CV Ameur Hedhli EN

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Ameur Hedhli

System Engineer /in/ameur-hedhli-12ab751 ameur.hedhli

About me Hold a network and system administrator position that I will be able to implement
and apply my technical knowledge and join a dynamic team in order to achieve the
objectives of the company.

Training 2019 2011

Ingineer Telecom— Esprit Certification CCNA 1,2,3&4

2011 - 2014 2011

German language diploma(DSH) license TIC - Iset’com

Languages French : Curent

English : Professional

Skills Network:
Switch HP 1910,1920 ; Edge -core;
Supervision and Monitoring:
Zabbix et Nagios
huawei ; Aruba 7040 .
Cisco sur GNS3 et Packet Tracer. System:
Windows server 2016, 2012, 2008,
Security: windows 7 & 10, Centos, Ubuntu.
Next generation firewall( Cyberoam
CR10,15,25 et 50; Virtualisation :
Sophos XG85 ) . Hyber_V et VMware.

Professional 2019: IT Networks Manager decathlon Tunisie

Study the opening of our stores in Djerba and Sousse:
Experience Preparation of an action plan.
Detection need of computer equipment.
Design the location of Wifi points on store plans.
Installation cisco vWLC to control our Wifi access points.
Installation Nagios and Zabbix on Centos 7 and make the necessary configurations
to allow us to supervise our stores.
Apply QOS, web filtering rules and applications on our Endpoint.

2017-2018: IT Networks Manager decathlon Tunisie

-Installation the RFID System in the Tunis City and Marsa Stores:
• Hardware: Installation Aruba Controller and Switch, wifi access point, RFID
reader in the cashboxes and SLED in PDA.
• Software: Install the necessary software on the IPOD, IPAD, PDA, Blue Bird and

Email : ameurhedhli@gmail,com | Mobile : 22 564 129 | Adr. Ariana, Tunis

o Opening Project IT Manager Decathlon Tunis City:

Preparation Action Plan.

Detecting the need of IT equipment.
Computer network architecture (cabinet and local network of the store).
Preparation and configuration Firewall Cyberoam (VPN, Port forwording, Q0S, rules,
reservation of @IP ...).
Installation of IP phones (rules of outgoing calls, Assigns external and internal
numbers, configuration of IP extensions).
Separation our local network by VLANs.
Follow the progress of work on site ...
Creation of the mails accounts on exchange.
Put PCs under domain.

2015-2017 : Adjoint Manager IT Gourmandise Tunisie

Migration from Topnet to Orange and Ati mailling to our own Microsoft Mail server,
about 200 email accounts.
Domain name change.
Migration of physical servers (ERP, pointing, File ....) to virtual servers (Hyper-V).
Installation all workstations site under domain.
Creation of the rules for the backup.
Creating department share folders on the file server.
Changed Connection VPN Juniper cashboxes to Aruba:
• Hardware: Installation Aruba Controller and switch, wifi access point.
• Software: Install the necessary software on the IPOD, IPAD, PDA and cashboxes.

2014 : HelpDesk Gourmandise Tunisie

Architecture and Computer Network Installation in rue de Marseille Store.
Reinstall the network cabinets in Gourmandise stores (rue de Marseille and Marsa).
Preparation of tables on the Excel (@Local area network, @Public, DHCP, reservation
of @IP, separation of the network by VPN ....).
Change the cashier system from Kaxia to ITXpos.
Installation of PCs under domain with the necessary software (Kaspersky, Outlook ...).
Installing printers under domain.
Diagnose different IT equipment (PDA, TGT, cashboxes, IPAD ....) and local (PCs,
Servers and printers).
Supervision of IT equipment from ZABBIX.

Hobbies Adhere to Rct (Running Club Tunis).

Running and camping.

Email : ameurhedhli@gmail,com | Mobile : 22 564 129 | Adr. Ariana, Tunis

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