Basics of Hart

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Achieving Digital Integration Using the HART Protocol

Unleashing the Power of HART in Your System

Current Situation
n All industry users working to: Improve Process Operations Better Manage Plant Assets Increase System Availability/Reliability n Many faced with declining budgets and

pressure to do more with less n Much of the solution may already be in your plant
Much of the Power is already in your smart field devices enabled by HART technology New control system interfaces leverage the intelligence in your HART smart devices to deliver continuous Real-Time Diagnostics and much more!



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Things You May Know About HART

n Most smart instruments use HART

Communication n HART smart field devices are used interchangeably with traditional 4-20mA analog only units n Hand Held Communicators are often used to perform device set-up, calibration, commissioning and periodic maintenance n PC-based instrument management tools can remotely communicate with HART devices to manage calibration and other instrument parameters from central locations (instrument shop or control room)

HART = Savings in Installation & Maintenance


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Things You May Not Know About HART

n All HART smart devices provide process

data for plant operation continuously - 24/7 n HART communication provides access to all device data simultaneous with the 4-20mA analog signal being used for control n Diagnostic status information pertaining to the health of the field device and quality of the 4-20mA signal is part of every message n The Primary Variable (PV) is transmitted as a 4-20mA signal and also as a digital value n Many devices are Multi-Variable and have measured or calculated process variables in addition to the PV



Control I/O

This Data is Valuable $$$


HART Field Devices


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Worldwide Installed Base

Field Devices - Press, Temp, Flow, Level, Valve Positioners, Analytical

40-45 Million Devices

48% 13%

12% HART Fieldbus

1% Proprietary 4-20mA +

26% Pneumatic


Non - Smart
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Source - ARC Advisory Group, Dedham, MA

Worldwide Pressure Transmitter Outlook


Unit Shipments (Thousands)

1800 1600 1400 1200 1000

Proprietary Proprietary Conventional Conventional Conventional All Fieldbusses

800 600 400 200 0







The Installed Base of HART is Huge and It will continue to grow for a long time to come !
Source: 2001 Pressure Transmitter Worldwide Outlook Study ARC Advisory Group, Dedham, MA USA
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Unleash the POWER of Your HART Smart Instruments

100% Device Set-up RELATIVE VALUE Savings / Benefits Commissioning Troubleshooting Limited Benefit Online Real-Time Diagnostics for proactive action Validate accuracy of control information Full access to multi-variable instrument information ERP/CMMS Integration Value Gap $$$

Part-Time Communication FULL-TIME Communication Integrated with Plant Systems
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HART Digital Integration

n HART Communication integrated with

plant control and safety systems n Systems communicate with HART devices full time - analog + digital n Operators alerted to impending problems before negative impact to the process
Accuracy of data exchange between field device and control system validated continuously Any deviation between field device and system (loop current, range values, etc) detected immediately Real time device diagnostics
n Additional process data in Multi-



Variable devices used to improve plant operation

HART Field Devices
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HART Basics

An Introduction to the HART Protocol

What is HART ?
HART in a backward compatible enhancement to 4-20mA instrumentation that allows two way communication with smart, microprocessor-based field devices. n HART Characteristics Simultaneosly supports two communications channels
4-20mA "analog" communications and Modulated two-way "digital" communications.

Extensive Standardized Application Layer Data

Device status and diagnostics; Cyclical process data including: floating-point digital value,engineering units and data quality / status; and Field devices can continuously publish their process data.

Standardized Operating procedures (e.g.,for loop test, current loop re-ranging and transducer calibration).

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The HART Specifications

Physical Layer

Organization of Specifications

FSK Physical Layer Specification

HCF_SPEC-54, Revision 8.1

C8PSK Physical Layer Specification

HCF_SPEC-60, Revision 1.0

The Protocol
HART Field Communications Protocol Specification
HCF_SPEC-12, Revision 6.0

Data Link Layer

Data Link Layer Specification
HCF_SPEC-81, Revision 8.0

Universal Command Specification

HCF_SPEC-127, Revision 6.0

Application Layer

Common Practice Command Specification

HCF_SPEC-151, Revision 8.0

n Collection Of Specifications Easy-to-Read Language Consistent and well-defined terms Controlled by HART Communication Foundation
HCF_SPEC-99, Revision 8.0

Command Summary Specification

Device Families Command Specification.

