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Basic Mechanical

A publication under Free Textbook Programme of Government of Tamil Nadu

Department of School Education

Untouchability is Inhuman and a Crime

1_XII BME_English version FM.indd 1 06-01-2023 15:40:46

Government of Tamil Nadu

First Edition - 2019,
Revised Edition - 2022, 2023
(Published under New Syllabus)


Content Creation

The wise
possess all

State Council of Educational

Research and Training
© SCERT 2019

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Tamil NaduTextbook and

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1_XII BME_English version FM.indd 2 06-01-2023 15:40:46


01 Lathe 1-28 June

02 Drilling Machine 29-48 July

03 Shaping Machine 49-66 July

04 Grinding Machine 67-82 August

05 Milling Machine 83-94 September

06 Machine Tool Maintenance 95-102 October

07 Welding 103-114 October

08 CNC Machine 115-124 November

09 Automation and Robotics 125-136 November

10 Industrial Management 137-147 December

Model Question Paper 148-150

Practicals 151-190

E-book Assessment


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Learning Objectives

„ Students to learn about the construction of Lathe and its parts, structure and
its operation.
„ To understand the feed mechanism of tumbler gear in Lathe.
„ To know about the types of lathe and its details, difference between capstan
and turret Lathe and work holding devices in Lathe.
„ To understand the cutting speed, feed and depth of cut in Lathe, various types
of operation and taper turning methods and thread cutting operation.


1.1 Introduction 1.8 Work Holding Devices

1.2 Process Of Machining 1.9 Cutting speed, Feed and Depth of
1.3 Structure of Lathe cut in Lathe
1.4 Feed Mechanism 1.10 Tools used in lathe

1.5 Spindle Mechanism 1.11 Operations Performed in Lathe

1.6 Types of Lathe 1.12 Coolant

1.7 Specification of Lathe

1.1 Introduction
is widely used in industries. It is called
The lathe is a machine tool which is as mother of machine tools. The first
useful for performing various operations screw cutting lathe was designed by an
such as turning, taper turning, thread Englishman named Henry Maudslay in
cutting, chamfering and knurling with the year 1797. He is the father of Machine
single point cutting tool. It is considered Tool. Modern lathes are developed based
as one of the oldest machine tools and on this machine.

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1.2 Process Of Machining 1.3 Structure of Lathe

Machining on cylindrical workpieces The Lathe has bed on which head stock is
is the primary task of a lathe. The mounted on the left end, tailstock at right
process of machining a workpiece to end and carriage is placed in between them
the required shape and size by moving and moved on the bed.
the cutting tool either parallel or
perpendicular to the axis of rotation of 1.3.1 Main Parts of the Lathe
the workpiece is known as turning. In this Every individual part performs an
process, unwanted metal is removed. important task in a lathe. Some important
parts of a lathe are listed below
1. Bed
Work Rotating direction L 2. Headstock
3. Spindle
4. Tailstock
D1 D2
5. Carriage
a. Saddle
b. Cross – slide
c. Compound rest
Cutting tool
of feed d. Compound slide
e. Tool post
f. Apron
6. Leadscrew
7. Feed rod

View of Lathe


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Thread chasing dial

Live centre
Compound rest
Tailstock spindle



Feed rod

Half-nut lever



Bed is mounted on the legs of the lathe
which are bolted to the floor. It is
made of cast iron and its top surface
is machined accurately and precisely.
Headstock of the lathe is located at the Flat shaped V – Shaped
extreme left of the bed and the tailstock
at the right extreme. Carriage is placed The tailstock and the carriage slides on these
in between the headstock and tailstock guideways. Flat bed guide ways can be found
and moves on the bed guideways. in older machine tools. It is useful in heavy
duty machines, handling large workpieces
The top of the bed has a guideways
though, it is less accuracy. V-type bed has
which is manufactured in two shapes
been found in modern machine tools. This
1. Flat shaped type of V-bed gives accurate alignment
2. V – Shape to carriage and tailstock. The metal chips
automatically fall through.

The inventor of Lathe is Henry Maudslay, in the year 1797. He

is also called as father of Machine Tools.


