Dragos FrostyGoop ICS Malware Intel Brief 0724 r2

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Impact of FrostyGoop ICS Malware on

Connected OT Systems





JULY 2024

Summary 01
Key Findings 01
Analyzing the FrostyGoop ICS Malware 02
What Is the Modbus Protocol?
FrostyGoop ICS Malware Capabilities
Optional Command Line Execution Arguments
Configuration File
Modbus TCP Network Traffic
Logging Capabilities

2024 OT Cyber Attack Impacting Communities in Ukraine 06

Assessing the Broader Impact on OT Cybersecurity 07
Guidance for Dragos Customers 07
Recommendations – Implement 5 Critical Controls 09
Conclusion 10
FrostyGoop is the ninth industrial control systems (ICS) specific malware. It is the first ICS-specific malware
that uses Modbus TCP communications to achieve an impact on Operational Technology (OT). PIPEDREAM,
an ICS malware discovered in 2022, uses Modbus TCP communications in one of its components for

Dragos discovered FrostyGoop in April 2024. It can interact directly with ICS using Modbus TCP, a standard ICS
protocol across all industrial sectors and organizations worldwide. Additionally, the Cyber Security Situation Center
(CSSC), a part of the Security Service of Ukraine (Служба безпеки України), shared details with Dragos about a
disruptive cyber attack on a district energy company in Ukraine, which resulted in a two-day loss of heating to
customers. Dragos assesses that FrostyGoop was used in this attack. An associated FrostyGoop configuration file
contained the IP address of an ENCO control device, leading Dragos to assess with moderate confidence that
FrostyGoop was used to target ENCO controllers with TCP port 502 open to the internet.

Given the widespread use of Modbus devices globally, the broad applicability of this threat underscores the urgent
need for ICS network visibility and monitoring of Modbus TCP traffic. Detecting and flagging deviations from normal
behavior and identifying attack patterns and behaviors that exploit the Modbus TCP protocol is crucial. This
necessitates the development of detections from the latest threat intelligence on vulnerabilities, attack vectors, and
malware targeting Modbus systems.

Key Findings
• FrostyGoop is the ninth industrial control system (ICS) specific malware. It is the first ICS-specific malware that
uses Modbus TCP communications to achieve an impact on operational technology (OT).
• In April 2024, Dragos discovered multiple FrostyGoop binaries. FrostyGoop is ICS-specific malware written in
Golang that directly interacts with industrial control systems (ICS) using Modbus TCP over port 502. It is
compiled for Windows systems, and at the time of the discovery, antivirus vendors did not detect it as
• FrostyGoop can read and write to an ICS device holding registers containing inputs, outputs, and configuration
data. It accepts optional command line execution arguments, uses separate configuration files to specify target
IP addresses and Modbus commands, and logs output to a console and/or a JSON file.
• The Cyber Security Situation Center (CSSC), a part of the Security Service of Ukraine (Служба безпеки України),
shared details with Dragos relating to a cyber attack that targeted a municipal district energy company in
Ukraine. During sub-zero temperatures, the attack disrupted the power supply to heating services to over 600
apartment buildings. The adversaries sent Modbus commands to ENCO controllers, causing inaccurate
measurements and system malfunctions. Remediation took almost two days.
• The investigation revealed that the adversaries possibly gained access to the victim network through an
undetermined vulnerability in an externally facing router. The network assets, including the router,
management servers, and district heating system controllers, were not adequately segmented, facilitating
the attack.

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• FrostyGoop’s ability to communicate with ICS devices via Modbus TCP threatens critical infrastructure across
multiple sectors. Given the ubiquity of the Modbus TCP protocol in industrial environments, this malware can
potentially cause disruptions across all industrial sectors by interacting with legacy and modern systems.
• The Ukrainian incident highlights the need for adequate security controls, including OT-native monitoring.
Antivirus vendors’ lack of detection underscores the urgency of implementing continuous OT network security
monitoring with ICS protocol-aware analytics to inform operations of potential risks.
• Dragos recommends that organizations implement the SANS 5 Critical Controls for World-Class OT
Cybersecurity. These include ICS incident response, defensible architecture, ICS network visibility and
monitoring, secure remote access, and risk-based vulnerability management.

