Organizational Background

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Organizational background
Bule Hora College of Teacher education (BHCTE) was established to play its part in the regional
efforts of bringing quality and excellence in Teacher Training for elementary schools,
community services, administrative functions/good governance, connecting the development of
cultural and natural resources with technology and its applications. The foundation stone was
laid by Oromia Education Bureau at 2000 E.C,
Bule Hora College of Teacher training is located 470 km south of Addis Ababa in Bule Hora
town, West Guji Zone, Oromia Regional State. The zone is divided into two agro-ecological
zones namely, semi-arid lowlands to the south and the more humid lands at higher altitudes to
the north (Tache and Irwine, 2003). The mean annual rainfall across the zone varies between
500mm and 700 mm with an overall average of 648 mm. The area’s mean temperatures range
from 25°C to 29°C during hotter season and 14°C to 18°C during colder season of the year
(Luseno, et al., 1998).

At 2003 E.C the college started functioning with 19 teachers, 36 supportive staffs and 300
students. Know the college providing with reality regularly teaching learning service and other
services for society (source data from organization, 2020)

1.1.Organization mission, Vision and Value

The following are the Mission and vision of BHCTE:
The college is committed to produce competent, capable and confident primary school teachers
who have the desired Academic knowledge, sufficient professional and research skills with
democratic ideas.
The college aspires to see the teachers and educational professionals of primary school who are
knowledge able skill full, have good personality and competent and who could be also role
model in the country
 Transparency
 Free from the act of competition
 Accountability
 Participatory
 Quality and capable quick service
 Industriousness and professional dignity
Modern Management Theory Applicability in the Organization
Education is one of the hugest enterprises undertaken for the purpose of the development and
growth of the individual and to meet the needs of Society. It involves the activity of a large
number of people - students, teachers, parents and the public. For such a big enterprise we need a
sound system to run it and effective principles to secure efficiency. There is need for the co-
operative activity of all participants in the educative process for the achievement of its goals. It is
the task of management to set up such system and make it work smoothly and effectively. The
scope of educational administration therefore extends to a vast area and a large of activities.

Educational management is a means to achieve the goals of Education through effective and
efficient manipulation of available inputs. It is concerned with the utilization of adequate
resources available in the environment, in order to foster the attainment of the goals of teaching
and learning. It is always concerned with management of things as well as with human
relationships, based on a body of basic principles and aiming at educating the student. It has to
undertake a number of functions like: Planning, organization, direction, motivation, control, co-
ordination, decision making and the last one is reporting. It is a specialized activity which runs
the entire educational programmer with fruitful and constructive goal.
4.4.1 Functions of Educational management in BHTTC
Educational institutions operate in a dynamic environment. The process of continuous
improvement thrives when the mindset of the stakeholders is geared towards constant
monitoring, problem identification and research. It means that Educational Administration
performs a three-fold job to ensure efficient working. These jobs are: Stating the specific
purpose, Mission of education and Mission of institutions. Thus, Educational management deals
with the optimal functioning of the institution by developing the human personality in a balanced

In view of the numerous activities that have to be performed by educational management its
scope may be broadly classified and delineated under the following areas:

A. Legal Structure
refers to the laws that have to be passed and rules and regulations is framed in order to determine
the institution education, their types, powers and standards of control, to fix up responsibility and
obligations, to decide the question of management and to set up organizational and Management

B. Pupils.
Students are the center of the educational enterprise. It is for them that the entire process of
education and its constituents exist. It is therefore they determine the individual and social
purposes and procedures of their education. Rules for their admission, promotion, discipline, etc.,
have is framed and implemented.

C. Personnel
To run educational activities necessary and adequate man-power has to be found and engaged.
Personnel play the key-role in education. This is the fly-wheel or the driving force of the
educational system. Proper attention is paid to the workers. Men and women have to be selected,
recruited and trained and their qualifications and standards are prescribed. Good service
conditions like attractive salaries, security of tenure, welfare service and retirement benefits ise
offered to bring in the best available talent. Schemes for their direction, guidance and supervision
are also drawn up. Last but not the least, a good and effective programme for the workers’
continuous development and professional progress also launched by the institution.

