Mayank Sehgal’s Post

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Ex - DRDO Summer Intern | 150+ Leetcode | TedX Speaker | Software Engineer | C++ |

Day 4 of #ArshGoyal DSA Challenge #CrackYourInternship Today marks the 2nd day of my journey to prepare for internships by taking on Arsh Goyal's DSA coding challenge! 💻🚀 The goal: Solve 5-6 Data Structures and Algorithms questions daily. Why am I doing this? To sharpen my problem-solving skills To build a strong foundation in DSA To increase my chances of landing a great internship I'm excited to see how much I'll grow over the coming weeks. #CodingChallenge #DSA GitHub Repository: Todays Questions : 1) Generate Paranthesis 2) Integer to Roman 3) Simplify Path 4) Chocolate distribution Problem 5) Reverse words at string 6) Group Anagrams

GitHub - Lt-MkS/-CrackYourInternship: Daily progress tracker for the #CrackYourInternship challenge by Arsh Goyal. This repository will be updated regularly with my journey through the program

GitHub - Lt-MkS/-CrackYourInternship: Daily progress tracker for the #CrackYourInternship challenge by Arsh Goyal. This repository will be updated regularly with my journey through the program

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