Research Study On Effectiveness of Homoeopathic Medicines in The Treatment of Alopecia Areata
Research Study On Effectiveness of Homoeopathic Medicines in The Treatment of Alopecia Areata
Research Study On Effectiveness of Homoeopathic Medicines in The Treatment of Alopecia Areata
Alopecia areata is a chronic, non- scarring, autoimmune skin disease affecting the hair follicle resulting in the loss
of hair on the scalp and elsewhere on the body. It is presented by a sudden onset by solitary or multiple small,
round or oval, smooth patches on the scalp and can progress to total scalp hair loss (alopecia totalis) or complete
body hair loss (alopecia universalis).
The research study on Alopecia areata was executed as an open, clinical trial done on the patients suffering from
Alopecia areata.
20 Cases of Alopecia areata were recorded in a period of 6 months of research, alongwith photographs. The follow
ups of most of the cases were also recorded. The medicines were prescribed on the basis of Homoeopathic
principles, the knowledge of Materia Medica, Organon of medicine and Repertory. The improvements were shown
by means of photographs. After the prescription of the most similimum remedy. The results were summarised and a
list of remedies were noted, which prove beneficial in the treatment of Alopecia areata.
200 was given. Within 10 days, there was hair growth seen.
Alopecia areata, being a Psora, syphilis, tubercular miasm, can be successfully treated by anti-miasmatic remedies.
As per the research, Alopecia areata can be successfully treated with :
ACID FLUOR : Hair falling in spots, hair sticks together, dry, and breaks off.
PHOSPHORUS : Hair falling in large bunches, in spots, white dandruff with itching. Alopecia areata after anger,
grief, worry, excessive use of iodine, iodized salt.
PSORINUM : Used as a constitutional remedy to those patients who had suppressed skin or glandular disease.Hair
dry, lustreless, tangles easily, humid eruptions on head, with hair sticking together, spots of white skin with white
lock of hair.
VINCA MINOR : Alopecia areata, oozing moisture eruptions, matting hair together, corrosive itching of scalp,Plica
polonica, irresistible desire to scratch, hair replaced by a white , gray or woolly hair in the patchy area.
NATRUM MUR : Hair fall,especially of forehead,temples and whiskers,ill effects of
grief,guilt,disappointment,fright,fit of passion, loss of fluids, masturbation, and anaemia.
LYCOPODIUM : Loss of hair or gray hair at young age, premature baldness after abdominal affections, dandruff, ill
effects of tobacco chewing and wine.
SELENIUM : Hair loss from eyebrows,whiskers and genitals, alopecia, hair painful to touch.
SEPIA : Hair fall due to hormonal changes in females,with a H/O chronic headaches, root of the hair is sensitive to
Staphysagria : Hair loss on whole body, with decreased appetite, decreased thirst, for irritable, angry persons,
having fear of fight with others.
Cocculus : Hair loss, due to loss of sleep, dark rings around eyes.
Acid phos : For mentally debilitated persons, indifferent, ailments from grief, thinning out of hairs, premature
greying of hairs, Premature hairfall.
Nitric acid : Hair falls out, sensitive scalp, irritable, hateful. Hopeless persons with fear of death, aggravated after
extremes of weather.