HCF_SPEC-160, Revision 1.0

Common Tables Specification

HCF_SPEC-183, Revision 13.0

n Provide Clear Complete Definition

Block Data Transfer Specification

HCF_SPEC-190, Revision 1.0

of the HART Protocol n Open and Available to Anyone

Command Response Code Specification

HCF_SPEC-307, Revision 5.0



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HART Protocol Layers

OSI Layer 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Application Presentation Session Transport Network Data Link Physical Function Provides the User with Network Capable Applications Converts Application Data Between Network and Local Machine Formats Connection Management Services for Applications Provides Network Independent, Transparent Message Transfer End to End Routing of Packets. Resolving Network Addresses Establishes Data Packet Structure, Framing, Error Detection, Bus Arbitration Mechanical / Electrical Connection. Transmits Raw Bit Stream Secure Data Exchange; Token Passing Network; Multiple hosts and field devices. Modulated Digital Signal. Simultaneous 4-20mA and HART Communications HART Pre-defined Data Types; Standardized Status, Process Data and Procedures

n Uses OSI Reference Model as a guide n Specifications promote interoperability Requirements in each layer clearly specified HART Compatible devices must support all layers

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HART Physical Layer

HART allows additional information to be carried on the same pair of wires with the 4-20 mA Analog Signal

Simultaneously and Transparently


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Physical Layer Features

n 2 Communications Channels

1 Pair of Wires
Digital Data Modulated on the Analog 420mA Current Loop


Simultaneous and Transparent Communications n Standard 4-20mA wiring n Backward Compatible With 4-20mA Analog Instrumentations and Systems
Allows HART Capable Instruments to be added to existing systems HART Capabilities can be utilized incrementally
4-20mA Replacement Instrument Commissioning, Maintenance Continuous Real-time Communications Full Digital Integration

-0.5mA 1200 Hz 1 2200 Hz 0



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Two Communications Channels

4-20mA Signal Band HART Signal Band

Channels Separated in Frequency

Like Channels on a Television Physical Layer Specification
Ensures channel separation Ensures simultaneous communication
DC 25Hz 500Hz 10KHz

4-20mA "Analog" Channel

One-way communication of one process value 4-20mA Analog support large part of Protocol Specifications Simple Low Pass Filter isolates 420mA signal
HART looks like noise to most existing systems.

HART "Digital" Channel

Two-way Communications Compliments 4-20mA Based on Analog Telephone Modems
Long Cable Runs High Noise Immunity

You can "hear" HART



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HART Physical Layer Rules

Networks must have at least one, (and typically) only one, low impedance device.
Note: Total loop resistance must be between 170 and 600 Ohms
"Three-Wire" Transmitter Control System

Multi-Drop Loop

A network must have no more than one device varying the 4-20ma signal. Only one secondary device is allowed. Cable run lengths to 3000m for single pair cable and 1500m for multi-conductor cables is typical.
Note: Actual length depends on the number of multi-dropped field devices and the quality of the cable used.

Current Sense Resistor

"Two-Wire" Transmitter Loop-Powered Valve/Actuator


Low capacitance shielded twisted pair cable is stongly recommended.

Note: HART has been successfully used over poor quality, unshielded wiring.

Linear power supplies recommended. HART is compatible with I.S. rules and HART communicates across most I.S. barriers.
Zener diode barriers work with HART (They normally allow two-way communications). Isolating barriers must be HART compatible (i.e., some isolating barriers support one-way communication only).

n Network setup simple and

compatible with standard 4-20mA wiring practices n Many instrument types and network topologies allowed



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Other Network Topologies


Split-Ranging Valves

Closed Loop (e.g., PID) Control

n Like a Single Loop Controller

Control System

n Normal 4-20mA Signaling n HART Access to both valves

n 4-20mA Signal drives the loop

PID in transmitter 4-20mA is Control Signal PID in actuator 4-20mA is Process Signal
n HART used to monitor and

