, hazardous, and add unnecessary weight.

8261. H01 8261. Answer A. AC 65-15A

The fuel-flow indicator rotor and needle for a motor- The only fuel flow indicating system that utilizes an
impeller and turbine indicating system is driven by impeller and turbine is the synchronous mass flow sys-
tem. In this type of system both the indicator rotor and
A - an electrical signal. needle are driven by an electrical signal. Answers (B)
B - direct coupling to the motor shaft. and (C) are incorrect because there is no fuel flow indi-
C - a mechanical gear train. cating system that is driven directly off a motor shaft or
through a mechanical gear train.

8262. H01 8262. Answer B. ITP-A2

On a twin-engine aircraft with fuel-injected reciprocat- Most light twin-engine aircraft utilize a fuel flow indica-
ing engines, one fuel-flow indicator reads considerably tion system that measures the pressure drop across
higher than the other in all engine operating configura- the injection nozzles to determine fuel flow. With this
tions. What is the probable cause of this indication? type of system, a higher fuel flow results in a greater
pressure drop and a corresponding increase in fuel flow
A - Carburetor icing. is indicated in the cockpit. However, if an injector nozzle
B - One or more fuel nozzles are clogged. becomes restricted, the pressure drop across the noz-
C - Alternate air door stuck open. zle becomes greater and produces a false or high fuel
flow reading. Answer (A) is incorrect because you can
not get carburetor icing with a fuel-injected engine, and
answer (C) is wrong because, although having an alter-
nate air door stick open will cause a decrease in power
output, it will have little effect on fuel flow indications.

8263. H01 8263. Answer B. AC 65-15A

The fuel-flow indication system used with many fuel- The fuel flow indication used for fuel injected opposed
injected opposed engine airplanes utilizes a measure of engines is actually a measure of the pressure drop
across the fuel injection nozzles. With this type of sys-
A - fuel flow volume. tem, a higher fuel flow creates a greater pressure drop
B - fuel pressure. and a corresponding increase in the indicated fuel flow.
C - fuel flow mass. Answer (A) is incorrect because volume measuring
systems (autosyn or vane) are used on large recipro-
cating engine aircraft and answer (C) is wrong
because mass measuring systems are typically used
on turbine engine aircraft.

8264. H01 8264. Answer B. ITP-P2

In addition to fuel quantity, a computerized fuel system A computerized fuel system (CFS) utilizes a trans-
(CFS) with a totalizer-indicator provides indication of ducer mounted in the fuel line leading to the engine to
how many of the following? provide fuel flow in gallons or pounds per hour, gallons
or pounds remaining, time remaining for flight at the
1. Fuel flow rate. current power setting, and gallons used since startup
2. Fuel used since reset or initial start-up. or reset. Of the four items listed, three are provided by
3. Fuel time remaining at current power setting. a CFS.
4. Fuel temperature.

A - TWO.
B - Three.
C - Four.
Engine Instrument Systems 4-3

8265. H01 8265. Answer A. AC 65-9A

The fuel-flow indication data sent from motor driven In both a motor driven impeller and turbine, and a
impeller and turbine, and motorless type fuel flow motorless fuel flow indication system a flow meter
transmitters is a measure of transmitter converts the fuel's mass-flow rate into elec-
tronic signals that produce a fuel flow indication in the
A - fuel mass-flow. cockpit. Answer (B) is incorrect because fuel volume-
B - fuel volume-flow. flow transmitters typically utilize a movable vane, and
C - engine burner pressure drop. answer (C) is incorrect because engine burner can
pressure is not a monitored engine parameter and, in
any case, is only indirectly related to engine fuel flow.

8266. H01 8266. Answer B. ITP-A2

In an aircraft equipped with a pressure-drop type fuel- If an injector nozzle becomes restricted in an aircraft
flow indicating system, if one of the injector nozzles equipped with a pressure-drop type fuel flow indicating
becomes restricted, this would cause a decrease in fuel system the pressure drop across the nozzle increases
flow with and produces a false or high fuel flow indication. Both
answers (A) and (C) are wrong because a restricted
A - a decreased fuel flow indication on the gauge. injector nozzle will not cause a decrease or no change
B - an increased fuel flow indication on the gauge. in the fuel flow indication.
C - no change in fuel flow indication on the gauge.

