Vikas Yadav

Vikas Yadav

Zürich, Zürich, Schweiz
1526 Follower:innen 500+ Kontakte


Senior Software Engineer in the post-training core-modeling team in Google Gemini working…


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  • Google Grafik


    Zurich, Switzerland

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    Zurich, Switzerland

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    London, United Kingdom

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    Hyderabad Area, India

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    Hyderabad, India

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  • Caption Based Region Extraction


    Designed a network to loacalize the region in the input image best suiting to the input description. The architecture consisted of a Convolution Network, and an LSTM Network (or a skip-thought network) which further connect to a final neural network which outputs the region location. The project was trained and tested on Visual Genome Dataset and implemented in tensorflow. The project will now further be extended in the filed of Dense Image Captioning.

  • Bangla Character Recognition

    This project was focused on recognition of Bangla characters using neural networks or other ML tools. We used convolutional neural networks for the project.

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  • DDoS Attack Simulation

    Displayed the effects of a Distributed Denial of Service attack on a server's responsiveness and it's characteristics under stress by simulating a DDoS attack on a local server.

  • Construction of a SIC Assembler

    This project focused on development of an assembler for an SIC (Simplified Instructional Computer) using an object oriented programming language (C++).

  • 2048 AI

    Developed a terminal version of the famous 2048 game and an AI using minimax algorithm along with alpha-beta pruning to solve it.

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  • Gesture Recognition

    The main purpose of the project was to detect motion of the hand and use it as a mouse or as an add on tool for a music player. The object-oriented tool uses OpenCV and PyMouse
    library along with smaller libraries like Numpy and System.



    Association of Computing Machinery

    Got selected for ACM ICPC CHENNAI ASIA 2015 onsite round with a national rank of 2/( 1000) teams in the online round and secured a national rank of 15/( 100) teams in the final round.


    Association of Computing Machinery

    Got selected for ACM ICPC AMRITAPURI ASIA 2015 onsite round with a national rank of 4/( 1000) teams in the online round and secured a national rank of 40/( 400) teams in the final round.

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