Re-ranging Adjusting Valve Action Monitor Both Valves' actual position

provide supervisory control n Leverages both HART's two communication channels


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The HART Data Link Layer

n Converts Physical Layer Signals into Data

All HART data is grouped into 8-Bit Bytes

n Organizes the Data in to Message Frames

HART Messages or Frames Consist of Delimiter, Address, [Expansion,] Command, Byte Count, [Data,] and Check Byte Fields
n Uses Addresses to Ensure Delivery to the Correct Network Device

HART Masters have a 1-Bit Address HART Slaves have a 4-Bit and a 38-Bit Address
n Provides Error Detection and Management

HART uses a "Single Parity Check Product (SPCP) Code" i.e.

Odd Parity on Each Byte and A Check Byte at the End of the Message

n Controls Device Access to the Media

HART is Token-Passing with Each Message Implying the Passing of a Token to Another Device


Objective: Reliable Transport of Data Across the Physical Layer

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Example Transaction
n Half Duplex - Only One Device Talks at a Time n Analog Signaling of Digital Data -

Receiver must Synchronize to the Incoming Analog Signals

n Sequence:

Carrier Ramps Up Preamble Syncronizes Physical Layer (Demodulator and Receiver) Message Tranferred Carrier Ramps Down Repeat for Slave Reply

Master Request
Preamble Message Preamble

Slave Response



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The HART Message Packet

Delimiter Address [Expansion] Command Byte Byte Count Count [ Data ] Check Byte

Delimiter - First byte of the message.

Command - Tells the Application

Tells message framer where the Byte Count is. Indicates the Message Type. n Address - Indicates the master and slave conversing. 5 bytes long, unique address. Indicates the master and slave communicating n Expansion - 0-3 bytes reserved for protocol enhancements.

Layer what information is being transferred or action being performed. n Byte Count - Tells message framer where the Check Byte is and the Application Layer how much information is being transferred. n Data - The message "Payload". n Check Byte - An XOR of all message bytes starting with the Delimiter.



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Communication Reliability
n Physical Layer Worst case 1 Bit Error in 10,000 (BER 104) (Very Noisy Wire) Most applications BER >> 106 n Data Link Layer Simple to implement, very robust Error Detection
Parity on each byte Check Byte on whole message

Probability of undetected error:

Less than 1 in 200 years

n More Reliability Features Unique Addresses = Right Field Device gets the message Few Delimiters (Start Byte) = Message is Framed Right Application Layer has even more checks.

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Accessing a HART Network

n Implied Token Passing

Relatively Simple to implement Each message indicates who talks next Masters and Burst-Mode Slave take turns sharing the network Not all Actors need be present Timers control token recovery
n Most Networks a 4-20mA loop

Monitor / Recorder (Passive)

Primary Master (e.g. a Controller)

with a single HART Field Device

Usually Silent until Master Talks
n The Players:
Primary Master Secondary Master Slave Burst Mode Slave Monitor

Secondary Master Slave

Burst Mode Slave

Qty Description
0-1 0-1 1-n 0-1 0-n
Can Initiate a transaction. Has access to the network before the Secondary Master Can Initiate a transaction. Same access rules as Primary (only one timer value is different) Only responds to Master requests Publishes Process Data; Responds to master requests; PLUS (if present) controls network access. Listens to the network (e.g., captures process data published by burst mode slave)
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Two Types of Transactions



Slave Publishes Digital Process Data

Request / Response ( "Master / Slave" )


Burst Mode (Publishing Process Data)


Slave device only communicates when requested n Responds to Master Command n "Grant Time" used to allow access by other Master

Optional Slave Support (> 65%) n Slave continuously transmits selected command response
Only Process Data Commands (i.e., 1, 2, 3, 9, 33) may be burst.