8267. H02 8267. Answer C. AC 65-12A

A manifold pressure gauge is designed to A manifold pressure gauge measures the absolute
pressure in the induction system of a piston engine.
A - maintain constant pressure in the intake manifold. Answer (A) is incorrect because a manifold pressure
B - indicate differential pressure between the intake gauge has no role in maintaining pressure in the intake
manifold and atmospheric pressure. manifold, and answer (B) is wrong because a manifold
C - indicate absolute pressure in the intake manifold. pressure gauge indicates absolute pressure, not differ-
ential pressure.

8268. H02 8268. Answer B.

The purpose of an exhaust gas analyzer is to indicate the The purpose of an exhaust gas analyzer is to indicate
the fuellair ratio being burned in the cylinders. It identi-
A - brake specific fuel consumption. fies cylinders that are running too rich or too lean, and
B - fuellair ratio being burned in the cylinders. can be used to fine tune the fuel metering system.
C - temperature of the exhaust gases in the exhaust Answer (A) is incorrect because brake specific fuel
manifold. consumption is a calculated measure of the amount of
fuel burned for each horsepower produced and cannot
be determined by an exhaust gas analyzer. Answer (C)
is incorrect because an EGT gauge measures the tem-
perature of the exhaust gases in the exhaust manifold.

8269. H02 8269. Answer B. AC 65-15A

Which of the following types of electric motors are A typical electric tachometer consists of a three-phase
commonly used in electric tachometers? generator mounted to the engine that is connected
electrically to a three-phase synchronous motor in the
A - Direct current, series-wound motors. tachometer instrument. The engine-mounted generator
B - Synchronous motors. produces a three-phase current that is sent to the syn-
C - Direct current. shunt-wound motors. chronous motor where a rotating field is produced in the
stator. The rotating field causes the rotor to turn which,
in turn, moves the tachometer's indicating needle.
Answers (A) and (C) are incorrect because these types
of electric motors are not capable of sending position
information since they are primarily used for power.
4-4 Encline Instrument Systems

8270. H02 8270. Answer C. AC 65-15A

Where are the hot and cold junctions located in an A thermocouple is a circuit of two dissimilar metals
engine cylinder temperature indicating system? connected together at two junctions to form a loop.
When there is a temperature difference between the
A - Both junctions are located at the instrument. two junctions an electromotive force is produced which
B - Both junctions are located at the cylinder. can be measured with a galvanometer. Therefore,
C - The hot junction is located at the cylinder and the when a thermocouple temperature indicating system is
cold junction is located at the instrument. used on a reciprocating engine, the thermocouple's hot
junction is placed at the cylinder whereas the system's
cold junction is at the instrument. Answers (A) and (B)
are incorrect because a thermocouple must have a
temperature differential in order to produce current
flow, and there is no temperature difference if both
junctions are located in the same place.

8271. H02 8271. Answer B. AC 65-15A

Basically, the indicator of a tachometer system is The typical electric tachometer system utilizes a three-
responsive to change in phase AC generator coupled to the aircraft engine and
connected electrically to a synchronous motor indicator
A - current flow. mounted to the instrument panel. The generator trans-
B - frequency. mits three-phase power to the synchronous motor at a
C - voltage. frequency that is proportional to the engine speed. The
exact frequency determines the motor speed which, in
turn, produces the instrument indication. Answers (A)
and (C) are incorrect because changing the current or
voltage to the tachometer indicator, as long as the val-
ues remain within the instrument's operating range,
has no effect on the indicator.

