Turbine Engine Questions

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Chapter 2 looks at the theory of turbine engine operation as well as the methods commonly employed in turbine
engine maintenance and repair. In addition, this chapter examines basic turbine engine overhaul, removal, trou-
bleshooting, and installation techniques. The FAA exam questions that pertain to this material include:

8108. B01 8108. Answer C. AC 65-12A

At what point in an axial-flow turbojet engine will the As air enters the compressor section of a turbine
highest gas pressures occur? engine, it is compressed. The air then leaves the com-
pressor at its highest pressure and lowest volume.
A -At the turbine entrance. From here, the air passes through a diffuser which
B - Within the burner section. causes a slight decrease in pressure. After leaving the
C - At the compressor outlet. diffuser, the air enters the burner section (answer B)
where the heat from burning fuel causes the air to
expand while remaining at a fairly constant pressure.
The expanding gases move rearward into the turbine
section (answer A) providing a force to drive the tur-
bine wheels.

8109. B01 8109. Answer C. AC 65-12A

One function of the nozzle diaphragm in a turbine When high energy gases leave the combustion section
engine is to? of a turbine engine, they enter the turbine section. The
turbine section is made up of stationary and rotating
A - Decrease the velocity of exhaust gases. airfoils, or vanes. The stationary vanes, sometimes
B - Center the fuel spray in the combustion chamber. called a nozzle diaphragm, direct the high energy
C - Direct the flow of gases to strike the turbine gases leaving the combustor into the rotating turbine
blades at a desired angle. blades. The nozzle diaphragm also increases the
velocity of the gases. Answer (A) is incorrect because
the nozzle diaphragm actually increases the velocity of
the gases and answer (B) is wrong because the nozzle
diaphragm directs the flow of air, not fuel.

8110. B01 8110. Answer B. AC 65-12A

What is the profile of a turbine engine compressor When looking at the profile of a compressor blade you
blade? will see that the tip of each blade is cut out to reduce
tip thickness. This shape allows the blade to wear
A - The leading edge of the blade. rather than break if the blade tip should come in con-
B - A cutout that reduces blade tip thickness. tact with the case.
C - The curvature of the blade root.
2-2 Turbine Enaines

8111. B01 8111. Answer A. AC 65-12A

The fan rotational speed of a dual axial compressor On a dual axial or dual spool turbofan engine, the for-
forward fan engine is the same as the ward fan is typically bolted to the first compressor mak-
ing the fan part of the low-pressure compressor. On
A - low-pressure compressor. some turbofan engines, the fan is mounted aft of the
B - forward turbine wheel. turbine wheel but never forward of it (answer 6).
C - high-pressure compressor. Answer (C) is wrong because the fan is never mounted
to the high-pressure compressor in a dual axial-flow

8112. B01 8112. Answer C. AC 65-12A

The abbreviation "P" with subscript t7 used in turbine The abbreviation P stands for pressure, and subscript
engine terminology means t7 indicates a total at station 7 which is immediately aft
of the last turbine stage. Therefore, Pt7 is the total
A - the total inlet pressure. pressure aft of the turbine. Answer (A) is incorrect
B - pressure and temperature at station No.7 because total inlet pressure is typically not measured
C - the total pressure at station No.7. and answer (6) is wrong because Pt, does not indicate

8113. B01 8113. Answer B. AC 65-12A

The blending of blades and vanes in a turbine engine Minor damage to turbine engine blades and vanes can
usually be repaired if the damage can be removed
A - is usually accomplished only at engine overhaul. without exceeding the allowable limits established by
B - should be performed parallel to the length of the the manufacturer. However, all repairs must be well
blade using smooth contours to minimize stress blended so that the blade's surface is smooth.
points. Blending is almost always done by hand using crocus
C - may sometimes be accomplished with the engine cloth, fine files, and stones. Furthermore, whenever
installed, ordinarily using power tools. possible, blending is performed parallel to the length of
the blade to minimize stress points. Cracks are nor-
mally not allowed, in any area. Answer (A) is incorrect
because blending should be done any time blade dam-
age exists and answer (C) is wrong because power
tools are seldom used.

8114. B01 8114. Answer A. AC 65-12A

What turbine engine section provides for proper mix- The combustion section of a turbine engine is where
ing of the fuel and air? the fuel and air are mixed and then burned. The com-
pressor section (answer €3)compresses the inlet air
A - Combustion section. and the diffuser section (answer C) directs the com-
B - Compressor section. pressed air to the burner cans.
C - Diffuser section.

8115. B01 8115. Answer B. AC 65-12A

In a gas turbine engine, combustion occurs at a con- During the combustion process in a turbine engine,
stant burning fuel provides heat to expand the compressed
air coming from the compressor. Throughout this
A - volume. process the pressure remains relatively constant. Both
B - pressure. answers (A) and (C) are wrong because, during com-
C - density. bustion, air volume increases while air density
Turbine Engines

8116. B01 8116. Answer B. DSA-25

Which statement is true regarding jet engines? In a typical turbine engine, a small increase in rpm pro-
duces a relatively proportional increase in thrust when
A - At the lower engine speeds, thrust increases operating at low engine speeds. However, at high
rapidly with small increases in RPM. engine speeds a small increase in rpm produces a large
B - At the higher engine speeds, thrust increases increase in thrust. Answer (C) is incorrect because the
rapidly with small increases in RPM. amount of thrust delivered per pound of air consumed
C - The thrust delivered per pound of air consumed is remains relatively constant regardless of altitude.
less at high altitude than at low altitude.

8117. B01 8117. Answer A. AC 65-12A

Some high-volume turboprop and turbojet engines are A two-spool or dual spool turbine engine is one in
equipped with two-spool or split compressors. When which there are two independently rotating units. The
these engines are operated at high altitudes, the front compressor is called the low-pressure compres-
sor, and the rear compressor is called the high-pres-
A - low-pressure rotor will increase in speed as the sure compressor. This type of engine has more
compressor load decreases in the lower density operating flexibility than a single spool engine because
air. the two compressors are free to find their own optimum
B - throttle must be retarded to prevent overspeeding rpm. This allows the low pressure compressor to
of the high-pressure rotor due to the lower den- increase in rpm at altitude because of the reduction in
sity air. drag caused by the decrease in air density. Answer (B)
C - low-pressure rotor will decrease in speed as the is incorrect because the high-pressure compressor
compressor load decreases in the lower density air. does not increase in speed with decreases in air den-
sity and answer (C) is wrong because the low-pressure
compressor increases in speed.

81 18. B01 8118. Answer C. AC 65-12A

Turbine nozzle diaphragms located on the upstream When high energy gases leave the combustion section of
side of each turbine wheel are used in the gas turbine a turbine engine, they enter the turbine section. The tur-
engine to bine section is made up of stationary and rotating airfoils,
or vanes. The stationary vanes are grouped together to
A - decrease the velocity of the heated gases flowing form a nozzle which increases the velocity of the gases
past this point. and directs the high energy gases leaving the combustor
B - direct the flow of gases parallel to the vertical into the turbine's rotating blades. Answer (A) is incorrect
line of the turbine blades. because a nozzle diaphragm increases the velocity of the
C - increase the velocity of the heated gases flowing heated gases and answer (B) is incorrect because the
past this point. flow of gases is not parallel to the turbine buckets.

8119. B01 8119. Answer C. AC 65-12A

Where is the highest gas pressure in a turbojet engine? The gas pressure in a turbine engine reaches its high-
est value as compressed air leaves the compressor
A - At the outlet of the tailpipe section. and enters the burner. Once in the burner section, the
B - At the entrance of the turbine section. air expands due to the heat produced by the burning
C - In the entrance of the burner section. fuel. From here, the gases pass through a nozzle
diaphragm where they are accelerated prior to entering
the turbine blades. This increase in gas speed results in
a corresponding decrease in gas pressure in both the
turbine section (answer B) and tailpipe section (answer

8120. B01 8120. Answer A. AC 65-12A

An exhaust cone placed aft of the turbine in a jet A jet engine exhaust cone collects the exhaust gases
engine will cause the pressure in the first part of the discharged from the turbine buckets and gradually con-
exhaust duct to verts them into a steady stream. In doing this, the
divergent shape of the exhaust cone causes the veloc-
A - increase and the velocity to decrease. ity to decrease and the pressure to increase.
B - increase and the velocity to increase.
C - decrease and the velocity to increase.
2-4 Turbine Enaines

8121. B01 8121. Answer A. AC 65-12A

What is the function of the stator vane assembly at the As air passes through the compressor section of a typi-
discharge end of a typical axial-flow compressor? cal axial-flow compressor, it becomes extremely turbu-
lent. To help prevent turbulent air from flowing into the
A - To straighten airflow to eliminate turbulence. combustion section, the air passes through a stator
B - To direct the flow of gases into the combustion vane which straightens airflow and eliminates turbu-
chambers. lence.
C - To increase air swirling motion into the combus-
tion chambers.