"Grant Time" used to allow access by designated Master

Master performs usual Request / Response Transaction

2-3 Transactions per Second

3-4 Transactions per Second



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HART Network Access Rules

n Network operates in one of two modes:

"Normal" mode: master gets token implied by slave response other master
Master recovers lost token using timers

"Burst" mode: master gets token implied by burst message to other master
Burst mode slave recovers token

n Masters must wait after

Connecting to the Network

Ensures no collisions "Synchronizes" Master Then master can issue a slave request message Master stays Synchronized as long as Connected

Typical Master Communication Sequence

1. The master connects to the channel. 2. After the "Link Quiet" timeout the master becomes synchronized to the channel. 3. Master obtains the token when: (A) the timer expires; or (B) a token pass implied by the message on the network 4. Once the master has the token and must begin a transmission with the "Hold" time. 5. Once the message is sent, the slave is required to begin its response within Slave Time Out". 6. The slave transmits a reply and the master starts the "Link Grant" timer. 7. If there is no other master then the "Link Grant" timer expires.


8. The master must begin another transmission (i.e., go to step 4)

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The HART Application Layer

Delimiter Address [Expansion] Command Byte Byte Count Count [ Data ] Check Byte

n Mission: Correct Exchange of Information

Data Link Layer: Error-free transport of data Application Layer: Does the data make sense? Response Codes Indicate Correctness of master request
n Specifies

HART data types Classes of commands:

Universal Commands Common Practice Commands Device Family Commands (Extention to Common Practice) Device Specific Commands

Standard Device and Process Data Status Standard Operating Procedures (e.g., Re-ranging, Calibration)

10 Protocol Specifications are Application Layer


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Some HART Commands

Universal Commands
Cmd Description 0 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Read Unique Identifier Uses the "polling address" to establish a connection with the field device. Read Primary Variable Read Loop Current And Percent Of Range Read Dynamic Variables And Loop Current Reads the loop current, PV and (if device is multi-variable) SV, TV, QV Write Polling Address Read Loop Configuration Reads the polling address and whether the loop current is active or not. Read Dynamic Variable Classifications Reads the type of each process variable (pressure, temperature,. mag-flow, etc.) Read Device Variables with Status Reads up to 4 process variables with data quality status. Read Unique Identifier Associated with Tag. Uses the 8-character tag to establish a connection with the field device Read Message Read Tag, Descriptor, Date Read Primary Variable Transducer Information Read Device Information Reads upper and lower range values and other device related Read Final Assembly Number Write Message Write Tag, Descriptor, Date Write Final Assembly Number Read Long Tag Read Unique Identifier Associated with Long Tag Uses the 32-character tag to establish a connection with the field device Write Long Tag

Common-Practice Commands
Cmd Description 34 35 38 40 41 42 44 45 46 Write Primary Variable Damping Value Write Primary Variable Range Values Changes primary process variable values used as the 4 and 20ma operating points Reset Configuration Changed Flag Enter/Exit Fixed Current Mode Allows the loop current value to be forced. Used in Loop test and calibrating the loop current (see Commands 45, 46) Perform Self Test Perform Device Reset The device perform a hard reset (i.e., the same effect as cycling the power on and off). Write Primary Variable Units Trim Loop Current Zero Adjusts the loop current to 4ma. Does not affect the range values or the digital primary process value Trim Loop Current Gain Adjusts the loop current to20ma. Does not affect the range values or the digital primary process value

Note: 1. All devices must support all Universal Commands. 2. There are many Common Practice Commands. However, the ones listed are commonly used in the vast majority of devices including even the simplest devices available. 3. Commands 0, 11, 21 are three of the Identity Commands. All return the same identity data



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Valuable Data - Simple to Support

n 35-40 data items Standard in

every HART device

Device Identification Basic Calibration data Process Variables - both measured and calculated Diagnostic Alerts
n All Data is easily accessed

by HART-enabled Systems DD's Not Required

Accessed the same way in all HART compatible devices
n This data is valuable to

Improve Operations and Manage Plant Assets



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Digital Process Variables

n Many HART devices are Multi-Variable

with more than one process measurement or calculated value n HART communication provides access to All Process Variables in the device n Digital Process Variable data includes: IEEE Floating Point Value Engineering Units Code Data Quality Assessment n The Primary Variable is transmitted on the 4-20mA current loop continuously, but it can also be read as a digital value