8272. H02 8272. Answer B. AC 65-15A

Which statement is correct concerning a thermocouple- Because a thermocouple produces its own milliamp
type temperature indicating instrument system? current flow, a temperature indicating system using
thermocouples does not require any external power.
A - It is a balanced-type, variable resistor circuit. However, most systems do use external power and an
B - It requires no external power source. amplifier to improve the response. Answer (A) is incor-
C - It usually contains a balancing circuit in the rect because a thermocouple produces a temperature
instrument case to prevent fluctuations of the sys- indication by generating current, not by changing resis-
tem voltage from affecting the temperature read- tance, and answer (C) is wrong because the amplifier
ing. circuit in a typical indicator removes any transient volt-
age signals.

8273. H02 8273. Answer B. AC 65-15A

Which statement is true regarding a thermocouple-type A thermocouple is a circuit of two dissimilar metals
cylinder head temperature measuring system? connected together at two junctions to form a loop.
When there is a temperature difference between the
A - The resistance required for cylinder head temper- two junctions an electromotive force is produced which
ature indicators is measured in farads. can be measured with a galvanometer. The greater the
B - The voltage output of a thermocouple system is temperature difference the greater the voltage pro-
determined by the temperature difference duced. Answer (A) is wrong because resistance is
between the two ends of the thermocouple. measured in ohms, not farads, and answer (C) is incor-
C -When the master switch is turned on, a thermocou- rect because turning on the master switch will have no
ple indicator will move off-scale to the low side. effect on a thermocouple indication system.
Engine Instrument Systems 4-5

8274. H02 8274. Answer B. AC 65-15A

What basic meter is used to indicate cylinder head A thermocouple is a circuit of two dissimilar metals
temperature in most aircraft? connected together at two junctions to form a loop.
When there is a temperature difference between the
A - Electrodynamometer. two junctions an electromotive force is produced which
B - Galvanometer. can be measured with a galvanometer.
C - Thermocouple-type meter.

8275. H02 8275. Answer A. FAR 91.205

Which of the following is a primary engine instru- On both reciprocating and turbine powered aircraft, the
ment? tachometer is the primary engine instrument. On turbo-
prop and turboshaft powered aircraft that utilize a
A - Tachometer. torque meter gauge, it also becomes a primary engine
B - Fuel flowmeter. instrument. Answer (B) is wrong because the only fuel
C - Airspeed indicator. instrument considered a primary instrument is a fuel
quantity indicator, and answer (C) is incorrect because
an airspeed indicator is not an engine instrument.

8276. H02 8276. Answer A. AC 65-12A

A complete break in the line between the manifold A manifold pressure gauge measures the absolute
pressure gauge and the induction system will be indi- pressure within an engine's intake manifold. However,
cated by the gauge registering if a break exists in the line between the manifold pres-
sure gauge and the manifold, the gauge will only be
A - prevailing atmospheric pressure. able to display the prevailing atmospheric pressure.
B - zero. Answers (B) and (C) are incorrect because the gauge
C - lower than normal for conditions prevailing. will still display atmospheric pressure.

8277. H02 8277. Answer B. AC 65-12A

Engine oil temperature gauges indicate the temperature In both wet and dry-sump lubricating systems, the oil
of the oil temperature bulb is located somewhere in the oil inlet
line between the supply tank and the engine. This
A - entering the oil cooler. means the oil temperature gauge in the cockpit indi-
B - entering the engine. cates the temperature of the oil entering the engine.
C - in the oil storage tank. Neither answer (A) nor (C) is correct because the tem-
perature of the oil entering the oil cooler and in the
storage tank are not measured on aircraft.

8278. H02 8278. Answer C. AC 65-15A

Why do helicopters require a minimum of two syn- Helicopters require a minimum of two tachometers to
chronous tachometer systems? monitor both the engine rpm and the rotor rpm.
Answers (A) and (B) are wrong because the tail rotor is
A - One indicates engine RPM and the other tail rotor interconnected with the main rotor and, therefore, its
RPM. speed is directly related to the main rotor rpm.
B - One indicates main rotor RPM and the other tail
rotor RPM.
C - One indicates engine RPM and the other main
rotor RPM.

