Wireless Security Protocols WPA3 A Systematic Literature Review
Wireless Security Protocols WPA3 A Systematic Literature Review
Wireless Security Protocols WPA3 A Systematic Literature Review
ABSTRACT The size of wireless networks and the number of wireless devices are growing daily. A crucial
part of wireless security involves preventing unauthorized access by using wireless security protocols in order
to protect the data in wireless networks. In 2018, Wi-Fi Protected Access 3 (WPA3) was ratified to protect the
data in devices bearing the Wi-Fi trademark. WPA3 has many security improvements over previous wireless
security protocols, by providing a better encryption method and key sharing. In this paper, a Systematic
Literature Review (SLR) was conducted to analyze three aspects of WPA3 protocol: the reasons behind the
release of WPA3, the encryption methods and mode of operation in this protocol, and the attacks that remain
penetrating WPA3. In this review, thirty-six articles were identified as the selected research articles, written
between 2018 and 2023, focusing mainly on WPA3. After the analysis of the selected articles, the encryption
methods and modes of operation were presented in the SLR. In addition, the vulnerabilities that the WPA3
protocol solved and the ones that remain unsolved were discussed. This study concluded that WPA3 excels
over its predecessors by providing more security and reliability to wireless networks. The result of this SLR
of WPA3 proposes two methods that seek to increase the security level of WPA3 networks, which has been
discussed in the discussion section.
related works on WPA3, the results show that WPA3 is A. WIRED EQUIVALENT PRIVACY (WEP)
implemented to overcome the previous security protocols in WEP was introduced to provide security for wired LANs by
addition to the vulnerabilities solved by WPA3 and the ones encryption. It is based on Rivest Cipher 4 (RC4) encryption
that remain unsolved. However, at the time of conducting to increase the speed of communication [4]. The encryption
this work, there was no research focusing on providing a key of WEP is 64-bit composed of a secret key of 40-bit
systematic literature review purely on WPA3. Even though long with a 24-bit initialization vector (IV) concatenated to
WPA3 is still new, some review papers on wireless security it. WEP uses Cycle Redundancy Check known as CRC-32
have included it to compare it with its predecessors. to compare the plaintext to Integrity Check Value (ICV) for
Several studies on cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities integrity [1].
of wireless security protocols can be found in [3] and [4]. WEP has proven to be vulnerable and easy to be broken [4].
Both research discussed how wireless networks are attacked In 2003, free software was able to crack the WEP’s passwords
using the design flaws in WEP, WPA, and WPA2. The vulner- within minutes. Another vulnerability in WEP is its ability
abilities in WEP, WPA, and WPA2 protocols are mentioned to broadcast fake data packets because of the shared key
in [3], while [4] presented an evaluation among the wireless authentication, which makes it easy for an attacker to forge
security protocols based on encryption, authentication meth- an authentication message. The reuse of the initialization
ods, and wireless security requirements, besides including a vector also makes WEP weak, where different cryptanalysis
comparison among WEP, WPA, WPA2, and WPA3. methods can decrypt the data. Other attacks can be found
A review has been conducted to examine the danger in [1]. In 2004, the Wi-Fi Alliance officially abandoned the
of Wi-Fi networks and the insecure reasons among WEP, WEP protocol [4], [8].
WPA, WPA2, and WPA3 [5], [6]. However, [5] only focused
on mentioning the vulnerabilities in these protocols with-
out giving practical countermeasures to avoid them and in
WPA was released to tackle the issues in WEP without the
[6] mentioned the vulnerabilities in addition to suggestions
need of changing the hardware. It was only firmware upgra-
added to WPA3 to update the protocol.
dation required to uplift the security aspect based on the same
To the best of our knowledge, there is no systematic liter-
hardware. WPA uses Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP)
ature review (SLR) focusing solely on the security certificate
for encryption where it uses RC4 to generate other keys.