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Status & Diagnostic Alerts

n All HART smart field devices continuously self-

assess and monitor their performance n Diagnostic status information is returned with every message n Alerts include problems with 4-20mA signal and process variables out of limits n Continuous communication with field device increases the integrity of control & safety systems Real-time diagnostic alerts provide early warning to problems Detect any miss-match in calibrated Range or Engineering Units between device and system Secure 4-20mA communication channel to ensure accurate transfer of control information


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Easy to Use in Even Simple Hosts

SPA uses HART communication to get process variable and diagnostic data from device and converts information into 420mA signals and/or contact closures

4-20mA Proportional to PV

HART Instrument Fault Alarm Second Variable (SV) High/Low Alarm Third Variable (TV) High/Low Alarm Fourth Variable (FV) High/Low Alarm 3 ea 4-20mA Loops Proportional to SV, TV, or FV


One Wire from Field to Control Room Multiple Analog Signals and Alarm Contacts to the Control System
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HART Digital Integration

Benefits of Full Time HART Communication

Consider the Possibilities

Millions of HART Compatible Field Devices Already in Plants n Most installed Systems Don't Support HART n Only 4-20mA Used Continuously n Good Value Provided
Improve Technician Efficiency Minimize Maintenance Stores
n n

What Could Be

Full-Time HART Communication n Smart I/O Systems

Validate High-Speed 4-20mA Communication Channel Support Reporting by Exception Full Access to Multi-Variable Devices

Utilize HART Digital Data Understand HART Status Standardized HART Templates

Existing HART System Support Largely Token

Intermittent, Pass-Through HART Communications Focus on Maintenance and "Asset Management" HART Used in Reaction to a Problem Multiplexed I/O Limits Utilization of HART Field Devices

Validated Process Data - Improved Product Quality Reduced I/O Count - 1 Channel per Multi-Variable Field Device Early Problem Detection - Prevent Unscheduled Downtime Lower Maintenance Costs - Fewer Unnecessary Service Calls Improved System Integrity
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All HART Devices Hold a Real-Time Data Base

n All HART Field Devices Continuously Update

Their Real-Time Database 24/7

You Already Own The HART Devices You can Only Get All the Data by Continuous HART Communications
n HART Instrument is RTU in SCADA System

A Different Way of Thinking

n How does this Fit into System View of an


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A System as a Distributed Real-Time Database Application

n Many R-T Databases scattered

throughout the System n Field Device Closest to Process

Its DB Reflect Process Conditions The Rest of System Needs Access to ALL of this Data
n Other System Components
Operator Stations

Enterprise Networks Data Historian Maintenance Station

Have DB with Pieces of Many Field Device Databases Their Copy of the Data must be Current, Accurate, Reliable
n The Field Device is Part of the System

Plant Network Field Controller

Remote I/O

Not All Control Systems Think This Way Similar to SCADA Thinking
n HART's Huge Installed Base

Already Supports This System View!

HART is How The DB in the Decision Makers is Kept in Sync With the Process HART

HART Field Devices

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Field Communications - The Critical Link

n Reliable, Continuous Communication is

Critical to Making Good Decisions n 4-20mA Only Support Produces an "Information Gap" n With Many Systems Only 4-20mA Communication is Continuous Real-Time
Only a One Data Item Is Communicated Communications is limited to One Direction Secondary Process Variables, Data Quality, and Real-time Diagnotics . . . Lost.
n Communications is Not Secure

4-20mA Pipe Open

HART Pipe Closed

Distortion in 4-20mA May Not Be Detected Meaning of 4-20mA Signal Can Change Erroneous information if 4-20mA set-up in device and system not aligned

Control Network

Without HART There is a GAP

Continuous HART Communication Closes the Information Gap


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An Integrated HART System vs. 4-20mA Only

4-20mA Communications

n Highest possible communication rate

for a Single Process Value n 4-20mA control signal must be manually verified
Calibration of field device and I/O channel Matching Range for both I/O and device
n Highest possible communication rate

for a Single Process Value n HART Communication closes the Information Gap
HART Digital Communications

HART Devices Have Two Communication Channels

Secures integrity of 4-20mA signal System can validate accuracy of the 420mA signal and continuously monitor device diagnostics in real-time Enables access to additional information in multi-variable devices