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Spindle Taper sleeve
Headstock is mounted permanently on Live
the left hand side of the lathe bed. The centre

headstock has a hollow spindle which is

mounted by using bearing and it will have Threaded
Hole end
any one of the following arrangements
for changing the speed of rotation of the Spindle

Tailstock is located on the right side of
the lathe bed. The body of the tailstock
is bored and a spindle moves front and
back inside the hole. The spindle has a
tapper hole to hold the dead centre or
shanks of tool like drill or reamer. If
the tailstock hand wheel is rotated in
clockwise direction, the spindle advances.
The spindle will be reversed inside the
hole, if the hand wheel is rotated in anti-
Headstock clockwise direction.
1. Stepped cone pulley mechanism To remove the dead centre or any
2. Back gear mechanism other tool from the spindle, the handwheel
is rotated in anticlockwise direction
3. Gear box mechanism
further. The movement of the spindle may
be locked by spindle clamp, located on top
Spindle of the tailstock. To hold different lengths
The spindle is mounted on the headstock of work, the tailstock can be adjusted and
by using bearing. The bearings support to locked at desired position on the lathe bed.
rotate the spindle. It is made of carbon or The casting of the tailstock body is divided
nickel chrome steel. It has a through hole, into two. The lower casting of the body can
so it called as hollow spindle in which be clamped to the bed. The upper casting
a lengthy work piece can be inserted. can be moved sidewards from lathe axis.
The front end of the spindle is threaded
1. It supports the right end of the
on which any one of the work holding
devices can be screwed. The front end long workpiece when it is machined
of the hole is tapered to hold live centre between centres
which supports the work. On the other 2. It is useful in holding tools like drills,
side of the spindle, a gear is fitted which reamers and taps when performing
is known as spindle gear. Through this drilling, reaming and tapping.
gear, tumbler gears and a main gear train, 3. The upper casting of the body is set
the power is transmitted to the gear on off by a small distance from the axis
the lead screw. of the lathe to turn tapers on the
work pieces.


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Clamp Barrel
Spindle Screw
Dead Handwheel




4. It is useful in setting the cutting e. Tool post

tool at correct height aligning the f. Apron
cutting edge with lathe axis.
Carriage Saddle connects the front and back
Carriage is located between the headstock portion of bed guideways like a bridge.
and tailstock on the lathe bed guideways. It is an ‘H’ shaped casting. It moves along
It can be moved along the bed either the bed between headstock and tailstock.
towards or away from the headstock. It The saddle can be moved by providing
has several parts as follows hand feed or automatic feed.
The parts of the carriage are
a. Saddle Cross slide
b. Cross slide Cross slide is situated on the saddle and
slides on the dovetail guideways at right
c. Compound rest
angles to the bed guideways. It carries
d. Compound slide compound rest, compound slide and tool

Compound Compound
rest slide
Cross-slide Cross-slide
Chasing dial handwheel

3D- View of Carriage Carriage


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post. The handwheel that drives the cross

slide has a graduation scale so that the
cross slide can be fed to fed to a precision
of 0.05mm.

Compound rest
Compound rest is a part which connects
cross slide and compound slide. It is
mounted on the top of the cross slide by
tongue and groove joint. It has a circular
base on which angular graduations are
marked. The compound rest can be
swiveled to the required angle while
turning tapers. A top slide known Toolpost
as compound slide is attached to the screw
compound rest by dove tail joint. The Toolpost
tool post is fixed on the compound slide. body

Tool post
The tool post is mounted on the compound Convex
Concave ring
slide. It is used for holding the cutting rocker
tool tightly. According to the operations
on the work piece, tool may be changed
and fixed on the tool post. There are
several types of tool post among which Single screw tool post
single screw tool post and four way tool
post are widely used. Four way tool post
Four way tool post is known as Turret tool
Single screw tool post post. Four different types of tool can be
Tool can be held by the single screw tool placed and clamped at a time. The required
post. The tool is clamped by one clamping tool can be turned towards the workpiece
screw. A concave ring is found in the tool for turning process. As the required tools
post. A convex rocker iron piece has got fitted ready in position, the turning work
a convex surface at its bottom and flat is easier and faster. This type of tool post is
surface at its top. This rocker iron piece used in heavy duty lathes.
is placed on the concave ring. The tool
rests on the top flat surface of the rocker. Apron
The height of the tool point can be Apron is attached to the carriage and
adjusted by moving the rocker front and hangs over the front side of the lathe bed.
back. As the tool is clamped by only one It is useful in providing power and hand
clamping screw, it is not preferable for feed to both carriage and cross-slide. It
heavy duty works. is also used to provide power feed to the
carriage during thread cutting.