8279. H02 8279. Answer B. AC 65-15A

If the thermocouple leads were inadvertently crossed at A thermocouple type of temperature indicating system
installation, what would the cylinder temperature produces a current flow in one direction when there is
gauge pointer indicate? a difference in temperature between the hot junction
and the cold junction. Therefore, if the leads to the
A - Normal temperature for prevailing condition. temperature gauge are reversed, the temperature
B - Moves off-scale on the zero side of the meter. gauge pointer movement will reverse and the needle
C - Moves off-scale on the high side of the meter. will peg out at the meter's zero side.
4-6 Engine Instrument Systems

8280. H02 8280. Answer A. AC 65-15A

A common type of electrically operated oil tempera- The two types of circuits typically used in electrically
ture gauge utilizes operated oil temperature gauges are the wheatstone
bridge circuit and the ratiometer circuit. Answer (B) is
A - either a wheatstone bridge or ratiometer circuit. incorrect because thermocouple indicators are typically
B - a thermocouple type circuit. used to measure cylinder head temperatures and
C - vapor pressure and pressure switches. answer (C) is wrong because vapor pressure oil tem-
perature gauges are not electrically operated.

8281. H02 8281. Answer C. AC 65-12A

The indication on a thermocouple-type cylinder head A thermocouple is a circuit of two dissimilar metals
temperature indicator is produced by connected together at two junctions to form a loop.
When there is a temperature difference between the
A - resistance changes in two dissimilar metals. two junctions an electromotive force is produced which
B - a difference in the voltage between two dissimilar can be measured with a galvanometer. The greater the
metals. temperature difference the greater the voltage pro-
C - a current generated by the temperature difference duced. Answer (A) is wrong because the resistance of
between dissimilar metal hot and cold junctions. the dissimilar metals does not change, and answer (B)
is wrong because there is no voltage "difference"
between the two dissimilar metals.

8282. H02 8282. Answer A. AC 65-12A

( 1) Powerplant instrument range markings show Both statements (1) and (2) are correct. Powerplant
whether the current state of powerplant operation is range markings show minimum, continuous, limited,
normal, acceptable for a limited time, and maximum ranges. These ranges may not exceed
or unauthorized. the engine's Type Certificate Data Sheet specifications
(2) Powerplant instrument range markings are based and, in some cases, may be less than those specified.
on installed engine operating limits which may not
exceed (but are not necessarily equal to) those
limits shown on the engine Type Certificate Data

Regarding the above statements,

A - both No. 1 and No.2 are true.

B - neither No. 1 nor No.2 is true.
C - only No. 1 is true.

8283. H02 8283. Answer B. AC 65-15A

Thermocouple leads Thermocouple leads are designed for a specific instal-
lation. For example, in order to function properly there
A - may be installed with either lead to either post of must be a specific amount of resistance in the thermo-
the indicator. couple circuit. Thus, their length or cross sectional size
B - are designed for a specific installation and may cannot be altered unless some compensation is made
not be altered. for the change in total resistance. A thermocouple sys-
C - may be repaired using solderless connectors. tem for a typical turbine engine, for example, has eight
ohms of resistance. Answer (A) is incorrect because
thermocouple leads are polarized and can only be
installed one way. Answer (C) is wrong because ther-
mocouple leads have precise resistances that are
matched to each installation and cannot be repaired.
Engine Instrument Systems

8284. H02 8284. Answer A. AC 65-12A

(1) Engine pressure ratio (EPR) is a ratio of the Only statement number (1) is correct (answer A). By
exhaust gas pressure to the engine inlet air pressure, definition, engine pressure ratio (EPR) is the ratio of
and indicates the thrust produced. the total turbine discharge pressure to the total com-
(2) Engine pressure ratio (EPR) is a ratio of the pressor inlet pressure and indicates the thrust being
exhaust gas pressure to the engine inlet air pressure, produced. The EPR reading is displayed in the cockpit
and indicates volumetric efficiency. on the EPR gauge and is used by the pilot to set the
power levers. Statement number (2) is false because
Regarding the above statements, EPR does not indicate an engine's volumetric effi-
A - only No. 1 is true.
B - only No.2 is true.
C - both No. 1 and No.2 are true.