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4-20mA Signal Validation

4-20mA Communications

n 4-20mA signal from field device may

differ from the 4-20mA received at the system

Loop fault

Erroneous control signal produced by unexpected external influence Detectable ONLY if signal out of rangeabove 20mA or below 4mA
n 4-20mA signal validated continuously n System automatically detects any

disagreement between Field Device and I/O

HART Digital Communications

HART Pass-through Won't "Get the Job Done"

I/O continuously checks loop current for agreement with digital values from device Continuous communication detects any device or process connection problems Automatic calibration of the 4-20mA possible
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Field Device Problem Detection

4-20mA Communications

n Only Catastrophic Failures Detected

4-20mA signal must be outside normal operating range to detect problem Non-catastrophic failure may cause error in 4-20mA signal - temp compensation loss
Field Device Failure

n Disruption to Process Operation Likely

Unscheduled downtime or impact to product quality

n Real-time Diagnostic Alerts from Device

HART Digital Communications

Extensive self diagnostics - "Device Needs Maintenance", "Valve Not Tracking SP" Change in Device Status Supports "Self Validating" Devices
n Process Disruption may be Avoided

Operators alerted to problem early Enables pro-active action for minimum impact to process operation HART

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Process Overload Condition

4-20mA Communications

n Loop Current saturated (e.g. at 3.8 or

20.8mA) or frozen (fixed)

I/O is "Blind - No usable Process Value Process measurement may simply be Out of Range
Transducer Overload

n Manual Inspection Necessary to

Diagnose the Problem

n Process Measurement still available

with HART Communication

I/O can still "See and provide information for operator display
HART Digital Communications

n Diagnostic Alerts indicate data quality

"PV out of Limit", "Secondary Variable Out of Limit", "Loop Current Saturated" Diagnosis possible without costly trip to the field
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Change in Field Device Configuration

4-20mA Communications

n Change to 4-20mA signal may NOT be

n Change in operation may NOT be

Range Change via Local Operator Panel

n Status alerts flag any change to

"Configuration Changed" flag "Configuration Change Counter Any configuration change detected immediately
n Supports Multiple Masters and Local

HART Digital Communications

"Lock Device" Command to prevent another Master or Local Panel from making changes
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Seven Commands for Digital Integaration of HART

n Read the Loop Current n Check the Range Value

Command 2 Does the loop current in the I/O match the Field Device's?
n Read the Process Variables

Command 15 Has the meaning of the loop current changed?

n Test and Calibration the Loop

Command 3, 9, or 33 Access to Secondary Variables in Field Device Validates Primary Variable sent using the loop current
n Detect Status Change

Loop Test with Command 40 Calibrate (if needed) with Commands 45, 46 Analog Communication Channel Integrity
n Detect Change in Instrument

Status in Device Response Plus any change in Command 48 Data Trigggers notification of Operator HART

Status in Device Response (Configuration Changed bit) Command 0 (change counter) Trigggers notification of Operator
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HART Digital Integration Throughout the System

n One-One Smart I/O Ensure Reliable Field Communication
High-Speed 4-20mA Comms Validate Using HART Best to detect 4-20mA Errors

Analog and Digitital Data Acquisition

4-20mA Primary Process Variable (Convert Using HART Range Values) HART for Secondary Process Variables, Data Quality and Status

Reporting by Exception n Field Controller Utilization of HART Multi-Variable Devices Easy Access to and Use of All HART Process Data And Status Apply Full Knowledge of Process For Optimization and Control n Operator Station HART Allows Full Window into the Process Early Notification of Potential Problems n Maintenance Station Detailed Instrument Configuration DB Only one that Needs More than Standard HART Data and Commands

You Own The HART Devices Use The Data



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Understanding Systems Implementations

Capabilities of HART Hosts

n The application and implementation affect system capabilities

Pass-Through - HART Commands can be communicated but, the component itself may directly Use / Support HART Capabilites Multiplexed I/O - One HART Communication Channel Shared Between many Device Connections. Resulting Communication Painfully Slow.
n Simple HART features not supported in all Masters n HART Protocol Specifies Master Classifications

