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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)

Volume 164 – No 3, April 2017

Research on Wi-Fi Security Protocols

Saurabh Malgaonkar Rohan Patil
Computer Engineering Department, Associate Software Engineer,
Thadomal Shahani Engineering College, Indus Valley Partners,
Mumbai University, Mumbai, India.
Mumbai, India.

Aishwarya Rai Aastha Singh

Test Engineer Associate Software Engineer,
AMDOCS, Pune , India. Accenture, Bangalore, India.

ABSTRACT facility of simulate uses cryptography to secure information

Wireless local area networks (WLANs) with the gateway to packets transfer among nodes using C++ language to process
internet services are becoming popular as they are fast, cost because faster than tc. In today's situation, all tasks which
effective, flexible and easy to use. There are some challenges were usually carried out offline have been shifted to online.
of security and for IT administrators the choice of security This paradigm shift [2] has lead to personal details such as
protocol is a critical issue. The main motive is to know about bank account, email, online money stored by individual
threats in the wireless security and be aware about the organizations for transaction purposes. The need for security
disadvantages of wireless security protocols. There is also a on any network is apparent. The prevention of insecure
comparative analysis of WEP, WPA and WPA2. The check on network and the desire for confidentiality, integrity and
the authentication of all 3 protocols by implying the legendary availability is the main focus. However, the problem that
attack vector scripts i.e. Air crack set of tools is done. The test already exists are added too, when one adds wireless network.
was conducted on Back Track operating system which is As wireless networking becomes more popular, the flawed
considered as dedicated pentesting operating system. In the security [4] of most of those network becomes apparent. The
test result, it was found out that WEP is the weakest, to which overall aim is to study and understand the currently existing
WPA was a temporary solution and WPA2 is a very solid and standards for wireless communication. Various parameters
long term solution.. and scenarios over which the performance of a protocol can
be evaluated are selected. Through the results obtained from
Keywords this process it is easy to identify whether the performance and
Network security, security protocols, WEP, WPA, WPA2, security measure of the improved protocol is better than the
WiFi Security currently operational ones. In this paper NS2 tool is used as a
method to virtually create a network wherein the protocols
1. INTRODUCTION can be simulated and test results can be reported. NS2
In current network security research trends, the study of provides results in 2 formats, namely 'nam' and 'X-graph'.
performance of security protocols of WLAN [1] has been one Nam will execute the protocol implemented over the nodes
of research focuses. Whereas, owing to enormous complexity and show animations of the file transfer between the nodes in
and low efficiency of modeling security protocols, there has the closed network. X-graph however will give the
been by now no uniform method or technology that can be performance analysis on the parameters which we have set.
used generally to simulate and evaluate security protocols. Also in this paper there is a detailed explanation of WEP,
The protocols that are required to provide security to wireless WPA and WPA2 security algorithms. These algorithms forms
networks can be implemented by creating a wireless scenario the foundation for the security protocol design. Hence it is
using the software Network Simulator. This paper illustrates a important to understand every aspect of the algorithm in order
scenario to check the security protocol. As NS2 mainly has to further make changes and help the particular protocol
the implementation of routing protocols, a new protocol become more efficient.
should be designed especially for security purpose. The
security feature followed is encryption/decryption of the data 2. SECURITY METHODS REVIEW
that is being exchanged. Data should be ensured as and then 2.1 WEP
there will be a perfect implementation of the protocol. So, the WEP protocol [5] is the basic part of IEEE 802.11 (IEEE –
focus is on adding a new security protocol to NS2 and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) standard for
implementation of that protocol by providing a wireless the protection of WLAN networks. The basic function of
scenario. It also briefly describes the basic networks WEP protocol is to provide data security in wireless networks
categories, analyzes the networks, briefly describes their in the same way as it is in the wired networks. Lack of
components and technologies, explains the WiFi technology physical connection among users and wireless networks
and analyzes property sources related to network simulator enables all users within the network range to receive data if
and its detailed description, specify the configuration for the they have appropriate receivers. The only possible way to
simple network and create corresponding model by using NS2 protect this kind of network was to create a protocol that
simulator, demonstrates selected characteristics of the would work on the second layer of OSI model and, in this
specified network configuration using the simulation model, way, provide the data protection during the transmission. In
and show scenario of transmission data among nodes. The order to protect data transmitted among the communicating
language used in this paper to simulate tool. Finally to show