WPA3. Therefore, this systematic review presents an exten-
In WPA, 128-bit per packet is generated dynamically. The
sive research study on the reasons behind the release of
Pre-Shared Key (PSK) is a static key used to initiate com-
WPA3, the encryption methods and mode of operation in this
munication between two parties. To authenticate the wireless
protocol, and unsolved vulnerabilities of the wireless security
devices, a 256-bit is used, but it is never transmitted over
protocol WPA3. This SLR is conducted based on Kitchenham
the air. The encryption key and Message Integrity Code are
and Charter’s method [7]. The primary aim of this work is
derived from the PSK. The 4-way handshaking mechanism is
to provide SLR of WPA3 to help researchers know more
used to provide for key management [8], [9].
about WPA3. The contributions of this systematic review are
The main vulnerability in WPA is in RC4, where having
summarized as follows:
1. Showing the reasons behind the release of the WPA3 keys computed under the same initialization vector makes it
protocol. easy to compute the Temporal Key by an attacker. Another
2. Discuss the main features of each wireless security pro- vulnerability is when there is a poor password, then it is
tocol and their related attacks. vulnerable to brute force attacks where a dictionary attack can
3. Highlights the vulnerabilities of WPA3 that remain be used if the password is less than 20 characters [8]. Other
unsolved. In addition to provide a discussion of attacks attacks can be found in [1].
in WPA3 between the years 2018 and 2023.
4. Propose two methods to improve the security of WPA3 C. Wi-Fi PROTECTED ACCESS 2 (WPA2)
protocol. WPA2 was able to deliver a significant enhancement over
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: the previous security protocols. The big difference was in
Section II provides a brief description of the current state of its encryption method. WPA2 is using Counter Mode with
wireless security protocols. The method used in this work Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code Proto-
is in section III. Section IV explains the results obtained col (CCMP), which uses the Advanced Encryption Standard
from the selected papers and a discussion. Section V defines (AES) block cipher for its data encryption [10]. To generate
the limitations of the study and the conclusion is given in a key in WPA2, a 4-way handshake is required to have
Section VI. a Pairwise Transient Key (PTK) and Group Temporal Key
(GTK), in addition to a group key handshake.
II. WIRELESS SECURITY PROTOCOL In WPA2, there are two modes of operation, Pre-Shared
This section describes the wireless security protocols in terms Key (PSK) mode for personal networks and enterprise mode
of the authentication process and vulnerabilities, starting with for larger corporate networks. In WPA2-PSK, an access point
WEP until WPA3. authenticates a client based on a password that is shared in
connected using the 4-way handshake with MFP un-enabled 3) WPA3 ATTACKS
and WPA3 users will be connected using SAE with MFP There are many vulnerabilities that have been found in pre-
enabled. vious wireless security protocols that cause damage to the
E. DATA EXTRACTION shown in Figure 5. The figure shows the number of papers that
The aim of this step is to analyze the final list of papers discussed or mentioned the research question, knowing that
to extract the required information to answer our research some selected papers discussed more than one RQ, and in the
questions. To avoid bias in the data extraction process, a data figure it will be counted under each RQ. As shown in Figure 5,
extraction form was developed. The following information most of the articles were about RQ3 that focuses mainly
was extracted from each paper: title of the paper, the pub- on attacks in WPA3. Then, RQ2 focuses on the operation
lication year of the paper, publication type, RQ1, RQ2, and mode and encryption method in WPA3. Finally, the RQ1
RQ3. focuses on the reason for implementing WPA3. The year
2021 received the highest number of publications, where it
F. DATA SYNTHESIZING has 12 publications. Figure 6 shows the number of journal and
The data that is collected from the selected papers have to conference papers published from 2018 to 2023. 24 articles
be synthesized in a certain manner to provide answers to our were conference papers, which represent 63% of the total
research questions. Section IV exhibits the obtained data in selected articles. The rest were journal papers (14 articles),
different formats such as tables and figures. which represent 37%.
This section elaborates the outcomes of the review. The first research question aims to show the need and
An overview of the selected papers is first presented. The the importance of the emergence of the security certificate
outcomes of each research question are explained in detail WPA3. There are many security flaws in the existing wireless
in the following sections. Table 2 shows the selected papers LAN that attackers might exploit to wreak a wide range of
based on research article number, title, publication type, and harm or obtain unwanted control. The release of WPA3 was
year of publication. mainly to address the security flaws and vulnerabilities in
The publication years of the selected papers from 2018 to its predecessors and to enhance the current state of security.
