Cyber-Attacks and Threats For Healthcare - A Multi-Layer Thread Analysis
Cyber-Attacks and Threats For Healthcare - A Multi-Layer Thread Analysis
Cyber-Attacks and Threats For Healthcare - A Multi-Layer Thread Analysis
Emmanouil G. Spanakis, Silvia Bonomi, Stelios Sfakianakis, Giuseppe Santucci, Simone Lenti,
Mara Sorella, Florin D. Tanasache, Alessia Palleschi , Claudio Ciccotelli, Vangelis Sakkalis and
Sabina Magalini
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outpaced the previous years by a large margin in this specific originate from social engineering, changes in society, or
category in US [6]. unexpected use of the technology, and proposes the sharing
and analysis of non-technical security knowledge (i.e. from
Poor security can impact upon patient care due to the social subsystems and the environment) to complement
potential compromise of health or eHealth equipment, technical risk intelligence tools. The identification of risks is
including Internet of Medical Things (IoMT). It is thus the first step in every successful risk management process. A
critical to develop a strong security culture for citizens and comprehensive list of cyber-attacks and risk scenarios in the
the public and private healthcare sector, by utilizing the healthcare ecosystem is presented in [18] and shown
relevant capabilities of the academic community and of other graphically as Patient cantered attack model in Figure 1 and
public and private sector stakeholders. is explained in [17]. The authors define three attack surfaces
In an attempt to identify the weakest spots, for attacks and that are shown in concentric circles around the patient.
areas of vulnerability, two studies from ENISA [8] and The primary attack surfaces are those vulnerabilities
HIMMS [9] showed that HCOs face specific threats and within a healthcare facility that, if exploited, could directly
security risks due to the use of services and devices [12], user affect the patient (i.e. active medical). The secondary attack
behaviour, unsecure networks, bring your own device surface does not harm directly the patient but can be
(BYOD) policies, lack of internal identification and security (mis)used to support primary attacks. Finally, the tertiary
systems, stolen devices with un-encrypted files and others. attack surface includes financial and administration systems,
A. Threats and cyber-attacks in healthcare inventory systems, power infrastructure, etc. that can have
ISO/IEC 27000:2018 [10] defines information security as big impact to the hospital / organization as a whole. Also,
the preservation of confidentiality, integrity and availability, recent advances in biotechnology provide new attack
but in a complex organization such as a hospital, or even the surfaces. For example, authors in [19] were able to synthesize
health ecosystem as a whole, more aspects of security need to DNA strands that, after sequencing and post-processing,
be considered. Rainer et al [11] classified threats as physical, generated a file; when used as input into a vulnerable
such as fire or power interruption, unauthorized physical or program, this file yielded an open socket for remote control.
electronic access, and authorized physical or electronic The term “cyberbiosecurity” is introduced by [20] to cover a
access. In fact, the case study of [13] reports that the most range of novel cyber-attack scenarios in life and medical
critical threat for a Hospital Information System is the power sciences, at the interface of cybersecurity, cyber-physical
failure, followed by human error (e.g. erroneous deletion or security and biosecurity.
modification of patient data by the stuff). The prominence of B. Internet of Things: security aspects
the power failure threat has been supported by other The Internet of Medical Things is a critical piece of the
publications as well, e.g. [14], and should surely be
healthcare digital transformation that aims to act as building
considered since it affects some key assets, such as the safety block in the development of cyber-physical smart pervasive
of the patients and medical stuff, the security of the software frameworks for healthcare services. Cyber security flaws in
and critical clinical applications, and the operation of the medical devices could be detrimental for the patients. The
organization in general. reasons to target IoMT devices could be summarized to the of
limited versions of general-purpose OS, operation within not
security-safe spaces, design vulnerability issues propagated
to all devices from a single manufacturer, etc. [22].
