ERC Manual
ERC Manual
ERC Manual
2. Please set default gateway address to the same network interface configuration connected to Infinet
Wireless unit or to switch connected with Infinet Wireless unit. Sample example shown on picture
1. Connect network Ethernet cables between Infinet Wireless unit and your computer
2. Extract zip archive, run the ERConsole.jar (in Linux
you have to set executable bit)
The ERConsole window should be seen now, like on
picture provided upper.
In order to assign additional IP address to the unit please obtain units IP address and serial
number first (it was described in preceding
5. In the ERConsole window click to the selected units
serial number
11. Please add IP address from the same network subnet to your PC and access the unit. ERC would not
show newly assigned IP address. Only IP address saved to configuration could be shown by ERC.
Attention! IP address assigned by ERConsole would not be added to device startup configuration!
8. Wait about 30 second and unit would start with default configuration
9. Please modify network settings on your PC to match default IP address of Infinet unit.
Infinet unit default IP address is netmask