2023 regarding the security certificate WPA3 per year are According to Wi-Fi organization [16], the main reasons for
releasing and developing WPA3 is that WPA3 makes authen- a viable replacement. According to our selected articles, 9 out
tication more reliable, boosts the cryptographic strength for of the selected papers mentioned the need for the emergence
highly sensitive data markets, and keeps mission-critical of WPA3 due to several reasons such as avoidance of attacks,
networks resilient. [17], [18] sought to spread awareness, improvements of authentication and encryption methods, and
importance, and why people should deploy WPA3 in their others, as shown in Table 3.
networks. Both researchers believed that WPA3 is an excel-
lent security protocol and excels its predecessors, and not 2) RESEARCH QUESTION 2 - WHAT IS THE ENCRYPTION
only the technical issues that affect the security of a network METHOD USED IN WPA3 THAT DIFFERS FROM ITS
but also socio-technical activities of how people behave. PREDECESSORS?
References [10] and [19] showed how WPA3 can solve vul- Based on end users’ requirements, there are two modes
nerabilities in the previous wireless security protocols and be of operations in WPA3: home and business, as known as
created a dataset that contains few numbers of WPA3 attacks to detect attacks such as MDK3 and MicroWalk. Most of their
in order to be used later for different purposes. research was done on cutting the connection from WPA3’s
ComPass is a protocol created by [37] to supplement access point or preventing users from entering a WPA3 net-
WPA2/WPA3 by replacing user-selected passphrases with work. Downgrade attacks, deauthentication attacks, and DoS
automatically generated ones to avoid guessing attacks. attacks were the major concerns for numerous researchers to
Reference [38] increased the security of WPA3 through provide countermeasures, as they showed the vulnerability
implemented encryption techniques in the physical layer of WPA3 against these attacks. From here, we conclude that
based on frequency induction for OFDM signals. Proof of the main issues in WPA3 are due to encryption and encoding
Existence (PoEx) scheme introduced in [39] is used to pro- methods, where most of the previous works tried to recom-
tect the network against Evil Twin attacks, where authors mend solutions to avoid attacks related to encryption and
witnessed besides protecting the network, there are improve- encoding methods.
ments done on the network through the lifetime forging and From the research that has been done, to make WPA3 more
network’s throughput. secured to be used and to reduce the probability of users and
Reference [30] applied Paired Token scheme to replace networks being hacked, an improvement on WPA3 itself or on
Pairwise Master Key (PMK) with the onetime authenticated WPA3 environment can be done, which can be summarized
key establishment to deliver high performance to a larger as follows:
number of clients using WPA3 networks. For the purpose
of deriving a high entropy shared secret key, [32] used the • The improvement on WPA3 protocol can be done in the
standard generator for the cyclic group and proposed Block way of generating the password. The previous work [36],
Encryption-based Password Authenticated Diffie-Hellman [37] focused on generating passwords automatically to
Key Establishment (BEPAKE) protocol between the access increase security. To provide more security to the WPA3
point and the client. Reference [41] did an analysis to mini- network, we believe that the WPA3 password should
mize the association overhead caused by key computation in be generated using a computer and then changing this
WPA2 and WPA3 and proved that the beacon listen interval password automatically from time to time. Such action
and channel utilization influence the wake-up delay of low- would increase the number of guesses required to crack
power stations. the password, which results in reducing the probability
In the end, from the previous discussion, it was shown that of the network being hacked.
most of the researchers tried to test the capability of WPA3 • The improvement of the WPA3 environment can be
protocol to provide security to either personal or enterprise implemented through adding an intrusion detection
networks. Previous researchers tried to find a way to penetrate system (IDS) capable of detecting and preventing
WPA3 protocol by performing and creating attacks through attacks. The previous works [25], [26] added IDS based
Aircrack-ng, hostapd, Dragondrain, etc. They used software on knowing few attacks of WPA3. We believe that
implementing IDS-based machine learning would allow Lastly, it can be concluded that the WPA3 protocol is a
for better detection and prevention of WPA3 attacks. recent security protocol that excels the previous protocols.
