Afonso Pinheiro

Afonso Pinheiro

Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
7 mil seguidores + de 500 conexões

Artigos de Afonso

  • What’s on the menu today?

    What’s on the menu today?

    What’s on the menu today? Before the appearance of COVID19, the food delivery sector was experiencing good results in…


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  • Gráfico Pleez
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    Lisboa, Portugal

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Formação acadêmica

Licenças e certificados

Experiência de voluntariado

  • Gráfico Missão País

    National Responsible

    Missão País

    - 1 ano 2 meses

    Responsible for a team of 29 people in charge of organizing the materials for 43 mission groups, covering 2150 participating students in 2016. Each group is allocated for a week to a specific Portuguese village with the aim of providing support to the population in various areas.

  • Founder and Leader

    Maria Ajuda - Bairro 6 de Maio

    - 6 meses


    The project consists of 3 university students living for 6 months in a poor neighborhood, focusing on the youth community. The initial target was Bairro Boa Vista, but after two years of efforts, we decided to venture into Bairro 6 de Maio.

  • Gráfico Missão País

    Leader of Nova Medical School Mission

    Missão País

    - 1 ano 1 mês

    Responsible for a team of 8 people, in charge of organizing the logistics (accommodation, chapel, etc.) for the group of 50 students participating in Nova Medical School mission. The mission developed Diabetes and Hypertension screening on the local population


  • Português


  • Espanhol


  • Inglês


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