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The Benefits of HART Protocol Communication in

Smart Instrumentation Systems

analog current signal. In most applications the milliampere

Digital Capability signal varies within a range of 4-20 mA in proportion to the
• Access to all instrument parameters & diagnostics process variable being represented. Virtually all installed plant
• Supports multivariable instruments instrumentation systems use this international standard to
• On-line device status communicate process variable information.
Analog Compatibility
• Simultaneous analog & digital communication HART Field Communications Protocol extends the 4-20 mA
• Compatible with existing 4-20 mA equipment & wiring standard to enhance communication with intelligent measure-
Interoperability ment and control instrumentation. A major step in the evolu-
• Fully open de facto standard tion of process control, the HART protocol is fostering signifi-
• Common Command and data structure cant innovation in process instrumentation capabilities. The
• Enhanced by Device Description Language enhanced communication characteristics of this important
Availability technology are reflected in the protocol name, HART which
• Field proven technology with more than 1,400,000 stands for “Highway Addressable Remote Transducer”.
• Large and growing selection of products The HART protocol enables two-way digital communication
• Used by more smart instruments than any other in the with smart instruments without disturbing the 4-20 mA analog
industry signal. Both the 4-20 mA analog and HART digital communi-
cation signals can be transmitted simultaneously over the
same wiring. Primary variable and control signal information
is carried by the 4-20 mA (if desired), while additional mea-
Introduction surements, process parameters, device configuration, cali-
HART® Field Communications Protocol is widely recognized bration, and diagnostics information is accessible through
as the industry standard for digitally enhanced 4-20 mA smart the HART protocol over the same wires at the same time. Unlike
instrument communication. Use of the technology is growing other “open” digital communication technologies for process
rapidly, and today virtually all major global instrumentation instrumentation, HART is compatible with existing systems.
suppliers offer products with HART communication.
The HART Technology
The HART protocol provides a uniquely backward compat-
The HART protocol makes use of the Bell 202 Frequency Shift
ible solution for smart instrument communication as both 4-
Keying (FSK) standard to superimpose digital communica-
20 mA analog and digital communication signals are trans-
tion signals at a low level on top of the 4-20 mA. Since the
mitted simultaneously on the same wiring. HART provides
digital FSK signal is phase continuous, it does not interfere
many benefits promised by fieldbus, while retaining the com-
with the 4-20 mA signal. A logical “1” is represented by a
patibility and familiarity of existing 4-20 mA systems.
frequency of 1200 Hz and a logical “0” is represented by a
frequency of 2200 Hz as shown in Figures 1 and 2.
This paper provides a brief overview of the HART protocol
and the benefits achievable with this important technology.
The HART FSK signaling enables two-way digital communi-
Per instrument cost savings benefits of $300-500 in initial in-
cation and makes it possible for additional information be-
stallation/commissioning and $100-200 per year in ongoing
yond just the normal process variable to be communicated to
maintenance/operations are commonly reported.
or from a smart field instrument. The HART protocol commu-
nicates at 1200 bits per second without interrupting the 4-20
Analog + Digital Communication mA signal and allows a host application (master) to get two
For many years, the field communication standard used by or more digital updates per second from a field device.
process automation equipment has been a milliampere (mA)

Simultaneous Analog + Digital Communication

Figure 1 - HART uses Frequency Shift Keying to encode digital Figure 2 - HART digital communication signal superimposed on the
information on top of the 4-20 mA analog signal 4-20 mA analog signal

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Flexible Application Burst or Broadcast mode

HART is principally a master/slave protocol which means that

a field (slave) device speaks only when spoken to by a mas-
ter. Two masters (primary and secondary) can communicate
with slave devices in a HART network. Secondary masters,
such as handheld communicators, can be connected almost
anywhere on the network and communicate with field devices
without disturbing communication with the primary master. A
primary master is typically a DCS, PLC, or computer based
central control or monitoring system. A typical installation with
two masters is shown in Figure 3. All Digital Communication Mode.
Continuous transmission of a Selected Standard Reply
Message such as PV.
Gaps between Messages allow “Master” to change Command
or mode
3 to 4 updates per second typical

Figure 5 - Some devices support HART Burst Communication

Mode (Optional)

The same HART reply message (PV or other) is continuously

broadcast by the slave until the master instructs the slave to
do otherwise. Data update rates of 3-4 per second are typi-
Figure 3 - The HART protocol allows two Master devices cal with “burst” mode communication and will vary with the
to access information in Slave (field) devices chosen command. Burst mode should be used only in single
slave device networks.