Analyzing the FrostyGoop ICS Malware

In April 2024, Dragos discovered multiple FrostyGoop binaries during routine triage of suspicious files. FrostyGoop is
an ICS-specific malware written in Golang that can interact directly with industrial control systems (ICS) using
Modbus TCP over port 502. According to VirusTotal, antivirus vendors do not detect the FrostyGoop files as
malicious. FrostyGoop binaries are compiled for Windows systems. The malware can read and write to the device
holding registers. Holding registers are read/write registers containing inputs, outputs, and configuration data.1

At the time of discovery, Dragos assessed with low confidence that the FrostyGoop ICS malware discovered was
used for testing purposes. However, this assessment changed when an attack was confirmed, as detailed later in this
report. Dragos discovered an associated configuration file containing multiple Modbus commands to read data from
a target ICS device and an IP address belonging to an ENCO control device. Dragos assessed with moderate
confidence that FrostyGoop can impact other devices communicating over Modbus TCP; the malware’s functionality
is not specific to ENCO control devices. Analysis of FrostyGoop files is ongoing for Dragos WorldView Threat
Intelligence subscribers.

What Is the Modbus Protocol?

Modbus is a client/server communication protocol initially designed for Modicon programmable logic controllers in
1979, but it is now widely used by other devices. It is an open protocol and is hardware agnostic, making it popular
for communications between PLCs, DCS, controllers, sensors, actuators, field devices, and interfaces.
The Modbus protocol defines a message structure that controllers recognize and use, regardless of the type of
networks over which they communicate. It describes the process a controller uses to request access to another
device, how it responds to requests from other devices, and how errors are detected and reported. This protocol
establishes a standard format for the layout and contents of message fields.

Modbus Protocol Reference – Control Solutions Minnesota

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The protocol outlines how each controller will identify its device address, recognize a message meant for it, decide on
the necessary action, and extract any data or additional information from the message. The controller will create and
transmit the reply message if a response is needed using the Modbus protocol.2

FrostyGoop ICS Malware Capabilities

• Accepts optional command line execution arguments.
• Uses separate configuration files to specify target IP addresses and Modbus commands.
• Communicates with ICS devices via Modbus TCP protocol.
• Sends Modbus commands to read or modify data on ICS devices.
• Logs output to a console or JSON file.

Optional Command Line Execution Arguments

FrostyGoop checks if the executable is running with any required command line arguments. The binaries exit
execution if no command line arguments are provided. The specific arguments vary by sample, but functionality
remains the same. Information required to initiate a TCP connection and send Modbus commands to a victim ICS
device can be specified as command-line arguments or contained within a separate JSON configuration file.
Arguments accepted by FrostyGoop would include data such as:

• IP addresses specifying the target device to communicate with

• A “mode” option that correlates to a Modbus command to execute on the ICS device (Read Holding Registers,
Write to Single Holding Register, Write to Multiple Holding Registers)
• A Modbus register address on the target ICS device to send Modbus commands to
• A JSON configuration file name; there are two different configuration files accepted by FrostyGoop
o A configuration file containing victim device information such as IP address, Modbus commands, and
Modbus register addresses
o A configuration file containing a specific time to begin Modbus TCP communications with the victim device
and various lengths to delay the execution of Modbus commands.
• Specify a file name to save logging output

Configuration File
FrostyGoop accepts a JSON-formatted configuration file containing information used to execute Modbus commands
on a target device. The malware reads the file, parses the JSON data, connects to the IP address from the file, and
sends Modbus TCP commands to holding register addresses specified in the configuration file.

Dragos discovered a sample of the configuration file named ‘task_test.json.’ The IP address in the sample
configuration file belongs to an ENCO control device. ENCO control devices are typically used “for process control in

Modicon Mobus Protocol Reference Guide - Modbus

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district heating, hot water, and ventilation systems” to monitor sensor parameters such as temperature, pressure,
and insulation.3

The other fields in the configuration file are described below.