Helps Understand HART Capabilities Supported Starting Point for a System Discussion.
0 1 2 3 4 5

Host does not meet the minimum requirements of Conformance Class 1 The host can utilize cyclical process data from any field device The host can supply the user with basic identification and configuration data from any field device The host can perform basic configuration for any field device - Minimum level for classification as Generic Host The host provides basic commissioning and calibration support for any device The host can access all data items and device specific functions for any device
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I/O System Considerations


HART Data Link Layer Token Passing

Supports Multiple Masters Synchronization Time Required When Connecting to a Channel

I/O System Performance

Latency (seconds)
Number Channels 1 4 8 16 32 256 One-One 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 Point-Point

One-One, Buffered I/O

One Modem - One Network Buffered to Avoid Lost Tokens Supports Burst Mode
Publishes Cyclic Data Even Faster Process Data Updates

Multi-Drop 0.38 1.51 3.02 6.04 12.08 ---

Multiplexed 0.38 2.80 5.60 11.21 22.43 179.42

1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16

Best Access to HART device DB


Multiplexed I/O
Shares 1 HART Comm Channel With Many Networks Many Times Slower Than Point to Point Communications Slower Than HART MultiDrop Limits Utilization of Field Device

Throughput (Transactions Per Second)

Number Channels 1 4 8 16 32 256 One-One 2.65 10.60 21.19 42.38 84.77 678.13 Point-Point

Multi-Drop 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 --

Multiplexed 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43

1.14 4.56 9.12 18.24 36.48 291.84

Be Aware of I/O System Throughput and Latency Statistics


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Multiplexed I/O With Multi-Variable Field Devices

4-20mA + HART Tri-Loop or HIM

Continuous HART Communication not Practical

n Multiplexed I/O Slows HART Access 5-6 Second (8-Channel Mux) Or More Latency Limits Use of HART Data n Multi-Variable Digital Data Access Slow May Require Adapter for Faster Secondary Variables HART Burst Mode Converted to 4-20mA
Degraded Accuracy / Security HART Communications Sets 4-20mA Update Rate

Multi-Variable Field Devices


Multiplexed I/O

Wasted I/O Channels More Hardware and Complexity n True Continuous HART Communication 0.5 Second Latency Full Access to All Field Device Information Closes the Information Gap 4-20mA Communcation Security Enhanced n Multi-Variable Digital Data Access Practical Secure Digital Process Data with Status Saves I/O n The Reliable, Simple System

4-20mA + HART

Multi-Variable Field Devices

One-One I/O

Maximizes Return on Investment



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The Maintenance Station "Add-On"

n Easiest Way to Add HART Support to a

Conventional Analog System

Usually Uses "Multiplexers" Duplicates Existing Hardware and Wiring Maintenance Station Primary Recipient
n HART Data Access

Slow HART Communications Limited Access to HART Data Maintenance Station May Publish Data (e.g., using OPC)
Operator Station Data Historian


No HART Access in I/O System, Controller

n Benefits

Remote Diagnostics / Maintenance Lowers Maintenance Costs HART


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HART Pass-Through
n 1st Generation System Support

Communication not Continuous Usually Uses Dumb Multiplexed I/O Maintenance Station Primary Recipient
n HART Data Access

Very Slow Communications Limited Access to HART Data Little Native HART Knowledge in I/O Controller HART Data Access Possible (Can be Difficult to Achieve)


n 4-20mA Communications Not Secure

I/O Knows 4-20mA Value Not the Maintenance Station

n Benefits

Remote Diagnostics / Maintenance Lowers Maintenance Costs Reduces Hardware and Wiring Duplication HART

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Systems with Integrated HARTAbility

n Support True Full-Time HART Communications

Enhances Early Problem Detection - Reduces Unscheduled Downtime Lowers Maintenance Costs - Fewer Unnecessary Service Calls Validates Process Data - Improves Product Quality Improves System Integrity

n These Systems Contain

Smart One-One I/O Systems

Continuous Validation of 4-20mA Communication Real-Time Access to Digital Secondary Variables Exploit Your Multi-Variable Field Device Investment Simplifed, Cost Effective I/O - One Channel per Multi-Variable Field Device Monitor HART Status - Enables Reporting by Exception