8285. H02 8285. Answer A. AC 65-15A

What unit in a tachometer system sends information to The typical electric tachometer system uses a three-
the indicator? phase AC generator coupled to the engine to send
information to an AC synchronous motor that is
A - The three-phase ac generator. attached to the indicator. Answer (9) is wrong because
B - The two-phase ac generator. two-phase AC is not used in aircraft tachometers.
C - The synchronous motor. Answer (C) is incorrect because a synchronous motor
is located in the tachometer indicator and receives the
signal sent by a three-phase AC generator.

8286. H02 8286. Answer C. AC 65-12A

(1) Generally, when a turbine engine indicates high Both statements (1) and (2) are correct. If a turbojet
EGT for a particular EPR (when there is no signifi- engine is undamaged and the turbine blades are clean
cant damage), it means that the engine is out of a high exhaust gas temperature (EGT) for a given
trim. engine pressure ratio (EPR) identifies an out-of-trim
(2) Some turbine-powered aircraft use RPM as the condition. Furthermore, on turbine engines that utilize
primary indicator of thrust produced, others use centrifugal flow compressors, compressor rpm is a
EPR as the primary indicator. direct indication of the thrust being produced.
Therefore, on some turbine-powered aircraft, rpm is
Regarding the above statements, the primary indicator of the thrust produced.

A - only No. 1 is true.

B - only No.2 is true.
C - both No. 1 and No.2 are true.

8287. H02 8287. Answer B. AC 65-12A

Engine pressure ratio is determined by Engine pressure ratio (EPR) is the ratio of the total
pressure leaving the turbine to the total pressure enter-
A - multiplying engine inlet total pressure by turbine ing the engine and indicates the amount of thrust pro-
outlet total pressure. duced by an engine. EPR is calculated by dividing the
B - dividing turbine outlet total pressure by engine total turbine outlet pressure by the total compressor
inlet total pressure. inlet pressure. Answer (A) is wrong because a ratio is
C - dividing engine inlet total pressure by turbine basically a fraction that compares two values, not the
outlet total pressure. product of the two values. Answer (C) is wrong
because dividing engine inlet total pressure by turbine
outlet total pressure would produce a negative value,
which would indicate the engine is producing negative
4-8 Engine Instrument Systems

8288. H02 8288. Answer A. AC 65-15A

Jet engine thermocouples are usually constructed of The thermocouples used in turbine engines are usually
constructed of chromel, a nickel/chromium alloy; and
A - chromel-alumel. alumel, a nickel/aluminum alloy. These are dissimilar
B - iron-constantan. metals which produce a milliamp current flow when
C - alumel-constantan. heated. Answer (B) is incorrect because iron-constan-
tan thermocouples are used for lower-temperature
applications on reciprocating engines and answer (C)
is wrong because alumel and constantan are not com-
patible for use in thermocouples.

8289. H02 8289. Answer 6. AC 65-15A

Which of the following instrument discrepancies Items 2, 4, 5 and 8 cannot be repaired by a mainte-
require replacement of the instrument? nance technician and, therefore, the instrument must
be removed from the aircraft and sent to a certified
1. Red line missing from glass. instrument repair station. The remaining items (items
2. Glass cracked. 1, 3, 6, and 7) can be repaired by an aviation techni-
3. Case paint chipped. cian and do not require the removal and replacement
4. Will not zero out. of the instrument. Therefore, answer (B) is correct.
5. Pointer loose on shaft.
6. Mounting screw loose.
7. Leaking at line B nut.
8. Fogged.

8290. H02 8290. Answer A. AC 65-15A

A Bourdon-tube instrument may be used to indicate A Bourdon tube is a metal tube that is formed in a circular
shape with an oval or flattened cross section and is used
1 . pressure. to measure both pressure and temperature (answer A).
2. temperature. When air or liquid pressure enters the open end of a
3. position. Bourdon tube, the tube has a tendency to straighten out.
4. quantity. By the same token, if a Bourdon tube is filled with a gas
and sealed at both ends, changes in temperature will
A- 1 and 2. cause the sealed gas to expand and contract thereby
B - 1 and 3. causing the tube to move. Through a series of gears, this
C - 2 and 4. movement is then used to move an indicating needle.