Field Description

Modbus Command Code (i.e. ‘3’ for Read Holding Registers, ‘6’ for Write Single Holding Register,
and ‘16’ for Write Multiple Holding Registers)

Address Modbus register address

Count Quantity of registers to read or write

Value Integer used to modify the Holding Register (used for Modbus ‘write holding register’ commands)


Modbus TCP Network Traffic

FrostyGoop initiates communication with the target IP address over Modbus TCP port 502. The IP address can be
specified either by using an argument during malware execution or by including it in the configuration JSON file. Once
a connection is established, FrostyGoop sends Modbus commands to the device. After FrostyGoop sends commands
and receives the target device's responses, the binaries close the connection and exit execution.

FrostyGoop binaries use a Go Modbus library retrieved from a publicly available Github repository.4

FrostyGoop implements three Modbus commands:

• Command Code 3 ‘Read Holding Registers’ which is used to read the value currently in a Modbus holding
register (or contiguous block of holding registers) 5
• Command Code 6 ‘Write Single Register’ which is used to write a value to a holding register6
• Command Code 16 ‘Write Multiple Holding Registers’ which is used to write a value to a block of
contiguous registers7

The figure below displays an example of Modbus TCP network traffic between FrostyGoop and a target device. In
the example, FrostyGoop sends four commands to the device: Modbus function code 3 ‘Read Holding Registers’
twice, function code 6 ‘Write Single Register’, and function code 16 ‘Write Multiple Registers.’

ENCO Control Configuration Instruction – Axis Industries
Modbus Go Library – Github.com
Modbus Application Protocol Specification – modbus.com
Modbus Application Protocol Specification – modbus.com
Modbus Application Protocol Specification – modbus.com

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'6 49374 + 512 [SYN] Seq•I l:ln•1192 Len•• 5•146115•256 SM:K_PE•1
'6 512 + 49374 (SYN, ACK]Seq•I Ack•1 lin•&5535 Len•• S•14tl 15•256 SACK_PE•I
54 49374 ~ 502 ACK S =l k=l Win=l31328 Len=0
66 Query: Trans: 1; Lk'lit: 254, Fune: 3: Read Holding Registers
73 Res onse: Trans: 1; Lk'lit: 254, Fune: 3: Read Holdin R "sters
1192 Len•I IISS•1468 15•256 SM:K_PE•I
111•8 .llSS 1468 15•256 SACKPEAlt-1

3: Read Holding Registers

1· Lk'lit: 254 Fune: 3: Read Holdin R "sters
Seq 8 l:ln 1192 Len 8 IISS lA68 IS 256 SM:K_PERM-1
ACK S!!l•I Ack•I 1:ln•&5535 L111•8.llSS•l"68 15•256 SACKPEAlt-1
S t.ck ■ l Win ■131328 Len ■ 0
Query: Trans: 1; l.k'lit: 254, Fune: 6: Urite Single Register
66 Res onse: Trans: 1· lrlit: 254 Fune: 6: Urite Sin ster
'6 49377 + 512 [SYN] Seq•I l:ln•l192 Len•I S•lA68 15•256 K_ 1
'6 512 + 49377 (SYN, ACK]Seq•I Ack•1 lin•&5535 Len•I 5•1"68 15•256 SACK_PEAlt-1
TCP 54 49377 ~ 502 (ACK] S =l "-Ck=l Win=l31328 L =0


Logging Capabilities
The FrostyGoop binaries log output from the Modbus TCP communications with the target IP address to a Windows
console and a JSON file. FrostyGoop opens a console window upon execution. If the argument for logging is specified
when executing the binary, then the output is logged to a JSON file. Below is an example of output to the console
window during Modbus TCP communications with a device. Once the binaries are ready to begin communications
with the target device, they log the local time and date, the target IP address when starting communications, and the
string ‘start’ to the console window. Then, when FrostyGoop sends commands, it logs the holding register, the
number of registers, a plus or minus depending on the response from the device for each command, and the time it
took for a response. FrostyGoop logs a minus sign if the response from the device contains an exception. An example
of when a device would send an exception to the malware would be if the holding register does not exist.