8122. B01 8122. Answer C. AC 65-12A

The turbine section of a jet engine In all turbine engines the turbine transforms a portion
of the kinetic energy of the exhaust gases into
A - increases air velocity to generate thrust forces. mechanical energy to drive the compressor section.
B - utilizes heat energy to expand and accelerate the Answer (A) is wrong because air velocity decreases in
incoming gas flow. the turbine section. Answer (B) is wrong because the
C - drives the compressor section. expanding and accelerating of gases takes place in the
combustion section.

8123. B01 8123. Answer A. AC 65-9A

When starting a turbine engine, One of the critical factors to observe when starting a
turbine engine is the exhaust gas temperature. A hot
A - a hot start is indicated if the exhaust gas tempera- start is characterized by the exhaust gas temperature
ture exceeds specified limits. exceeding the specified limits during an attempted start
B - an excessively lean mixture is likely to cause a and can cause substantial damage to the combustion
hot start. and turbine sections. The most likely cause of a hot
C - release the starter switch as soon as indication of start is an excessively rich mixture. Answer (C) is
light-off occurs. wrong because the starter switch should not be
released until the start cycle is self-sustaining.

8124. B01 8124. Answer 6. AC 65-12A

In the dual axial-flow or twin spool compressor sys- In a twin spool axial-flow compressor system the first
tem, the first stage turbine drives the compressor (N,) is driven by the second stage turbine
while the second compressor (N,) is driven by the first
A - N 1 and N2 compressors. stage turbine.
B - N2 compressor.
C - N1 compressor.

8125. B01 8125. Answer A. AC 65-12A

During inspection, turbine engine components exposed Certain materials may be used to mark combustion
to high temperatures may only be marked with such and turbine components during disassembly and
materials as allowed by the manufacturer. These mate- assembly. For example, layout dye, chalk, and some
rials generally include commercial felt-tip markers are considered acceptable
for use in marking parts that are directly exposed to an
1. layout dye. engine's gas path such as turbine blades and disks,
2. commercial felt tip marker. turbine vanes, and combustion chamber liners. Answer
3. wax or grease pencil. (B) is incorrect because, if used, wax and grease
4. chalk. pencils cause hot spots to form, and answer (C) is
5. graphite lead pencil. wrong because graphite lead pencils can lead to
dissimilar metal corrosion.
A- l , 2 , a n d 4 .
B - 1, 3, and4.
C - 2,4, and 5.
Turbine Engines 2-5

8126. B01 8126. Answer B. AC 65-9A

When starting a turbine engine, a hung start is indi- A hung start occurs if a turbine engine starts normally but
cated if the engine the rpm remains at some low value rather than increasing
to the normal idle rpm. Hung starts are generally a result
A - exhaust gas temperature exceeds specified limits. of shutting off the starter too soon, or by insufficient
B - fails to reach idle RPM. starter power. In contrast, a hot start occurs if the exhaust
C - RPM exceeds specified operating speed. gas temperature exceeds specified limits (answer A).

8127. B01 8127. Answer C. AC 65-12A

What are the two basic elements of the turbine section The two basic turbine section elements are the stator
in a turbine engine? and the rotor (answer C). The stator includes the sta-
tionary vanes located in front of the rotor that make up
A - Impeller and diffuser. the turbine nozzle or nozzle diaphragm. The rotor
B - Hot and cold. includes the rotating vanes, or turbine blades. The
C - Stator and rotor. impeller and diffuser (answer A) are contained in a cen-
trifugal compressor, while the hot and cold sections
(answer B) refer to the turbine and compressor sections.

8128. B01 8128. Answer C. AC 65-12A

The function of the exhaust cone assembly of a turbine A jet engine exhaust cone collects the exhaust gases
engine is to discharged from the turbine buckets and gradually con-
verts them into a relatively straight and solid stream.
A - collect the exhaust gases and act as a noise sup- Answer (A) is wrong because the exhaust cone does
pressor. not aid in noise suppression and answer (B) is wrong
B - swirl and collect the exhaust gases into a single because the exhaust cone straightens the exhaust
exhaust jet. rather than swirling it.
C - straighten and collect the exhaust gases into a
solid exhaust jet.

8129. B01 8129. Answer C. AC 65-12A

What are the two functional elements in a centrifugal The two parts that make up a centrifugal compressor
compressor? are the impeller and the diffuser. The impeller acceler-
ates the flow of air to the diffuser which is designed to
A - Turbine and compressor. direct the flow of air to the manifold at an angle that
B - Bucket and expander. returns the maximum amount of energy.
C - Impeller and diffuser.

8130. B01 8130. Answer C. AC 65-12A

What must be done after the fuel control unit has been After a fuel control has been replaced on a turbine
replaced on an aircraft gas turbine engine? engine, it is often necessary to retrim the engine.
Retrimming consists of adjusting both the idle and
A - Perform a full power engine run to check fuel flow. maximum speed. On some newer turbine engines,
B - Recalibrate the fuel nozzles. such as the GE T700, retrimming may not be neces-
C - Retrim the engine. sary after the fuel control is replaced. Answer (A) is
incorrect because a full power engine run is only part
of the engine trimming process. Answer (B) is wrong
because fuel nozzles are patterned to determine their
flow characteristics but are not calibrated.

8131. B01 8131. Answer C. AC 65-9A

If, during inspection at engine overhaul, ball or roller If a bearing becomes magnetized, metal particles
bearings are found to have magnetism but otherwise would be attracted to the bearing surfaces and cause
have no defects, they premature wear. Therefore, if a bearing has magnetism
present, it must be removed with a suitable degausser
A - cannot be used again. before the bearing can be reused.
B - are in an acceptable service condition.
C - must be degaussed before use.
2-6 Turbine Enaines

8132. B01 8132. Answer A. AC 65-12A

A turbine engine compressor which contains vanes on A double-sidedcentrifugal compressor has vanes on
both sides of the impeller is a both sides of the impeller. Answers (B) and (C) are
incorrect because axial-flow compressors do not utilize
A - double entry centrifugal compressor. impellers.
B - double entry axial-flow compressor.
C - single entry axial-flow compressor.

8133. B01 8133. Answer C. AC 65-12A

What is the first engine instrument indication of a suc- The first indication in the cockpit that a successful start
cessful start of a turbine engine? has occurred is an abrupt rise in temperature indicated
on the exhaust gas temperature gauge. Although
A - A rise in the engine fuel flow. engine fuel flow (answer A) and oil pressure
B - A rise in oil pressure. (answer B) will also rise, they will lag behind the
C - A rise in the exhaust gas temperature. exhaust gas temperature.

8134. B01 8134. Answer A. AC 65-12A

Some engine manufacturers of twin spool gas turbine Turbine discharge pressure is identified in service
engines identify turbine discharge pressure in their manuals and on engine instruments by the standard-
maintenance manuals as ized abbreviation Pt,. Answer (B), Pt, is incorrect
because it represents the pressure at the second stage
and answer (C) is wrong because the abbreviation Tt,
is not used.

8135. B01 8135. Answer A. AC 65-12A

Who establishes the recommended operating time Engine manufacturers always establish an engine's
between overhauls (TBO) of a turbine engine used in recommended time between overhaul (TBO). Answer
general aviation? (B) is wrong because the operator, working in conjunc-
tion with the FAA, can only get permission to operate
A - The engine manufacturer. beyond an established TBO, and answer (C) is wrong
B - The operator (utilizing manufacturer data and because the FAA does not establish recommended
trend analysis) working in conjunction with the TBO times.
C - The FAA.

8136. B01 8136. Answer C. AC 65-12A

The basic gas turbine engine is divided into two main Neither statement (1) nor (2) is correct. The cold sec-
sections: the cold section and the hot section. tion includes the engine inlet, compressor, and diffuser
(1) The cold section includes the engine inlet, com- sections. The hot section, on the other hand, includes
pressor, and turbine sections. the combustor, turbine, and exhaust sections.
(2) The hot section includes the combustor, diffuser,
and exhaust sections.

Regarding the above statements,

A - only No. 1 is true.

B - only No. 2 is true.
C - neither No. 1 nor No. 2 is true.
Turbine Engines

8137. B01 8137. Answer C. AC 65-12A

(1) Welding and straightening of turbine engine Neither statement (1) nor (2) is correct. Welding and
rotating airfoils does not require special equipment. straightening of rotating airfoils typically requires very
(2) Welding and straightening of turbine engine specialized equipment. Furthermore, only authorized
rotating airfoils is commonly recommended by the overhaul facilities and manufacturer are typically
manufacturer. authorized to weld or straighten a damaged rotating
Regarding the above statements,

A - only No. 1 is true.

B - only No. 2 is true.
C - neither No. 1 nor No. 2 is true.

8138. B01 8138. Answer 6. AC 65-12A

Turbine engine components exposed to high tempera- Only certain materials may be used to mark combus-
tures generally may NOT be marked with tion and turbine components during assembly and dis-
assembly. For example, layout dye, chalk, and some
1. layout dye. commercial felt tip markers are typically used to mark
2. commercial felt tip marker. parts that are directly exposed to an engine's gas path
3. wax or grease pencil. such as turbine blades and disks, turbine vanes, and
4. chalk. combustion chamber liners. However, the question
5. graphite lead pencil. asks what may NOT be used. Therefore, answer (6)is
correct. Wax or grease pencils, when used on turbine
A- l , 2 , a n d 3 . engine components, can cause hot spots to occur, and
B - 3 and5. graphite lead pencils can cause dissimilar metal corro-
C -4 and 5. sion. This eliminates answers (A) and (C).