HART Aware Controls

Utilization of HART Digital Process Data and Data Quality Standrd Templates to Simplify Acces to HART Data and Status Full Access to All HART Data = Full Knowledge of the Process

Operators Station with a Complete View into the Process HART


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Solutions for HART Integration



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HART System Integration

HMI Engineering Maintenance

n Cost-effective interface solutions




support integration with plant control systems n Many control systems have direct HART-capable I/O and support use of the data at all levels n Third party products support integration with legacy systems
Multiplexers - Some integral with Field Termination Assemblies Gateways - HART to Ethernet, HART to Modbus, HART to Profibus, more Single Device Interfaces - convert digital process variables and device diagnostic alerts into 4-20mA signals and/or contact closures



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Integration with Plant Networks

n OPC Server provides easy

access to HART device data anywhere on plant network n Allows several applications to access data in a HART device at the same time n Enables popular HMI and Trending packages to access data in HART devices n Connect to one or thousands of devices using common HART I/O systems & interfaces n HART Data on Your Desktop anywhere in the plant




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HART Integration Summary

n Continuous Real Time Diagnostics

Device Problems Loop Current Faults Device Needs Maintenance

n Continuously Validate Integrity

of Control Information
Ensure accuracy of system data Verify Loop Current, PV and Range values in device match those of system Automatically detect any deviation between device and system
n Unlock additional information in Multi-Variable devices

Secondary Process Variables for operator display, trending, or control Better information to improve plant operation and manage assets


High VALUE + LOW Risk

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Unleash the Power

n Pick What Benefits Make Sense For Your Plant

Value Today with Little or No Integration (Just Using a Handheld) Benefits Grow as Your HART Integration Grows
n Major Plant Overhaul Not Required

HART Compatible with existing instrumentation systems and people Allows benefits to be achieved incrementally Use Your Field Devices Better, Don't Throw Them Away and Start Over
n Migrate at Your Pace

Focus on Key Process Units Strategically Enahance Your System

Get More From the HART Equipment You Already Own Add Smart I/O, HART Aware Control, Asset Management Tools, More HART Field Devices

Evolution Not Revolution

n Low Risk, Cost Effective, Excellent ROI



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Take Action!
n Learn More About HART

Provide HART capability training for your staff Understand the Opportunities
Which Capabilities Fit Your Plant Needs Which Tools Deliver those Capabilited

n Ask Lots of Questions - Like

What Conformance Class Level Is Its HARTability? Is The I/O Smart?

Can it Validate and Secure the 4-20mA Communication? Is it only capable of Pass Through? Is it One-One or Multiplexed? How does it Support Multi-Variable Field Devices? Does it Make it Easy to Use all HART Capabilities? Can it use the Secondary HART Digital Processs Variables? Does it Understand the HART Status Can it Detect Configuration Changes

Is the Control HART Aware?

Keep Asking Questions

n Be Pragmatic and Start Evolving Your Systems



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Support for HART Technology



n Provide Worldwide Support for Application of the

HART Communication Technology n Technology Owner and Standards Setting Body for HART Communication n Independent Non-Profit Organization - Funded by Membership and Training/Support service fees n Any Company interested in Use of the HART Protocol should be a member



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Foundation Services
n Manage and control the HART

Communication Protocol Standards n Enhance the HART technology as necessary to support industry needs for Smart Instrumentation n Provide Training Workshops, Newsletters, Web Site and other Services to Educate Industry on use of the HART Protocol n Manage Library and distribution of Registered Device Descriptions for all HART devices



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The Bottom Line... Most Users and Suppliers are not using the full value of HART Communicate with your HART devices and...

Unleash the POWER!



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Copyright - HART Communication Foundation, 2002

Wally Pratt HART Communication Foundation
9390 Research Blvd., Suite I-350 Austin, Texas 78759 USA

Tel: 512-794-0369 Fax: 512-794-3904 e-mail: [email protected]

Thank You for Your Attention!



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