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 164 – No 3, April 2017

parties, WEP uses shared secret key of 40 to 140 bits. WEP Fi defines WPA [6] (Wi-Fi Protected Access) standard to
protocol is applied through the following three steps : improve the protection of wireless devices. WPA has
• CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Code) message is calculated contributed to the increased protection of wireless
and added to the original message. communications through the increased level of data protection
and access control of current and future solutions to wireless
• The second step in WEP protocol application is networks. WPA is designed to be the software upgrade to the
encryption (as shown in Figure 1). The message is existing devices and is compatible with the new IEEE 802.11i
encrypted by RC4 algorithm. Encryption is d one in three standard. WPA has several purposes:
phases. First, pseudo-random data sequence of three • To be a strong protective mechanism for wireless
bytes is generated (IV – Initialization Vector) to extend networks,
the key. Encryption ends with the application of
exclusive or function (XOR) between keystream and • To be interoperable,
message thus resulting in encrypted message.
• To replace WEP,
• The last step is to transmit sequence IV and encrypted
message. Once the message has come to its its final • To enable the existing Wi-Fi wireless devices to be
destination, the reverse procedure is applied. Again, the upgraded with the new software solution,
extended key is generated on the basis of transferred IV • To be applicable in small, as well as in large wireless
and shared key; then RC4 algorithm generates networks, and
keystream, XOR function is calculated between
keystream and message that arrived. • To be applicable immediately.
The first improvement offered by WPA is data encryption by
TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol). This protocol
provides a strong encryption mechanism whose characteristics
• A unique stream for encryption of each of the packets,
• Message integrity check (MIC, Michael),
• IV extension, and
• Repeated key mechanism.
The second improvement is related to the strong security
authentication of the users through 802.1x and
EAP(Extensible Authentication Protocol). In large networks,
Fig 1: WEP protocol execution WPA uses authentication server RADIUS to secure
centralized management and control of the access. In small
Open System Authentication enables mobile stations to access SOHO (Small Office/Home Office) networks, there is no
the access point without confirmation of the station’s identity. centralized authentication server so that WPA is initiated by a
This is a one-way authentication since mobile stations believe special mode. This mode is also called Pre-Shared Key (PSK)
to communicate with the right access point. Open System and it enables users to authenticate by a password or a key.
Authentication is very sensitive to attacks and allows Users have to enter a password (or a key) to the access point,
unauthorized access. Shared-key Authentication is based on otherwise home network reaches each of the workstations
encryption technique and on questions and answers procedure included in the Wi-Fi wireless network. Devices with
between a station and the access point. The authentication appropriate password can be networked and thus protected
process is ended when the access point decrypts the station’s from eavesdropping and other unauthorized users.
answer by shared key and thus enables the access of the
workstation only if decryption result is equal to the question
that has been sent In 802.11 standards the confidentiality is
realized by encryption technique. WEP protocol for the
protection of confidentiality uses RC4 algorithm and
symmetrical key together with pseudo sequence. In general,
every increase in key length brings the increase in protection.
However, recent brute-force attacks on wireless local
networks are jeopardizing privacy. This means that WEP
protocol is sensitive to attacks no matter of the key length.
WEP protocol provides integrity of messages transmitted
between stations and access point by using CRC technique.
Integrity of message received is violated when the checksum
differentiates. In this case, the message received is rejected.