[runtime.yoexit:asm_amd64.s:1598][1NFO] (1/1)
(1/1) address: 53370 count: 5 + : 0s
(1/1) address: 53760 count: 10 + : 15.625ms
(1/1) address: 53882 value: 0 + : 0s
(1/1) address: 54272 count: 10 + : 15.625ms
[runtime.main:proc.yo:250][1NFO] Time delta : 2m3.5390625s


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2024 OT Cyber Attack Impacting Communities in Ukraine
The Cyber Security Situation Center (CSSC), a part of the Security Service of Ukraine (Служба безпеки України),
shared details with Dragos of a cyber attack that took place in January 2024. Adversaries conducted a disruption
attack against a municipal district energy company in Ukraine. At the time of the attack, this facility fed over 600
apartment buildings in a metropolitan area, supplying customers with central heating. Remediation of the incident
took almost two days, during which time the civilian population had to endure sub-zero temperatures.

During the attack investigation, a discovery was made that adversaries possibly gained access to the victim network
months earlier by exploiting an undetermined vulnerability in an externally facing router. Subsequently, the
adversaries deployed a webshell with tunnel capabilities similar to ReGeorg8, which was accessed predominantly via
Tor IP addresses. The investigation revealed that the adversaries retrieved the contents of the Security Account
Manager (SAM) registry hive, obtaining user credentials from the system. In January 2024, adversaries initiated L2TP
(Layer Two Tunnelling Protocol) connections to Moscow-based IP addresses.

The victim network assets, which consisted of a router, management servers, and the district heating system
controllers, were not adequately segmented within the network. A forensic examination during the investigation
showed that the adversaries sent Modbus commands directly to the district heating system controllers from
adversary hosts, facilitated by hardcoded network routes.

The affected heating system controllers were ENCO Controllers. The adversaries downgraded the firmware on the
controllers, deploying a version that lacks monitoring capabilities employed at the victim facility, resulting in the Loss
of View. The adversaries did not attempt to destroy the controllers. Instead, the adversaries caused the controllers to
report inaccurate measurements, resulting in the incorrect operation of the system and the loss of heating to

Dragos assesses that FrostyGoop, an ICS-related malware recently reported by Dragos, was used to facilitate this
attack. FrostyGoop functionality uses the Modbus TCP protocol generically, meaning it could affect many devices.
The associated FrostyGoop configuration file (“task_test.json”) contained an IP address belonging to an ENCO
control device exposed on the Internet, which leads Dragos to assess with medium confidence that before this
attack, FrostyGoop was used to target one or more ENCO controllers where TCP port 502 was Internet accessible.
We want to express our gratitude to the Cyber Security Situation Center (CSSC), a part of the Security
Service of Ukraine (Служба безпеки України), for its continued commitment to collaborative intelligence
sharing and for allowing us to report on the disruptive OT incident impacting communities in Ukraine.

sensepost/reGeorg - Github

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Assessing the Broader Impact on OT Cybersecurity
The discovery of the FrostyGoop ICS malware and its capabilities has raised significant concerns about the broader
impact on OT cybersecurity. The specific targeting of ICS using Modbus TCP over port 502 and the potential to
interact directly with various ICS devices pose a serious threat to critical infrastructure across multiple sectors.

The key findings suggest that FrostyGoop capabilities can be applied broadly. Modbus is embedded in legacy and
modern systems and nearly all industrial sectors, indicating a wide-ranging potential for disrupting and
compromising essential services and systems.
One of the major concerns is FrostyGoop's ability to communicate with ICS devices via the Modbus TCP protocol,
enabling it to send commands to read or modify data on these devices. This represents a significant risk to the
integrity and functionality of ICS devices, with potentially far-reaching consequences for industrial operations and
public safety. The attack’s involvement of internet-exposed controllers and insufficient network segmentation
highlights the risks of not implementing basic cybersecurity controls and the importance of doing so. Currently, over
46,000 internet-exposed ICS devices communicate over Modbus TCP around the world.
Considering these developments, organizations, and defenders within critical infrastructure sectors must prioritize
assessing and protecting their ICS networks. This includes restricting access to Modbus devices and conducting
thorough network assessments to ensure they are not exposed to the Internet.
Dragos’s ongoing analysis of FrostyGoop files and commitment to actively monitor the situation highlights the need
for a coordinated response to a dynamic threat landscape. Vigilant network security monitoring, proactive defense
measures, and collaborative information sharing will be crucial in mitigating the broad impact of ICS-specific
malware, among other threats.