D. Finance
It is an important area which includes problems of income and expenditure and their accounting
and auditing. The policy of taxation and prescribing fees, etc., are formulated and implemented.
Rules and regulations are framed for budgeting, spending and controlling of funds and resources,

E. Curriculum
It is the means of achieving the goals of education. Educational management deals with the
problems of curriculum development and its time to time improvement. It has also to look after
the continuous evaluation and progressive improvement of the educational programme which are
urgently called for in view of the constantly going on scientific, technological and social
changes. Management pay close attention to the teaching learning programs and processes and
also to other important student services, such as health and recreation and psychological services
of testing, guidance and counseling and co-curricular activities, etc., are organized and managed
for the benefit of the students.

F. Physical Facilities
It comprises the area dealing with the problem infrastructure and provision and maintenance of
the school building, equipment and supplies, their purchase, upkeep and accounting.

G. Public Relation.
Education is a social enterprise run with the cooperation of students, teachers, parents and the
community. Educational administration has to make each of them contribute its due share to the
success of the institution. It should, therefore, maintain effective public relations. this involves
maintenance of records, issuing periodical reports, information and bulletins about past
achievement and future proposals. Management encourages community visitation and secure its
participation and cooperation by a process of give and take, i.e., by utilizing community
resources and rendering useful services for its welfare.

1.2.Group Discussion in Bule Hora College of Teacher Education

The respondents were asked in and out of the interview questionnaire during the interviews
session and had given the best answers based on their area of Modern approach of management
theories which is system approach, quantitative approach and contingency approach, the results
are summarized according to the research questions drafted. This would be simple to drive
towards the objectives and frame out the image of the present scenario of Bule Hora College of
Teacher education. The results are being just raised in this part and more discussion is carried out
on limitation and applicability of modern management theory Bule Hora College of Teacher
education. The following Table 4.1 indicates the area selected for investigated based on
theoretically reference
No Area of the discussion and finding

1 Application of quantitative approach of modern management theory

2 Application of systems approaches of modern management theory

3 Applicability of contingency approach of modern management theory

4 Limitations and challenges of implementing modern management theory

Quantitative Approach in Bule Hora CTE :

According to the respondents feels there are no application of quantitative management approach
concepts such as Mathematical tools for solving the problems, systematic models and process are
not implemented to make decision of the college.

As of the Administration vis presidents quotes qualitative approaches of modern management

highly applicable for manufacturing industries than college while college make decision based
the government regulations and policy. Researchers may not get information from both FGD1
and FGD2 about implementation of quantitative approaches of modern management theory.

According to George Dantzig; quantitative approach involves the use of mathematical models
and statically methods in decision making process which are widely used in the following areas:
capital Budgeting and cash follow Management, production scheduling, Development of product
strategies, planning for HR development programs, linear programing, decision theory,
Simulation theory, Probability theory etc. therefore, the college respondents describes the theory
are not widely used in decision making. Generally, rarely the concepts of management
information systems are partially practiced in the college which means there are computer Lab

System approach in Bule Hora CTE :

Generally having a system is integrated four forms as to say input, Transformation, output and
feedback. Input comprises the resources, such as raw material, money, technology, people,
primary requiring tools etc. the input implementing into the planned, organized, motivated and
controlled way, as the ultimate goals of the organization. Output is the ultimate getting result by
the processing or transforming of input. That may improve the quality or raise the productivity
for the customer etc., feedback is like the processing information emanates from the bigger
situation, culture, racial, government etc. at the overall system comprises the concept to any
system with taking many subsystems (Bertalanffy 1968).

Figure 1: Reveals generally systems view of school administration of input from the
environment and transforms that input into some other output by using transformation process.

