Homoeopathy in Daily Life
Homoeopathy in Daily Life
Homoeopathy in Daily Life
Shubhangi Garg
Third BHMS Student, Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital
A lot has been said and heard about how Homoeopathy treats the diseases of chronic
origin and the major role of it being preventing their recurrence. The diseases and disorders in
both mental and physical spheres, ranging from migraines, menstrual disorders, infertility,
respiratory problems and even long standing paralysis and cancers have been treated with
wonderful results.
But amidst all of this, we still tend to pop in a pill of PCM during a bout of fever or take a
dose or two of Cetrizine during an attack of cold, totally neglecting the system that stands on
strong grounds. As much has been looked into the matter of chronic diseases and discussed upon,
we tend to ignore the most obvious of all, diseases of Recent Origin.
By the definition, Acute Diseases are those, that come on rapidly, last for a short period of
time, accompanied by distinct symptoms and finally end in cure or death.
And now when we are talking about the ones that we come across in day to day lives, it
could be anything from an attack of Flu during season change, Cough and loss of voice after an ice
cream treat, Diarrhoea after a hearty meal to a Sprain after that winning shot of football match.
Others being acute tonsillitis, bronchitis, and so on.
There is no wrong in the fact, that the cure of these diseases is itself possible without a big
course of medicines and just by mere changes in routine and diet. But it won't be an
understatement that, some of the symptoms of these diseases tend to be very distressing and
distracting, a hindrance to our day to day activities, that's it's almost irresistible to take medicines.
As little as these diseases sound, their complications in some cases can be disastrous, and we
certainly wouldn't want those.
Here comes the role of Homoeopathy, and the choice lies between taking a few sweet pills
or that bitter tasting tablet that comes in package with it's side effects.
As has been said by our masters, the treatment of the diseases of recent origin revolves
around those characteristic, uncommon symptoms that are peculiar to the patient. The case
taking, unlike chronic diseases, isn't a long one, and comprises of the patient reporting to the
doctor How and When the symptoms appeared, their details with the modalities.
The choice of the medicine is made on the basis of symptoms individualistic to the patient.
The right choice of medicine in correct dosage guarantees the cure in few hours, in contrast to the
norm that the homoeopathic medicines take time to act.
Also, unsurprisingly, our Materia medica holds much strength in the number and variety of
medicines that can be used in acute cases. Aconite, Arnica, Belladonna, Dulcamara, Rhus tox are
namely just a few of them.
Not only the acute diseases, but we also stand strong in treating the cases witnessing acute
exasperation of old diseases, that require immediate attention, for eg.- the most common being
aggravation of symptoms of Asthma during weather Changes. Thereafter, the patient is treated of
his disease completely by following a course according to his chronic complaints.
Thus, in a nutshell, Homoeopathy has never failed to intrigue us with it's action of cure, that is
widespread in all the spheres of all the kinds of disease.