Guidance for Dragos Customers

FrostyGoop was first reported to Dragos WorldView9 subscribers in late May 2024. Dragos Platform10 detections
were assessed against the threat, and indicators of compromise (IOCs) were deployed. Using the Dragos Platform,
OT Watch has been hunting for FrostyGoop IOCs as part of regular sweeps across the fleet of subscribers since initial
WorldView reporting to ensure coverage. OT Watch has also deployed a dashboard specific to FrostyGoop-related
detections and IOCs for OT Watch customers, and an upcoming Knowledge Pack will deploy a FrostyGoop Playbook.
Dragos continues to analyze FrostyGoop for future Dragos Platform Knowledge Pack releases to ensure appropriate
detections are created and deployed.

The Dragos Platform detects FrostyGoop with threat detections already in place. Still, it is recommended that
customers always deploy the latest Knowledge Pack (KP), including IOCs specific to this threat. For Dragos OT
Watch11 customers, our team has conducted searches for signs of this activity on your behalf – consider a lack of

Dragos Worldview – Dragos.com
Dragos Platform – Dragos.com
Advanced Threat Hunting for Industrial Environments – Dragos.com

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communications on this subject as confirmation that there was no evidence of this activity found within your
network. Dragos analysts also continue to proactively hunt on behalf of those in the Neighborhood Keeper12
program, our collective defense platform. Any findings relating to this activity will be reported to you.

SID/Rule Analytic Name Description

Modbus command to put device into Force Listen Only

Modbus Command Force Mode, making the device unresponsive to commands. It
4d01-9b3d- KP_Plus-7.0.X
Listen Only Mode will only respond after power up. This can be used
maliciously to effectively disable devices.

f7a0af6b-fa88- Modbus Command Modbus command to force a device to restart, making it

4382-9232- Restart Communications unresponsive until it reboots. There is some chance this KP_Plus-7.0.X
f56525befcde Option could be used maliciously to disable devices.

Modbus servers send exception codes to Modbus clients

when a requested operation cannot be carried out. This
46b7-9576- Modbus Exception KP_Plus-6.0.X
characterization summarizes exception codes sent from
a Modbus server.

External device communicating with an internal asset

using the Modbus protocol. This is a major security
4093-8064- Modbus External Comms KP-2020-11
concern, as ICS devices should not be controlled outside
of the OT network.

External device writing to an internal asset using the

Modbus protocol. This is a major security concern, as ICS
4c3b-8d2d- Modbus External Write KP-2020-11
devices should not be controlled outside of the OT

Modbus Write Observed Modbus traffic with a write function code seen for the
454c-bbd4- KP-2022-009
for First Time first time to a specific host.

New ModbusTCP Monitors for new devices using the ModbusTCP
461b-a12f- KP-2020-11
Detection protocol and generates events when activity is seen

Summary Guidance
1. Identify impacted assets: Access your Asset Inventory and search for ENCO control servers and devices
communicating over Modbus.

Dragos Neighborhood Keeper - dragos.com

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2. Look for potential malicious behavior: Review the FrostyGoop-specific dashboard to determine if related
detections and IOCs have been triggered.

3. Perform a retrospective search for potential malicious behavior across your SiteStore forensics for signs
of past activity involving this malware.