The HART protocol can be used in various modes for com- The HART protocol also has the capability to connect mul-
municating information to/from smart field instruments and tiple field devices on the same pair of wires in a multidrop
central control or monitoring equipment. Digital master/slave network configuration as shown in Figure 6. In multidrop ap-
communication simultaneous with the 4-20 mA analog signal plications, communication is limited to master/slave digital
is the most common. This mode, depicted in Figure 4, allows only. The current through each slave device is fixed at a mini-
digital information from the slave device to be updated twice mum value to power the device (typically 4 mA) and no longer
per second in the master. The 4-20 mA analog signal is con- has any meaning relative to the process.
tinuous and can still carry the primary variable for control.

Master / Slave or Poll / Response

Figure 6 - The HART field devices can be connected in a Multidrop

Analog + Digital or Digital Only Communication
Network for some applications
Analog signal is not interrupted
“Slave” responds to Commands/Requests from “Master”
Typical 500 ms response (2 values per second)
From an installation perspective, the same wiring used for
Figure 4 - HART Master/Slave Communication conventional 4-20 mA analog instruments carries the HART
(Normal HART Mode)
communication signals. Allowable cable run lengths will vary
with the type of cable and the devices connected, but in gen-
eral up to 3,000 meters for a single twisted pair cable with
“Burst” is an optional communication mode (Figure 5) which shield and 1,500 meters for multiple twisted pair cables with
allows a single slave device to continuously broadcast a stan- a common shield. Unshielded cables can be used for short
dard HART reply message. This mode frees the master from distances. Intrinsic safety barriers and isolators which pass
having to send repeated command requests to get updated the HART signals are readily available for use in hazardous
process variable information. areas.

3 smar
Powerful Command Set Common Practice Commands provide access to functions
which are implemented in many devices though not all. These
HART communication is command based, i.e., a master is- commands are optional, but if implemented, must be as speci-
sues a command and the slave responds. Three types of fied. Device Specific Commands allows access to unique
HART commands provide read/write access to information product features. Mostly used for device configuration pa-
available in HART-compatible field instruments (see Figure rameters, these commands can send a new set point to a PID
7). Universal and Common Practice Commands are defined algorithm in the device.
in the HART protocol specifications. The third type, Device
Specific Commands, provide freedom for product specific Device status information included in every HART command
parameters or functions unique to a particular device. response provides increased system integrity for critical loops.
The device status bits in each reply message indicate device
malfunctions or other problems such as analog output satu-
Universal Commands rated, variable out of limits, or communication errors. Some
HART-compatible devices can monitor the device status bits
Model Message Instrument Limits continuously and provide early warning alarms or shutdowns
Tag ID Date Process Measurements if problems are detected.
Description Range Values Device Status

Device Description Language

HART Device Description Language (DDL), extends interop-

erability beyond the Universal and Common Practice com-
mands. A field device (slave) manufacturer uses DDL to cre-
ate a software file with all relevant device characteristics, such
that a DDL capable host can fully communicate with the de-
Common Practice Commands Device Specific Commands
vice. A Device Description (DD) for a HART device is analo-
Read Variables Model Specific Functions gous to a printer driver in the personal computer world where
Change Upper & Lower Range Special Calibration Options the printer driver links an application to the printer such that it
Adjust (zero, span) Start, Stop, or Clear Totalizer
prints properly on the page.
Initiate Self Test Select Primary Variable
Serial Number Enable PID, Change SP
Time Constant Values Adjust Tuning Parameters Universal hand-held communicators capable of configuring
any HART-based instrument through DDL are available from
Figure 7 - HART Universal & Common Practice Commands several manufacturers. Other host applications that under-
ensure interoperability across products of different manufacture stand DDL are beginning to emerge. A central library of all
HART-compatible Device Descriptions is managed by the
HART Communication Foundation.
Universal Commands ensure interoperability across the large
and growing base of products from different suppliers, and
provide access to information useful in normal plant opera-
tion, i.e., reading process measurements/variables, upper and
lower range values, and other information such as manufac-
turer, model, tag, and description. A basic rule of the HART
protocol is that HART-compatible slave devices must respond
to all Universal Commands. These commands are powerful
as for example, Universal Command 3 allows up to four dy-
namic variables to be read in a single command response.