According to majority of the respondent’s availability inputs like instructional materials,

educational facilities like class size, textbooks, libraries, laboratories, computers, and teacher
educators‟ qualification, experience etc. for the general training process in Bule Hora College of
Teachers Education. In this study the participant’s states the adequacy and accessibility of
material inputs as important elements for training but most of the educational inputs are not
adequate for training. As Rob (1996) explained input indicator measures the means or the
resources employed to facilitate quality training. Teshome (2004) also indicated that if the
quality of libraries, laboratories and classrooms are below the minimum requirement in High
institutions, these can affect quality of education.

According to the respondents’ statements from Vis presidents up to students less accessibility
and adequacy of input exits results affects ultimate goals or quality educations of Bule Hora
College of teacher educations.

This is evidence from the following quotes:

“R-2, says there are facilities, laboratories, libraries, modules, classrooms but lack of
laboratories inputs, shortage of modules on some courses, lack of internets, lack of dormitory
for students, lack of interrelation ship between teachers and dean and lack of transparence
exist” this all results are lack of sufficient Budget and politically instability.
“R3, there are the several problems like no sufficient modules, internet facilities, laboratory,
laboratory equipment, no dormitory for students, table, chair, less interest of students because
students are grade 12 completed the prefer to learn degree”.

“FGD-1, the main problems are disagreement with dean because dean cannot give promotion
for employees and no cafeterias”

“FGD-1, the problems of this college is no sufficient resources, some teachers are not
competent, some teachers almost theoretical, less accessibility of laboratories, no dormitory,
modules, chairs in class room etc.”

Another problem that is causes for the deterioration of quality of education due to management
and academic problems observed in Bule Hora CTE. Majority of the respondents indicated the
main academic problems are lack of materials inputs and processing them in correct way, no
transparence on financial Management, teacher’s workload should not be played on time, lack of
mutual understanding between instructors and management body, less allow instructors in
Managerial decisions, lack of transparency and closed information by administration.

Respondents specially, teachers and students and employees suggested that these all-academic
problems must need improvements through creating mutual understanding and friendship,
participators approaches and transparency and high involvement in training process by
administrative management could improve the college in assuring quality.

The environment is made up of several social, economic, and political institutions, which are
constantly interacting and inter-dependent. Everything in an environment is a complete system
on its own. But it is a unit or subsystem of yet a larger system and all are inter-dependent. The
same is true of the Bule Hora College of teachers training system. As living systems, they are in
constant process of interaction with their communities and other institutions in them.

Environmental related systems the college respondents specially, vice dean and teacher describe
the college has integration with the environments such as society, government, primary schools
and Bule Hora University to provides services and to get services. Bule Hora College of teacher
educations provides services for primary schools in Bule Hora town through providing training
at least twice annually for schoolteachers and allocated their students for apprentice at those
primary schools. Also, the college has relationship with external environments such as
participates on community services at minimum level but in the future the college want to
provide community service to the society. Therefore, the college has highly integrated with
external environments such as with society and governments and stake holders. Lastly as the
respondents described factory which affects the systems of the college from external
environment are political situations, economy, facilities such as water, electricity etc. some of the
factors which affects the college systems.
Lastly, the Collage is living different stake holders and open system. It has other different
subsystems like streams, departments, sections or units. The collage is also a subsystem to a
larger educational (supra) system which in turn comprises its own subsystems like the ministries
of education, schools' boards, research agencies, and others. A subsystem is a system that exists
within a larger system. It is a set of components interrelating for a purpose that relates to the
purpose of the larger system. Examples of subsystems within the collage system are the technical
system (teaching and learning), the managerial system (administration, management) and the
community service all made up of people and things that are the components of the collage
Contingency Approach in Bule Hora CTE
The contingency theorists aim at integrating theory with practice in a systems framework. As
known contingency approach is emphasizes that there is no one best way to design organizations
and manage them. So from this perspective Bule Hora College of teachers training also
accommodate different changes in their own way according to change of government systems.
As Researchers got information from the collage when they face with change or new issues with
which they are not familiar they respond for these issues depending on the nature of that issues.
For example, if some new issues happened, they would accommodate and respond for changes
by being with concerned bodies. That means they will hold meeting with all concerned bodies to
give decision upon the issues and they stabilize the change and update themselves with it

