Proposal No. Frame Agreement:: XXX/XX - XX.XXXX XX - XX.XXXX

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Proposal No. xxx/xx.xx.

Frame Agreement: xx.xx.xxxx

Purchaser Contractor
Name Name Accesa Schweiz AG
Street Street Zwirnereistrasse 22
ZIP, City ZIP, City 8304 Wallisellen
Contact Person Contact Person Andre Heymann
Telefon Telefon +41 78 833 86 69
E-Mail E-Mail [email protected]

Object of agreement

1. Managed Service – 2nd/3rd level RPA

1. Managed Service – 2nd/3rd level RPA

Service description
• 2nd level UIPath application support covering the following areas and applications: …
• 3rd level UIPath application and development support covering the following areas and appli-
cations: …
The tasks that will be assigned to the Accesa Support Team will be:
• Implementation of Service Requests for applications included in the above listed tools & ser-
• Resolution of Incidents for applications included in the above listed tools & services
1.1. • Bug fixing for existing and assigned applications included in the above listed tools & ser-
Service hours:
Mon – Fri: 08:00 - 17:00 CET
Coverage during bank holidays:
Romanian & German bank holidays are excluded
Language requirements:


Monthly service price:

1.2. The effort and performance are defined as a Monthly:
Service with a monthly fixed fee.

Remuneration ceiling:

1.3. Timeline: xx.xx.xxxx – xx.xx.xxxx

1.4. Place of performance (Delivery Location): Accesa offices in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Current Situation:
Customer is looking for a partnership with Accesa in the area of RPA based on UIPath technology. The
goal of the collaboration is to extend these capabilities with a managed service provided by Accesa.
Both parties agree to collaborate using a monthly service fee where Accesa’s Services are provided by a
Service Team responsible to cover the agreed scope.
The scope of the agreement consists in performing activities related to RPA 2nd/3rd level application and
development support.
All the relevant tasks and requests will be assigned to Accesa’s 3rd Level Support Team in the client’s IT
Service Management Tool or similar task management tools. Accesa’s support team will assume owner-
ship of and will resolve assigned tasks, in order of priority, within the estimated monthly workload of X PD.
Service Management and Team Management is included.
Response time for support tickets is defined in the table below. Response time applies to effort within the
X day contingent and only to support tickets. The below defined Response and Resolution times do not
apply to any tickets marked as a Change Request.

Response time Resolve Time

Priority Maximum
Maximum time Target
P1 1 working hour - 90%
P2 2 working hours - 85%
P3 4 working hours - 75%
P4 1 work day - 75%
P5 2 work days - 60%

Response time is the time it takes a service desk agent to acknowledge a Customer's issue in a non-auto -
mated way and to take charge of it. It is calculated from the moment the incident is reported by opening a
ticket on Customer’s ticketing system until the service desk gets in touch with the Customer by service
desk e-mail.

Resolve time is the time needed for the service desk to resolve an incident; the formula below applies.
Time waiting on the customer’s feedback/additional information out of ticket owner’s control is not consid -
ered towards the service level calculation. The ticket is considered on hold when set to “customer pending”

Priority is defined as a combination of Urgency and Impact as follows:

High Medium Low
High P1 P2 P3
Impact Medium P2 P3 P4
Low P3 P4 P5

Impact Description
Impossible to work (more than 50% of users affected by the same incident)
High OR
Clear evidence of security breach (IT security measures / security threat)
Possible use in daily work but limited, possibly based on workaround (up to 50% of
the users affected by the same incident)
Gap in IT security measures identified but no evidence of breach
Low A service is degraded affecting up to 25% of users and with no business impact

Urgency Description
Deadlines are at risk and no workaround is available
High OR
IT Security incidents
Medium No deadline at risk and no known workaround
Low A workaround is readily available

In deviation from the provisions of art. 16.5. of the Framework Agreement, the right for ordinary termination
with a prior notice of 90 days is agreed in favor of both parties.

Accesa warrants and represent that Accesa will perform the ordered Services according to the current
state of science and technology by applying its existing own knowledge and experience or own knowledge
or experience gained during the term of the Agreement as well as by applying its best effort and Accesa
will render the Services by qualified personnel.
Within the scope of rendering of Services, Accesa shall owe the proper provision of the Services by apply-
ing best care and Accesa does not assume any warranty for the achievement of the specified objective of
the Project and/or the fitness of the result for a specific purpose or the further procession of use of the re-
sult by the Customer. Section 7.3 of the Frame Agreement remains unaffected hereby.

5. Price Summary

Service Price per month Price per duration

1. Managed Service – 2nd /3rd level RPA

Additional Information

The current proposal is valid 30 days after the submission date.

In witness whereof, the Parties have executed this Agreement through their duly authorized signatures.

This Proposal is considered accepted if the Customer issues a purchase order for the Services covered

xxx, xx.xx.xxxx Zürich, xx.xx.xxxx

Signee Urs Brawand

Customer Accesa IT Group GmbH

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