8291. H02 8291. Answer C. AC 65-12A

An indication of unregulated power changes that result Bootstrapping occurs when a turbocharger system
in continual drift of manifold pressure indication on a senses small changes in temperature or rpm and con-
turbosuper-charged aircraft engine is known as tinually changes the turbocharger output in an attempt
to establish an equilibrium. Bootstrapping typically
A - Overshoot. occurs during part-throttle operation and is character-
B - Waste gate fluctuation. ized by a continual drift of manifold pressure. Answer
C - Bootstrapping. (A) is wrong because overshoot is indicated by an
excessive manifold pressure, not a drifting manifold
pressure reading. Answer (B) is incorrect because
although a fluctuating manifold pressure can be
caused by a fluctuating waste gate, the term used to
describe this occurrence is bootstrapping
Engine Instrument Systems 4-9

8292. H02 8292. Answer C. AC 65-15A

Which of the following instrument conditions is accept- Chipped paint on an instrument case has no effect on
able and does NOT require immediate correction? an instrument's operational condition and, therefore,
no immediate corrective action is required. Answer (A)
1. Red line missing. is incorrect because a missing red line (item 1) could
2. Pointer loose on shaft. threaten operating safety and answer (B) is wrong
3. Glass cracked. because loose mounting screws (item 4) could subject
4. Mounting screws loose. the instrument to vibration damage. Both items require
5. Case paint chipped. immediate attention.
6. Leaking at line B nut.
7. Will not zero out.
8. Fogged.

8293. H02 8293. Answer C. AC 65-12A

A change in engine manifold pressure has a direct The mean effective cylinder pressure in an engine is
effect on the the average pressure produced in the combustion
chamber during an operating cycle. Therefore, the
A - piston displacement. higher the manifold pressure, the higher the mean
B - compression ratio. effective cylinder pressure.
C - mean effective cylinder pressure.

8294. H02 8294. Answer B. AC 65-12A

What instrument on a gas turbine engine should be A "hot" start is a start in which the turbine temperature
monitored to minimize the possibility of a "hot" start? exceeds specific limits. To minimize the chance of a hot
start the temperature at the turbine should always be
A - RPM indicator. monitored when starting a gas turbine engine.
B - Turbine inlet temperature. Depending on the aircraft, turbine temperature is moni-
C - Torquemeter. tored by watching the turbine inlet temperature, exhaust
gas temperature, or interstage gas temperature.
Answers (A) and (C) are incorrect because neither the
rpm indicator nor the torquemeter will alert you to a hot

8295. H02 8295. Answer A. AC 65-12A

In regard to using a turbine engine oil analysis pro- Spectrometric Oil Analysis programs must include
gram, which of the following is NOT true? samples taken at regular intervals and should begin
when an engine is new. The ability of an analysis pro-
A - Generally, an accurate trend forecast may be gram to predict problems is based on comparing data
made after an engine's first oil sample analysis. taken from a number of samples over a known time
B - It is best to start an oil analysis program on an period. Therefore, an accurate trend forecast cannot
engine when it is new. be made after an engine's first oil analysis (answer A).
C - A successful oil analysis program should be run
over an engine's total operating life so that nor-
mal trends can be established.

8296. H02 8296. Answer A.TEP2

On an aircraft turbine engine, operating at a constant Inlet anti-ice systems use compressor bleed air to pre-
power, the application of engine anti-icing will result in vent ice formation on inlet ducts. When air is bled off
the compressor, less pressure is available at all sta-
A - noticeable shift in EPR. tions downstream, and EPR drops. Therefore, the
B - a false EPR reading. application of engine anti-ice will cause a noticeable
C - an increase in EPR. shift in the EPR indication in the cockpit. Answer (B) is
incorrect because the EPR reading with anti-ice acti-
vated is accurate and answer (C) is wrong because
EPR decreases when anti-ice is activated.
4-10 Engine Instrument Systems