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Innovative Application Example Best Solution

The power of the HART protocol is evident in the control dia- The HART protocol provides users with the best solution and
gram of Figure 8. This innovative application uses the inher- migration path for capturing the benefits of enhanced com-
ent feature of the HART protocol that both 4-20 mA analog munication with smart instrumentation. No other communica-
and digital communication signals are transmitted simulta- tion technology can match the base of support or wide range
neously over the same wiring. of products that are available with HART today. The technol-
ogy is easy to use and HART-compatible products are avail-
In this application, the HART-compatible transmitter has an able from major instrumentation suppliers to address virtually
internal PID control capability. The device is configured such all process measurement and control applications.
that the 4-20 mA loop current is proportional to the control
output of the PID algorithm executing in the device (not the The emergence of fieldbus will not displace HART in either
measured variable as in most transmitter applications). Since existing or new production facilities. HART provides users with
the 4-20 mA loop current is regulated by the PID control out- many of the same benefits while retaining the compatibility
put, it is used to drive the valve position directly. and familiarity of existing 4-20 mA systems. HART allows the
cost saving benefits of remote communication, flexible/accu-
The control loop executes entirely in the field between the rate digital data transmission, field device diagnostics, and
transmitter (with PID) and the control valve. The control ac- powerful multiparameter instruments to be captured without
tion is continuous as the traditional 4-20 mA analog signal replacing entire systems.
drives the valve. HART digital communication links the op-
erator with the control loop to change set point, and read the Connection to current and future plant networks is assured
primary variable, or valve position output. Substantial sav- by the digital communication capability and large installed
ings are possible in applications where this innovative con- base (more than 5,000,000 installations and growing rapidly).
trol architecture is appropriate. Support of the HART Communication Foundation ensures that
the technology will continue to evolve for serving the needs
of smart instrumentation today and tomorrow.

Written by Ron Helson

HART Communication Foundation

9390 Research Blvd., Suite I-350
Austin, Texas 78759 USA

HART® is a registered trademark of the HART Communication Foundation.

Figure 8 - Some HART-bassed instruments include PID algorithms

for implementing cost effective control

5 smar
HART Foundation Members

ABB MESCO Engineering GmbH

Adaptive Instruments Corp. Micro Motion, Inc.
Allen-Bradley Milltronics Ltd.
Analog Devices MMG Automatika Muvek Rt
Anderson Instrument Co., Inc. Moore Industries-International
Apparatebau Hundsbach GmbH Moore Products Co.
Applied System Technologies, Inc. MTS Systems Corp.
Arcom Control Systems Neles-Jamesbury
Beamex Oy, Ab Ohmart Corporation
Besta AG PR electronics A/S
Bopp & Reuther Heinrichs GmbH Peek Measurement Ltd
Brooks Instrument Pepperl + Fuchs
BTG Pondus Instruments AB
Delta Controls Ltd Princo Instruments, Inc.
Drägerwerk AG Raytek Inc.
Drexelbrook Engineering Co. Rittmeyer Ltd
Elcon Instruments Robertshaw Tennessee
Elsag Bailey - Hartmann & Braun Rosemount Inc.
Endress + Hauser GmbH Rosemount Analytical Inc.
Endress + Hauser Ltd Rössel Messtechnik GmbH
Fieldbus International AS Saab Tank Control
Fisher Controls Int’l Inc. Samson AG
Fisher-Rosemount Systems, Inc Schlumberger
Flowdata, Inc. Siemens AG
Foxboro-Eckardt AG SMC Corporation
Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. Smar International Corp
Harold Beck & Sons, Inc. Softing GmbH
Helios AG Solartron Transducers
Hersey Measurement Company SOR, Inc.
Honeywell, Inc. Southwest Research Institute
Instytut Automatyki i Robotyki Sparling Instruments
Instrumentfirman INOR AB The Foxboro Company
Johnson Yokogawa Corp. Toshiba Corporation
Kamstrup A/S Two Technologies, Inc.
Kay-Ray/Sensall Inc. Valmet Automation Inc.
KDG Mobrey Ltd Valtek International
Knick Electronische Meßgeräte GmbH VEGA-Grieshaber KG
K-TEK Corp. Viatran Corporation
Krohne Meßtechnik GmbH W. C. Groenhuijzen
MACTek Corporation Westlock Controls Corporation
Magnetrol International Whessoe-Varec, Inc.
Masoneilan Wireless Scientific, Inc.
Measurement Technology Ltd. Yamatake-Honeywell Co., Ltd.
Meridian Instruments B.V.

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