2.2 WPA
IEEE studied all details of WEP security problems and
focused on the design of new safety mechanisms for wireless Fig 2: WPA protocol (WEP safety improvements)
networks. The solutions are offered in 802.11i standard.
However, standard issuance and rectification can take a few
2.3 TKIP
TKIP [7] is a collection of algorithms created to improve and
years and the market makes a pressure on manufacturers so
solve security problems of WEP. Majority of cryptographic
that they are not in a position to wait for standard issuance and
ratification to be finished. In order to solve this problem, Wi-

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 164 – No 3, April 2017

functions is realized through hardware in wireless networks • In phase 1, hash function is calculated based on the MAC
adapters, thus it is not possible to improve the hardware. address of the sender, temporal
RC4 is an encryption device implemented in hardware of
wireless network adapters and is not replaceable. To solve this session key and high 32 bits of IV. This phase is calculated
problem TKIP uses RC4 device in the way that changes the only if temporal key of the session is changed.
methods of use of the shared key. In WEP, shared key is used • In phase 2, hash function is calculated by the phase 1
directly in encryption, while in TKIP it is used for generation output and low 16 bits of IV. As an output, we have a
of other keys. TKIP algorithms can be applied in the current key stream of 128 bits. In fact, the first 3 bits of phase 2
wireless equipment without significantly ruining the are compatible with IV in WEP, while the remaining 13
performance. TKIP gives WEP four new improvements : bits are compatible with WEP. The purpose of phase 2 is
• Encrypted message integrity code to prevent to make it difficult for the attacker to find correlation
message falsifications, between IV and a key for each of the packets. The
analysis of C code that implements both phases shows
• Strict IV sequences to prevent replay attacks, that some of the cryptographic characteristics of S-box
have been applied .
• Key generation, and
TKIP mechanism has three keys:
• Mechanism to refresh keys in order to prevent • Temporal key,
• attacks related to key repetition. Encrypted message • Encryption key
integrity code (MIC). MIC is an encryption
mechanism based on hash function design to work • Master key.
on existing wireless network adapters in order to
detect false messages. MIC mechanism consists of Temporal keys are 128 bit encryption key and 64 bit key for
three components: encryption of data integrity. TKIP uses separate key sets on
both sides of connection, so that there are four temporal keys
• authentication key (Michael key, both the in total. TKIP identifies these sets of keys by 2 bit
identification device named WEP keyid. When first
• sender and the receiver have the same key), connection is established, the first set of keys is immediately
• tag function, and connected to one of the two sets of WEP keyid. When a new
set of keys is created, a new keyid is distributed to it. After the
• verification. connection between a new pair of temporal keys is established
Tag function generates the tag based on the authentication key TKIP implementation will continue to receive packets on the
and message. Generated tag is an encryption for integrity old keyid and its keys. However, later on, the transfer will be
check and is sent together with a message. Receiver performs conducted only via new keyid and its keys. New temporal
MCI strength is in the number of tag bits (n). This means that keys are created with the first or repeated establishment of
if the attacker wants to send a false message, 2n messages connection. Encryption key protects temporal keys. There are
have to be sent . MIC has a level of protection of n = 20, two of these keys – one is used to encrypt the message to
while the strongest attacks could generate 229 messages. It is introduce temporal keys, while the other serves to protect the
obvious that MIC with the above given level of protection is message from being falsified. Master key is exchanged among
not completely safe. Therefore, TKIP implements workstations and 802.1x authentication servers. This key is
mechanisms for detection of false messages and in case there directly related to authentication and is used for secure
are two false messages in a second, it is considered to be an distribution of key streams. Master key is created after a
attack. In that situation keys must be erased, session must be successful authentication and is related to one session only.
terminated and one minute has to pass before the new session
with the new TKIP and Michael keys is established. Strict IV
sequences. False messages appear when the attacker meets the
2.4 802.1x
message and sends it as his own. Usually, this problem is IEEE 802.1x [8] is standardized way to the network secure
solved by linking IV counter with the MIC key. Each time the access. By using security methods in 802.1x standard it is
MIC key is replaced, IV sequence is reinitialized. This possible to access the network securely, even when products
strategy requires the transmitter to stop its transmission when of different manufacturers are in use. 802.1x is only a part of
the same IV sequence repeats for one MIC key. This happens security technology that disables unauthorized access to the
when communications ceases or MIC key changes. TKIP network and does not control traffic of the authorized users.
affects IV sequence. Transmitter and receiver set IV to zero 802.1x does not require a specific authentication protocol, but
each time TKIP key is changed. Sender increments IV uses EAP for encapsulation of other authentication protocols
sequence for each packet that is sent. TKIP requires receiver (LEAP – Lightweight Authentication Extension Protocol;
to supervise all sequences of the IV sequence that has just EAP-TSL – Transport Layer Security; EAP-TTLS – Tunneled
arrived. If the newly arrived IV sequence is smaller or even TLS; EAP-PEAP – Protected EAP). A successful
the same as the previous IV sequence for the same TKIP key, authentication , both of a client and authenticator, has to be
or if IV sequences arrive in no logical order, then it is a reason completed before any traffic from the client is allowed. Before
to dismiss these messages. In WEP protocol a unique key for authentication 802.1x logical component (PAE – Port Access
each packet is based on concatenation of unchanged key and Entry) prohibits any traffic except for the EAP request that is
IV sequence. As a result of this key generation there is his being forwarded to the authentication server. Based on the
often repetition. For each of the packets a new key is EAP message, authentication server determines whether a
generated by hash function based on TKIP key and IV client has or does not have an access to the network. Then it
sequence. It is called temporal key since its duration is sends a message to the authenticator and, based on the
temporal and it changes when its time elapses. Key message, the port is either in the position to prohibit or
generation in TKIP protocol has two phases approve the traffic. Previously researches have showed that
primary Authentication method (open authentication system