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If the tool moves at angle to the

axis of the Lathe, the movement is called
angular feed. It is obtained by swivelling
the compound rest at an angle to the
Lathe axis and moving it. It is available
only by hand.

Feed Rod
Feed rod is placed parallel to the lead screw
in front side of the bed. It is a plain long
shaft which has a keyway along its length.
The power is transmitted from the spindle
Central Clamping to the feed rod through tumbler gears and
Locking bolt Handle a gear train. It is useful for providing feed
movement to the carriage and cross slide,
except thread cutting time.
Lead Screw
The lead screw is a long threaded
shaft. It is used for moving the carriage
automatically to a calculated distance
only when threads have to be cut. Mostly
lead screws have an Acme thread.
If the half nuts are engaged with
the rotating lead screw the carriage will
Four way tool post move automatically. When the lead screw
is kept stationary the carriage is locked at
the required position by using half nuts.
1.4 Feed Mechanism
The rotation of leadscrew and feed
The movement of the tool relative to the rod direction can be changed by Tumbler
work piece is termed as feed. Three types Gear, so the direction of carriage and cross
of feed can be given in a Lathe. They are slide movements can also be changed.
longitudinal, cross and angular.
If the tool moves parallel along 1.4.1 Tumbler Gear
with the axis of the Lathe, the movement A set of two small gears are placed just
is called longitudinal feed. It is obtained below the spindle gear and connected to
by moving the carriage. This feed can be the spindle gear in the lathe. The set of
given by hand or automatic. gears is known as tumbler gear.
If the tool moves perpendicular to The set of two small tumbler gears
the axis of the Lathe, the movement is are fitted in a bracket. The bracket position
called cross feed. It is obtained by moving can be adjusted into three positions such
the cross slide. This feed can be given by as neutral, upwards and downwards. By
hand or automatic.

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Spindle gear

Tumbler gears
Stud Gear

Intermediate gears

Gear on
the leadscrew

3D- Tumbler Gear Tumbler Gear

adjusting the position of tumbler gear, 1.5 Spindle Mechanism

the rotation of lead screw and feed rods
The spindle is located in the headstock
direction can be changed.
and it receives the driving power from
the motor. The spindle speed should
Neutral be changed to suit different machining
In this position, the tumbler gears lever is conditions like type of material to be cut,
in the middle position hence, the tumbler the diameter and the length of the work,
gears are not engaged with spindle gear type of operation, the type of cutting tool
and the intermediate gears and so, material used, the type of finish desired
automatic feed is not received. and the capacity of the machine. In order
to change the spindle speeds, any one of
Upward Position the following methods are employed.
In this position, the tumbler gears lever 1. Stepped cone pulley mechanism
is shifted upward position. Here only one 2. Back gear mechanism
tumbler gear is in contact with the spindle
3. Gear box mechanism
gear, hence, the leadscrew rotates in the
same direction of the spindle rotation.
The carriage moves towards headstock. 1.5.1 Stepped Cone Pulley
Downward Position It is simple in construction. A stepped
In this position, the tumbler gears lever cone pulley is attached with the spindle
is pushed downward position. Here, lead contained within the headstock casting.
screw receive rotational movement from The cone pulley has four steps (A, B, C
spindle gear through two tumbler gears. D). Another cone pulley having four steps
Hence lead screw rotates in opposite (E, F, G and H) is placed parallel to the
direction of the spindle rotation. So the spindle cone pulley. Both the cone pulleys
carriage will move towards tailstock. are connected by a flat belt. The belt can
be arranged between any one of the four


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steps AH, BG, CF and DE. The cone pulley speed will be increased. For example,
(EFGH) at the bottom is connected to the when the belt is arranged between A &
electric motor by a ‘V’ – belt. So the cone H the spindle speed will be high.
pulley at the bottom rotates at a particular When it is between D & E, the
speed. speed will be low. Stepped cone pulley
drive is illustrated in figure
A Spindle Use:
Four different spindle speeds can be
obtained in this mechanism.