1.3. Limitations and challenges of implementing modern management theory

The main factors considered in the assessment of application of modern management theory in
Bule Hora college of Teachers education were inputs used, process and out puts, generally
systems of the college, environment, management situations and political situations and concepts
of federal and regional bureau such as their plan and change were some raised issues. As study
indicates the college gate challenges from different factors such as political instability, less of
availability of input, students interest, lack of dormitory for students, poor relationship of the
dean with teachers and supportive staffs, less budget allocation, teachers turnover, delay delivers
of input specially laboratory input, lack of teaching instruments, shortage of modules and lack of
infrastructure etc. are the limitation which affects the implementation of modern management
theory and principles in the college.

2. Conclusion and Recommendation


The aims of higher education institutes are to provide education/training to support in producing
qualified manpower for their country. Bule Hora College of Teachers Education works for this
goal. The College encounters many challenges when giving training to student’s teachers for
quality teaching profession. The concept of providing quality inputs is a core idea in provision of
quality education/training for trainees. The findings regarding inputs shows, lack of teaching
materials inputs, less of infrastructures such as liberators, library, sufficient access of modules,
from this, it can be concluded fewer quality inputs available, which as result has an impact on the
training process. This shows that the training inputs factors affected quality of training in Bule
Hora College of Teacher education. The finding also shows that BHCTE administrative
management involvement in the training system is not high. The response also shows that the
college does not allow instructors and trainees to participate in academic decision-making
process, less transparency between dean and teachers and students in the college this affect the
internal coordination and efficiency and less extern relations with community and stake holders
it implies less systems approach of management exists. The findings indicated that there were
academic and management problems that hinder provision of quality training in BHCTE. Needs
to improve inputs and process of training to attain quality outcome is also recommended.

According to finding the college makes decision based on the government regulations and
principles so the concepts of quantitative approach like linear programing, simulations, etc. not
implemented for decision making in the college. The finding indicated quantitative approach of
modern management not implemented.

Respondents also expresses management are situational if the changes of govern rule policy
exists. From this change situational for college if government changes instructions.

In the college according to respondents states the relations between the parts, interdependent
relationships in the college, subsystems in the college and external relations of the college had a
gap. From this finding systems approach less implemented in Bule Hora College of teacher
education. Therefore, based on the finding’s researchers conclude less practices of modern
management in Bule Hora college of Teacher Education.

2.2. Recommendation
Quantitative approach deals with the observation of the modeling of numerical manifestation to
take decisions and helps to manager to distinguish the overall organization.

System approach comprises that organization is look like a system there exist, super system, sub-
system and a system consist of inputs, transformation, output and feedback, manager abilities is
applicable in open and close system and better realization of the interaction and interrelated
activities of the unabridged system in system of framework.

A contingency approach indicates the whole action of the organization is situational context,
manager matching with that situation; there need to distinguish of the manager to the
organizational situation not the particular one to develop. No specific tools or system superlative
for the situation, contingent is the best substance to keep an eye on best solution of the situation
that can term what procedure or act the way track. It is deliberate that this study of contemporary
theories of management analysis from three altered corresponding but same of managerial and
organizational issues consistency, quantitative shown that practical issues of mathematical
judgment to proceeds decision system find the interrelated or interdependent issues to recognize
the overall organizational situation, contingency theory of management find at the integration
manner state of affairs the best think to cogitate from hardheaded style. It is seemed that
contingency is not the universally accepted theory but indicating the best way to do action of
situational consideration because situation is the ultimate question of management at all the time.
Therefore, the college of teacher education should use the modern management approach to
make decision.

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