The Dragos Platform has advanced OT-native threat detection mechanisms to identify abnormal connections and
communications over Modbus. It also incorporates threat-based behavioral analytics that are fine-tuned to recognize
attack patterns and behaviors that exploit the Modbus protocol. By continuously analyzing network traffic and
system interactions, the Dragos Platform can identify and enable a response to suspicious activities indicative of a
Modbus-related attack, ensuring robust protection against both known and emerging threats.
Dragos WorldView threat intelligence further enhances situational awareness by providing in-the-moment insights
into the threat landscape. This intelligence includes data on the latest vulnerabilities, attack vectors, and malware
targeting Modbus systems, empowering security teams to proactively hunt for malicious activities and potential
malware within the environment. This situational awareness allows organizations to stay ahead of threats, rapidly
identify indicators of compromise, and respond effectively to detected incidents. Dragos Platform customers can use
the information in Dragos Worldview reports to start manual hunts for potential malicious activity in their

Recommendations – Implement 5 Critical Controls

The cyber threat characterized by deploying the FrostyGoop underscores a significant vulnerability in operational
technology infrastructure. The adversary exploited unsecured network points and inadequately protected systems,
disrupting municipal services that resulted in considerable discomfort and potential danger to the affected
population. Applying the 5 Critical Controls for World-Class Cybersecurity, as recommended by SANS, can mitigate
such threats. Each control addresses specific aspects of cybersecurity readiness and resilience, each tailored to
defend against the threats identified in this report. Here, we detail the necessity and application of these controls in
the context of this threat.


Given the complexity and targeted nature of the FrostyGoop attack, a robust incident response plan is crucial.
This plan should incorporate specialized responses for OT environments, as these systems often have
operational continuity requirements that supersede traditional IT systems. For FrostyGoop, which directly
interacts with ICS via Modbus commands, the response plan should include procedures for quickly isolating
affected devices, analyzing network traffic for unauthorized Modbus commands, and restoring accurate system
operations. Training and regular drills specific to Modbus and ICS-targeted attacks will also ensure
preparedness and effective incident management.

This attack highlights the lack of adequate network segmentation and the presence of internet-exposed
controllers. To combat threats like FrostyGoop, a defensible architecture must be implemented, prioritizing the
segmentation of network assets. This includes establishing industrial demilitarized zones (DMZs), enforcing
strict access controls between the corporate IT network and OT environments, and using physical or virtual

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barriers to prevent direct access from the internet to critical systems. Such measures would limit the spread of
malware and restrict the blast radius of potential cyber attacks.


Continuous monitoring of the OT network traffic, like Modbus TCP communications, is essential to detect and
respond to anomalies and threat behaviors. In the case of FrostyGoop, having a protocol-aware monitoring
toolset could have identified unauthorized access or unusual Modbus TCP traffic patterns over port 502,
enabling quicker detection and mitigation. Implementing a comprehensive monitoring solution, such as the
Dragos Platform, that includes anomaly and behavioral detection will significantly enhance visibility into
network operations and potential threats.


The FrostyGoop incident exploited vulnerabilities associated with remote access points. Secure remote access
protections must be strictly enforced to safeguard against similar threats. This includes deploying multi-factor
authentication (MFA), ensuring all remote connections are logged and monitored, and using virtual private
networks (VPNs) to encrypt data in transit. Furthermore, remote access should be granted on a need-to-use
basis with regular audits to review access rights and privileges.
Effective vulnerability management tailored to the risk profile of ICS components would involve regular
assessments to identify and address vulnerabilities that adversaries could exploit. Mitigating network
exploitable vulnerabilities is vital, especially when evidence of active exploitation exists. Where patches are not
feasible, compensating controls such as enhanced monitoring or restrictive access controls will mitigate the
potential risks.

The discovery and analysis of the FrostyGoop ICS malware underscore the significant risks posed to OT
environments. FrostyGoop’s capabilities to interact with ICS devices via Modbus TCP and its undetected status by
antivirus vendors highlight the critical need for robust OT cybersecurity measures. The cyber attack on the municipal
district energy company in Ukraine, is a stark reminder of the potential real-world impacts of such vulnerabilities,
emphasizing the necessity for adequate security controls and continuous OT network security monitoring.
Organizations must prioritize the implementation of comprehensive cybersecurity frameworks to safeguard critical
infrastructure from similar threats in the future.

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