1.5.2 Back Gear Mechanism

Flat belt Back gear mechanism is housed within the
headstock of the lathe. A step cone pulley
having steps ABCD and a small pinion ‘P’
Step cone are mounted on the spindle and rotates
freely on it. The gear ‘S’ is keyed to the head
stock spindle. So the spindle will rotate only
V-belt E when the gear ‘s’ rotates.
Electric motor
The step cone pulley ABCD and
the gear ‘S’ can be kept separately or
made as one unit with the help of a pin
‘T’ when the pin is disengaged, the cone
Stepped Cone Pulley Mechanism
pulley along with the gear P will rotates
If the belt is placed on the smaller freely on the spindle and the spindle will
step of the spindle cone pulley, the spindle not rotate. There is another shaft parallel


Spindle Mechanism

1 2 3

Stepped cone pulley

Back Gear mechanism Gear box mechanism

4-Speeds 8-Speeds 9-Speeds


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Q gears


Small P
gears Belt

3D- Back gear mechanism Back gear mechanism

to the spindle axis having back gear Q Uses

and R mounted on it. These back gears 1. It is used for reducing the spindle
can be made to mesh with gears ‘P’ and speed, when turning on lager
‘S’ or kept disengaged from them. The diameter of the work pieces and
spindle can get drive either from the cone cutting coarse threads.
pulley or through back gears. 2. Eight different types of spindle speed
can be obtained by this mechanism.
Drive from Step Cone Pulley
When the spindle gets from the cone 1.5.3.Gear Box Mechanism
pulley, the back gears Q and R are Modern lathes are equipped with all
disengaged from the gears P and S. The geared headstocks to obtain different
pin ‘T’ is engaged with cone pulley. The spindle speeds quickly. Casting of the all
belt can be arranged on the steps ABC or geared headstock has three shafts (1, 2 &
D to get four different direct speeds for 3) mounted within it. The intermediate
the spindle. shaft (2) has got three gears D, E and F
and rotates at the same place and cannot
Drive through Back Gears move. The shaft (1) which is above the
Back gears Q and R are engaged with gears intermediate shaft has got three set of
P and S. The pin ‘T’ is disengaged from gears A, B and C mounted on it by keys.
the cone pulley to make the cone pulley These three set of gears can be made
and the spindle separate units. When the to slide on the shaft with the help of a
cone pulley gets drive through the belt, lever. This movement enables the gear A
the power is transmitted through the to have contact with the gear D or the
gears P, Q and R to the gear S, because gear B with gear E or the gear C with the
the diameter of the gear and number of gear F.
teeth is greater on these gears, the spindle Likewise the spindle shaft (3) which
rotates at slower speeds. is also splined has three set of gears G,
H and I. These three set of gears can be


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2 E



Gear Box

made to slide on the shaft by lever. This 1. Engine lathe or Centre lathe
sliding movement enables the gear G to 2. Speed lathe
have contact with gear D or the gear H a. Centering lathe
with the gear E or the gear I with the gear
b. Wood working lathe
By altering the position of the six c. Polishing lathe
gears namely A, B, C, G, H and I the d. Metal spinning lathe
following arrangements can be made
3. Bench lathe
within the headstock. It has nine different
gears within the headstock. 9 different 4. Tool room lathe
spindle speeds are obtained. 5. Semi Automatic lathe
a. Capstan lathe
1. A × D 2. A × E 3. A × F b. Turret lathe
6. Automatic lathe
4. B × D 5. B × E 6. B × F 7. Special purpose lathe
7. ×× 8. C × E 9. C × F 1.6.1 Engine lathe or Centre
In earlier time lathes were driven by
1.6 Types of Lathe steam engines so, they were called as
engine lathe. The modern engine lathe is
Various designs and constructions of
driven by an electric motor. The Engine
lathe have been developed to suit different
lathe is also known as “Centre lathe”. The
machining conditions and usage. The
engine lathe has all the basic parts such
following are the different types of lathe.
as bed, head stock carriage and tail stock.