8139. B01 8139. Answer C. Part 33, Appendix A

Who establishes mandatory replacement times for crit- Within a turbine engine, all critical components have
ical components of turbine engines? mandatory replacement times that are established by
the engine manufacturer and approved by the FAA.
A - The FAA.
B - The operator working in conjunction with the
C - The engine manufacturer.

8140. B01 I 8140. Answer A. AC 65-12A

Main bearing oil seals used with turbine engines are Turbine main bearing oil seals are generally either the
usually what type(s)? labyrinth or carbon rubbing (carbon ring) type. The
labyrinth seal relies on pressure to prevent oil from
A - Labyrinth and/or carbon rubbing. leaking along the compressor shaft. Carbon rubbing
B - Teflon and synthetic rubber. seals, on the other hand, are usually spring loaded
C - Labyrinth and/or silicone rubber. and are similar in material and application to the car-
bon brushes used in electrical motors. These seals
rest against the surface provided and create a sealed
bearing cavity or void that prevents oil leakage.
Answers (B) and (C) are wrong because Teflon, syn-
thetic rubber, and silicone rubber are not used in a
main bearing oil seal.
Turbine Engines

8141. B02 8141. Answer B. AC 65-12A

How does a dual axial-flow compressor improve the One of the advantages of a dual spool axial compressor
efficiency of a turbojet engine? over a single spool is the ability to have two separate
compressors rotate at their own optimum rpm. By having
A - More turbine wheels can be used. two compressors rotate at different speeds, higher
B - Higher compression ratios can be obtained. compression ratios are obtained. Answer (A) is wrong
C - The velocity of the air entering the combustion because adding more turbine wheels will not necessarily
chamber is increased. improve efficiency and answer (C) is wrong since air
flow is not increased in a dual axial-flow compressor.

8142. B02 8142. Answer B. ITP-P2

Three types of turbine blades are Turbine blades are classified as impulse, reaction, or a
combination impulse-reactiontype. Most engines
A - reaction, converging, and diverging. incorporate a blade design utilizing an impulse-
B - impulse, reaction, and impulse-reaction. reaction combination. Answers (A) and (C) are
C - impulse, vector, and impulse-vector. wrong because there is no such thing as a converging,
diverging, vector, or impulse-vector turbine blade.

8143. B02 8143. Answer B. AC 65-12A

Which statements are true regarding aircraft engine A propeller generates thrust by imparting a relatively
propulsion? small amount of acceleration to a large quantity of air.
Turbojet and turbofan engines, on the other hand,
1. An engine driven propeller imparts a relatively small generate thrust by imparting a relatively large amount
amount of acceleration to a large mass of air. of acceleration to a smaller quantity of air. Based on
2. Turbojet and turbofan engines impart a relatively this, statements 1 and 2 are correct. Answers (A) and
large amount of acceleration to a smaller mass of air. (C) are incorrect because the turbine section of a
3. In modern turboprop engines, nearly 50 percent of modern turboprop engine extracts between 75 and 86
the exhaust gas energy is extracted by turbines to percent of the exhaust gas energy to drive the pro-
drive the propeller and compressor with the rest pro- peller and compressor.
viding exhaust thrust.

8144. B02 8144. Answer C. AC 65-12A

An advantage of the axial-flow compressor is its Although an axial-flow compressor does not give as
high a compression rise per stage as a centrifugal
A - low starting power requirements. compressor, its multiple stages and ability to take
B - low weight. advantage of ram air pressure allow it to produce
C - high peak efficiency. higher peak pressures. Both answers (A) and (B) are
incorrect because an axial-flow compressor has
relatively high starting power requirements and is
heavier than a centrifugal compressor.

8145. B02 8145. Answer B. AC 65-12A

What is one purpose of the stator blades in the com- In an axial-flow compressor, the stator blades are fixed
pressor section of a turbine engine? airfoils that are placed at the discharge end of each
compressor stage. Their purpose is to control the
A - Stabilize the pressure of the airflow. direction of airflow (answer B) into the next compressor
B - Control the direction of the airflow. stage or combustion section and eliminate turbulence.
C - Increase the velocity of the airflow. The stationary airfoils in the axial flow compressor are
most appropriately called stator vanes.
Turbine Engines 2-9

8146. B02 8146. Answer A. AC 65-12A

What is the purpose of the diffuser section in a turbine In a centrifugal-flow compressor, the diffuser is placed
engine? at the outlet of the compressor. The purpose of the
diffuser is to reduce the velocity of the gases and to
A - To increase pressure and reduce velocity. increase their pressure. This prepares the air for entry
B - To convert pressure to velocity. into the burner cans at low velocity so combustion can
C - To reduce pressure and increase velocity. occur with a flame that will not blow out. Both answers
(B) and (C) are wrong because the diffuser converts
velocity to pressure not pressure to velocity.

8147. B02 8147. Answer C. AC 65-12A

Where do stress rupture cracks usually appear on tur- Stress rupture cracks on turbine blades usually appear
bine blades? as minute hairline cracks on or across the leading or
trailing edge at a right angle to the edge length. Stress
A - Across the blade root, parallel to the fir tree. rupture cracks located on the first stage turbine indicate
B - Along the leading edge, parallel to the edge. either an over-temperaturecondition or centrifugal loading.
C - Across the leading or trailing edge at a right Answers (A) and (B) are incorrect because stress rupture
angle to the edge length. cracks typically do not occur across the blade root or
parallel to the blade edge.

8148. B02 8148. Answer A. AC 65-12A

In which type of turbine engine combustion chamber is Both the case and liner of can-type combustion chambers
the case and liner removed and installed as one unit are self-contained and placed externally around the
during routine maintenance? circumference of an engine. These features allow the
individual chambers to be removed and installed as
A - Can. one unit during routine maintenance operations.
B - Can annular. Answer (B) is incorrect because the outer case of the
C - Annular. can annular combustion chamber encircles the entire
engine, making it impossible to remove both the case
and liner simultaneously. Answer (C) is wrong because
both the outer case and liner of an annular system
encircle the engine.

8149. B02 8149. Answer C. AC 65-12A

The diffuser section of a jet engine is located between The diffuser section of a centrifugal-flow compressor is
located between the outlet of the compressor section
A - the burner section and the turbine section. and the inlet of the burner section. The purpose of the
B - station No.7 and station No.8. diffuser is to reduce the velocity of the air exiting the
C - the compressor section and the burner section. compressor, thereby increasing air pressure. This pre-
pares the air for entry into the burner cans. Answer (A)
is wrong because there is no diffuser between the
burner and turbine sections and answer (8) is incorrect
because station seven does not always identify the
outlet of the compressor.

8150. B02 8150. Answer B. AC 65-12A

When the leading edge of a first-stage turbine blade is Stress rupture cracks on turbine blades usually appear
found to have stress rupture cracks, which of the fol- as minute hairline cracks on or across the leading or
lowing should be suspected? trailing edge at a right angle to the edge length. Stress
rupture cracks located on the first stage turbine indicate
A - Faulty cooling shield. either an over-temperaturecondition or centrifugal loading.
B - Overtemperature condition. Answer (A) is incorrect because a faulty cooling shield
C - Overspeed condition. would lead to damage of accessories surrounding the
hot section. Answer (C) is incorrect because on overspeed
condition is likely to cause blade creep rather than
stress rupture cracks in turbine blades.
2-10 Turbine Engines

8151. B02 8151. Answer B. AC 65-12A

Turbine blades are generally more susceptible to oper- Turbine blades are usually inspected and cleaned in
ating damage than compressor blades because of the same manner as compressor blades. However,
because turbine blades are consistently exposed to
A - higher centrifugal loading. extreme temperatures, they are more susceptible to
B - exposure to high temperatures. damage. Answer (A) is wrong because compressor
C - high pressure and high velocity gas flow. blades and turbine blades experience the same degree
of centrifugal loading. Answer (C) is wrong because
pressure in the turbine section is lower than that in the

8152. B02 8152. Answer B. AC 65-12A

Which of the following is the ultimate limiting factor The materials within the turbine section of an engine will
of turbine engine operation? deteriorate rapidly if exposed to extreme temperatures.
Therefore, the turbine inlet temperature is the limiting
A - Compressor inlet air temperature. factor for a turbine engine. Answer (A) is incorrect
B - Turbine inlet temperature. because the air entering the compressor is nowhere
C - Burner-can pressure. near hot enough to cause damage to internal engine
parts and answer (C) is wrong because burner can
pressure is nowhere near high enough to cause damage.