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 164 – No 3, April 2017

and shared key authentication) and access control based on • The authenticator waits for a certain period of time for a
MAC control lists are not secure mechanisms. In order to client to re-authenticate before the port is locked.
solve the problem, IEEE group designed new security
architecture for wireless local networks – Robust Security • A continuity of authentication procedure is allowed in
Network (RSN). RSN provides a mechanism for connecting case the client was temporarily unable to respond to
to the network only through an authorized 802.1x network authenticator’s request.
port. Network port represents a connection between the • It is allowed for more devices to access the network by a
station and AP. RSN uses three entities define by 802.1x shared mediator (such as hub), and
standard: station, authenticator and authentication server. The
station is an entity that wants to access the network through • Protection is imposed to all users of the access point.
authenticator’s network port (access point). The station is • In addition to the advantages mentioned before, 802.1x
authenticated through authenticator on authentication server authentication has also some deficiencies. These
from which it receives accreditations. deficiencies result from the mistakes in 802.1x and EAP
RSN connection is performed in three phases: protocols that the attackers have used for attacks.

Phase 1: Request, authentication and association. The station 3. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN

looks for the AP with appropriate SSID. All APs in the range Using the network simulator NS2 [9], the attacks in the WSN
answer with the Probe Request framework. can be simulated. NS2 creates a replica of a real time network.
It is a time based event driven simulator. The code can be
When the station identifies with which AP it is connected and
written in such a way that at what time, what particular event
accepts its parameters, authentication is performed as well as
can happen. The nodes can be created, the data transfer
connection to the AP. At the end of phase 1 the workstation
between the nodes and the attacks can be shown. It has
and the AP establish security rules and 802.1x authentication
become one of the most widely used open source simulators.
port is locked. 802.1x network port remains locked as long as
It is a free simulation tool that can be available online . The
the authentication procedure has been completed.
simulator consists of a wide variety of applications, protocols
Phase 2: 802.1x authentication. In this phase the station is like TCP, UDP and many network parameters. It runs on
authenticated with the authentication server. The station and various platforms like UNIX, Mac and windows platforms.
the AP have to authenticate mutually in order for the station to This NS2 tool allows to develop a model design for wireless
escape false access points and for the access points to escape sensor network connection between nodes in the network.
false stations. 802.1x standard uses EAP for different Based on the network attacks like denial of service, flood
authentication mechanisms. In communications between the attack, sinkhole attacks, Sybil attack the network security can
station and the authenticator, EAP protocol uses four be tested. These attacks can be created in the network and the
messages: EAP Request, EAP Response, EAP Success and security level of the wireless sensor network can be tested to
EAP Failure. EAP can route messages to the authentication ensure secure data transmission between the nodes in the
server (such as RADIUS) through 802.1x port when it is network. The WEP, WAP and WAP2 security protocols are
locked. EAP packets between the station and the authenticator the primary focus areas. The advantages and limitations of the