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1.6.2 Speed Lathe used for production work where large

Spindle of a speed lathe operates at very quantities of identical work pieces are
high speeds (approximately at a range of manufactured. They are called semi-
1200 to 3200 rpm) and so it is named so. It automatic lathes as some of the tasks are
consists of a headstock, a tailstock, a bed performed by the operators and the rest
and toolpost only. Parts like leadscrew, by the machines themselves.
feed rod and apron are not found in this There are two tool posts in the
type of lathe. machine namely front tool post and rear
a) Centering lathes are used for drilling tool post. Four tools can be mounted on
holes on the centre of the face of the the front post and parting tool is mounted
cylindrical job on the rear tool post. In this lathe, the
tailstock is replaced by a hexagonal turret
b) Lathes which used for making head. As six tools may be fitted on the
artistic work on wooden articles like six side of the turret, different types of
chair, table and cot are called wood operations can be performed on a work
working lathe piece without resetting of tools.
c) Metal spinning lathes are useful in
making vessels from sheet metal. Advantages
d) Polishing of vessels is carried out in a)  achining operations can be done
polishing lathe. in this machine by semi skilled
1.6.3 Bench Lathe b) Large quantity of product can be
Bench lathe is a small lathe generally produced quickly
mounted on a bench. The parts of a c) The cost of production is less
bench lathe are similar to that of an
engine lathe. It is used for small works
1.6.6 Automatic Lathes
like machining tiny and precise parts and
Automatic lathes are operated with
parts of measuring instruments.
complete automatic control. They are
1.6.4 Tool Room Lathe
high speed, mass production lathe. An
operator can took after more than one
A tool room lathe has similar features
automatic lathe at a time
of an engine lathe. It is accurately built
and has wide range of spindle speeds to
perform precise operations and different 1.6.7 Special Purpose Lathe
feeds. It is costlier than a centre lathe. Special purpose lathes are used for special
This is mainly used for precision works purposes and for jobs, which cannot
like manufacturing tools, dies, jigs, be accommodated and conveniently
fixtures and gauges. machined on a standard lathe.
Wheel lathe ‘T’ lathe, duplicating
1.6.5 Semi Automatic Lathe lathe are some examples of special
Turret and capstan lathes are known as purpose lathe
semi-automatic lathes. These lathes are


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Difference between turret lathe and a capstan lathe

S.No Turret lathe Capstan lathe
1. Turret tool head is directly fitted on the Turret head is mounted on a slide called
saddle and both of them appear like one ram which is mounted on the saddle.
2. Saddle is moved to provide feed to the To provide feed to the tool, saddle is locked
tool. at a particular point and the ram is moved.
3. It is difficult to move the saddle for feed. It is easy to move the ram for feed.
4. As the saddle can be moved along the As the movement of the ram is limited, it is
entire length of the bed. It is suitable for suitable for machining shorter workpieces
longer workpieces. only.
5. To index the turret tool head, a clamping When the handwheel for the ram is
lever is released and the turret is rotated reversed, the turret tool head is indexed
manually. automatically.
6. Limit dogs are used to control the To control the distance of tool movement,
distance of tool movement. feed stop screws are provided at the rear
side of the turret.
7. Suitable for machining heavy and large Only small and light workpieces are
workpieces. machined.
8. Machining can be done by providing Only limited amount of feed and depth of
more depth of cut and feed. cut are provided for machining.

The tool heads of a turret lathe and a capstan lathe

are illustrated in figure.
Saddle Ram Feed



Saddle Handle

turret lathe capstan lathe

1.7 Specification of Lathe

The size of a lathe is specified by the following points
1. The length of the bed.
2. Maximum distance between live and dead centres.
3. The height of centres from the bed.