8153. B02 8153. Answer C. AC 65-12A

The recurrent ingestion of dust or other fine airborne The ingestion of dust and other fine particulates in a
particulates into a turbine engine can result in turbine engine causes erosion damage to compressor
and turbine blades over a period of time. Answer (A) is
A - foreign object damage to the compressor section. wrong because foreign object damage is caused by
B - the need for less frequent abrasive grit cleaning ingestion of objects larger than dust particles and the
of the engine. damage to the blades is immediate rather than cumu-
C - erosion damage to the compressor and turbine lative. Answer (B) is wrong because the ingestion of
sections. fine particulates has little impact on how often an
engine needs to be grit blasted.

8154. B02 8154. Answer C. AC 65-12A

Which of the following engine variables is the most The materials within the turbine section of an engine
critical during turbine engine operation? will deteriorate rapidly if exposed to extreme tempera-
tures. Therefore, the turbine inlet temperature is the limit-
A - Compressor inlet air temperature. ing factor for a turbine engine. Answer (A) is incorrect
B - Compressor RPM. because changes in compressor inlet temperature
C - Turbine inlet temperature. cause minor losses in engine thrust with little effect on
engine operation. Answer (B) is incorrect because,
although compressor rpm is a critical engine parameter,
it is not the most critical parameter.

8155. B02 8155. Answer C. AC 65-12A

Reduced blade vibration and improved airflow charac- The use of shrouded turbine rotor blades reduces
teristics in gas turbines are brought about by blade vibration and improves turbine efficiency. With
shrouded blades the blade tips contact each other and
A - fir-tree blade attachment. provide additional support. This added support reduces
B - impulse type blades. vibration substantially. The shrouds also prevent air
C - shrouded turbine rotor blades. from escaping over the blade tips making the entire
turbine more efficient. Although the type of blade used
(answer B) and the means of attaching a blade
(answer A) can affect a blade's vibration characteristics,
neither has the degree of impact that using shrouded
blades does.
Turbine Engines 2-11

8156. B02 8156. Answer B. AC 65-12A

Which turbine engine compressor offers the greatest Of the choices given in this question, the split-spool,
advantages for both starting flexibility and improved axial-flow compressor offers the greatest advantages.
high-altitude performance? For example, since the compressor and turbine are
split, starting speed is easily obtained. Furthermore,
A - Dual-stage, centrifugal-flow. high altitude performance is better because the two
B - Split-spool, axial-flow. separately rotating compressors are able to seek their
C - Single-spool, axial-flow. own optimum rpm. Centrifugal-flow compressors
(answer A) and single-spool axial-flow compressors
(answer C) lack this flexibility to optimize compressor

8157. B02 8157. Answer C. AC 65-12A

Jet engine turbine blades removed for detailed inspec- In order to maintain the balance of the turbine assembly,
tion must be reinstalled in when a turbine blade is removed for inspection, it must
be reinstalled in the same slot. Inserting the blade in
A - a specified slot 180' away. any other position (answers A and 6) will result in an
B - a specified slot 90' away in the direction of rotation. unbalanced condition.
C - the same slot.

8158. B02 8158. Answer A. AC 65-12A

An advantage of the centrifugal-flow compressor is Although peak efficiency of the centrifugal compressor
its high is not as great as in the axial-flow type, it does give a
higher pressure rise per stage (answer A). Modern day
A - pressure rise per stage. centrifugal compressors produce as much as 8 or 10 to
B - ram efficiency. 1 compression ratios, while axial-flow compressors
C - peak efficiency. produce approximately a 1.3 to 1 compression ratio.
Centrifugal compressors have poor ram efficiency
(answer B), since they must redirect the airflow direction
90 degrees during each stage of compression. In addition,
the design is limited to three stages and thus has low
peak efficiencies (answer C).

8159. B02 8159. Answer 6. AC 65-12A

The highest heat-to-metal contact in a jet engine is the The highest heat-to-metalcontact in a turbine engine
occurs as the heated gases leave the combustion
A - burner cans. section and enter the turbine inlet vanes. Although the
B - turbine inlet guide vanes. highest temperatures occur in the middle of the flame
C - turbine blades. zone within the burner can (answer A), the high
temperature is shielded from heat-to-metal contact by
an insulating blanket of air. Answer (C) is incorrect
because by the time the gases reach the turbine, the
high combustor temperatures have cooled consider-

8160. B02 8160. Answer A. AC 65-12A

Which two elements make up the axial-flow compres- An axial-flow compressor assembly is made up of two
sor assembly? principle elements, the rotor and the stator. The rotor
consists of a set of blades installed on a spindle that
A - Rotor and stator. rotates at a high speed and impels intake air through a
B - Compressor and manifold. series of stages. The stator blades, on the other hand,
C - Stator and diffuser. act as diffusers at each stage, changing high velocity to
pressure. Answer (6) is wrong because there is no
manifold in an axial-flow compressor, and answer (C) is
incorrect because stator and diffuser are synonymous.
2-12 Turbine Engines

8161. B02 8161. Answer A. AC 65-12A

The two types of centrifugal compressor impellers are The two types of centrifugal-flowcompressor impellers
are the single entry and the double entry. The single
A - single entry and double entry. entry has vanes on only one side of the impeller, while
B - rotor and stator. the double entry has vanes on both sides of the
C - impeller and diffuser. impeller. Answers (B) and (C) are incorrect because
they identify components within the compressor.

8162. B02 8162. Answer C. AC 65-12A

Between each row of rotating blades in a turbine Between each row of rotating blades in an axial-flow
engine compressor, there is a row of stationary blades compressor there is a set of stationary airfoils called
which act to diffuse the air. These stationary blades are stator vanes. The stator vanes direct the air between
called stages and diffuse, or slow down the air causing
pressure to increase. Answer (A) is incorrect
A - buckets. because "bucket" is a slang term that refers to a tur-
B - rotors. bine blade, and answer (B) is wrong because rotors
C - stators. are the rotating blades within the compressor and tur-

8163. B02 8163. Answer C. AC 65-12A

Standard sea level pressure is A standard day is defined by a sea level pressure of
29.92 inches of mercury, or 14.7 psi. Both answers (A)
A - 29.00" Hg. and (B) are wrong because they are less than 29.92
B - 29.29" Hg. inches.
C - 29.92" Hg.

8164. B02 8164. Answer A. AC 65-12A

Using standard atmospheric conditions, the standard A standard day is defined by an atmospheric pressure
sea level temperature is of 29.92 inches of mercury, or 14.7 psi, and a
temperature of 59°F or 15°C.
A - 59 OF.
B - 59 "C.
C - 29 "C.

8165. B02 8165. Answer C. AC 65-12A

When aircraft turbine blades are subjected to excessive When turbine blades are subjected to excessive
heat stress, what type of failures would you expect? temperatures, stress rupture cracks are likely to
develop. Stress rupture cracks usually appear as minute
A - Bending and torsion. hairline cracks on or across the leading or trailing edge
B - Torsion and tension. at a right angle to the edge length. Bending, torsion,
C - Stress rupture. and tension (answers A and B) are forms of stress and
do not describe actual types of blade failure.

8166. B02 8166. Answer A. AC 65-12A

In an axial-flow compressor, one purpose of the stator At the discharge end of an axial-flow compressor, the
vanes at the discharge end of the compressor is to air is extremely turbulent. To help eliminate this
turbulence, as well as slow the air flow, stator
A - straighten the airflow and eliminate turbulence. vanes are installed. These vanes are sometimes
B - increase the velocity and prevent swirling and called straightening vanes or the outlet vane assembly.
eddying. Answer (B) is incorrect because the last stage of stator
C - decrease the velocity, prevent swirling, and vanes does not increase the airflow velocity, and
decrease pressure. answer (C) is wrong because the decrease in airflow
velocity causes an increase in pressure, not a decrease.
Turbine Engines

8167. B02 8167. Answer C. AC 65-12A

Compressor field cleaning on turbine engines is per- Accumulation of dirt on the compressor blades reduces
formed primarily in order to the aerodynamic efficiency of the blades, with resultant
deterioration in engine performance. Furthermore, dirt
A - prevent engine oil contamination and subsequent deposits can retain moisture and other chemicals that
engine bearing wear or damage. cause corrosion. Answer (A) is wrong because dirt in
B - facilitate flight line inspection of engine inlet and the compressor section typically should not be able to
compressor areas for defects or FOD. work its way into the engine oil and answer (B) is incor-
C - prevent engine performance degradation, rect because a typical line inspection can only detect
increased fuel costs, and damage or corrosion to relatively large areas of damage at the engine inlet
gas path surfaces. and, therefore, the cleanliness of the compressor is

8168. B02 8168. Answer C. AC 65-1 2A

Hot section inspections for many modern turbine Almost all of the components on a turbine engine,
engines are required including the hot section, are required to be inspected
on a time o? cycle basis. Additional times when a hot
A - only at engine overhaul. section must be inspected include during an overhaul or
B - only when an overtemperature or overspeed has when an overtemperature or overspeed incident occurs.
occurred. Answers (A) and (B) are incorrect because they do not
C - on a time or cycle basis. represent the only time a hot section inspection is

8169. B02 8169. Answer A. AC 65-12A

A purpose of the shrouds on the turbine blades of an The use of shrouded turbine rotor blades reduces
axial-flow engine is to blade vibration and improves turbine efficiency. With
shrouded blades, the tips of the blades contact each
A - reduce vibration. other and provide support. This added support reduces
B - increase tip speed. vibration substantially. The shrouds also prevent air
C - reduce air entrance. from escaping over the blade tips making the turbine
more efficient. Answer (B) is incorrect because the
purpose of shrouded blades is not to increase tip
speed and answer (C) is wrong because, although
shrouds reduce air leakage over the blade tips, they do
nothing to reduce air entrance.