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A cross risk assessment methods and threat models, C. A multi-layer attack graph model
threats are often over simplified to a generalized qualitative NIST defines cyber threat as “Any circumstance or event
value range (e.g., very low to very high) assigned to specific with the potential to adversely impact organizational
threat categories based on subjective analysis of a threat operations, organizational assets, individuals, other
analyst having limited access to real contexts or specific organizations, or the Nation through a system via
information or data. In some cases, threats may be unauthorized access, destruction, disclosure, modification of
characterized in slightly more complex ways based on, for information, and/or denial of service” [30].
example, capability or motivation of the threat agent and
frequency of occurrence. Here, the capability or motivation As a consequence, it is necessary, when eliciting and
of the threat agent remains a subjective analysis of a threat analyzing threats, to consider multiple perspectives that may
analyst, while frequency of occurrence is dependent on have an impact on their identification. Our proposed model
statistical evidence of past events that simply does not exist. will be able to collate multiple risk factors as: i) business
processes that support the organization mission and that
Meanwhile, objective methods for threat modelling have could be impacted by an incident if existing threats
been dependent on analysis of specific aspects of the system materialize; ii) cyber ICT spaces that support the business
(e.g., presence of specific vulnerabilities) matched to specific processes providing communication, computation and
aspects of the threat (e.g., availability of an exploit for that storage services; iii) individuals that have an active role in the
vulnerability) but still evaluated using a subjective rating of business processes and interact with the cyber spaces; and iv)
probability or likelihood of attack. These approaches are all relevant connections between these factors.
further limited because they do not address unknowns about
the system (e.g., zero-day vulnerabilities) or unknowns about In our model a threat is strictly related to the notions of
threat agent capabilities (e.g., development of new exploits). risk, asset and vulnerability. We focus on representing
Likewise, these approaches are unable to consider the more vulnerabilities and how they can be exploited in order to
subjective aspects of the threat (e.g., threat motivation). In materialize a possible threat. To achieve this, we use an
this work we focused the analysis on threat modelling by attack graph model including multiple dimensions (shaped
relying on the knowledge and expertise of security operators into layers) to capture all the relevant factors for an
and people from within the organization (OCTAVE organization. This technique allows us to focus on the
principle). vulnerabilities, on their exploits and on the sequence in which
possible exploits can be launched by the attacker. Any threat
B. Attack modelling is inferred from the possible attack paths.
Attack Graphs are graphical models that represent the To further explain our rationale, this model was selected
knowledge of network vulnerabilities and their interactions, for the following reasons: i) focuses upon the factors that are
showing the different paths that an attacker may follow to enabling for a potential attack (i.e., the vulnerabilities); ii)
reach a given goal, typically by exploiting a set of considers that attacks can be performed on different layers
vulnerabilities. Depending on the way information are (e.g., attacks starting on the human factors layer and then
represented, we may have two main categories of graphs: progressing onto the ICT network layer); iii) supports risk
• State-based representations [26] depict the whole state of evaluation and analysis associated to paths representing
the network for each node in the graph. The main threats; and iv) supports the definition of response plans to
advantage of this representation is its completeness (given reduce or mitigate risk(s).
the set of vulnerabilities in the network, the Attack Graph
is able to represent all the possible attack scenarios).
However, this is also its main limitation as it brings to an
exponential cost (computation, size of the graph) with
respect to the size of network and the number of
• Logical Attack Graphs [27] are bipartite graphs
representing the dependencies between vulnerabilities and
security conditions. In this representation, duplicate paths
are eliminated and a more compact representation is Figure 2: Sketch of a multilayer attack graph
provided that scales polynomially with the number of
vulnerabilities. Our goal is to extend the notion of attack graphs and paths
to multiple layers to provide a more complete view. The
There are a number of attack graph generating tools and created model supports the definition of attack paths through
techniques, i.e., TVA (Topological Analysis of Network four different layers: human, access, business and network.
Attack Vulnerability) [28] NETSPA (A Network Security Error! Reference source not found. Figure 2 show an
Planning Architecture) and MULVAL (Multi-host, overview of these four layers in order to represent and
multistage, Vulnerability Analysis) [29], that starting from a analyze complex attack scenarios arising from the exploit of
description of the environment are able to generate the both technical and human vulnerabilities.
resulting attack graph. Our effort is to extent these techniques
considering threats and vulnerabilities not only at the network For example, one case depicts how an insider obtains an
layer but also through the representation of human, process or employee’s personal login credentials from the employees
policy related issues. written notes. Subsequently, he can access his computer by
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