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4. The swing diameter rigidly in chuck. There are different types

The swing diameter over bed – of chucks namely, three jaw universal
It refers to the largest diameter chuck, four jaw independent chuck,
of the work that will be rotated Magnetic chuck, Collect chuck and
without touching the bed. Combination chuck.
b. The swing diameter over carriage
– It refers to the largest diameter Three Jaw Self Centring Chuck
of the work that will revolve over It has three jaws. The three jaws will slide
the saddle. simultaneously to the center of the chuck
5. The bore diameter of the spindle. while rotating by chuck key. This type of
6. The width of the bed. chuck is suitable for holding and rotating
7. The type of the bed.
cylindrical work pieces or hexagonal rods
about the axis of the lathe.
8. Pitch value of the lead screw.
9. Horse power of the motor.
10. Number and range of spindle speeds.
11. Number of feeds. The work is held simply and quickly
12. Spindle nose diameter. because of the three jaws are moved to
slide at the same time. So, time is saved.
13. Floor space required.
It is suitable for apprentice.
14. The type of the machine

1.8 Work Holding Devices
„ Workpieces of irregular shapes cannot
The work holding devices are used to hold be held by this chuck.
and rotate the workpieces along with the
spindle. Different work holding devices
Four Jaw Independent Chuck
are used according to the shape, length,
diameter and weight of the workpiece There are four jaws in this chuck. Each
and the location of turning on the work. jaw is moved independently by rotating
a screw with the help of a chuck key. A
They are, particular jaw may be moved according
1. Chucks to the shape of the work. Hence this type
2. Face plate of chuck can hold works of irregular
3. Driving plate
shapes. Concentric circles are inscribed
on the face of the chuck to enable quick
4. Catch Plate
centering of the work piece.
5. Carriers
6. Mandrels Disadvantages
7. Centres 1. It requires more time to set the work
8. Rests aligned with the lathe axis because
each jaw is moved independently
Chucks 2. Experienced turners can set the
Work pieces of short length, cylindrical work about the axis quickly
and irregular shapes are held quickly and


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Key hole
Body Jaw

3D-Three Jaw self-centering chuck Three Jaw self-centering chuck

Key hole
Concentric circular lines



3D-Four Jaw independent chuck Four Jaw independent chuck

Magnetic Chuck
This is used for holding small, and light weight work piece. To avoid the damage of the
work piece by the excess pressure of the jaws, the Magnetic chuck is used. The magnetic
power is obtained by electro magnet. Magnetic material can only be held on this check.



Magnetic chuck


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Face Plate
Face plate is used for holding large, heavy and irregular shaped workpieces which cannot
be conveniently held between centres. It is circular disc bored out and threaded to fit
to the nose of the lathe spindle. There are many holes and slots on the face of the face
plate. The work piece is held by “T”-bolts, clamps and Nuts.

Face plate
Driving Plate
The driving plate is used for driving a workpiece when it is held between centres. It is a
circular disc screwed to the nose of the lathe spindle. It is provided with small bolts or pins
on its face. Work pieces are fitted by straight tail carriers and rotated by driving plates.

Driving pin

Driving plate

Catch Plate
When a workpiece is held and rotate between centres, the catch plate is used. It is a
circular disc bored and threaded at the centre. Catch plates are designed with ‘U’-slots
on its edges. The work piece is fitted with the bent tail carrier. Its bent tail is inserted
on the slot of the catch plate to receive the rotary motion.

Catch plate

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Straight tail carrier Bent tail carrier

Straight tail carrier Bent tail carrier

Carrier a) Plain mandrel

When a workpiece is held and machined b) Step mandrel
between centres, carriers are useful in c) Gang mandrel
transmitting the driving force of the
spindle to the work by means of driving d) Screwed mandrel
plates and catch plates. The work is held e) Collar mandrel
inside the eye of the carrier and tightened f) Cone mandrel
by a screw. Carriers are of two types and g) Expansion mandrel
they are:
a) Straight tail carrier
b) Bent tail carrier
Plain Mandrel
Straight tail carrier is used for The body of the plain mandrel is slightly
driving the work by means of the pin tapered to provide proper gripping of
provided in the driving plate. The tail of the workpiece. The taper will be around
the bent tail carrier fits into the slot of 1 to 2 mm for a length of 100 mm. It is
the catch plate to drive the work. also known as solid mandrel. This type is
most commonly used in industries.
Mandrel is used for holding hollow jobs
which is smaller in length. The work piece
is held and rotate between two centres by
using the mandrel. A carrier is attached at
the left side of the mandrel. The mandrel
gets the drive either through a catch plate
or a driving plate. The workpiece rotates
along with the mandrel. There are several Plain mandrel
types of mandrels and they are