8170. B02 8170. Answer A. AC 65-12A

In a dual axial-flow compressor, the first stage turbine In a dual spool axial-flow compressor the first com-
drives pressor (N1) is driven by the second turbine, while the
second compressor (N2) is driven by the first turbine.
A - N2 compressor.
B - N1 compressor.
C - low pressure compressor.

8171. B02 8171. Answer A. AC 65-12A

What should be done initially if a turbine engine If a turbine engine catches fire during an attempted
catches fire when starting? start, you should immediately turn off the fuel and
continue to turn the engine with the starter. By continuing
A - Turn off the fuel and continue engine rotation to rotate the engine, the fire is likely to be drawn into
with the starter. the engine and discharged out the tailpipe. Answer (B)
B - Continue engine start rotation and discharge a is incorrect because it does not indicate that you
fire extinguisher into the intake. should cut off the fuel. In addition, a fire extinguisher
C - Continue starting attempt in order to blow out the should be discharged only if the fire fails to go out after
fire. continued cranking. Answer (C) is wrong because the
engine will not blow the fire out.
2- 14 Turbine Engines

8172. B02 8172. Answer B. AC 65-12A

What i s the proper starting sequence for a turbojet The first step in starting a typical turbine engine is to
engine? engage the starter. Once this is done, the ignition is
turned on. Then, when the N1 compressor obtains a pre-
A - Ignition, starter, fuel. determined rpm, the fuel lever is moved to the idle posi-
B - Starter, ignition, fuel. tion. Normal lightoff is indicated by a rise in the exhaust
C - Starter, fuel, ignition. gas temperature (EGT). Both answers (A) and (C) are
wrong because the three events are in the wrong order.

8173. B02 8173. Answer B. AC 65-12A

A weak fuel to air mixture along with normal aifflow If you operate a turbine engine with a weak or lean fuel
through a turbine engine may result i n to air mixture, you risk encountering what is known as a
lean die-out. In other words, the amount of fuel supplied
A - a rich flameout. is insufficient to support combustion. Answer (A) is
B - a lean die-out. wrong because a rich flameout occurs when the
C - high EGT. amount of oxygen in the air supply is insufficient to sup-
port combustion and when the mixture is cooled below
the combustion temperature. Answer (C) is incorrect
because a weak fuel mixture coupled with normal air-
flow through an engine results in low, not high, EGT.

8174. B02 8174. Answer B. TEP2

What i s used in turbine engines to aid i n stabilization of Airflow through some turbine engines during low thrust
compressor airflow during low thrust engine operation? operations must be stabilized to prevent the compres-
sor from stalling. To do this, variable inlet guide vanes
A - Stator vanes and rotor vanes. or compressor bleed valves are used. Variable guide
B - Variable guide vanes and/or compressor bleed vanes rotate to maintain the correct angle of attack
valves. relationship between inlet air flow and compressor
C - Pressurization and dump valves. speed. Compressor bleed valves, on the other hand,
dump away unwanted air. Answer (A) is incorrect
because there are no such thing as rotor vanes, and
answer (C) is wrong because pressurization and dump
valves are fuel metering components.

8175. B02 8175. Answer C. AC 65-12A

I n a turbine engine with a dual-spool compressor, the Most modern gas turbine engines use a dual-spool
low speed compressor compressor that utilizes two axial-flow rotors or one
axial and one centrifugal-flow rotor. An advantage of
A - always turns at the same speed as the high speed the dual-spool compressor is the ability of the first
compressor. compressor (N,) to seek its own best operating speed.
R - i s connected directly to the high speed compressor. Therefore, when the engine is operated at altitude
C - seeks its own best operating speed. where the air is less dense, the reduced drag on the
first stage compressor allows the compressor to speed
up thereby increasing efficiency. Answer (A) is wrong
because the two compressors rotate at different
speeds, and answer (B) is incorrect because the low
speed compressor is connected to the low pressure
turbine, not the high speed compressor.

8176. B02 8176. Answer A. AC 65-12A

What i s the function of the inlet guide vane assembly The guide vanes direct the airflow into the first stage
on an axial-flow compressor? rotor blades at the proper angle and induce a swirling
motion to the air entering the compressor. Answers (6)
A - Directs the air into the first stage rotor blades at and (C) are incorrect because inlet guide vanes do not
the proper angle. alter the pressure or velocity of incoming air.
B - Converts velocity energy into pressure energy.
C - Converts pressure energy into velocity energy.
Turbine Engines 2-15

8177. B02 8177. Answer A. AC 65-12A

Hot spots on the tail cone of a turbine engine are possi- When inspecting the hot section of a turbine engine, the
ble indicators of a malfunctioning fuel nozzle or exhaust cone and tailpipe should be inspected for
cracks, warping, buckling, or hotspots. Hotspots on the
A - a faulty combustion chamber. tail cone are a good indication of a malfunctioningfuel
B - a faulty igniter plug. nozzle or combustion chamber. For example, if a fuel
C - an improperly positioned tail cone. nozzle is spraying a solid stream of fuel instead of an
atomized spray, the fuel continues to bum as it passes
through the exhaust section, producing bum marks on
the tail cone. By the same token, a combustion chamber
which is not properly controlling the flame zone may
allow the flame to come in contact with the tail cone.
Answer (B) is wrong because the interconnectortubes in
the burner cans allow normal flame propagationwhen a
single igniter plug malfunctions.Answer (C) is wrong
because no matter how the tail cone is positioned, the
flame within the combustion chamber should not touch it.

8178. B02 8178. Answer A. AC 65-12A

The stator vanes in an axial-flow compressor Each set of rotor blades within an axial-flow compres-
sor has a corresponding set of stator vanes. The stator
A - convert velocity energy into pressure energy. vanes direct the airflow to the next set of rotor blades
B - convert pressure energy into velocity energy. at the proper angle and partially convert velocity
C - direct air into the first stage rotor vanes at the energy to pressure energy. Answer (6) is incorrect
proper angle. since stator vanes have a diverging profile that
changes velocity into pressure, and answer (C) is
wrong because inlet guide vanes direct air into the first
stage rotor.

8179. B02 8179. Answer A. AC 65-15A

The velocity of subsonic air as it flows through a con- According to Bernoulli's Principle, any time a fluid
vergent nozzle passes through a constriction at subsonic speeds pres-
sure decreases while velocity increases. The diameter
A - increases. of a convergent nozzle decreases as the exhaust
B - decreases. gases move aft. Therefore, as exhaust gases pass
C - remains constant. through a convergent nozzle the velocity of the gases
increases while the pressure decreases. Answers (B)
and (C) are incorrect because subsonic airflow
increases in velocity when passing through a conver-
gent nozzle.

8180. B02 8180. Answer A. AC 65-15A

The velocity of supersonic air as it flows through a A supersonic flow of air differs from a subsonic flow in
divergent nozzle that as a supersonic flow passes through an expanding
tube its speed increases while pressure decreases.
A -increases. The diameter of a divergent nozzle increases, or
B - decreases. expands, as exhaust gases move aft. Therefore, as
C - is inversely proportional to the temperature. supersonic gases pass through a divergent nozzle, gas
velocity increases and pressure decreases. Answer (C)
is wrong because temperature has no bearing on the
velocity of supersonic air.
2-16 Turbine Enaines

8181. B02 8181. Answer 6. AC 65-15A

The pressure of subsonic air as i t flows through a con- According to Bernoulli's Principle, any time a fluid
vergent nozzle . passes through a constriction at subsonic speeds pres-
sure decreases while velocity increases. The diameter
A - increases. of a convergent nozzle decreases, or constricts, as the
B - decreases. exhaust gases move aft. Therefore, as exhaust gases
C - remains constant. pass through a convergent nozzle the velocity of the
gases increases while the pressure decreases.
Answers (A) and (C) are incorrect because subsonic
airflow increases in velocity when passing through a
convergent nozzle.

8182. B02 8182. Answer B. AC 65-15A

The pressure of supersonic air as it flows through a A supersonic flow of air differs from a subsonic flow in that
divergent nozzle as a supersonic flow passes through an expanding tube its
speed increases while pressure decreases. The diameter
A - increases. of a divergent nozzle increases, or expands, as exhaust
B - decreases. gases move aft. Therefore, as supersonic gases pass
C - i s inversely proportional to the temperature. through a divergent nozzle, gas velocity increases and
pressure decreases. Answer (C) is wrong because tem-
perature has no bearing on the velocity of supersonic air.

