Engine Fire Questions
Engine Fire Questions
Engine Fire Questions
The chapter on fire protection systems describes the different types of fire detection and extinguishing systems used
in aircraft powerplants. In addition, it includes information on the inspection, servicing, troubleshooting, and repair of
these systems. The FAA exam questions taken from this chapter include:
- - I01 8341. Answer C. AC 65-12A
(Refer to figure 3.) What are the fire-extinguisher con- To answer this question, begin by locating 50°F at the
tainer pressure limits when the temperature is 50 O F ? bottom of the chart. From here, follow the line up to
intersect the minimum gauge reading curve. From this
A - 425 - 575 PSIG. intersection, draw a horizontal line to the left that inter-
B - 435 - 605 PSIG. sects the pressure axis at 475 psig. Next, go back to
C - 475 - 625 PSIG. the 50°F line and follow it up to intersect the maximum
gauge reading curve. From this intersection, draw a
horizontal line to the left that intersects the pressure
axis at 625 psig. Based on this chart, the minimum and
maximum container pressure at 50°F is 475 psig and
625 psig respectively.
5-10 Engine Fire Protection Systems