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Screwed Mandrel
It is threaded at one end and a collar is
attached to it. Workpieces having internal
threads are screwed on to it against the
collar for machining.
Dead Centre
The centre fitted on the tailstock spindle
is called dead centre. It is useful in
supporting the other end of the work.
Centres are made of high carbon steel
and hardened and then tempered. So
Fixed collar
Thread the tips of the centres are wear resistant.
Different types of centres are available
according to the shape of the work and
the operation to be performed.

Screwed mandrel

Centres are useful in holding the work in
a lathe between centres. The shank of a
centre has morse taper on it and the face
is conical in shape. There are two types
of centres namely
1. Live centre
A rest is a mechanical device to support
2. Dead centre a long rods and pipes which can not
be held by tailstock. It is placed at
some intermediate point to prevent the
workpiece from bending and vibrating
due to the cutting force. There are two
types of rests
1. Steady rest
2. Follower rest

Steady Rest
Steady rest is made of cast iron. It may be
made to slide on the lathe bedways and
Live Centre clamped at any desired position where the
The live centre is fitted on the headstock workpiece need support. It has three jaws.
spindle and rotates along with the work These jaws can be adjusted according to
piece. the diameter of the work. Machining is


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done upon the distance starting from the headstock to the point of support of the rest.
Two or more steady rests may be used depends upon the length of the workpiece.



Steady Rest

Follower Rest
It consists of a ‘C’ like casting having two adjustable jaws to support the work piece. The
rest is bolted to the back end of the carriage. During machining, it supports the work
and moves along with the carriage. So, it follows the tool to give continuous support to
the work to be able to machine along the entire length of the work.



Follower rest


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Holding a work between Live and Dead centres

Dead centre

Driving plate

Live centre

Holding a work between Live and Dead centres

1.9 Cutting speed, Feed and 1.9.3 Depth of cut

Depth of cut in Lathe The depth of cut is the perpendicular
distance measured from the machined
1.9.1.Cutting speed surface to the uncut surface of the
The cutting speed is the distance travelled workpiece. It is expressed in millimeters.
by a point on the outer surface of the
work in one minute. In a lathe, the depth of cut is expressed
as follows
It is expressed in meters per minute. d1 -d 2
Depth of cut =
πDN 2
Cutting speed = m/min
1000 Where,
d1 – d
 iameter of the work surface before
D – is the diameter of the work in mm machining
N – is the r.p.m of the work. d2 – diameter of the machined surface

1.9.2 Feed 1.10 Tools used in lathe

Feed is the distance the tool advances for
The tool used in a Lathe is a single point
each revolution of the work
cutting tool.
Feed is expressed in millimeters per
The tools used in lathe are classified
as follows
A. A
 ccording to the construction, the
lathe tools are classified into three

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Side-rake Face
angle, +(BR)
Cutting edge
Back-rake angle, + (BR)
Axis Nose radius
edge angle Side-relief angle
(ECEA) Side-cutting edge angle (SCEA)

Clearance or end-relief angle


Tools used in a lathe

1. Solid tool
2. Brazed tipped tool
3. Tool bit and tool holders

B. A
 ccording to the operation to be
performed, the cutting tools are
classified as
1. Turning tool
There are
2. Thread cutting tool
1. Facing
3. Facing tool
2. Turning
4. Forming tool
5. Parting tool a. Straight turning

6. Grooving tool b. Step turning

7. Boring tool 3. Chamfering 7. Under cutting

8. Internal thread cutting tool 4. Grooving 8. Taper turning
9. Knurling tool 5. Forming 9. Thread cutting
C. A
 ccording to the direction of feed 6. Knurling
movement, the following tools are
used Other works are done in lathe
1. Right hand tool 1. Drilling 4. Grinding
2. Left hand tool 2. Reaming 5. Milling
3. Round nose tool
3. Boring 6. Key ways

1.11 Operations Performed 1.11.1 Facing

in Lathe Facing is a process of removing material
In addition to the main works like thread from the end or shoulder of a work piece
cutting and cylindrical turning, the other by using a facing tool to produce a flat
works are also performed in lathe.