8183. B02 8183. Answer B. AC 65-12A

Anti-icing o f jet engine air inlets i s commonly accom- Anti-icing of turbine engine inlets is typically accom-
plished by plished by routing warm engine bleed air through the
inside of the inlets. In fact, engine bleed air is used to
A - electrical heating elements inside the inlet guide accomplish a variety of things including: cabin pressur-
vanes. ization and heating, deicing and anti-icing, pneumatic
B - engine bleed air ducted through the critical areas. starting, and powering auxiliary drive units, control-
C - electrical heating elements located within the booster servo systems, and instruments. The exact
engine air inlet cowling. location where the bleed air is taken from the engine
depends on the pressure and temperature required for
a particular job. Answers (A) and (C) are incorrect
because, although electrical heating elements are used
in some installations, engine bleed air is most com-
monly used for inlet anti-icing.

8184. B02 8184. Answer A. AC 65-12A

Generally, when starting a turbine engine, the starter When starting a turbine engine you should always fol-
should be disengaged low the manufacturer's instructions. However, as a
general guideline for a nonautomatic system, the
A - after the engine has reached self-accelerating starter is disengaged after the engine reaches its self-
speed. accelerating speed. Answer (B) is incorrect because
B - only after the engine has reached full idle RPM. keeping the starter engaged up to full idle rpm could
C - when the ignition and fuel system are activated. cause damage, and answer (C) is wrong because dis-
engaging the starter immediately after supplying igni-
tion and fuel could result in a hot start or no start.

8185. B02 8185. Answer C. AC 65-12A

What i s the primary advantage of an axial-flow com- Although an axial-flow compressor does not provide a
pressor over a centrifugal compressor? high pressure rise per stage, it is capable of greater
peak pressure ratios. The higher peak ratios are made
A - High frontal area. possible by increasing the number of stages. Answer
B - Less expensive. (A) is incorrect because high frontal area is a character-
C - Greater pressure ratio. istic of centrifugal compressors, and answer (B) is
wrong because axial-flow compressors are generally
more expensive to manufacture than centrifugal com-
Turbine Engines 2-17

8186. B02 8186. Answer A. TEP2

The purpose of a bleed valve, located in the beginning A compressor stall occurs when the angle of attack
stages of the compressor, in an aircraft gas turbine between the compressor vanes and the air moving
engine is to through a turbine engine's compressor becomes
excessive. When this happens, the compressor blades
A - vent some of the air overboard to prevent a com- can no longer move air at a sufficient rate. To prevent
pressor stall. this, some turbine engines are equipped with a bleed
B - control excessively high RPM to prevent a com- valve located at the first compressor stages that vents
pressor stall. air overboard to maintain the correct effective angle of
C - vent high ram air pressure overboard to prevent a attack and prevent a compressor stall. Answer (B) is
compressor stall. incorrect because engine rpm is primarily determined
by fuel flow through the engine, not by air flow. Answer
(C) is wrong because high ram air pressure effectively
lowers the angle of attack between the compressor
blades and the inlet airflow thereby eliminating the
need for air to be bled away.

8187. B02 8187. Answer C. AC 65-12A

What is meant by a double entry centrifugal compres- A double entry centrifugal compressor is one that has
sor? vanes on both sides of the impeller. Answer (A) is
incorrect because a double entry centrifugal compres-
A - A compressor that has two intakes. sor can have a single intake, and answer (B) is wrong
B - A two-stage compressor independently connected because two single centrifugal compressor stages
to the main shaft. require a single inlet.
C - A compressor with vanes on both sides of the

8188. B02 8188. Answer B. AC 65-12A

What is the major function of the turbine assembly in a The purpose of the turbine section in a gas turbine
turbojet engine? engine is to extract energy from the gases coming off
the combustor. The energy extracted drives the turbine
A - Directs the gases in the proper direction to the which, in turn, drives the compressor and all accessories.
tailpipe. Answer (A) is incorrect because directing exhaust
B - Supplies the power to turn the compressor. gases to the tailpipe is a minor function of the turbine
C - Increases the temperature of the exhaust gases. section, while answer (C) is wrong because the gas
temperature actually drops as it passes through the
turbine section.

8189. B02 8189. Answer C. AC 65-12A

Stator blades in the compressor section of an axial- Each set of rotor blades within an axial-flow compres-
flow turbine engine sor has a corresponding set of stator vanes. The stator
vanes help prevent swirling as they direct airflow to the
A - increase the air velocity and prevent swirling. next set of rotor blades and decrease air velocity by
B - straighten the airflow and accelerate it. converting velocity energy to pressure energy.
C - decrease the air velocity and prevent swirling. Answers (A) and (B) are incorrect because stator
vanes have a diverging profile that reduces velocity
and increases pressure.

8190. B02 8190. Answer C. AC 65-12A

A gas turbine engine comprises which three main sec- The three main sections of a gas turbine engine are
tions? the compressor, combustor, and turbine. Both answers
(A) and (9) are incorrect because the stator and dif-
A - Compressor, diffuser, and stator. fuser are part of the compressor.
B - Turbine, combustion, and stator.
C - Turbine, compressor, and combustion.
Turbine Engines

8191. B02 8191. Answer C. ITP-P2

What type of turbine blade is most commonly used in The most common type of turbine blade used in jet
aircraft jet engines? engines is the impulse-reaction type. This type of blade
is constructed with an impulse section at its base and a
A - Reaction. reaction section at its tip. This design distributes the
B - Impulse. workload evenly along the blade's length. Answers (A)
C - Impulse-reaction. and (B) are incorrect because very few engines use
plain impulse or reaction blades.

8192. B02 8192. Answer A. AC 65-12A

What is the primary factor which controls the pressure The primary factor in determining the pressure ratio in
ratio of an axial-flow compressor? an axial-flow compressor is the number of stages within
the compressor. Additional factors that affect pressure
A - Number of stages in compressor. ratio include overall compressor efficiency and the
B - Compressor inlet pressure. pressure ratio produced by each stage. Answers (B)
C - Compressor inlet temperature. and (C) are wrong because pressure ratio is unaffected
by compressor inlet temperature or pressure.

8193. B02 8193. Answer B. AC 65-12A

The non-rotating axial-flow compressor airfoils in an The two main elements of an axial-flow compressor
aircraft gas turbine engine are called are the rotor and stator. The rotor blades are attached
to a rotating spindle while the stator vanes (answer B)
A - pressurization vanes. are fixed and act as diffusers at each stage. Answers
B - stator vanes. (A) and (C) are incorrect because neither pressuriza-
C - bleed vanes. tion vanes nor bleed vanes exist.

8194. B02 8194. Answer C. AC 65-12A

(1) In a turbine engine axial-flow compressor, each Both statements (1) and (2) are correct. Each consecutive
consecutive pair of rotor and stator blades consti- pair of rotor and stator blades constitutes a single
tutes a pressure stage. pressure stage that produces a given pressure rise.
(2) In a turbine engine axial-flow compressor, the Therefore, the total amount of air and pressure rise
number of rows of stages is determined by the required dictates the number of rows or stages needed
amount of air and total pressure rise required. in a particular engine.

Regarding the above statements,

A - only No. 1 is true.

B - only No.2 is true.
C - both No.1 and No.2 are true.

8195. B02 8195. Answer A. AC 65-12A

The air passing through the combustion chamber of a As air leaves the compressor and enters the combus-
turbine engine is tion section it is divided into a primary and secondary
path. The primary path consists of approximately 25 to
A - used to support combustion and to cool the 35 percent of the total airflow and is routed to the area
engine. around the fuel nozzle to support combustion. The sec-
B - entirely combined with fuel and burned. ondary path consists of the remaining 65 to 75 percent
C - speeded up and heated by the action of the tur- of the total airflow and is used to form an air blanket on
bines. either side of the combustion liner that cools the
engine and centers the flames so they do not contact
any metal. Answer (B) is incorrect because only a
small fraction of the airflow supports combustion and
answer (C) is wrong because the air is slowed and
cooled as it passes through the turbine section.
Turbine Engines 2- 19

8196. B02 8196. Answer A. AC 65-12A

The stators in the turbine section of a gas turbine The fixed stator vanes in the turbine section of a gas tur-
engine bine engine are located ahead of the turbine rotor. The
turbine stators act as nozzles to increase gas velocity
A - increase the velocity of the gas flow. and decrease pressure. Answer (B) is incorrect because
B - decrease the velocity of the gas flow. gas flow velocity increases and answer (C) is incorrect
C - increase the pressure of the gas flow. because stators cause a decrease in gas pressure.

8197. B02 8197. Answer A. AC 65-12A

The compressor stators in a gas turbine engine act as A set of stator blades is placed immediately behind
diffusers to each set of rotor blades in an axial-flow compressor.
The stators act as diffusers to decrease air velocity
A - decrease the velocity of the gas flow. and increase pressure before the airflow is allowed to
B - increase the velocity of the gas flow. continue to the next stage or to the burners. Answers
C - increase the velocity and decrease the pressure of (6) and (C) are incorrect because airflow velocity
the gas. decreases and pressure rises.

