Naturopathic and Homeopathic Medicine
Naturopathic and Homeopathic Medicine
Naturopathic and Homeopathic Medicine
Complementary and
Alternative Medicine
Traditional Alternative Medicine
Acupuncture Biologically Based
Ayurveda Therapies
Homeopathy Dietary Supplements
Naturopathy Herbal Medicine
Manipulative and Body-
Based Methods
Mind-Body Interventions Chiropractics
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Massage
Biofeedback Energy Therapies
Hypnosis Electromagnetic Therapy
Art, Music, Dance
Homeopathic medicine
A type of alternative medicine that is used
to treat various ailments based on the the
ability to heal itself as it views symptoms
of illness as normal responses of the body
as it attempts to regain health.
Homeopathy: History
This principle was first described in Hindu
writings over 3000 years ago
Basis of Treatment
Homeopathy works with the body’s
response to illness and remedies are
prescibed according to the symptoms
and allergies
The choice of medicine is based on a person’s total
symptom picture.
General wellbeing
When orthodox medicine fails
When alternatives to orthodox treatments are sought
What can I expect from a
Naturopathic consultation?
Diet and nutrition management
Lifestyle management
Herbal medicine
Tactile therapies
Principles of Naturopathy
Facilitate the healing power of nature
Identify and treat the cause
Do no harm
Treat the whole person
Prevent disease and ill health
Establish health and wellness
The practitioner is a teacher
These principles are based on the objective
observation of the nature of health and
disease, and are continually reexamined in
light of scientific analysis.
Glutamine – fuel for cells of the colon; production of ATP used as energy by cells of colon
Souba, Smith, and Wilmour. “ Glutamine metabolism by the intestinal tract.” JPEN (1985):608-17.
Magnesium and Vitamin B6 – as cofactors bound to lysine sites that are blocked because of
pentosidine formation on that site; promotes GABA formation
Mousain-Bosc et al. “Improvement of neurobehavioral disorders in children supplemented with magnesium-vitamin B6.
II. Pervasive developmental disorder-autism.” Magnesium Research, (2006):53-62.
Calcium – prevention against calcium deficiency from milk-free diet (Symptom – itchy eyes)
Shaw, William PhD. Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD. Lenexa: The Great Plains Laboratory, 2002.
MTC (Medium Chain Triglycerides) – contains mostly caprylic acid which is an antifungal
Shaw, William PhD. Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD. Lenexa: The Great Plains Laboratory, 2002.
Vitamin B12 – absorbed in the ileum where damage may be apparent (as study sited 93% autistic
children had ileal lymph node hyperplasia and 8% of subjects had ileitis)
Wakefield et al, 2002
Naturopathic Education
Naturopathic education may be completed at one of six
four-year postgraduate schools in North America that are
part of the A.A.N.M.C. (Association of Accredited
Naturopathic Medical Colleges) including:
•Canadian College of Naturopathic
Medicine in Toronto
•Boucher Institute of Naturopathic
Medicine in British Columbia
•National College of Naturopathic
Medicine in Oregon
•Bastyr University in Washington
•Southwest College of
Naturopathic Medicine in Arizona
•The University of Bridgeport,
College of Naturopathic Medicine
in Connecticut
Naturopathic Education
The degree of Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine requires four years of graduate level study in the
medical sciences including:
• anatomy
• physiology
• biochemistry
• pathology
• microbiology
• immunology
• pharmacology
• laboratory diagnosis
• clinical and physical diagnosis
• cardiology
• neurology
• radiology
• minor surgery
• obstetrics
• gynecology
• pediatrics
• dermatology
• other clinical sciences
Naturopathic Regulation
Change in regulation from DPA (Drugless
Practitioners Act) to the RHPA (Regulated
Health Practitioners Act)
May 28, 2007 Naturopathy Act is passed as part
of Bill 171, Health Systems Improvements
Act to ensure regulation under the RHPA
Other professions regulated by the RHPA:
College of Midwives
College of Dental Technologists
College of Pharmacists
College of Chiropractors
College of Respiratory Therapists
College of Dental Surgeons
College of Optometrists
College of Dieticians
College of Occupational Therapists
College of Physicians and Surgeons
College of Psychologists
College of Chiropodists
College of Massage Therapists
While we may not be able to control
all that happens to us,
we can control what happens inside
Ben Franklin