XII BME_English version CHAPTER 01.indd 21 04-02-2023 17:56:55

surface. The tool is fed perpendicular to 1.11.3 Chamfering

the rotation axis of the work piece. Chamfering is the operation of beveling
the extreme end of the workpiece. The
form tool used for taper turning may be
used for this purpose. Chamfering is an
essential operation after thread cutting
so that the nut may pass freely on the
threaded workpiece

Work piece Facing Tool


Work Form tool

1.11.2. Turning
a) Straight Turning
Knurling is performed for getting a better
Straight turning is a process of removing
gripping surface on the cylindrical work
excess material from a work piece to
piece. The knurling tool holder has one or
produce a cylindrical surface by using a
two hardened steel rollers with edges of
turning tool. The tool is fed parallel to
required pattern. The tool holder is pressed
the rotation axis of the work piece.
against the rotating work. The rollers emboss
the required pattern. The tool holder is
fed automatically to the required length.
Knurls are available in coarse, medium and
fine pitches. The patterns may be straight,
inclined or diamond shaped.
The purpose of knurling is
1. To provide an effective gripping
2. To provide better appearance to the
Work Turning tool work.
Turning 3. To slightly increase the diameter of
the work.

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It is a process of enlarging the internal

diameter of the hole at the end and
reducing the external diameter of the
shoulder. It is useful mainly to make fits
perfect. Boring tools and parting tools
are used for this operation.



Parting OFF tool


Under Cutting

1.11.6 Taper Turning

A taper may be defined as a uniform
increase or decrease in diameter of a
piece of work measured along its length.
a. Form tool method
b. Compound rest method
c. Tailstock set over method
d. Taper turning attachment method
e. Combined feed method

a) Form Tool Method

A broad nose tool is grinded to the
required length and angle. It is set on the
1.11.5 Undercutting
tool post and providing feed to the cross-
Undercutting is done
slide. When the tool is fed into the work
a) At the end of a hole at right angles to the lathe axis, a tapered
b) Near the shoulder of stepped surface is generated.
cylindrical surfaces This method is limited to turn
c) At the end of the threaded portion short lengths of taper only. The length
in bolts of the taper is shorter than the length of


XII BME_English version CHAPTER 01.indd 23 04-02-2023 17:56:57

the cutting edge. Less feed is given as the

entire cutting edge will be in contact with
the work.

Work Form tool

Form tool method

b) Compound Rest rest

The compound rest of the lathe is attached Work

to the circular base graduated in degrees,

which may be swiveled and clamped at Compound Rest Method
any desired angle. The angle of taper is
calculated using the formula.

D −d Disadvantage
WDQ θ =
2l 1. This method is not suitable for long
workpiece, because compound slide
moves only small distance.
D – Larger diameter 2. This method is done manually so, it
d – Small diameter takes more time and the productivity
l – Length of the taper
is less.

The compound is swiveled to the 1.11.7 Thread Cutting

angle as above and clamped. Feed is Thread cutting is one of the most
given to the compound slide to generate important operations performed in a
the required taper. lathe. The process of thread cutting is to
produce a helical groove on a cylindrical
Note On doing taper turning in compound surface by feeding the tool longitudinally.
rest method, feed will be given to the tool
1. The job is revolved between centres
from small diameter to large diameter.
or by a chuck. The longitudinal feed
should be equal to the pitch of the
thread to be cut per revolution of
the work piece.
Taper turning can be done on outer
2. The carriage should be moved
surface of the workpiece and also inner
longitudinally obtained feed through
surface of the hole
the leadscrew of the lathe.


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