8198. B02 8198. Answer B. TEP2

The procedure for removing the accumulation of dirt Compressor field cleaning is the process of removing
deposits on compressor blades is called an accumulation of contaminants from compressor
blades. Dirty compressor blades reduce aerodynamic
A - the soak method. efficiency and engine performance. Two common
B - field cleaning. methods used for removing dirt deposits are a fluid
C - the purging process. wash and an abrasive grit blast. The soak method
(answer A) and purging process (answer C) do not
refer to any known powerplant cleaning process.

8199. B02 8199. Answer C. TEP2

Which of the following may be used to accomplish In recent years the borescope has become one of the
internal inspection of an assembled turbine engine? most effective ways of inspecting the inner parts of the
engine. Both answers (A) and (6) are incorrect
1. Infrared photography. because none of the other methods listed allows you to
2. Ultrasound. inspect internal components while the engine is still
3. A borescope. assembled.
4. Fluorescent penetrant and ultraviolet light.

8200. B03 8200. Answer B. AC 65-12A

What is the possible cause when a turbine engine indi- In the early stages of engine main bearing distress,
cates no change in power setting parameters, but oil increased friction can cause oil temperatures to rise
temperature is high? while power parameters remain within normal limits.
However, as a main bearing gets closer to failing, the
A - High scavenge pump oil flow. engine's power parameters will change. Answer (A) is
B - Engine main bearing distress. incorrect because high scavenge pump oil flow will
C - Turbine damage and/or loss of turbine efficiency. most likely give a low or fluctuating oil pressure indica-
tion before oil temperature becomes elevated. Answer
(C) is wrong because turbine damage andlor loss of
turbine efficiency causes changes in power setting
2-20 Turbine Engines

8201. B03 8201. Answer C. AC 65-9A

Newton's First Law of Motion, generally termed the Newton's First Law of Motion states that any body at
Law of Inertia, states: rest will remain at rest and any body in motion will
remain in a straight line motion, unless acted upon by
A - To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. some outside force. Answer (A) is Newton's Third Law
B - Force is proportional to the product of mass and of Motion and answer (B) is a statement from Newton's
acceleration. Second Law.
C - Every body persists in its state of rest, or of motion in a
straight line, unless acted upon by some outside force.

8202. B03 8202. Answer B. AC 65-12A

A turbine engine hot section is particularly susceptible Due to the extremely high temperatures and vibration
to which kind of damage? that exist in a hot section, cracking is the most com-
mon problem encountered. Answer (A), scoring, con-
A - Scoring. sists of deep scratches that are caused by foreign
B - Cracking. particles between moving parts and is rarely found in
C - Galling. turbine sections. Answer (C), galling, is the transfer of
metal from one surface to another and is more com-
mon in compressor sections.

8203. B03 8203. Answer A. AC 65-12A

Dirt particles in the air being introduced into the com- As air passes through a compressor, centrifugal force
pressor of a turbine engine will form a coating on all throws particles of dirt, oil, soot, and other foreign mat-
but which of the following? ter outward so that they build up on the casing, guide
vanes, and compressor blades. However, because of
A -Turbine blades. the high temperatures present in the hot section, the
B - Casings. turbine blades are not susceptible to this problem.
C - Inlet guide vanes. Answers (B) and (C) are wrong because these areas
are subject to contamination from dust and dirt.

8204. B03 8204. Answer C. AC 65-12A

Severe rubbing of turbine engine compressor blades Galling is a transfer of metal from one surface to
will usually cause another usually caused by severe rubbing. Answer (A)
is wrong because compressor blades will abrade or
A - bowing. break before they bow and answer (B), cracking, is
B - cracking. unlikely to occur on compressor blades in the absence
C - galling. of a hard impact or extreme heat.

8205. B03 8205. Answer A. AC 65-12A

Which of the following influences the operation of an Some of the variables that an automatic fuel control
automatic fuel control unit on a turbojet engine? unit senses include the power lever position, engine
rpm, either compressor inlet pressure or temperature,
A - Burner pressure. and burner pressure or compressor discharge pres-
B - Mixture control position. sure. Answer (B) is incorrect because there is no mix-
C - Exhaust gas temperature. ture control on a turbine engine and exhaust gas
temperature (answer C) does not influence the opera-
tion of an automatic fuel control unit.
Turbine Engines 2-21

8206. B03 8206. Answer C. AC 65-12A

If a turbine engine is unable to reach takeoff EPR If the compressor blades of a turbine engine are dirty
before its EGT limit is reached, this is an indication or damaged, the engine will run at a higher internal
that the temperature. Whenever an engine's internal tempera-
ture increases, the corresponding exhaust gas temper-
A - fuel control must be replaced. ature (EGT) also increases. Under these
B - EGT controller is out of adjustment. circumstances, an engine's EGT limits may be reached
C - compressor may be contaminated or damaged. before its maximum or takeoff engine pressure ratio
(EPR) is obtained. It is unlikely that a fuel control
(answer A) could cause the conditions indicated, since
the engine is receiving enough fuel to reach its EGT
limit, and answer (B) is incorrect because turbine
engines do not have EGT controllers.

8207. B03 8207. Answer A. AC 65-12A

The Brayton cycle is known as the constant The Brayton cycle describes the combustion process
in a turbine engine. This process is also known as the
A - pressure cycle. constant pressure cycle because the pressure across
B - temperature cycle. the combustion section in a turbine engine remains rel-
C - mass cycle. atively constant. Answers (B) and (C) are incorrect
because temperature and mass flow vary substantially
in a turbine engine.

8208. B03 8208. Answer B. AC 65-12A

Continued andlor excessive heat and centrifugal force Creep, or growth, are terms used to describe the perma-
on turbine engine rotor blades is likely to cause nent elongation of rotating parts. Creep is most pro-
nounced in turbine blades because they are continually
A - profile. subjected to extreme heat and centrifugal loads. Profile
B - creep. (answer A) refers to a blade's contour, while galling
C - galling. (answer C) is the result of two surfaces rubbing together.
Neither of these is the result of heat and centrifugal force.

8209. B03 8209. Answer A. TEP2

If the RPM of an axial-flow compressor remains con- Although the orientation of compressor blades in a tur-
stant, the angle of attack of the rotor blades can be bine engine is fixed, their angle of attack relative to the
changed by airflow is variable. Angle of attack is affected by the
speed of the compressor, the direction of the airflow
A - changing the velocity of the airflow. coming off the stator vanes, and the velocity of the air-
B - changing the compressor diameter. flow coming off the stator vanes. Answer (B) is wrong
C - increasing the pressure ratio. because changing the compressor diameter will result
in a greater mass of airflow with no change in its veloc-
ity, and answer (C) is incorrect because increasing the
pressure ratio has no effect on compressor speed or
airflow velocity.

8210. B03 8210. Answer A. AC 65-12A

The compression ratio of an axial-flow compressor is a The primary factor in determining the pressure ratio in
function of the an axial-flow compressor is the number of stages
within the compressor. Additional factors that affect
A - number of compressor stages. pressure ratio include overall compressor efficiency
B - rotor diameter. and the pressure ratio produced by each stage.
C - air inlet velocity. Answer (B) is incorrect because changing the rotor
diameter affects mass flow, not pressure. Answer (C) is
wrong because compression ratio is not affected by
changing inlet air velocity.
2-22 Turbine Engines

8211. B03 8211. Answer 6. AC 65-12A

Which of the following variables affect the inlet air The power produced by a turbine engine is directly
density of a turbine engine? proportional to the density of the air at the inlet. The
factors which affect air density at the inlet are the
1. Speed of the aircraft. speed of the aircraft, the altitude at which the aircraft is
2. Compression ratio. flying, and the ambient air temperature. Both answers
3. Turbine inlet temperature. (A) and (C) are wrong because items 2,3, and 6
4. Altitude of the aircraft. impact engine thermal efficiency and do not affect inlet
5. Ambient temperature. air density.
6. Turbine and compressor efficiency.

8212. B03 8212. Answer 8. AC 65-12A

Which of the following factors affect the thermal effi- Thermal efficiency refers to the ratio of net work pro-
ciency of a turbine engine? duced by a turbine engine to the chemical energy sup-
plied in the form of fuel. The three most important
1. Turbine inlet temperature. factors affecting thermal efficiency are turbine inlet
2. Compression ratio. temperature, compression ratio, and the efficiency of
3. Ambient temperature. the compressor and turbine. All of these factors are
4. Speed of the aircraft. included in answer (B). Other factors that affect ther-
5. Turbine and compressor efficiency. mal dfficiency are compressor inlet temperature and
6. Altitude of the aircraft. burner efficiency. Answers (A) and (C) are wrong
because items 3,4, and 6 are the determining factors
A - 3,4,6. of inlet air density.
B - l,2,5.
C- l,2,6.

8213. B03 8213. Answer C. AC 65-12A

Why do some turbine engines have more than one tur- The number of turbine wheels used in a gas turbine
bine wheel attached to a single shaft? engine is determined by the amount of energy that
must be extracted to drive the compressor and all
A -To facilitate balancing of the turbine assembly. accessories. Both turbofan and turboprop engines
B -To help stabilize the pressure between the com- require more turbine wheels than a turbojet, because
pressor and the turbine. more energy is required to drive the fan or prop.
C -To extract more power from the exhaust gases Answer (A) is wrong because turbine assembly bal-
than a single wheel can absorb. ance is as easily achieved with one turbine wheel as
with two. Answer (B) is incorrect because the number
of turbine wheels has no relation to stabilizing pressure
between the compressor and turbine.