Machine learning models proved their ability through Based on this review, a recommendation to researchers to
the years in different aspect of life, and so, develop- conduct more research on ways to improve this protocol,
ing machine learning model that has full awareness of as follows: exploiting the capability of computer-generated
WPA3 attacks would provide more reliability and secu- passwords to work on the WPA3 protocol itself or by taking
rity to WPA3 networks, where the model will be trained advantage of Machine Learning ability to build an Intrusion
and tested on all WPA3 attacks, which will then prevent detection model capable of detecting attacks with high accu-
them from causing harm on the network. racy and low false alarm rate.
Finally, despite the attacks on the WPA3 protocol, all the
existing works proved the capability and ability of WPA3
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ASMAA HALBOUNI (Graduate Student Member,
[31] M. Patel, P. Amritha, and R. S. Jasper, ‘‘Active dictionary attack on WPA3-
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[32] R. C. Hansdah, J. Jamwal, and R. B. Gudivada, ‘‘Dragonshield: An University, Palestine, and the M.Sc. degree in
authentication enhancement for mitigating side-channel attacks and high computer and information engineering from Inter-
computation overhead in WPA3-SAE handshake protocol,’’ in Proc. 23rd national Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia.
Int. Conf. Distrib. Comput. Netw., Jan. 2022, pp. 188–197. Currently, she is pursuing the Ph.D. degree in
[33] M. Vanhoef, ‘‘A time-memory trade-off attack on WPA3’s SAE-PK,’’ information technology with Multimedia Uni-
in Proc. 9th ACM ASIA Public-Key Cryptogr. Workshop, May 2022, versity, Malaysia. Her research interests include
pp. 27–37. intrusion detection, network security, and deep
[34] D. De Almeida Braga, P.-A. Fouque, and M. Sabt, ‘‘Dragonblood is still learning.
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[35] D. Schepers, A. Ranganathan, and M. Vanhoef, ‘‘On the robustness of Wi-
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LEE-YENG ONG (Senior Member, IEEE)
[36] S. Marais, M. Coetzee, and F. Blauw, ‘‘Simultaneous deauthentication of
received the M.Eng.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in
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[37] K. Reaz and G. Wunder, ‘‘ComPass: Proximity aware common passphrase Malaysia, in 2009 and 2020, respectively. She is
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Proc. Int. Conf. Innov. Mobile Internet Services Ubiquitous Comput. Cham, Information Science and Technology, Multimedia
Switzerland: Springer, 2022, pp. 263–275. University. Her research interests include image
[38] M. Jacovic, K. Juretus, N. Kandasamy, I. Savidis, and K. R. Dandekar, processing, data science, and big data analytics.
‘‘Physical layer encryption for wireless OFDM communication systems,’’
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[39] K. Murugesan, K. K. Thangadorai, and V. N. Muralidhara, ‘‘PoEx: Proof
of existence for evil twin attack prevention in Wi-Fi personal networks,’’
in Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Future Internet Things Cloud (FiCloud), Aug. 2021,
pp. 92–98.
[40] E. Chatzoglou, G. Kambourakis, and C. Kolias, ‘‘Empirical evaluation of MENG-CHEW LEOW (Senior Member, IEEE)
attacks against IEEE 802.11 enterprise networks: The AWID3 dataset,’’ received the Doctor of Philosophy degree from
IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 34188–34205, 2021. Multimedia University. His research interests
[41] V. K. Ramanna, J. Sheth, S. Liu, and B. Dezfouli, ‘‘Towards understanding include game-based learning, specifically in role-
and enhancing association and long sleep in low-power WiFi IoT sys- playing game-based learning, system science,
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[42] S. Kwon and H.-K. Choi, ‘‘Evolution of Wi-Fi protected access: Security
challenges,’’ IEEE Consum. Electron. Mag., vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 74–81,
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