8297. H02 8297. Answer B. AC 65-12A

Engine pressure ratio is the total pressure ratio By definition, engine pressure ratio is the ratio of the
between the total pressure leaving the turbine to the total pressure
entering the compressor.
A - aft end of the compressor and the aft end of the
B - front of the compressor and the rear of the tur-
C - front of the engine inlet and the aft end of the

8298. H02 8298. Answer C. AC 65-12A

What would be the possible cause if a gas turbine A possible cause of high EGT, high fuel flow, and low
engine has high exhaust gas temperature, high fuel RPM in a gas turbine engine is turbine section damage
flow, and low RPM at all engine power settings? or loss of turbine efficiency (answer C). The purpose of
the turbine blades is to convert the energy from the
A - Fuel control out of adjustment. gases coming off the combustor into rotary motion to
B - Loose or corroded thermocouple probes for the drive the compressor. If the turbine is damaged, it
EGT indicator. won't convert as much energy and the rpm will remain
C - Turbine damage or loss of turbine efficiency. low, the exhaust gas temperature will increase, and the
engine will burn more fuel at given rpm settings.
Answer (A) is wrong because a fuel control unit out of
adjustment could cause high fuel flow, but not high fuel
flow and low rpm. Answer (6) is incorrect because
although loose or corroded probes for the EGT indica-
tor could cause a high EGT indication, the fact that fuel
flow is high and rpm is low eliminate the possibility of a
faulty EGT indicator.

8299. H02 8299. Answer C. AC 65-12A

What is the primary purpose of the tachometer on an A tachometer on an axial-flow compressor turbine
axial-compressor turbine engine? engine is used to monitor the engine during starting
and during possible overspeed conditions. However, a
A - Monitor engine RPM during cruise conditions. tachometer on a centrifugal-flow compressor presents
B - It is the most accurate instrument for establishing a direct indication of the amount of engine thrust being
thrust settings under all conditions. produced (answer 6). Answer (A) is incorrect because
C - Monitor engine RPM during starting and to indi- the engine pressure ratio gauge is used to monitor
cate overspeed conditions. engine performance during cruise conditions.

8300. H02 8300. Answer A. AC 65-12A

The engine pressure ratio (EPR) indicator is a direct The engine pressure ratio (EPR) indicator is, for the
indication of majority of turbine powered airplanes, the primary indi-
cator of engine thrust (answer A). EPR represents the
A - engine thrust being produced. ratio of the total pressure aft of the turbines to the total
B - pressure ratio between the front and aft end of the pressure at the engine inlet.
C - ratio of engine RPM to compressor pressure.
Engine Instrument Systems 4-1 1

8301. H02 8301. Answer C. AC 65-12A

The exhaust gas temperature (EGT) indicator on a gas The exhaust gas temperature (EGT) indicator provides
turbine engine provides a relative indication of the a relative indication of the turbine inlet temperature
(TIT). Engineers who design an engine know how
A - exhaust temperature. much heat energy the turbine section will absorb from
B - temperature of the exhaust gases as they pass the the gases flowing through it. Therefore, TIT can be cal-
exhaust cone. culated as a function of EGT. Answer (A) is wrong
C - turbine inlet temperature. because EGT provides direct indication of exhaust gas
temperature and answer (B) is incorrect because EGT
probes monitor the exhaust temperature at the rear of
the turbine section, not the inlet.

8302. H02 8302. Answer C. AC 65-12A

What instrument indicates the thrust of a gas turbine The engine pressure ratio (EPR) indicator is, for the
engine? majority of turbine powered airplanes, the primary indi-
cator of engine thrust. EPR represents the ratio of the
A - Exhaust gas temperature indicator. total pressure aft of the turbines to the total pressure at
B - Turbine inlet temperature indicator. the engine inlet. Answers (A) and (B) are wrong
C - Engine pressure ratio indicator. because temperature readings do not indicate thrust.