8214. B03 8214. Answer A. AC 65-12A

The exhaust section of a turbine engine i s designed to The exhaust section of a turbine engine installed on a
subsonic aircraft is comprised of several components
A -impart a high exit velocity to the exhaust gases. performing multiple functions. However, all compo-
B - increase temperature, therefore increasing nents must work together to direct the flow of hot
velocity. gases rearward and impart a high exit velocity. Answer
C -decrease temperature, therefore decreasing (B) is true for afterburning engines but not for conven-
pressure. tional applications and answer (C) is incorrect because
a properly designed exhaust section should increase
the pressure of the exhaust gas.
Turbine Engines 2-23

8215. B03 8215. Answer C. AC 65-12A

Which of the following types of combustion sections The three types of combustion chambers used in gas
are used in aircraft turbine engines? turbine engines are the multiple-can, annular, and can-
annular. In modern day engines, the annular is the
A - Annular, variable, and cascade vane. most popular. Answers (A) and (B) are wrong because
B - Can, multiple-can, and variable. the terms variable and cascade vane do not refer to
C - Multiple-can, annular, and can-annular. types of combustion sections.

8216. B03 8216. Answer A. AC 65-12A

A cool-off period prior to shutdown of a turbine engine Prior to shutting down some turbine engines, a cool-
is accomplished in order to off period is required to allow the turbine wheel to cool
and contract before the case contracts around it.
A - allow the turbine wheel to cool before the case Although the turbine case and turbine wheels operate
contracts around it. at approximately the same temperature when the
B - prevent vapor lock in the fuel control and/or fuel engine is running, the turbine wheels are relatively
lines. massive compared to the case and, therefore, cool
C - prevent seizure of the engine bearings. and contract more slowly. Answer (6)is incorrect
because vapor lock is a problem associated with reci-
procating engines, and answer (C) is wrong because
engine bearings are unlikely to seize unless their lubri-
cation is interrupted.

8217. B03 8217. Answer B. TEP 2

What type of igniter plug is used in the low tension Some turbine engines are equipped with low tension
ignition system of an aircraft turbofan engine? ignition systems that typically utilize self-ionizing or
shunted-gap igniter plugs. Shunted-gap igniters contain
A - Low voltage, high amperage glow plug. a semiconductor material between the center and
B - Self-ionizing or shunted-gap type plug. ground electrodes. The plug fires when current flows
C - Recessed surface gap plug. from a storage capacitor in the ignition exciter through
the center electrode, the semiconductor, and to the plugs
outer casing. Answer (A) is incorrect because low volt-
age glow plugs are actually small heating coils that do
not require a coil-type ignition system. Answer (C) is
wrong because recessed surface gap igniter plugs
require high voltage and cannot be used in low tension

8218. B03 8218. Answer A. AC 65-12A

What is meant by a shrouded turbine? The term shrouded turbine refers to a gas turbine
engine that uses shrouded turbine blades. The use of
A - The turbine blades are shaped so that their ends shrouded turbine rotor blades reduces blade vibration
form a band or shroud. and improves turbine efficiency. With shrouded
B - The turbine wheel is enclosed by a protective blades the tips of the blades contact each other,
shroud to contain the blades in case of failure. thereby providing support. This added support
C - The turbine wheel has a shroud or duct which reduces vibration substantially. The shrouds also pre-
provides cooling air to the turbine blades. vent air from escaping over the blade tips making the
turbine more efficient. Answer (B) is incorrect
because although some compressor sections are
reinforced to contain a blade failure, this is rarely
done in turbine sections. Answer (C) is wrong
because when turbine blades are cooled, they
receive cooling air from the compressor and release it
through holes in their leading and trailing edges.
2-24 Turbine Engines

8219. B03 8219. Answer C. AC 65-12A

What term is used to describe a permanent and cumu- Creep, or growth, are terms used to describe the per-
lative deformation of the turbine blades of a turbojet manent elongation and deformation of rotating parts.
engine? Creep is most pronounced in turbine blades because
they continually must operate in extreme heat while
A - Stretch. being subjected to excessive centrifugal loads.
B - Distortion.
C - Creep.

8220. B03 8220. Answer A. AC 65-12A

What is the purpose of the dump valve used on aircraft The dump valve is part of the fuel system in a turbine
gas turbine engines? engine that automatically dumps fuel pressure at
engine shut down. This prevents fuel boiling due to
A - The fuel is quickly cut off to the nozzles and the residual engine heat. Answer (B) is incorrect because
manifolds are drained preventing fuel boiling as a a special bleed valve dumps compressor air on some
result of residual engine heat. engines to help prevent a compressor stall and answer
B - The valve controls compressor stalls by dumping (C) is wrong because the dump valve forces excess
compressor bleed air from the compressor discharge fuel back into the combustion chamber, not back into
port under certain conditions. the fuel pump inlet.
C - Maintains minimum fuel pressure to the engine
fuel control unit inlet and dumps excessive fuel
back to the inlet of the engine driven fuel pump.

8221. B03 8221. Answer C. AC 65-12A

At what stage in a turbine engine are gas pressures the The highest pressure in a gas turbine engine is at the
greatest? compressor outlet. This point in the engine is known as
the diffuser. Answers (A) and (B) are incorrect because
A - Compressor inlet. pressures are lower at the compressor inlet and tur-
B - Turbine outlet. bine outlet.
C - Compressor outlet.

8222. B03 8222. Answer C. AC 65-12A

In what section of a turbojet engine is the jet nozzle The jet nozzle of a gas turbine engine is attached to
located? the rear of the tailpipe or rear flange of the exhaust
duct and represents the last component the exhaust
A - Combustion. gases pass through. Therefore, the jet nozzle is part of
B - Turbine. the exhaust section.
C - Exhaust.

8223. B03 8223. Answer C. AC 65-12A

(I) Accumulation of contaminates in the compressor of Both statements (1) and ( 2 ) are correct. The accumula-
a turbojet engine reduces aerodynamic efficiency of tion of dirt, oil, and soot on compressor blades reduces
the blades. the aerodynamic efficiency of the blades which, in turn,
(2) Two common methods for removing dirt deposits decreases engine performance. The two most com-
from turbojet engine compressor blades are a fluid mon methods for removing dirt deposits are a fluid
wash and an abrasive grit blast. wash and an abrasive grit blast. The fluid cleaning pro-
cedure is accomplished by first spraying an emulsion
Regarding the above statements, type surface cleaner into the compressor as it is turn-
ing and then applying a rinse. Grit blasting, on the
A - only No. 1 is true. other hand, requires the injection of an abrasive grit
B - only No. 2 is true. into the engine operating at a selected power setting.
C - both No. 1 and No. 2 are true.
Turbine Engines 2-25

8224. B03 8224. Answer C. AC 65-12A

Hot spots in the combustion section of a turbojet Hot spots within the combustion section are possible
engine are possible indicators of indicators of a serious condition, such as malfunction-
ing fuel nozzles or other fuel system malfunctions.
A - faulty igniter plugs. Therefore, whenever hotspots are present they must
B - dirty compressor blades. be interpreted carefully.
C - malfunctioning fuel nozzles.

8225. B03 8225. Answer C.

Which of the following can cause fan blade shingling Fan blade shingling is the term used to describe the
in a turbofan engine? overlapping of midspan shrouds on fan blades. Any
time rotating fan blades encounter a resistance that
1. Engine overspeed. forces a blade sideways shingling occurs. Shingling is
2. Engine overtemperature. typically caused by an overspeed, FOD, a bird strike,
3. Large, rapid throttle movements. or a compressor stall.
4. FOD.

8226. B03 8226. Answer B. TEP2

Compressor stall is caused by A compressor stall occurs when the inlet airflow strikes
the compressor blades at an excessive angle of attack
A - a low angle of attack airflow through the first causing the blades to momentarily lose the ability to
stages of compression. compress inlet air. Answer (A) is incorrect because low
B - a high angle of attack airflow through the first angle of attack airflow can cause compressor choke,
stages of compression. not compressor stall. Answer (C) is incorrect because,
C - rapid engine deceleration. although rapid engine deceleration is one action that
can cause compressor stall, high angle of attack air-
flow is the primary cause.

8227. B03 8227. Answer A. AC 65-12A

A condition known as "hot streaking" in turbine The term hot streaking describes a condition where a
engines is caused by fuel nozzle shoots out an unatomized stream of fuel
which can contact the combustion liner or other com-
A - a partially clogged fuel nozzle. ponents creating hot spots. Answer (B) is incorrect
B - a misaligned combustion liner. because although a misaligned combustion liner could
C - excessive fuel flow. disrupt the airflow pattern within the liner and create
hot spots, it would not create the distinctive streaking
associated with a clogged fuel nozzle. Answer (C) is
wrong because excessive fuel flow, if distributed
through a properly working fuel nozzle, will result in
high EGT but will not lead to hot streaking.

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