encapsulated EAPOL (EAP over LAN) packets, while EAP same are an important feature in this project. Security of any
messages between authenticator and authentication server are system depends on the encryption method used by that
encapsulated in RADIUS packets. The station sends EAPOL protocol. NS2 is a network simulation tool which helps to
start message to the authenticator. Based on this message, the analyze and design network configurations. Design of
authenticator requires station identification. The station then wireless Network uses NS2, as a base on Security evaluation,
replies with identity parameters that are forwarded to the and describes the proposed model of the system and complete
authentication server by authenticator. Then the mutual description of the Simulations and software program needed
authentication between the station and authentication server is for implementing the Network. Ns-2 is a widely used tool to
done. If the mutual authentication is successful, the simulate of networks. Network simulator is a part of software
authentication server generates Master Session key (MSK) that predicates the performance of a network without a real
and forwards it to the authenticator and to the station. PMK network being there. NS2 is a vital simulation tool for
(Pair-Wise Master Key) is then generated by the station and networks. It supports a number of algorithms for routing and
authenticator based on the MSK. Phase 3: 4-Way Handshake. queuing. NS2 is very helpful because it is very costly to verify
The station and the authenticator have to mutually confirm the viability of new algorithms, test architectures, check
current PMK in order to complete successfully RSNA . After topologies, check data transmission etc. Network simulators
successful confirmation a PTK (Pair – Wise Transient Key) is are names for series of discrete event network simulators and
generated to be used for a secure transfer of session data. Now are heavily used in ad-hoc networking and support popular
802.1x port is unlocked. 802.1x authentication has several network protocols, offering simulation results for wireless
advantages: networks. Also using security in the network the basic
conceptions in the security of the network, then it discusses
• Administrators can define users’ responsibilities in the encryption and decryption concept the implementation of non-
network, they do not have to pair manually users’ names conventional (both blocks and stream ciphers) The reason for
with MAC addresses,and can easily find mistakes and having two programming languages from the aim is to have
supervise the network. an easy to use, yet fast and powerful simulator. C++ forms an
• Administrators allow access to the network according to efficient class hierarchy core of ns-2 that takes care of
the manufacturer standards. handling packets, headers and algorithms. Object Tcl, or
OTcl, is also an object oriented programming language
• An authorized port cannot be compromised by a non- utilized in ns-2 for network scenario creation, allowing fast
802.1x client. modifications to scenario scripts. OTcl and C++ interact with
each other through Tcl/C++interface called Tcl/C++

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 164 – No 3, April 2017

3.1 Method Implementation it is fed in plaintext message, it will produce the encrypted
For the implementation of WEP and WAP2 we have to version . TKIP method of encryption-
discuss and understand 2 algorithms which form the core in
operations of respective protocols. It is important to
understand these two methods before we go further and
implement them on NS2.
RC4 method of encryption-

Fig 5: TKIP Flowchart

A) Message Integrity Code-
Defeat Forgeries
1. Secret Key(m1 an m2)
2. Tagging function-pads message to multiple of 32 bit

Fig 4: RC4 Flowchart 3. Verification-counter measure checks for forgery.