8303. H02 8303. Answer C. AC 65-12A

In a turbine engine, where is the turbine discharge In a gas turbine engine, the turbine discharge pressure
pressure indicator sensor located? sensor is located immediately aft of the last turbine
stage. The readings taken from this sensor and the
A - At the aft end of the compressor section. compressor inlet pressure sensor are used to deter-
B - At a location in the exhaust cone that is deter- mine the engine pressure ratio. Answer (A) is wrong
mined to be subjected to the highest pressures. because it is impossible to monitor turbine discharge
C - Immediately aft of the last turbine stage. pressure at the compressor outlet and answer (B) is
wrong because the sensor in the exhaust cone would
not allow turbine discharge pressure to be read accu-

8304. H02 8304. Answer A. AC 65-12A

In what units are turbine engine tachometers cali- Gas turbine engine tachometers are usually calibrated
brated? in percent rpm. This allows various types of engines to
be operated on the same basis of comparison.
A - Percent of engine RPM.
B - Actual engine RPM.
C - Percent of engine pressure ratio.

8305. H02 8305. Answer C. AC 65-15A

Instruments that provide readings of low or negative Typically, instruments that provide low or negative
pressure, such as manifold pressure gauges, are usually pressure readings utilize a sensitive diaphragm or bel-
what type? lows that expands and contracts to drive an indicator
needle. Answer (A) is incorrect because vanes are typ-
A - Vane with calibrated spring. ically used to measure volume flow or high pressure air
B - Bourdon tube. flow. Answer (B) is incorrect because the shape of a
C - Diaphragm or bellows. Bourdon tube does not allow it to accurately indicate
low or negative pressures.
Engine Instrument Systems

8306. H02 8306. Answer B. AC 65-15A

Instruments that measure relatively high fluid pres- Oil pressure gauges typically utilize a Bourdon tube
sures, such as oil pressure gauges, are usually what type indicator. A Bourdon tube is a metal tube that is
type? formed in a circular shape with an oval or flattened
cross section. When air or liquid pressure enters the
A - Vane with calibrated spring. open end of a Bourdon tube, the tube has a tendency
B - Bourdon tube. to straighten out. Through a series of gears, this move-
C - Diaphragm or bellows. ment is used to move an indicating needle. Answer (A)
is incorrect because vane type transmitters are used in
fluid flow systems and measure volume of flow. Answer
(C) is wrong because diaphragm or bellows type indi-
cators are generally used to measure relatively low air

8307. H02 8307. Answer C. AC 65-15A

The RPM indication of a synchronous ac motor- Modern AC tachometers utilize a three-phase AC gen-
tachometer is governed by the generator erator coupled to an engine and connected electrically
to an indicator mounted in the instrument panel. As an
A - voltage. engine runs, the three-phase generator transmits a fre-
B - current. quency that is proportional to the engine speed of a
C - frequency. synchronous motor mounted to the indicator. The
transmitted frequency causes the synchronous motor
to turn at a specific rpm and provide a specific indica-
tion. Answers (A) and (B) are incorrect because chang-
ing voltage or current will have no effect on a
synchronous motor tachometer, providing the values of
current or voltage do not exceed the operating limits of
the instrument.

8308. H02 8308. Answer A. AC 65-15A

The EGT gauge used with reciprocating engines is pri- The exhaust gas temperature (EGT) gauge provides a
marily used to furnish temperature readings in order to pilot with a means of properly adjusting the fuellair mix-
ture for efficient operation. Answers (B) and (C) are
A - obtain the best mixture setting for fuel efficiency. incorrect because the oil temperature and cylinder
B - obtain the best mixture setting for engine cooling. head temperature gauges are typically used to monitor
C - prevent engine overtemperature. engine cooling and prevent an overtemperature condi-

8309. H02 8309. Answer B. AC 20-8849

A red triangle, dot, or diamond mark on an engine A red mark on an instrument face designates the maxi-
instrument face or glass indicates mum limit for a high transient condition. Answer (A) is
incorrect because a red radial line is used to indicate a
A - the maximum operating limit for all normal oper- maximum operating limit, and answer (C) is wrong
ations. because a restricted operating range is indicated by a
B - the maximum limit for high transients such as yellow arc.
C - a restricted operating range.

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