is encrypted. The initialization process can be summarized by B) IV sequence-

the pseudo-code 1. Packet sequence number
k = 0; 2. If packet sequence number is less than or equal to
for s = 0 to 255: previous MPDU associated with key =>> set replay
d[s] = s;
C) Per packet key mixing-
for s = 0 to 255:
1. A combination of MAC address and Temporal address
k = (k + e[s] + d[s]) mod 256; swap d[s] and d[k]; will result in creating an Intermediate key
It is important to notice here the swapping of the locations of Encrypts packet sequence number and generates 128 bit per
the numbers 0 to 255 (each of which occurs only once) in the packet key
state table. The values of the state table are provided. Once
the initialization process is completed, the operation process 3.2 Result Analysis
may be summarized as shown by the pseudo code below; To practically understand how WEP and WPA perform in real
world situations following operations have been carried out
s = k = 0; with 20, 30, 50 nodes (computers in operation). All the factors
for (v = 0 to N-1) { remain same both the protocols are implemented and
evaluated. X-graph of NS2 is utilized for evaluating the
s = (s + 1) mod 256; throughput for the WEP protocol hence implemented. This
k = (k + d[s]) mod 256; section deals with results obtained when the security
algorithm is WEP employing different number of nodes. The
swap d[s] and d[k]; results so obtained are plotted using X-graph utility in NS2.
The results show the variation in throughput when 10 number
pr = d[ (d[s] + d[k]) mod 256]
of nodes have been considered for the wireless LAN. As
output M[v] XOR pr inferred from the plot , the throughput initiates 10 second after
commencement of the simulation. After initial connection set-
} up phase, the nodes start moving in different directions due to
Where M[0..N-1] is the input message consisting of N bits. which the throughput initially drops down then rises steadily
with a small slope. Reasonable throughput levels have been
This algorithm produces a stream of pseudo-random values. achieved at simulation time of 20 seconds with peak
The input stream is XORed with these values, bit by bit. The performance lying between 40 to 50 seconds. The average
encryption and decryption process is the same as the data throughput during the complete simulation is found to be
stream is simply XORed with the generated key sequence. If 419.02 Kbps.
it is fed in an encrypted message, it will produce the decrypted
message output, and if it is fed in plaintext message, it will
produce the encrypted version . This algorithm produces a
stream of pseudo-random values. The input stream is XORed
with these values, bit by bit. The encryption and decryption
process is the same as the data stream is simply XORed with
the generated key sequence. If it is fed in an encrypted
message, it will produce the decrypted message output, and if

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 164 – No 3, April 2017

Fig 6: WEP = 10 nodes Fig 8: WEP range = 30 nodes

Fig 7: WEP = 20 nodes Fig 9: WPA range = 10 nodes

Similarly when numbers of nodes in wireless LAN are
considered to be 20, the variation can be plotted as shown. In
this case, the average throughput during the complete
simulation comes out to be 425.01Kbps Finally, a SOHO
network comprising of 30 nodes is considered using WEP as a
security algorithm. Total simulation time taken is 50 seconds
and all nodes are wirelessly connected to each other. The
variation is plotted as given where it is noticed that the
throughput increases steadily after 25 seconds of simulation
time and the average value for this simulation is computed as
425.06 Kbps. The results have been computed for WPA
security algorithm, employing different number of nodes.
The results obtained are plotted using X-graph utility in NS2.
The results show the variation in throughput when the
Fig 10: WPA range = 20 nodes
scenario comprises of 10 numbers of nodes. The documented
results illustrate similar variation as has been computed in
case of a wireless LAN set-up comprising 10 nodes while
employing WEP as the security algorithm with a
differentiation that there is a decrease in throughput. The
average value of the throughput in this case has been
computed as 339.23 Kbps. Similarly when numbers of nodes
have been considered of double the value, i.e., 20, the
variation with respect to throughput being computed has been
The variation in throughput for WPA is similar as that of
WEP but again a dip is seen in the throughput, with an
average throughput of 407.8 Kbps. Finally, a SOHO network
is considered comprising 30 nodes while using security
algorithm as WPA. Here total simulation time is 50 seconds Fig 11: WPA range = 30 nodes
when all the nodes are assumed to be wirelessly connected to
each other and the variation has been plotted as shown. 4. CONCLUSION & FUTURE WORK
A combination of different scenarios and situations to
In this case too, a similar observations have been are evaluate the standards of current protocols. There is a virtual
observed; firstly variation in throughput for WEP and WPA creation of a network of nodes with SOHO networks in
are similar and then a dip is observed for WPA protocol. The different ranges. For three variety of ranges and sizes of nodes
average throughput for this set-up is found to be 359.8 Kbps

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 164 – No 3, April 2017

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IJCATM : www.ijcaonline.org 36

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